public function staticroutesAction() { if ($this->getParam("data")) { $this->checkPermission("routes"); $data = \Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam("data")); if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as &$value) { if (is_string($value)) { $value = trim($value); } } } if ($this->getParam("xaction") == "destroy") { $data = \Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam("data")); if (\Pimcore\Tool\Admin::isExtJS6()) { $id = $data["id"]; } else { $id = $data; } $route = Staticroute::getById($id); $route->delete(); $this->_helper->json(["success" => true, "data" => []]); } elseif ($this->getParam("xaction") == "update") { // save routes $route = Staticroute::getById($data["id"]); $route->setValues($data); $route->save(); $this->_helper->json(["data" => $route, "success" => true]); } elseif ($this->getParam("xaction") == "create") { unset($data["id"]); // save route $route = new Staticroute(); $route->setValues($data); $route->save(); $this->_helper->json(["data" => $route, "success" => true]); } } else { // get list of routes $list = new Staticroute\Listing(); if ($this->getParam("filter")) { $filter = $this->getParam("filter"); $list->setFilter(function ($row) use($filter) { foreach ($row as $value) { if (strpos($value, $filter) !== false) { return true; } } return false; }); } $list->load(); $routes = []; foreach ($list->getRoutes() as $route) { $routes[] = $route; } $this->_helper->json(["data" => $routes, "success" => true, "total" => $list->getTotalCount()]); } $this->_helper->json(false); }
public function staticroutesAction() { if ($this->getParam("data")) { $this->checkPermission("routes"); $data = \Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam("data")); if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as &$value) { if (is_string($value)) { $value = trim($value); } } } if ($this->getParam("xaction") == "destroy") { $data = \Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam("data")); if (\Pimcore\Tool\Admin::isExtJS6()) { $id = $data["id"]; } else { $id = $data; } $route = Staticroute::getById($id); $route->delete(); $this->_helper->json(array("success" => true, "data" => array())); } else { if ($this->getParam("xaction") == "update") { // save routes $route = Staticroute::getById($data["id"]); $route->setValues($data); $route->save(); $this->_helper->json(array("data" => $route, "success" => true)); } else { if ($this->getParam("xaction") == "create") { unset($data["id"]); // save route $route = new Staticroute(); $route->setValues($data); $route->save(); $this->_helper->json(array("data" => $route, "success" => true)); } } } } else { // get list of routes $list = new Staticroute\Listing(); $list->setLimit($this->getParam("limit")); $list->setOffset($this->getParam("start")); $sortingSettings = \Pimcore\Admin\Helper\QueryParams::extractSortingSettings($this->getAllParams()); if ($sortingSettings['orderKey']) { $list->setOrderKey($sortingSettings['orderKey']); $list->setOrder($sortingSettings['order']); } if ($this->getParam("filter")) { $list->setCondition("`name` LIKE " . $list->quote("%" . $this->getParam("filter") . "%") . " OR `pattern` LIKE " . $list->quote("%" . $this->getParam("filter") . "%") . " OR `reverse` LIKE " . $list->quote("%" . $this->getParam("filter") . "%") . " OR `controller` LIKE " . $list->quote("%" . $this->getParam("filter") . "%") . " OR `action` LIKE " . $list->quote("%" . $this->getParam("filter") . "%")); } $list->load(); $routes = array(); foreach ($list->getRoutes() as $route) { $routes[] = $route; } $this->_helper->json(array("data" => $routes, "success" => true, "total" => $list->getTotalCount())); } $this->_helper->json(false); }
private static function createStaticRoutes() { // create/update the static route for the confirmation: try { $route = Staticroute::getByName(self::STATICROUTE_CONFIRMATIONCHECK_NAME); if (!is_object($route)) { $route = new Staticroute(); } $route->setValues(array("name" => self::STATICROUTE_CONFIRMATIONCHECK_NAME, "pattern" => "@/confirm/(.*)@", "reverse" => "/confirm/%code", "variables" => 'code', "module" => self::CLASS_PARTICIPATION_NAME, "controller" => "confirmation", "action" => "check")); $route->save(); } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw new \Exception('Unable to create static route [' . Plugin::STATICROUTE_CONFIRMATIONCHECK_NAME . ']: ' . $exception->getMessage()); } }