<?php /*-------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP-Fusion Content Management System | Copyright (C) PHP-Fusion Inc | http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/ +--------------------------------------------------------+ | Filename: news.php | Author: PHP-Fusion Development Team | Co Author: Frederick MC Chan (Chan) +--------------------------------------------------------+ | This program is released as free software under the | Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or | modify it under the terms of this license which you | can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online | at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this | copyright header is strictly prohibited without | written permission from the original author(s). +--------------------------------------------------------*/ require_once file_exists('maincore.php') ? 'maincore.php' : __DIR__ . "/../../maincore.php"; if (!db_exists(DB_NEWS)) { redirect(BASEDIR . "error.php?code=404"); } require_once THEMES . "templates/header.php"; require_once INCLUDES . "infusions_include.php"; require_once INFUSIONS . "news/infusion_db.php"; require_once NEWS_CLASS . "autoloader.php"; require_once INFUSIONS . "news/templates/news.php"; \PHPFusion\News\NewsServer::news()->display_news(); require_once THEMES . "templates/footer.php";
/** * News Item Container * @param $info */ function render_news($subject, $news, $info) { global $aidlink; $locale = fusion_get_locale(); $news_settings = \PHPFusion\News\NewsServer::get_news_settings(); add_to_jquery("\n\t\t\t\$('.news-img-header').hover(\n\t\t\t\tfunction() { \$(this).closest('.news-article').find('.news-snippet').css({'opacity': 1, 'height': " . $news_settings['news_thumb_h'] . " }); },\n\t\t\t\tfunction() { \$(this).closest('.news-article').find('.news-snippet').css({'opacity': 0}); }\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t"); ?> <!--news_prepost_<?php echo $info['news_id']; ?> --> <article class="news-article"> <div class="news-img-info" style="height: <?php echo $news_settings['news_thumb_h']; ?> px"> <?php echo $info['news_image']; ?> <div class="news-box-overlay"> <a title="<?php echo $info['news_subject']; ?> " href="<?php echo $info['news_image_url']; ?> " rel="bookmark"> <h4><?php echo $info['news_subject']; ?> </h4> <?php echo trim_text(strip_tags($info['news_news']), 120); ?> </a> </div> </div> <h4 class="news-title-info"> <a class="strong text-dark" href="<?php echo $info['news_url']; ?> "> <?php $info['news_sticky'] ? "<i class='pull-right fa fa-warning icon-sm'></i>\n" : ''; ?> <?php echo $info['news_subject']; ?> </a> </h4> <div class="news-poster-info"> <div class="pull-left"> <?php echo display_avatar($info, '30px', '', false, 'img-circle'); ?> </div> <div class="overflow-hide"> <span class="news-author"> <?php echo profile_link($info['user_id'], $info['user_name'], $info['user_status'], "text-lighter"); ?> </span> <span class="news-date m-r-10"> <i class="fa fa-calendar fa-fw"></i> <?php echo showdate("newsdate", $info['news_date']); ?> </span> <?php if ($info['news_display_comments']) { ?> <span class="news-comments"><i class="fa fa-comment-o"></i> <?php echo $info['news_display_comments']; ?> </span> <?php } ?> <?php if ($info['news_display_ratings']) { ?> <span class="news-ratings"><i class="fa fa-star-o fa-fw"></i> <?php echo $info['news_display_ratings']; ?> </span> <?php } ?> <span class="news-read"> <i class="fa fa-eye fa-fw"></i> <?php echo number_format($info['news_reads']); ?> </span> </div> </div> <div class="news-description-info"> <?php echo ucwords($locale['in']); ?> <?php echo $info['news_cat_name'] ? "<a href='" . INFUSIONS . "news/news.php?cat_id=" . $info['news_cat_id'] . "'>" . $info['news_cat_name'] . "</a>" : "<a href='" . INFUSIONS . "news/news.php?cat_id=0&filter=false'>" . $locale['news_0006'] . "</a> "; ?> <br/> <?php echo trim_text(strip_tags($info['news_news']), 250); ?> </div> </article> <!--//news_prepost_<?php echo $info['news_id']; ?> --> <?php }
/** * News Item Page Template * @param $info */ function render_news_item($info) { $locale = fusion_get_locale(); $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); $news_settings = \PHPFusion\News\NewsServer::get_news_settings(); $data = $info['news_item']; add_to_head("<link rel='stylesheet' href='" . INFUSIONS . "news/templates/css/news.css' type='text/css'>"); add_to_head("<link rel='stylesheet' href='" . INCLUDES . "jquery/colorbox/colorbox.css' type='text/css' media='screen' />"); add_to_head("<script type='text/javascript' src='" . INCLUDES . "jquery/colorbox/jquery.colorbox.js'></script>"); add_to_footer('<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $(".news-image-overlay").colorbox({ transition: "elasic", height:"100%", width:"100%", maxWidth:"98%", maxHeight:"98%", scrolling:false, overlayClose:true, close:false, photo:true, onComplete: function(result) { $("#colorbox").live("click", function(){ $(this).unbind("click"); $.fn.colorbox.close(); }); }, onLoad: function () { } }); }); </script>'); opentable($locale['news_0004']); echo render_breadcrumbs(); echo "<!--news_pre_readmore-->"; echo "<article class='news-item' style='display:block; width:100%; overflow:hidden;'>\n"; echo "<h2 class='text-center'>" . $data['news_subject'] . "</h2>\n"; echo "<div class='news_news text-dark m-t-20 m-b-20'>\n"; if ($data['news_image_src']) { echo "<a class='" . $data['news_ialign'] . " news-image-overlay' href='" . $data['news_image_src'] . "'>\n <img class='img-responsive' src='" . $data['news_image_src'] . "' alt='" . $data['news_subject'] . "' style='padding:5px; max-height:" . $news_settings['news_photo_h'] . "px; overflow:hidden;' /></a>"; } elseif (!empty($data['news_cat_name']) && !empty($data['news_cat_image_src'])) { echo "<a class='" . $data['news_ialign'] . "' href='" . INFUSIONS . "news/news.php?cat_id=" . $data['news_cat_id'] . "'>\n <img class='img-responsive' src='" . IMAGES_NC . $data['news_cat_image_src'] . "' style='padding:5px; max-height:" . $news_settings['news_photo_h'] . "px; alt='" . $data['cat_name'] . "' />\n </a>"; } echo $data['news_news']; echo "</div>\n"; echo "<div class='news_extended text-dark m-t-20 m-b-20'>" . $data['news_extended'] . "</div>\n"; echo "<div style='clear:both;'></div>\n"; echo "<div class='well m-t-5 text-center'>\n"; echo "<span class='news-action m-r-10'><i class='fa fa-user'></i>" . profile_link($data['user_id'], $data['user_name'], $data['user_status']) . "</span>\n"; echo "<span class='news-action m-r-10'><i class='fa fa-calendar'></i>" . showdate("newsdate", $data['news_datestamp']) . "</span>\n"; echo "<span class='news-action'><i class='fa fa-eye'></i><span class='text-dark m-r-10'>" . number_format($data['news_reads']) . "</span>\n</span>"; echo $data['news_allow_comments'] ? display_comments($data['news_comments'], INFUSIONS . "news/news.php?readmore=" . $data['news_id'] . "#comments") : ''; echo $data['news_allow_ratings'] ? "<span class='m-r-10'>" . display_ratings($data['news_sum_rating'], $data['news_count_votes'], INFUSIONS . "news/news.php?readmore=" . $data['news_id'] . "#ratings") . " </span>" : ''; echo "<a class='m-r-10' title='" . $locale['news_0002'] . "' href='" . BASEDIR . "print.php?type=N&item_id=" . $data['news_id'] . "'><i class='fa fa-print'></i></a>"; echo iADMIN && checkrights("N") ? "<a title='" . $locale['news_0003'] . "' href='" . INFUSIONS . "news/news_admin.php" . $aidlink . "&action=edit&section=news_form&news_id=" . $data['news_id'] . "' title='" . $locale['news_0003'] . "' />" . $locale['news_0003'] . "</a>\n" : ""; echo "</div>"; echo "<!--news_sub_readmore-->"; echo !isset($_GET['readmore']) && $data['news_ext'] == "y" ? "<div class='m-t-20'>\n<a href='" . INFUSIONS . "news/news.php?readmore=" . $data['news_id'] . "' class='button'>" . $locale['news_0001'] . "</a>\n</div>\n" : ""; if ($data['page_count'] > 0) { echo "<div class='text-center m-t-10'>\n" . makepagenav($_GET['rowstart'], 1, $data['page_count'], 3, INFUSIONS . "news/news.php?readmore=" . $_GET['readmore'] . "&") . "\n</div>\n"; } if ($data['news_allow_comments']) { echo "<hr />" . showcomments("N", DB_NEWS, "news_id", $_GET['readmore'], INFUSIONS . "news/news.php?readmore=" . $_GET['readmore']) . "\n"; } if ($data['news_allow_ratings']) { echo "<hr />" . showratings("N", $_GET['readmore'], INFUSIONS . "news/news.php?readmore=" . $_GET['readmore']) . "\n"; } echo "</article>\n"; closetable(); }