getTagsByName() public method

Returns an array of tags matching the given name. If no tags are found an empty array is returned.
public getTagsByName ( string $name ) : Tag[]
$name string String to search by.
return phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag[]
Esempio n. 1
 public function getMethodsDetails()
     $methods = [];
     foreach ($this->reflection->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $method) {
         $docblock = new DocBlock($method);
         $data = ['shortDescription' => $docblock->getShortDescription(), 'longDescription' => $docblock->getLongDescription(), 'argumentsList' => $this->retriveParams($docblock->getTagsByName('param')), 'argumentsDescription' => $this->retriveParamsDescription($docblock->getTagsByName('param')), 'returnValue' => $this->retriveReturnValue($docblock->getTagsByName('return')), 'visibility' => join('', [$method->isFinal() ? 'final ' : '', 'public', $method->isStatic() ? ' static' : ''])];
         if (strlen($data['shortDescription'])) {
             $methods[$method->getName()] = (object) $data;
     return $methods;
Esempio n. 2
 public function resolveSignature($comment)
     $docblock = new DocBlock((string) $comment);
     $return = $docblock->getTagsByName("return");
     if (count($return) !== 1) {
         $returnType = new Type(Type::TYPE_UNKNOWN);
     } else {
         $returnType = Type::normalizeType($return[0]->getType());
     $params = $docblock->getTagsByName("param");
     $paramTypes = [];
     foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
         $paramTypes[] = Type::normalizeType($params[$key]->getType());
     return new Signature($returnType, $paramTypes);
Esempio n. 3
 protected function configure()
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
     $baseNamespaceChunks = [];
     foreach (explode('\\', $reflection->getNamespaceName()) as $namespaceChunk) {
         $baseNamespaceChunks[] = $namespaceChunk;
         if ($namespaceChunk == consoleBase::COMMANDS_DIRECTORY) {
     $namespace = str_replace(implode('\\', $baseNamespaceChunks), '', get_called_class());
     $namespace = trim($namespace, '\\');
     $commandNameData = explode('\\', $namespace);
     $phpdoc = new DocBlock($reflection);
     /** @var DocBlock\Tag $tag */
     $tag = reset($phpdoc->getTagsByName('consoleNs'));
     $commandNameValues = [];
     if ($tag) {
         $consoleNs = trim($tag->getDescription());
         if (!empty($consoleNs)) {
             $commandNameValues[] = $consoleNs;
     foreach ($commandNameData as $commandNameValue) {
         $commandNameValues[] = $commandNameValue;
     $this->setName(implode(':', $commandNameValues))->setDescription($phpdoc->getShortDescription())->setHelp($phpdoc->getLongDescription());
 protected function getProperties($propertyName)
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($this->model);
     $docBlock = new DocBlock($reflection);
     $properties = $docBlock->getTagsByName($propertyName);
     return $this->buildProperties($properties);
  * Extracts the package from the DocBlock.
  * @param DocBlock $docBlock
  * @return string|null
 protected function extractPackageFromDocBlock($docBlock)
     $packageTags = $docBlock ? $docBlock->getTagsByName('package') : null;
     if (!$packageTags) {
         return null;
     /** @var DocBlock\Tag $tag */
     $tag = reset($packageTags);
     return trim($tag->getContent());
  * @param string $method
  * @return array
 public function getMethodDecorators($method)
     $reflectionMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($this->getInstance(), $method);
     $docBlock = new DocBlock($reflectionMethod);
     $decorators = [];
     foreach ($docBlock->getTagsByName(static::TAG_NAME) as $tag) {
         $decorators[] = $tag->getContent();
     return $decorators;
Esempio n. 7
  * @param \ReflectionProperty $reflectionProperty
  * @return string|null
 public function detectType(\ReflectionProperty $reflectionProperty)
     $docBlock = new DocBlock($reflectionProperty->getDocComment());
     $tags = $docBlock->getTagsByName('var');
     if (count($tags) == 0) {
         return null;
     /** @var VarTag $typeTag */
     $typeTag = reset($tags);
     return $typeTag->getType();
  * @param ReflectionProperty $reflector
  * @return ParsePropertyBlockResult
 public function parsePropertyDocBlock(ReflectionProperty $reflector)
     $phpdoc = new DocBlock($reflector->getDocComment());
     /* @var $varTags VarTag[] */
     $varTags = $phpdoc->getTagsByName("var");
     /* @var $varTag VarTag */
     $varTag = $varTags[0];
     $result = new ParsePropertyBlockResult();
     $result->description = $phpdoc->getShortDescription();
     $result->type = (string) $varTag->getType();
     return $result;
Esempio n. 9
  * Discover Magical API
  * @param ClassNode $node
 public function apply(ClassNode $node)
     $parentClass = $node->getParentClass();
     $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($parentClass);
     $phpdoc = new DocBlock($reflectionClass->getDocComment());
     $tagList = $phpdoc->getTagsByName('method');
     foreach ($tagList as $tag) {
         $methodNode = new MethodNode($tag->getMethodName());
  * Given a property, attempt to find the type of the property.
  * @param ReflectionProperty $reflectionProperty
  * @return Type[]
 public function __invoke(ReflectionProperty $reflectionProperty)
     $contextFactory = new ContextFactory();
     $context = $contextFactory->createForNamespace($reflectionProperty->getDeclaringClass()->getNamespaceName(), $reflectionProperty->getDeclaringClass()->getLocatedSource()->getSource());
     $docBlock = new DocBlock($reflectionProperty->getDocComment(), new DocBlock\Context($context->getNamespace(), $context->getNamespaceAliases()));
     /* @var \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag\VarTag $varTag */
     $resolvedTypes = [];
     $varTags = $docBlock->getTagsByName('var');
     foreach ($varTags as $varTag) {
         $resolvedTypes = array_merge($resolvedTypes, (new ResolveTypes())->__invoke($varTag->getTypes(), $context));
     return $resolvedTypes;
  * Given a function and parameter, attempt to find the type of the parameter.
  * @param ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function
  * @param ParamNode $node
  * @return Type[]
 public function __invoke(ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function, ParamNode $node)
     $context = $this->createContextForFunction($function);
     $docBlock = new DocBlock($function->getDocComment(), new DocBlock\Context($context->getNamespace(), $context->getNamespaceAliases()));
     $paramTags = $docBlock->getTagsByName('param');
     foreach ($paramTags as $paramTag) {
         /* @var $paramTag \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag\ParamTag */
         if ($paramTag->getVariableName() === '$' . $node->name) {
             return (new ResolveTypes())->__invoke($paramTag->getTypes(), $context);
     return [];
  * Process comments into docblock objects.
  * @param array $docblocks
 protected function processDocBlocks(array $docblocks)
     $this->docblocks = array();
     foreach ($docblocks as $raw_docblock) {
         $docblock = new DocBlock($raw_docblock);
         $tags = $docblock->getTagsByName("var");
         foreach ($tags as $tag) {
             if ($tag && ($description = $tag->getDescription())) {
                 list($key, ) = explode(' ', $description);
                 $this->docblocks[$key] = $docblock;
 protected function setParentsPackage(\DOMElement $parent, \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock $docblock, $element)
     /** @var \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag $package */
     $package = current($docblock->getTagsByName('package'));
     /** @var \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag $subpackage */
     $subpackage = current($docblock->getTagsByName('subpackage'));
     $package_name = '';
     if ($package) {
         $package_name = str_replace(array('.', '_'), '\\', $package->getContent() . ($subpackage ? '\\' . $subpackage->getContent() : ''));
     if (!$package_name) {
         $package_name = $element->getDefaultPackageName();
     $parent->setAttribute('package', $package_name);
Esempio n. 14
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @param Type   $class
  * @param string $name
  * @return Type
 public function getType(Type $class, $name)
     $reflectionObject = new ReflectionClass($class->toString());
     if (!$reflectionObject->hasProperty($name)) {
         return Type::fromString(null);
     $reflectionProperty = $reflectionObject->getProperty($name);
     $contextFactory = new ContextFactory();
     $context = $contextFactory->createFromReflector($reflectionProperty);
     $phpdoc = new DocBlock($reflectionProperty, $this->convertToDocBlockContext($context));
     /** @var VarTag[] $vars */
     $vars = $phpdoc->getTagsByName('var');
     if (count($vars) === 0) {
         return Type::fromString(null);
     return Type::fromString($vars[0]->getType());
Esempio n. 15
  * @param \Reflector $reflector
  * @param string $tagName
  * @return string|null
 public function resolveElementType(\Reflector $reflector, $tagName)
     $docBlock = new DocBlock($reflector);
     $returnTags = $docBlock->getTagsByName($tagName);
     /** @var ReturnTag $returnTag */
     $returnTag = reset($returnTags);
     $type = $returnTag->getType();
     $isCollection = false;
     if ($extractedType = $this->extractTypeFromCollectionType($type)) {
         $isCollection = true;
         $type = $extractedType;
     if (static::isTypeObject($type) && ($reflector instanceof \ReflectionMethod || $reflector instanceof \ReflectionProperty)) {
         $type = $this->resolveClassName($type, $reflector->getDeclaringClass());
     return $type . ($isCollection ? '[]' : '');
Esempio n. 16
  * Given a property, attempt to find the type of the property
  * @param PropertyNode $node
  * @param ReflectionProperty $reflectionProperty
  * @return Type[]
 public function __invoke(PropertyNode $node, ReflectionProperty $reflectionProperty)
     $contextFactory = new ContextFactory();
     $context = $contextFactory->createForNamespace($reflectionProperty->getDeclaringClass()->getNamespaceName(), $reflectionProperty->getDeclaringClass()->getLocatedSource()->getSource());
     /* @var \PhpParser\Comment\Doc $comment */
     if (!$node->hasAttribute('comments')) {
         return [];
     $comment = $node->getAttribute('comments')[0];
     $docBlock = new DocBlock($comment->getReformattedText(), new DocBlock\Context($context->getNamespace(), $context->getNamespaceAliases()));
     /* @var \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag\VarTag $varTag */
     $resolvedTypes = [];
     $varTags = $docBlock->getTagsByName('var');
     foreach ($varTags as $varTag) {
         $resolvedTypes = array_merge($resolvedTypes, (new ResolveTypes())->__invoke($varTag->getTypes(), $context));
     return $resolvedTypes;
Esempio n. 17
 public static function servicesListProvider()
     $sp = _elgg_services();
     $class = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($sp));
     $phpdoc = new DocBlock($class);
     $readonly_props = $phpdoc->getTagsByName('property-read');
     /* @var \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag\PropertyReadTag[] $readonly_props */
     foreach ($readonly_props as $prop) {
         $name = substr($prop->getVariableName(), 1);
         $type = $prop->getType();
         // stuff set in PHPUnit bootstrap
         if ($name === 'mailer') {
             $type = InMemory::class;
         $sets[] = [$name, $type];
     return $sets;
  * Discover Magical API
  * @param ClassNode $node
 public function apply(ClassNode $node)
     $parentClass = $node->getParentClass();
     $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($parentClass);
     $phpdoc = new DocBlock($reflectionClass->getDocComment());
     $tagList = $phpdoc->getTagsByName('method');
     $interfaces = $reflectionClass->getInterfaces();
     foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
         $phpdoc = new DocBlock($interface);
         $tagList = array_merge($tagList, $phpdoc->getTagsByName('method'));
     foreach ($tagList as $tag) {
         $methodName = $tag->getMethodName();
         if (!$reflectionClass->hasMethod($methodName)) {
             $methodNode = new MethodNode($tag->getMethodName());
Esempio n. 19
  * Normalize the return tag (make full namespace, replace interfaces)
 protected function normalizeReturn()
     //Get the return type and adjust them for beter autocomplete
     $returnTags = $this->phpdoc->getTagsByName('return');
     if ($returnTags) {
         /** @var ReturnTag $tag */
         $tag = reset($returnTags);
         // Get the expanded type
         $returnValue = $tag->getType();
         // Replace the interfaces
         foreach ($this->interfaces as $interface => $real) {
             $returnValue = str_replace($interface, $real, $returnValue);
         // Set the changed content
         $tag->setContent($returnValue . ' ' . $tag->getDescription());
         $this->return = $returnValue;
     } else {
         $this->return = null;
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function loadMetadata($class)
     $properties = Reflection::getClassProperties($class, true);
     $metadataProperties = [];
     foreach ($properties as $property) {
         $docBlock = new DocBlock($property);
         $docVarTags = $docBlock->getTagsByName('var');
         if (count($docVarTags)) {
             /** @var \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag\VarTag $docVarTag */
             $docVarTag = array_pop($docVarTags);
             $types = $docVarTag->getTypes();
             $types = array_map(function ($type) {
                 return ltrim($type, '\\');
             }, $types);
             if (count($types)) {
                 $propertyMetadata = new PropertyMetadata($types);
                 $metadataProperties[$property->getName()] = $propertyMetadata;
     $classMetadata = new ClassMetadata($metadataProperties);
     return $classMetadata;
  * Extract response property
  * @param ActionInterface     $action
  * @param CallableInterface   $callable
  * @param \ReflectionProperty $property
  * @return ResponseProperty
 protected function extractResponseProperty(ActionInterface $action, CallableInterface $callable, \ReflectionProperty $property)
     $docBlock = new DocBlock($property);
     $description = $docBlock->getShortDescription();
     $type = 'mixed';
     $child = null;
     $varTags = $docBlock->getTagsByName('var');
     if (count($varTags)) {
         /** @var \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag\VarTag $varTag */
         $varTag = $varTags[0];
         $varTypes = $varTag->getTypes();
         $varType = null;
         if (count($varTypes)) {
             $varType = array_pop($varTypes);
         switch (true) {
             case 'int' == $varType:
             case 'integer' == $varType:
                 $type = 'int';
             case 'string' == $varType:
                 $type = 'string';
             case 'float' == $varType:
             case 'double' == $varType:
                 $type = 'float';
             case 'boolean' == $varType:
             case 'bool' == $varType:
                 $type = 'bool';
             case 'DateTime' == ltrim($varType, '\\'):
                 $type = 'datetime';
                 if ($varType && class_exists($varType)) {
                     $type = 'object';
                     $childProperties = $this->getPropertiesForClass($action, $callable, $varType);
                     $child = [];
                     foreach ($childProperties as $childProperty) {
                         $child[$childProperty->getName()] = $this->extractResponseProperty($action, $callable, $childProperty);
                 } else {
                     if ($varType && substr($varType, strlen($varType) - 2) == '[]') {
                         $childClass = substr($varType, 0, strlen($varType) - 2);
                         $type = 'collection';
                         $childProperties = $this->getPropertiesForClass($action, $callable, $childClass);
                         $child = [];
                         foreach ($childProperties as $childProperty) {
                             $child[$childProperty->getName()] = $this->extractResponseProperty($action, $callable, $childProperty);
                 $this->tryFormatPhpType($varTag, $varType);
     $responseProperty = new ResponseProperty($property->getName(), $type, $description, $child);
     return $responseProperty;
  * @param MessageInterface $object
  * @param array $data
  * @return MessageInterface
 private function _doHydrate(MessageInterface $object, $data)
     $reflected = new \ReflectionClass($object);
     if ($object instanceof MessageCollectionInterface && $object instanceof ArrayCollectionInterface) {
         foreach ($data->{$object->getDataMemberName()} as $singleData) {
             $class = $object->createChildClass();
             $object->add($this->_doHydrate($class, $singleData));
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         if ($reflected->hasProperty($key)) {
             $property = $reflected->getProperty($key);
             $setter = $this->generateSetter($key);
             $doc = new DocBlock($property);
             if ($doc->hasTag('var')) {
                 $tags = $doc->getTagsByName('var');
                 if (count($tags) !== 1) {
                     throw new RuntimeException('Property "' . $property->getName() . '" of class ' . $property->getDeclaringClass() . 'has more @var tags. Only one is allowed.');
                 $type = $tags[0]->getType();
                 switch (true) {
                      * Internal type Enum
                     /*case $type === '\\Enum':
                       $getter = $this->generateGetter($key);
                      * All basic types
                     case in_array(strtolower($type), $this->basicTypes, false):
                          * Object types - special cases first
                      * Object types - special cases first
                     case $type === '\\DateTime':
                         $class = new \DateTime($value);
                     case $type === '\\DateTimeZone':
                         if (empty($value)) {
                         $class = new \DateTimeZone($value);
                     case !is_array($value) && class_exists($type, true):
                         $class = new $type($value);
                          * Try to find class and hydrate object
                      * Try to find class and hydrate object
                         $possibleClassNames = [];
                         $possibleClassNames[] = $this->baseNS . $type;
                         $possibleClassNames[] = $reflected->getNamespaceName() . $type;
                         $possibleClassNames[] = $type;
                         foreach ($possibleClassNames as $className) {
                             if (class_exists($className, true)) {
                                 $class = new $className();
                                 $hydrated = $this->_doHydrate($class, $value);
                                 continue 2;
                          * Class not found, we use raw $value.
         } elseif ($key === '_links') {
             foreach ($value as $link) {
                 $object->addMethod($link->method, $link->rel, $link->href);
     return $object;
  * @param \ReflectionClass $reflectionClass
  * @return LegacyMethodTag[]
 public function getTagList(\ReflectionClass $reflectionClass)
     $phpdoc = new DocBlock($reflectionClass->getDocComment());
     return $phpdoc->getTagsByName('method');
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function extract(ActionInterface $action, CallableInterface $callable)
     /** @var \ReflectionClass $requestClass */
     $requestClass = null;
     $inputParameters = $callable->getReflection()->getParameters();
     foreach ($inputParameters as $parameter) {
         if ($class = $parameter->getClass()) {
             if ($class->implementsInterface('FiveLab\\Component\\Api\\Request\\RequestInterface')) {
                 $requestClass = $class;
     if (!$requestClass) {
         return [];
     $requestParameters = [];
     $requestObject = $requestClass->newInstance();
     $objectMetadata = $this->objectMapper->getMetadataFactory()->load($requestObject, ObjectMetadata::DEFAULT_GROUP);
     if (!$objectMetadata) {
         // Can not load metadata for object
         return [];
     foreach ($objectMetadata->getProperties() as $property) {
         if (!$property->reflection) {
             $property->reflection = new \ReflectionProperty($requestClass->getName(), $property->getPropertyName());
         $docBlock = new DocBlock($property->reflection);
         $content = $docBlock->getShortDescription();
         $typeTags = $docBlock->getTagsByName('var');
         $type = null;
         if ($typeTags) {
             /** @var \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag\VarTag $typeTag */
             $typeTag = array_pop($typeTags);
             $type = $typeTag->getType();
             //$type = $this->formatPHPType($type);
         $defaultValue = null;
         if ($property->reflection->isDefault()) {
             if (!$property->reflection->isPublic()) {
             $defaultValue = $property->reflection->getValue($requestObject);
         $parameter = new Parameter($property->getFieldName(), $type, $this->isPropertyRequired($property->reflection), $content, $defaultValue);
         $requestParameters[$property->getFieldName()] = $parameter;
     return $requestParameters;
Esempio n. 25
 public static function isInherit(DocBlock $docBlock)
     return $docBlock->getTagsByName('inheritdoc') || $docBlock->getTagsByName('inherited');
Esempio n. 26
  * @param DocBlock $docBlock
  * @param string $name
  * @return null|string
 protected function getTag($docBlock, $name)
     $tags = $docBlock->getTagsByName($name);
     if ($tags) {
         /** @var DocBlock\Tag $tag */
         $tag = reset($tags);
         return $tag->getContent();
     return null;
Esempio n. 27
     * @depends testConstructWithTagsOnly
     * @covers \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock::getTagsByName
     * @return void
    public function testGetTagsByNameMultipleMatch()
        $fixture = <<<DOCBLOCK
 * @param string
 * @param int
 * @return void
        $object = new DocBlock($fixture);
        $this->assertCount(1, $object->getTagsByName('return'));
        $this->assertCount(2, $object->getTagsByName('param'));
  * @param Node $node
  * @return null|string
 protected function getDeprecatedDocComment(Node $node)
     try {
         $docBlock = new DocBlock((string) $node->getDocComment());
         /** @var DocBlock\Tag\DeprecatedTag[] $deprecatedTag */
         $deprecatedTag = $docBlock->getTagsByName('deprecated');
         if (0 === count($deprecatedTag)) {
         $comment = $deprecatedTag[0]->getContent();
         return preg_replace('/[[:blank:]]+/', ' ', $comment);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
Esempio n. 29
 protected function assertTagsEqual($object, $tagName, array $expectedTagToType)
     $docblock = new DocBlock(new \ReflectionObject($object));
     $actualTagToType = [];
     foreach ($docblock->getTagsByName($tagName) as $tag) {
         $actualTagToType[$tag->getVariableName()] = $tag->getType();
     $this->assertEquals($expectedTagToType, $actualTagToType);
Esempio n. 30
 protected function acquireRelations()
     // getting the relations – on the other hand – is not, since they need to be loaded
     // to be visible. thus, reflection is used to find the methods that return relation
     // objects
     $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($this->model);
     foreach ($reflectionClass->getMethods() as $method) {
         $docBlock = new DocBlock($method);
         $returnTag = $docBlock->getTagsByName('return');
         if (count($returnTag) >= 1 && $this->isEloquentRelation($returnTag[0]->getType())) {
             $this->relations[] = $method->getName();