Inheritance: implements PhpBrew\Buildable
Esempio n. 1
 public function install(Extension $ext, array $configureOptions = array())
     $sourceDir = $ext->getSourceDirectory();
     $pwd = getcwd();
     $buildLogPath = $sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'build.log';
     $make = new MakeTask($this->logger, $this->options);
     $this->logger->info("Log stored at: {$buildLogPath}");
     $this->logger->info("Changing directory to {$sourceDir}");
     if (!$this->options->{'no-clean'} && $ext->isBuildable()) {
         $clean = new MakeTask($this->logger, $this->options);
     if ($ext->getConfigM4File() !== "config.m4" && !file_exists($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.m4')) {
         symlink($ext->getConfigM4File(), $sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.m4');
     // If the php version is specified, we should get phpize with the correct version.
     $this->logger->info('===> Phpize...');
     Utils::system("phpize > {$buildLogPath} 2>&1", $this->logger);
     // here we don't want to use closure, because
     // 5.2 does not support closure. We haven't decided whether to
     // support 5.2 yet.
     $escapeOptions = array_map('escapeshellarg', $configureOptions);
     $this->logger->info("===> Configuring...");
     $phpConfig = Config::getCurrentPhpConfigBin();
     if (file_exists($phpConfig)) {
         $this->logger->debug("Appending argument: --with-php-config={$phpConfig}");
         $escapeOptions[] = '--with-php-config=' . $phpConfig;
     // Utils::system('./configure ' . join(' ', $escapeOptions) . ' >> build.log 2>&1');
     $cmd = './configure ' . join(' ', $escapeOptions);
     if (!$this->logger->isDebug()) {
         $cmd .= " >> {$buildLogPath} 2>&1";
     Utils::system($cmd, $this->logger);
     $this->logger->info("===> Building...");
     if ($this->logger->isDebug()) {
     } else {
     $this->logger->info("===> Installing...");
     // This function is disabled when PHP is running in safe mode.
     if ($this->logger->isDebug()) {
         passthru('make install');
     } else {
     // TODO: use getSharedLibraryPath()
     $this->logger->debug("Installed extension library: " . $ext->getSharedLibraryPath());
     // Try to find the installed path by pattern
     // Installing shared extensions: /Users/c9s/.phpbrew/php/php-5.4.10/lib/php/extensions/debug-non-zts-20100525/
     $this->logger->info("===> Extension is installed.");
Esempio n. 2
 public function findConfigM4File($dir)
     if ($file = parent::findConfigM4File($dir)) {
         return $file;
     if ($file = $this->findConfigM4FileFromPackageXml()) {
         return $file;
Esempio n. 3
 public function renameSourceDirectory(Extension $ext)
     $currentPhpExtensionDirectory = Config::getBuildDir() . '/' . Config::getCurrentPhpName() . '/ext';
     $extName = $ext->getExtensionName();
     $name = $ext->getName();
     $extensionDir = $currentPhpExtensionDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $extName;
     $extensionExtractDir = $currentPhpExtensionDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name;
     if ($name != $extName) {
         $this->logger->info("===> Rename source directory to {$extensionDir}...");
         $cmds = array("rm -rf {$extensionDir}", "mv {$extensionExtractDir} {$extensionDir}");
         foreach ($cmds as $cmd) {
         // replace source directory to new source directory
         $sourceDir = str_replace($extensionExtractDir, $extensionDir, $ext->getSourceDirectory());
Esempio n. 4
 public function describeExtension(Extension $ext)
     $info = array('Name' => $ext->getExtensionName(), 'Source Directory' => $ext->getSourceDirectory(), 'Config' => $ext->getConfigM4Path(), 'INI File' => $ext->getConfigFilePath(), 'Extension' => $ext instanceof PeclExtension ? 'Pecl' : 'Core', 'Zend' => $ext->isZend() ? 'yes' : 'no', 'Loaded' => extension_loaded($ext->getExtensionName()) ? $this->formatter->format('yes', 'green') : $this->formatter->format('no', 'red'));
     foreach ($info as $label => $val) {
         $this->logger->writeln(sprintf('%20s: %s', $label, $val));
     $options = $ext->getConfigureOptions();
     if (!empty($options)) {
         $this->logger->writeln(sprintf('%20s: ', 'Configure Options'));
         foreach ($options as $option) {
             $this->logger->writeln(sprintf('        %-32s %s', $option->option . ($option->valueHint ? '[=' . $option->valueHint . ']' : ''), $option->desc));
Esempio n. 5
 public function describeExtension(Extension $ext)
     $this->logger->write(sprintf(' [%s] %-12s %-12s', extension_loaded($ext->getExtensionName()) ? '*' : ' ', $ext->getExtensionName(), phpversion($ext->getExtensionName())));
     if ($this->options->{'show-path'}) {
         $this->logger->write(sprintf(' from %s', $ext->getConfigM4Path()));
     // $this->logger->writeln(sprintf('config: %s', $ext->getConfigFilePath()));
     if ($this->options->{'show-options'}) {
         $padding = '     ';
         if ($ext instanceof M4Extension) {
             $options = $ext->getConfigureOptions();
             if (!empty($options)) {
                 $this->logger->info($padding . 'Configure options:');
                 foreach ($options as $option) {
                     $this->logger->info($padding . '  ' . sprintf('%-32s %s', $option->option . ($option->valueHint ? '[=' . $option->valueHint . ']' : ''), $option->desc));
Esempio n. 6
 public function hasConflicts(Extension $ext)
     return array_key_exists($ext->getName(), $this->conflicts);