Esempio n. 1
    public function generate(SuiteDocument $results, Config $config)
        $document = new Document();
        $reportEl = $document->createRoot('reports');
        $reportEl->setAttribute('name', $config->getName());
        $reportEl = $reportEl->appendElement('report');
        $descriptionEl = $reportEl->appendElement('description');
        $descriptionEl->nodeValue = <<<EOT
Warning: The histogram report is experimental, it may change or be removed without warning in
future versions of PHPBench.
        $tableEl = $reportEl->appendElement('table');
        foreach ($results->query('//subject') as $subjectEl) {
            foreach ($subjectEl->query('.//variant') as $variantEl) {
                $times = array();
                foreach ($variantEl->query('.//iteration') as $iterationEl) {
                    $times[] = $iterationEl->getAttribute('rev-time');
                if (count($times) > 1) {
                    $histogram = Statistics::histogram($times, $config['bins']);
                    $kde = new Kde($times);
                    $kdeX = Statistics::linspace(min($times), max($times), $config['bins'] + 1);
                    $kdeY = $kde->evaluate($kdeX);
                } else {
                    $histogram = array((string) current($times) => 1);
                    $kdeY = array(null);
                $counter = 0;
                foreach ($histogram as $xValue => $frequency) {
                    $kdeVal = $kdeY[$counter++];
                    $rowEl = $tableEl->appendElement('row');
                    $cellEl = $rowEl->appendElement('cell');
                    $cellEl->setAttribute('name', 'benchmark');
                    $cellEl->nodeValue = functions\class_name($subjectEl->evaluate('string(ancestor::benchmark/@class)'));
                    $cellEl = $rowEl->appendElement('cell');
                    $cellEl->setAttribute('name', 'subject');
                    $cellEl->nodeValue = $subjectEl->evaluate('string(./@name)');
                    $cellEl = $rowEl->appendElement('cell');
                    $cellEl->setAttribute('name', 'index');
                    $cellEl->nodeValue = $counter;
                    $cellEl = $rowEl->appendElement('cell');
                    $cellEl->setAttribute('name', 'time');
                    $cellEl->nodeValue = $xValue;
                    $cellEl = $rowEl->appendElement('cell');
                    $cellEl->setAttribute('name', 'freq');
                    $cellEl->nodeValue = $frequency;
                    $cellEl = $rowEl->appendElement('cell');
                    $cellEl->setAttribute('name', 'kde');
                    $cellEl->nodeValue = $kdeVal;
        return $document;
Esempio n. 2
  * Return the average relative standard deviation of all the iteration sets.
  * @return float
 public function getMeanRelStDev()
     $rStDevs = array();
     foreach ($this->query('//stats') as $stats) {
         $rStDevs[] = $stats->getAttribute('rstdev');
     return Statistics::mean($rStDevs);
Esempio n. 3
  * Calculate and set the deviation from the mean time for each iteration. If
  * the deviation is greater than the rejection threshold, then mark the iteration as
  * rejected.
 public function computeStats()
     $this->rejects = array();
     if (0 === count($this->iterations)) {
     $times = array();
     foreach ($this->iterations as $iteration) {
         $times[] = $iteration->getResult()->getTime() / $iteration->getRevolutions();
     // standard deviation for T Distribution
     $this->stats['stdev'] = Statistics::stdev($times);
     // mean of the times
     $this->stats['mean'] = Statistics::mean($times);
     // standard error
     $this->stats['rstdev'] = $this->stats['stdev'] / $this->stats['mean'] * 100;
     // variance
     $this->stats['variance'] = Statistics::variance($times);
     // min and max
     $this->stats['min'] = min($times);
     $this->stats['max'] = max($times);
     foreach ($this->iterations as $iteration) {
         // deviation is the percentage different of the value from the mean of the set.
         $deviation = 100 / $this->stats['mean'] * ($iteration->getResult()->getTime() / $iteration->getRevolutions() - $this->stats['mean']);
         // the Z-Value repreents the number of standard deviations this
         // value is away from the mean.
         $revTime = $iteration->getResult()->getTime() / $iteration->getRevolutions();
         $zValue = $this->stats['stdev'] ? ($revTime - $this->stats['mean']) / $this->stats['stdev'] : 0;
         if (null !== $this->rejectionThreshold) {
             if (abs($deviation) >= $this->rejectionThreshold) {
                 $this->rejects[] = $iteration;
     $this->computed = true;
Esempio n. 4
  * It should return the average.
 public function testMean()
     $expected = 33 / 7;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, Statistics::mean(array(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 20, 3)));
Esempio n. 5
  * It should return histogram data.
  * @dataProvider provideHistogram
 public function testHistogram(array $data, $steps, $lower, $upper, array $expected)
     $result = Statistics::histogram($data, $steps, $lower, $upper);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
Esempio n. 6
 private function drawIterations(Variant $variant)
     $subject = $variant->getSubject();
     // clear the whole line
     // clear the whole line
     $sigma = 2;
     $bins = 16;
     if ($variant->isComputed()) {
         $times = $variant->getMetricValues(ComputedResult::class, 'z_value');
         $stats = $variant->getStats();
         $freqs = Statistics::histogram($times, $bins, -$sigma, $sigma);
     } else {
         $stats = new Distribution([0]);
         $freqs = array_fill(0, $bins + 1, null);
     $this->output->write(sprintf('#%-2d (σ = %s ) -%sσ [', $subject->getIndex(), $this->timeUnit->format($stats->getStdev()), $sigma));
     $this->drawBlocks($freqs, $stats);
     $this->output->write(sprintf('] +%sσ <comment>%s</comment>', $sigma, $variant->isComputed() ? $this->formatIterationsShortSummary($variant) : ''));
Esempio n. 7
 public function provideEvaluate()
     return array(array(array(10, 20, 15, 5), Statistics::linspace(0, 9, 10), 'silverman', array(0.01537595, 0.0190706, 0.02299592, 0.02700068, 0.03092369, 0.0346125, 0.03794007, 0.0408159, 0.04318983, 0.04504829)), array(array(10, 20, 15, 5), Statistics::linspace(0, 3, 4), 'scott', array(0.01480612, 0.01869787, 0.02286675, 0.02713209)), array(array(10, 20, 15, 5), Statistics::linspace(0, 3, 4), 'silverman', array(0.01537595, 0.0190706, 0.02299592, 0.02700068)));
Esempio n. 8
  * @dataProvider provideKdeMode
 public function testKdeMode($population, $space, $bandwidth, $expected)
     $result = Statistics::kdeMode($population, $space, $bandwidth);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, round($result, 2));
Esempio n. 9
  * Construct the initial table from the SuiteCollection.
  * @param SuiteCollection $suiteCollection
  * @param Config $config
  * @return array
 private function buildTable(SuiteCollection $suiteCollection, Config $config)
     $paramJsonFlags = null;
     if (true === $config['pretty_params']) {
         $paramJsonFlags = JSON_PRETTY_PRINT;
     $table = [];
     $columnNames = [];
     foreach ($suiteCollection->getSuites() as $suite) {
         $env = $suite->getEnvInformations();
         foreach ($suite->getBenchmarks() as $benchmark) {
             foreach ($benchmark->getSubjects() as $subject) {
                 foreach ($subject->getVariants() as $variant) {
                     $row = new Row(['suite' => $suite->getUuid(), 'date' => $suite->getDate()->format('Y-m-d'), 'stime' => $suite->getDate()->format('H:i:s'), 'benchmark' => $this->getClassShortName($benchmark->getClass()), 'benchmark_full' => $benchmark->getClass(), 'subject' => $subject->getName(), 'groups' => implode(',', $subject->getGroups()), 'params' => json_encode($variant->getParameterSet()->getArrayCopy(), $paramJsonFlags), 'revs' => $variant->getRevolutions(), 'its' => count($variant->getIterations()), 'mem_real' => Statistics::mean($variant->getMetricValues(MemoryResult::class, 'real')), 'mem_final' => Statistics::mean($variant->getMetricValues(MemoryResult::class, 'final')), 'mem_peak' => Statistics::mean($variant->getMetricValues(MemoryResult::class, 'peak'))]);
                     // the formatter params are passed to the Formatter and
                     // allow the formatter configurations to use tokens --
                     // in other words we can override formatting on a
                     // per-row basis.
                     $formatParams = [];
                     if ($timeUnit = $subject->getOutputTimeUnit()) {
                         $formatParams['output_time_unit'] = $timeUnit;
                     if ($mode = $subject->getOutputMode()) {
                         $formatParams['output_mode'] = $mode;
                     if ($precision = $subject->getOutputTimePrecision()) {
                         $formatParams['output_time_precision'] = $precision;
                     $stats = $variant->getStats()->getStats();
                     $stats['best'] = $stats['min'];
                     $stats['worst'] = $stats['max'];
                     // save on duplication and lazily evaluate the
                     // available statistics.
                     if (null === $this->statKeys) {
                         $this->statKeys = array_keys($stats);
                     $row = $row->merge($stats);
                     // generate the environment parameters.
                     // TODO: should we crash here if an attempt is made to
                     //       override a row?  it could happen.
                     foreach ($env as $providerName => $information) {
                         foreach ($information as $key => $value) {
                             $row[$providerName . '_' . $key] = $value;
                     foreach ($row->getNames() as $columnName) {
                         if (!isset($columnNames[$columnName])) {
                             $columnNames[$columnName] = true;
                     // if the iterations option is specified then we add a row for each iteration, otherwise
                     // we continue.
                     if (false === $config['iterations']) {
                         $table[] = $row;
                     foreach ($variant->getIterations() as $index => $iteration) {
                         $row = clone $row;
                         $row['iter'] = $index;
                         foreach ($iteration->getResults() as $result) {
                             $metrics = $result->getMetrics();
                             // otherwise prefix the metric key with the result key.
                             foreach ($metrics as $key => $value) {
                                 // TODO: this is a hack to add the rev time to the report.
                                 if ($result instanceof TimeResult && $key === 'net') {
                                     $row[$result->getKey() . '_rev'] = $result->getRevTime($iteration->getVariant()->getRevolutions());
                                 $row[$result->getKey() . '_' . $key] = $value;
                         $table[] = $row;
     // multiple suites may have different column names, for example the
     // number of environment columns may differ. here we iterate over all
     // the rows to ensure they all have all of the columns which have been
     // defined.
     foreach ($table as $row) {
         foreach (array_keys($columnNames) as $columnName) {
             if (!isset($row[$columnName])) {
                 $row[$columnName] = null;
     return $table;
Esempio n. 10
 public function benchStDev()
     Statistics::stdev([10, 100, 42, 84, 11, 12, 9, 6]);
Esempio n. 11
  * Return the mode time.
  * @return float
 public function getModeTime()
     return Statistics::kdeMode($this->getTimes());
Esempio n. 12
 public function getMeanRelStDev()
     return Statistics::mean($this->stats['rstdev']);
Esempio n. 13
 public function generatePoints($params)
     $this->points = Statistics::linspace(1, 10, $params['points']);
Esempio n. 14
 private function drawIterations(IterationCollection $iterations)
     $subject = $iterations->getSubject();
     // clear the whole line
     // clear the whole line
     $sigma = 2;
     $bins = 16;
     if ($iterations->isComputed()) {
         $times = $iterations->getZValues();
         $stats = $iterations->getStats();
         $freqs = Statistics::histogram($times, $bins, -$sigma, $sigma);
     } else {
         $stats = array('stdev' => 0, 'mean' => 0, 'max' => 0);
         $freqs = array_fill(0, $bins + 1, null);
     $this->output->write(sprintf('#%-2d (σ = %s ) -%sσ [', $subject->getIndex(), $this->timeUnit->format($stats['stdev']), $sigma));
     $this->drawBlocks($freqs, $stats);
     $this->output->write(sprintf('] +%sσ <comment>%s</comment>', $sigma, $iterations->isComputed() ? $this->formatIterationsShortSummary($iterations) : ''));