Esempio n. 1
  * Handle post data
  * @return type
 public function handleCardSubmitAction()
     $seri = $this->request->getPost('txtseri');
     $sopin = $this->request->getPost('txtpin');
     $mang = $this->request->getPost('chonmang');
     $user = $this->request->getPost('txtuser');
     $charid = $this->request->getPost('charguid');
     $chargeDescription = $this->request->getPost('txtDescription');
     if ($mang == 'MOBI') {
         $ten = "Mobifone";
     } else {
         if ($mang == 'VIETEL') {
             $ten = "Viettel";
         } else {
             if ($mang == 'GATE') {
                 $ten = "Gate";
             } else {
                 if ($mang == 'VTC') {
                     $ten = "VTC";
                 } else {
                     $ten = "Vinaphone";
     $arrayPost = array('merchant_id' => $this->config->baokim->merchant_id, 'api_username' => $this->config->baokim->api_username, 'api_password' => $this->config->baokim->api_password, 'transaction_id' => time(), 'card_id' => $mang, 'pin_field' => $sopin, 'seri_field' => $seri, 'algo_mode' => 'hmac');
     // Prepare array post for CURL
     //mat khau di kem ma website dang kí trên B?o Kim
     $secure_code = $this->config->baokim->secure_code;
     $data_sign = hash_hmac('SHA1', implode('', $arrayPost), $secure_code);
     $arrayPost['data_sign'] = $data_sign;
     $userPwd = $this->config->baokim->CORE_API_HTTP_USR . ':' . $this->config->baokim->CORE_API_HTTP_PWD;
     // Init curl
     $curl = curl_init($this->config->baokim->restUrl);
     $data = curl_exec($curl);
     $status = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
     $result = json_decode($data, true);
     $logger = new FileAdapter($this->config->application->logFile);
     //        if ($status == 200) {
     if ($status == 401) {
         $logger->log("This is a message");
         return $this->response->redirect('index/success');
     } else {
         $errorData = sprintf("Eror: %d | User: %s | Ma The: %s | Seri: %s", $status, $user, $seri, $sopin);
         return $this->response->redirect('index');
Esempio n. 2
  * 邮件发送
  * @param $toemail 收件人
  * @param $subject 发件标题
  * @param $email_message 发件内容
  * <code>
  * $mail = new \App\Plugin\Mail();
  * $mail->smtp('*****@*****.**','Have a try','This is test content');
  * </code>
 public function smtp($toemail, $subject, $email_message)
     $email_from = '=?utf-8?B?' . base64_encode($this->sitename) . "?= <" . $this->mail_from . ">";
     $email_subject = '=?utf-8?B?' . base64_encode(preg_replace("/[\r|\n]/", '', '[' . $this->sitename . '] ' . $subject)) . '?=';
     $headers = "From: {$email_from} \r\nX-Priority: 3 \r\n X-Mailer: Chairsma \r\n MIME-Version: 1.0 \r\n Content-type: text/html\r\n charset=utf-8 \r\n Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 \r\n ";
     $log = new FileAdapter(LOGS_PATH . 'mail_' . date('Ymd') . '.log');
     if (!($fp = pfsockopen($this->smtp_server, $this->smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, 30))) {
         $log->error('(' . $this->smtp_server . ':' . $this->smtp_port . ') CONNECT - Unable to connect to the SMTP server');
         return false;
     stream_set_blocking($fp, true);
     $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512);
     if (substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != '220') {
         $log->error('(' . $this->smtp_server . ':' . $this->smtp_port . ") CONNECT - {$lastmessage}");
         return false;
     fputs($fp, "HELO Charisma\r\n");
     $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512);
     if (substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 220 && substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 250) {
         $log->error('(' . $this->smtp_server . ':' . $this->smtp_port . ") Charisma - {$lastmessage}");
         return false;
     while (1) {
         if (substr($lastmessage, 3, 1) != '-' || empty($lastmessage)) {
         $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512);
     fputs($fp, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n");
     $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512);
     if (substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 334) {
         $log->error('(' . $this->smtp_server . ':' . $this->smtp_port . ") AUTH LOGIN - {$lastmessage}");
         return false;
     fputs($fp, base64_encode($this->mail_user) . "\r\n");
     $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512);
     if (substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 334) {
         $log->error('(' . $this->smtp_server . ':' . $this->smtp_port . ") USERNAME - {$lastmessage}");
         return false;
     fputs($fp, base64_encode($this->mail_password) . "\r\n");
     $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512);
     if (substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 235) {
         $log->error('(' . $this->smtp_server . ':' . $this->smtp_port . ") PASSWORD - {$lastmessage}");
         return false;
     fputs($fp, "MAIL FROM: <" . preg_replace("/.*\\<(.+?)\\>.*/", "\\1", $email_from) . ">\r\n");
     $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512);
     if (substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 250) {
         fputs($fp, "MAIL FROM: <" . preg_replace("/.*\\<(.+?)\\>.*/", "\\1", $email_from) . ">\r\n");
         $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512);
         if (substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 250) {
             $log->error('(' . $this->smtp_server . ':' . $this->smtp_port . ") MAIL FROM - {$lastmessage}");
             return false;
     fputs($fp, "RCPT TO: <" . preg_replace("/.*\\<(.+?)\\>.*/", "\\1", $toemail) . ">\r\n");
     $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512);
     if (substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 250) {
         fputs($fp, "RCPT TO: <" . preg_replace("/.*\\<(.+?)\\>.*/", "\\1", $toemail) . ">\r\n");
         $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512);
         $log->error('(' . $this->smtp_server . ':' . $this->smtp_port . ") RCPT TO - {$lastmessage}");
         return false;
     fputs($fp, "DATA\r\n");
     $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512);
     if (substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 354) {
         $log->error('(' . $this->smtp_server . ':' . $this->smtp_port . ") DATA - {$lastmessage}");
         return false;
     fputs($fp, "Date: " . gmdate('r') . "\r\n");
     $info = "\r\n发送时间:" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\r\n";
     $info .= '发件人:' . $this->mail_from . "\r\n";
     fputs($fp, "To: " . $toemail . "\r\n");
     $info .= '收件人:' . $toemail . "\r\n";
     fputs($fp, "Subject: " . $email_subject . "\r\n");
     $info .= '标题:' . $subject . "\r\n";
     fputs($fp, $headers);
     fputs($fp, "\r\n\r\n");
     fputs($fp, $email_message . "\r\n.\r\n");
     $info .= '内容:' . $email_message . "\r\n";
     $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512);
     if (substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 250) {
         $log->error('(' . $this->smtp_server . ':' . $this->smtp_port . ") END - {$lastmessage}");
     fputs($fp, "QUIT\r\n");
     return true;
Esempio n. 3
 * Include composer autoloader
require APP_PATH . "/vendor/autoload.php";
try {
     * The FactoryDefault Dependency Injector automatically register the right services providing a full stack framework
    $di = new FactoryDefault();
     * Include the application services
    require APP_PATH . "/app/config/services.php";
     * Handle the request
    $application = new Application($di);
    echo $application->handle()->getContent();
} catch (Exception $e) {
     * Log the exception
    $logger = new Logger(APP_PATH . '/app/logs/error.log');
     * Show an static error page
    $response = new Response();
 public function saveAction()
     $this->view->title = "Збереження студента";
     $errors = array();
     !file_exists($this->logFileName) ? $attr = array('mode' => 'w') : ($attr = array());
     $logger = new FileAdapter($this->logFileName, $attr);
     $manager = new \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Transaction\Manager();
     $transaction = $manager->get();
     $indCode = $this->request->get("ind_code");
     if ($indCode != NULL) {
         $logger->log("indCode not NULL");
         if ($this->request->isPost()) {
             $logger->log("POST request finded");
             if ($this->request->get("uid") == NULL) {
                 $user = new \Users();
                 $logger->log("new User created");
             } else {
                 $user = \Users::findFirst($this->request->get("uid"));
                 if (!$user) {
                     $logger->warning("this User is not finded!");
                     $user = new \Users();
                     $logger->log("new User created");
                 } else {
                     $logger->log("User id is " . $user->id);
             $logger->log("Transaction started");
             $user->name = $this->request->get("name");
             $user->last_name = $this->request->get("last_name");
             $user->second_name = $this->request->get("second_name");
             $user->login = $this->request->get("login");
             $user->password = MD5($this->request->get("password"));
             $user->is_male = $this->request->get("is_male");
             $user->is_active = 1;
             $user->email = $this->request->get("email");
             $user->date_registration = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $user->birthday = $this->request->get("birthday");
             $user->address_home = $this->request->get("address_home");
             $user->phome = $this->request->get("phome");
             $user->pmobile = $this->request->get("pmobile");
             if ($this->request->get("id") == NULL) {
                 $student = new \Students();
                 $logger->log("new Student created");
             } else {
                 $student = \Students::findFirst($this->request->get("id"));
                 if (!$student) {
                     $logger->warning("this Student is not finded!");
                     $student = new \Students();
                     $logger->log("new Student created");
                 } else {
                     $logger->log("Student id is " . $user->id);
             //добавление студента
             $student->ind_code = $indCode;
             if (count($this->request->get("student_education")) > 0) {
                 $logger->log("student educations from request count>0, so start to add its");
                 $studentEducations = array();
                 //добавление образований
                 $c = 0;
                 foreach ($this->request->get("student_education") as $educ) {
                     $logger->log("Educ cycle #" . $c++);
                     $educJSON = json_decode($educ, true);
                     $se = new \StudentsEducation();
                     if (!array_key_exists("education_child_id", $educJSON)) {
                         $se->education_id = $educJSON["education_id"];
                     } else {
                         $se->education_id = $educJSON["education_child_id"];
                     $se->institution = $educJSON["institution"];
                     $se->speciality = $educJSON["speciality"];
                     $se->qualify = $educJSON["qualify"];
                     $se->diploma_number = $educJSON["diploma_number"];
                     $se->diploma_date = $educJSON["diploma_date"];
                     $logger->log("Educ id = " . $educJSON["education_id"]);
                     $studentEducations[] = $se;
             } else {
                 $logger->warning("No educations in request!");
                 $studentEducations = NULL;
             if ($student->StudentsEducation->count() > 0) {
                 $logger->warning("Finded old education(s) (" . $student->StudentsEducation->count() . ") in this Student. Trying to delete all its");
                 $c = 0;
                 foreach ($student->StudentsEducation as $se) {
                     $logger->log("Educ delation cycle #" . $c++);
             } else {
                 $logger->warning("no old educations finded!");
             $student->StudentsEducation = $studentEducations;
             if (count($this->request->get("student_post")) > 0) {
                 $logger->log("There is Posts in request");
                 $studentPosts = array();
                 //добавление должностей
                 $logger->log("new Posts addition");
                 $c = 0;
                 foreach ($this->request->get("student_post") as $spost) {
                     $logger->log("Posts cycle #" . $c++);
                     $spostJSON = json_decode($spost, true);
                     if (!array_key_exists("brands", $spostJSON)) {
                         $spostJSON = array_values($spostJSON)[0];
                     $sp = new \StudentsPosts();
                     if (array_key_exists("dealer", $spostJSON)) {
                         $sp->dealer = $spostJSON["dealer"];
                     if (array_key_exists("post", $spostJSON)) {
                         $sp->post = $spostJSON["post"];
                     if (array_key_exists("rate", $spostJSON)) {
                         $sp->rate = $spostJSON["rate"];
                     if (array_key_exists("appoint_date", $spostJSON)) {
                         $sp->appoint_date = strtotime($spostJSON["appoint_date"]);
                     if (array_key_exists("brands", $spostJSON) && count($spostJSON["brands"]) > 0) {
                         // Добавление брендов
                         $logger->log("Brands finded. Triying to add all of " . count($spostJSON["brands"]) . " brands");
                         $studentsPostsBrands = array();
                         foreach ($spostJSON["brands"] as $brand) {
                             $spb = new \StudentsPostsBrands();
                             $spb->brand_id = $brand;
                             $studentsPostsBrands[] = $spb;
                         $sp->StudentsPostsBrands = $studentsPostsBrands;
                     } else {
                         $logger->warning("no Brands in this Post finded!");
                     if (array_key_exists("activities", $spostJSON) && count($spostJSON["activities"]) > 0) {
                         // Добавление напр. деятельности
                         $logger->log("Activities finded. Triying to add all of " . count($spostJSON["activities"]) . " activities");
                         $studentPostsActivities = array();
                         foreach ($spostJSON["activities"] as $activity) {
                             $spa = new \StudentsPostsActivities();
                             $spa->activity_id = $activity;
                             $studentPostsActivities[] = $spa;
                         $sp->StudentsPostsActivities = $studentPostsActivities;
                     } else {
                         $logger->warning("no Activities in this Post finded!");
                     $studentPosts[] = $sp;
             } else {
                 $logger->warning("no Posts finded in request!");
                 $studentPosts = NULL;
             if ($student->StudentsPosts->count() > 0) {
                 $logger->log("There is old Posts");
                 $c = 0;
                 foreach ($student->StudentsPosts as $sp) {
                     $logger->log("old Posts deletion cycle #" . $c++);
                     if ($sp->StudentsPostsActivities->count() > 0) {
                         $logger->log("there is some (" . $sp->StudentsPostsActivities->count() . ") Activities in old Post. Deletion all of it.");
                         foreach ($sp->StudentsPostsActivities as $spa) {
                             if ($spa->delete()) {
                                 $logger->log("StudentsPostsActivities id = " . $spa->activity_id . " deleted");
                             } else {
                                 $logger->warning("StudentsPostsActivities id = " . $spa->activity_id . " deletion error!");
                     } else {
                         $logger->warning("No one Activities in old Posts");
                     if ($sp->StudentsPostsBrands->count() > 0) {
                         $logger->log("there is some (" . $sp->StudentsPostsBrands->count() . ") Brands in old Post. Deletion all of it.");
                         foreach ($sp->StudentsPostsBrands as $spb) {
                             if ($spb->delete()) {
                                 $logger->log("StudentsPostsBrand id = " . $spb->brand_id . " deleted");
                             } else {
                                 $logger->warning("StudentsPostsBrand id = " . $spb->brand_id . " deletion error!");
                     } else {
                         $logger->warning("No one Brands in old Posts");
                     $logger->log("Posts id " . $sp->id . " deletion");
                     if ($sp->delete()) {
                         $logger->log("StudentsPosts id = " . $sp->id . " deleted");
                     } else {
                         $logger->warning("StudentsPosts id = " . $sp->id . " deletion error!");
             } else {
                 $logger->warning("no old Posts finded!");
             $logger->log("Add all new Posts to Student");
             $student->StudentsPosts = $studentPosts;
             $logger->log("Add all new Students to User");
             $user->Students = array($student);
             if ($user->save() === false) {
                 $logger->log("User not saved!");
                 echo '<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">Під час збереження студента виникли наступні помилки: <br><ul>';
                 foreach ($user->getMessages() as $msg) {
                     echo "<li>" . $msg . "</li>";
                 echo "</ul></div>";
                 $transaction->rollback("Під час збереження студента виникли помилки");
             } else {
                 if ($transaction->commit()) {
                     if ($this->request->get("id") == NULL) {
                         echo '<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">Студент доданий успішно!</div>';
                     } else {
                         echo '<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">Студент збережений успішно!</div>';
                     $logger->log("User saved!");
                 } else {
                     echo '<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">Під час збереження студента виникла помилка транзакції <br><ul>';
                     $logger->warning("Transaction save errors:");
                     foreach ($transaction->getMessages() as $msg) {
                         $logger->warning("--- " . $msg);
             //$user->Students = array();
     } else {
         echo '<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">Під час збереження студента виникла помилка. Вiдсутній ІНН!</div>';
         $transaction->rollback("Вiдсутній ІНН!");
         $logger->error("No INN!");
Esempio n. 5
  * The function sending log for nginx or apache, it will to analytic later
  * @return mixed
 public function saveLoger($e)
     $logger = new Logger(ROOT_DIR . 'apps/logs/error.log');
     if (is_object($e)) {
     if (is_array($e)) {
         foreach ($e as $message) {
     if (is_string($e)) {
     return $this->indexRedirect();
Esempio n. 6
    $modulesName[] = basename($path);
    $module = $namespace . '\\Module';
    $module = new $module();
$app = new Phalcon\Mvc\Micro();
 * Add exception handler to show them in json 
set_exception_handler(function ($e) use($app) {
    $logger = new FileAdapter('debug.log');
    if (method_exists($e, 'send')) {
 * Mount all collections (Makes routes active).
 * @todo improve this block of code
foreach ($modulesName as $module) {
    $routeDefinitions = array('GET' => array(), 'POST' => array(), 'PUT' => array(), 'DELETE' => array());
    try {
        foreach ($di->get('collections_' . $module) as $collection) {
            $routes = $app->getRouter()->getRoutes();
            foreach ($routes as $route) {
                $pattern = $route->getPattern();
                $method = $route->getHttpMethods();
                if (array_search($pattern, $routeDefinitions[$method]) !== false) {
Esempio n. 7
  * Tests ERROR logging with error()
  * @author Nikos Dimopoulos <*****@*****.**>
  * @since  2012-09-17
 public function testErrorLogging()
     $fileName = $this->getFileName('log', 'log');
     $logger = new PhLoggerAdapterFile($this->logPath . $fileName);
     $contents = file($this->logPath . $fileName);
     $found = strpos($contents[0], '[ERROR]');
     $this->assertTrue($found !== FALSE, 'Error logging is not set to ERROR');
     $found = strpos($contents[0], 'Hello');
     $this->assertTrue($found !== FALSE, 'Error logging does not set correct message');
     $this->cleanFile($this->logPath, $fileName);
Esempio n. 8
 public function error($msg)
Esempio n. 9
  * Tracking logs to a files
  * @return bool
 public function saveLoger($e)
     $logger = new Logger(ROOT_DIR . 'content/logs/error.log');
     if (is_object($e)) {
     if (is_array($e)) {
         foreach ($e as $message) {
     if (is_string($e)) {
     return false;
Esempio n. 10

use Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\File as FileAdapter;
$logger = new FileAdapter("app/logs/test.log");
$logger->log("This is a message");
$logger->log("This is an error", \Phalcon\Logger::ERROR);
$logger->error("This is another error");