addItem() public method

Append Items to the list.
public addItem ( Item $item )
$item Item
Esempio n. 1
 public function testRemoveItemMethod()
     $itemList = new ItemList();
     $item1 = ItemTest::createItem();
     $item2 = ItemTest::createItem();
     $this->assertEquals(sizeof($itemList->getItems()), 1);
     $remainingElements = $itemList->getItems();
     $this->assertEquals($remainingElements[0]->getName(), "Name1");
Esempio n. 2
  * @param PaymentInterface $payment
 public function init(PaymentInterface $payment)
     $credentials = new OAuthTokenCredential($this->options['client_id'], $this->options['secret']);
     $apiContext = new ApiContext($credentials);
     $apiContext->setConfig(['mode' => $this->options['mode']]);
     $payer = new Payer();
     $amount = new Amount();
     $item = new Item();
     $itemList = new ItemList();
     $transaction = new Transaction();
     $redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
     $paypalPayment = new Payment();
     $payment->setExtraData('paypal_payment_id', $paypalPayment->getId());
     $payment->setExtraData('approval_link', $paypalPayment->getApprovalLink());
Esempio n. 3
 private function createPayment($details)
     $payment = new Payment();
     $payer = new Payer();
     $payer->payment_method = "paypal";
     $amount = new Amount();
     $amount->currency = $details['PAYMENTREQUEST_CURRENCYCODE'];
     $amount->total = $details['PAYMENTREQUEST_AMT'];
     $transaction = new Transaction();
     $transaction->amount = $amount;
     $transaction->description = $details['PAYMENTREQUEST_DESCRIPTION'];
     $itemList = new ItemList();
     foreach ($details['PAYMENTREQUEST_ITEMS'] as $itemInfo) {
         $item = new Item();
     $addressInfo = $details['PAYMENTREQUEST_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'];
     $shippingAddress = new ShippingAddress();
     $redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
     $redirectUrls->return_url = $details['RETURN_URL'];
     $redirectUrls->cancel_url = $details['CANCEL_URL'];
     $payment->intent = "sale";
     $payment->payer = $payer;
     $payment->redirect_urls = $redirectUrls;
     $payment->transactions = [$transaction];
     if (false == isset($details['response']) && false == isset($details['response']['state']) && isset($payment->payer->payment_method) && 'paypal' == $payment->payer->payment_method) {
         $paymentResponse = $payment->create($this->api);
         $details->replace(['response' => $paymentResponse->toArray()]);
         foreach ($paymentResponse->links as $link) {
             if ($link->rel == 'approval_url') {
                 $details->replace(['approval_url' => $link->href]);
Esempio n. 4
 public function start()
     $payer = new Payer();
     $itemList = new ItemList();
     $productsSum = 0.0;
     foreach ($this->order->getProducts() as $product) {
         $item = new Item();
         $productsSum += $product->getTotal();
     $details = new Details();
     $total = $productsSum;
     if ($delivery = $this->order->getDelivery()) {
         $total += $delivery;
     if ($vat = $this->order->getVat()) {
         $total += $vat;
     $amount = new Amount();
     $transaction = new Transaction();
     $redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
     $redirectUrls->setReturnUrl(env('DOMAIN') . url($this->config['url_return'], ['paypalRest', $this->order->getOrder()]))->setCancelUrl(env('DOMAIN') . url($this->config['url_cancel'], ['paypalRest', $this->order->getOrder()]));
     $payment = new Payment();
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     } finally {
Esempio n. 5
 public function process($orderData, $cartProducts = [])
     $this->_apiContext->setConfig(['mode' => Configuration::getConfiguration('paypal_payment_mode'), 'service.EndPoint' => Configuration::getConfiguration('paypal_payment_url'), 'http.ConnectionTimeOut' => 30, 'log.LogEnabled' => Configuration::getConfiguration('paypal_payment_log'), 'log.FileName' => storage_path('logs/paypal.log'), 'log.LogLevel' => 'FINE']);
     $payer = new Payer();
     $itemList = new ItemList();
     $subTotal = 0;
     $taxTotal = 0;
     foreach ($cartProducts as $product) {
         $item = new Item();
         $model = $product['model'];
         $subTotal += $product['price'] * $product['qty'];
         $taxTotal += $product['tax_amount'] * $product['qty'];
     $total = $subTotal + $taxTotal;
     $shippingOption = $orderData['shipping_method'];
     $shipping = Shipping::get($shippingOption);
     $details = new Details();
     $amount = new Amount();
     $transaction = new Transaction();
     $transaction->setAmount($amount)->setItemList($itemList)->setDescription('Payment description')->setInvoiceNumber(uniqid());
     $redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
     $payment = new Payment();
     $response = $payment->create($this->_apiContext);
     $redirectUrl = $response->links[1]->href;
     return $redirectUrl;
  * Creates a collection of PayPal items for given order
  * @param OrderInterface $order
  * @return ItemList
 protected function createItemList(OrderInterface $order) : ItemList
     $itemList = new ItemList();
     $order->getProducts()->map(function (OrderProductInterface $orderProduct) use($itemList) {
     return $itemList;
  * Add an item detail for the order you are creating
  * @param string $sku The internal item code
  * @param string $name Item title
  * @param integer $quantity Item quantity
  * @param float $price Item total price
 public function addItem($sku, $name, $quantity, $price)
     $item = new Item();
Esempio n. 8
 public function pay(array $items = null, $invoiceNo = null)
     if (!isset($invoiceNo)) {
         $invoiceNo = uniqid();
     if (isset($items) && !empty($items)) {
         $baseUrl = SYMPHONY_URL . '/extension/paypal/payment';
         $payer = new Payer();
         $itemList = new ItemList();
         $subTotal = 0;
         $taxTotal = 0;
         $shipping = 0;
         foreach ($items as $key => $itemDetails) {
             $subTotal += $itemDetails['price'];
             if (isset($itemDetails['tax'])) {
                 $taxTotal += $itemDetails['tax'];
         $details = new Details();
         $amount = new Amount();
         $amount->setCurrency($this->currency)->setTotal($subTotal + $taxTotal)->setDetails($details);
         $transaction = new Transaction();
         $transaction->setAmount($amount)->setItemList($itemList)->setDescription("JCI Malta Membership")->setInvoiceNumber($invoiceNo);
         $redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
         $payment = new Payment();
         $request = clone $payment;
         try {
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             return "error";
             //log the error
             // echo("Error Creating Payment Using PayPal.", "Payment", null, $request, $ex);
             // exit(1);
         $return = array('id' => $payment->getId(), 'link' => $payment->getApprovalLink());
         return $return;
Esempio n. 9
 public function pay()
     if (empty($_COOKIE)) {
         echo json_encode(array("error" => true, "description" => "Non hai effettuato l'accesso a reSeed. Effettua l'accesso e riprova.", "errorCode" => "ACCESS_DENIED", "parameters" => array()));
     if (!isset($_COOKIE['cart'])) {
         echo json_encode(array("error" => true, "description" => "Non hai inserito alcun articolo nel carrello.", "errorCode" => "EMPTY_CART_ERROR", "parameters" => array()));
     $userID = $_COOKIE['username'];
     if (!$userID) {
         echo json_encode(array("error" => true, "description" => "Non hai effettuato l'accesso a reSeed. Effettua l'accesso e riprova.", "errorCode" => "ACCESS_DENIED", "parameters" => array()));
     $cart = json_decode($_COOKIE['cart'], true);
     $cartItems = $cart['items'];
     $cartOptions = $cart['options'];
     if (!array_key_exists('paymentMediaChosen', $cartOptions)) {
         echo json_encode(array("error" => true, "description" => "Non hai selezionato un mezzo di pagamento.", "errorCode" => "MISSING_PAYMENT_MEDIA", "parameters" => array()));
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         print "UTENTE: " . $userID;
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         print "<br/>WHOLE CART:";
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         print "<br/>ITEMS:";
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         print "<br/>OPTIONS:";
     // Prendi i corsi a cui è già iscritto l'utente
     $userCourses = array();
     foreach ($this->payment_model->get_courses($userID) as $course) {
         $userCourses[$course['courseID']] = $course;
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         print "<br/>USER'S COURSES";
     // Prendi tutti i corsi disponibili
     $allCourses = [];
     foreach ($this->courses_model->get_all() as $course) {
         $allCourses[$course['courseID']] = $course;
     $totalItems = array();
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($cartItems as $item) {
         $courseID = $item['courseID'];
         $courseInfo = $allCourses[$courseID];
         $alreadySubscribed = array_key_exists($courseID, $userCourses);
         // Evita di far pagare corsi che l'utente ha già acquistato
         $wantCourse = !$alreadySubscribed && $item['payCourse'] == "1";
         // Check se l'utente ha acquistato la simulazione
         $wantSimulation = $item['paySimulation'] == "1";
         if (!$alreadySubscribed && !$wantCourse && $wantSimulation) {
             if ($this->debugMode) {
                 print "ERRORE: non puoi comprare solo la simulazione.";
             echo json_encode(array("error" => true, "description" => "Non è possibile acquistare soltanto la simulazione per un corso. Seleziona anche il corso e riprova.", "errorCode" => "INVALID_CHOICE", "parameters" => array("paySimulation")));
         // Non dare per buone le somme che arrivano dai cookie. Ricalcola.
         if ($wantCourse) {
             $coursePrice = $courseInfo['price'];
             if ($this->debugMode) {
                 print "<br/>Costo di " . $courseID . ": " . $coursePrice;
             $totalItems[] = array('item' => $courseID, 'itemType' => 'course', 'price' => $coursePrice, 'description' => "Il corso di " . $courseInfo['name'] . " a reSeed");
             $total += $coursePrice;
         // Se l'utente ha pagato anche la simulazione, vediamo qual è il suo prezzo
         if ($wantSimulation) {
             $simulationPrice = $courseInfo['simulationPrice'];
             if ($this->debugMode) {
                 print "<br/>Costo della simulazione di " . $courseID . ": " . $simulationPrice;
             if ($simulationPrice) {
                 $totalItems[] = array('item' => $courseID . "-simulation", 'itemType' => 'simulation', 'price' => $simulationPrice, 'description' => "La simulazione del corso di " . $courseInfo['name'] . " a reSeed");
                 $total += $simulationPrice;
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         print "<br/>PREZZO FINALE (PRE-SCONTI): " . $total;
     $seedOnDiscount = 0;
     // Prendi l'eventuale seedon che l'utente ha specificato e controlla che
     // i) ce l'abbia davvero
     // ii) sia ancora valido (non usato && non scaduto)
     if (array_key_exists('seedOnChosen', $cartOptions) && $cartOptions['seedOnChosen'] !== "-1") {
         // Prendi il seedon scelto
         $seedonChosen = $cartOptions['seedOnChosen'];
         if ($this->debugMode) {
             print_r("<br/>L'utente " . $userID . " ha scelto il seedon con ID=" . $cartOptions['seedOnChosen']);
         // Prendi tutti i seedon dell'utente
         $userSeedons = [];
         foreach ($this->seedon_model->get_seedon_not_used($userID) as $seedon) {
             // Considera solo seedon che non sono scaduti
             if ($seedon['endingDate'] > $this->time->get_timestamp()) {
                 $userSeedons[$seedon['seedonID']] = $seedon;
         if ($this->debugMode) {
             print "<br/>Seedon dell'utente: ";
         if ($this->debugMode) {
             print_r(array_key_exists($seedonChosen, $userSeedons));
         if (array_key_exists($seedonChosen, $userSeedons)) {
             $seedonInfo = $userSeedons[$seedonChosen];
             if ($seedonInfo['tag'] === "DISCOUNT") {
                 $seedOnDiscount = $seedonInfo['data'];
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         print "<br/>SCONTO SEEDON FINALE: " . $seedOnDiscount;
     // Considera gli sconti lifetime dell'utente
     $lifetimeDiscount = 0;
     foreach ($this->user_achievements_rewards_model->get_achievements_and_rewards_obtained($userID, "REWARD", "DISCOUNT") as $discount) {
         $lifetimeDiscount += $discount['data'];
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         print "<br/>SCONTO LIFETIME FINALE: " . $lifetimeDiscount;
     $totalDiscount = $seedOnDiscount + $lifetimeDiscount;
     $total = $total - $total * $totalDiscount;
     foreach ($totalItems as $key => $item) {
         // 			print("<br/>Il prezzo prima: " . $item['price']);
         $item['price'] = $item['price'] - $item['price'] * $totalDiscount;
         $totalItems[$key] = $item;
         // 			print("<br/>Il prezzo dopo: " . $item['price']);
     // Considera se l'utente ha scelto le rate mensili
     if (array_key_exists('paymentCycleChosen', $cartOptions)) {
         $paymentCycleChosen = $cartOptions['paymentCycleChosen'];
         if ($paymentCycleChosen === "monthly") {
             if ($this->debugMode) {
                 print "<br/>PAGANDO A RATE IL TOTALE " . $total . " DIVENTA " . $total / 3;
             $total /= 3;
             foreach ($totalItems as $key => $item) {
                 $item['price'] /= 3;
                 $totalItems[$key] = $item;
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         print "<br/>PREZZO FINALE: " . $total;
     $paymentChoice = $cartOptions['paymentMediaChosen'];
     if ($paymentChoice === "wireTransfer") {
         // Salva sul DB la richiesta di pagamento
         $paymentID = "WT-" . $this->randomString();
         $this->paypal_history_model->add($paymentID, $userID, $_COOKIE['cart'], "", $this->time->get_timestamp(), "created");
         // Aggiungiamo la pre-iscrizione al DB (se necessario)
         foreach ($cartItems as $item) {
             $courseID = $item['courseID'];
             $payment = $this->payment_model->get_payment($userID, $courseID);
             if (empty($payment)) {
                 $this->payment_model->add($userID, $courseID);
         echo json_encode(array("error" => false, "url" => "index.php/Paypal/payment_successful?paymentId=" . $paymentID . "&PayerID=" . $userID));
     } else {
         if ($paymentChoice === "cash") {
             $paymentID = "CASH-" . $this->randomString();
             $this->paypal_history_model->add($paymentID, $userID, $_COOKIE['cart'], "", $this->time->get_timestamp(), "created");
             // Aggiungiamo la pre-iscrizione al DB (se necessario)
             foreach ($cartItems as $item) {
                 $courseID = $item['courseID'];
                 $payment = $this->payment_model->get_payment($userID, $courseID);
                 if (empty($payment)) {
                     $this->payment_model->add($userID, $courseID);
             echo json_encode(array("error" => false, "url" => "index.php/Paypal/payment_successful?paymentId=" . $paymentID . "&PayerID=" . $userID));
         } else {
             if ($paymentChoice === "creditCard") {
                 $userInfo = $this->userinfo_model->get($userID);
                 $payer = new Payer();
                 $payerInfo = new PayerInfo();
                 if (array_key_exists('name', $userInfo)) {
                 if (array_key_exists('surname', $userInfo)) {
                 if (array_key_exists('birthdate', $userInfo)) {
                 $amount = new Amount();
                 $transaction = new Transaction();
                 $itemList = new ItemList();
                 foreach ($totalItems as $cartItem) {
                     $item = new Item();
                 $payment = new Payment();
                 // Set redirects URLs
                 $redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
                 $baseUrl = "";
                 $redirectUrls->setReturnUrl($baseUrl . "Paypal/payment_successful")->setCancelUrl($baseUrl . "Paypal/payment_cancelled");
                 try {
                     // Prendiamo i docenti di tutti i corsi
                     $all_teachers = array();
                     foreach ($this->course_teachers_model->get_all_teachers() as $course_teacher) {
                         $all_teachers[$course_teacher['courseID']] = $course_teacher['teacherID'];
                     // Vediamo quali sono i docenti coinvolti dal pagamento dell'utente
                     $course_teachers = array();
                     foreach ($cartItems as $cartItem) {
                         if ($cartItem['payCourse'] == "1" || $cartItem['paySimulation'] == "1") {
                             $teacher = $all_teachers[$cartItem['courseID']];
                             if (!array_key_exists($teacher, $course_teachers)) {
                                 $course_teachers[] = $teacher;
                     $teacher = null;
                     if (count($course_teachers) == 1) {
                         $teacher = $course_teachers[0];
                     $apiContext = $this->get_credentials($teacher);
                     // 				print("USING CREDENTIALS: ");
                     // 				print_r($apiContext);
                     $response = $payment->create($apiContext);
                     // Salva sul DB il successo
                     $this->paypal_history_model->add($response->getId(), $userID, json_encode($payment->toJSON()), json_encode($response->toJSON()), $this->time->get_timestamp(), $response->getState());
                 } catch (\PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
                     echo json_encode(array("error" => true, "description" => "Errore durante la connessione a Paypal. Riprova più tardi. Dettagli errore: " . $ex->getData(), "errorCode" => "PAYPAL_ERROR", "parameters" => array("")));
                 // Aggiungiamo la pre-iscrizione al DB (se necessario)
                 foreach ($cartItems as $item) {
                     $courseID = $item['courseID'];
                     $payment = $this->payment_model->get_payment($userID, $courseID);
                     if (empty($payment)) {
                         $this->payment_model->add($userID, $courseID);
                 echo json_encode(array("error" => false, "url" => $response->getApprovalLink()));
Esempio n. 10
 public function paypal(Request $request)
     $apiContext = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext(new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential('ATGFkB2ea6f0pM92jwBqkZ17kxsiftDvUhLHyXson-10AUs7n5TocpEc0sis7Cl_fMIxS8uQO04kPP8Q', 'ENP_JPkc3e4Yl6VeHZ_0vgvEh0SYdtzkMvw_VGBrr2nJ67sg9RuKB_YF7y_k4bj-4t2U-_23MaAGV3vD'));
     // ### Payer
     $payer = new Payer();
     // ### Itemized information
     $item1 = new Item();
     $itemList = new ItemList();
     // ### Additional payment details
     $shipping = 0 * $request->total;
     $tax = 0 * $request->total;
     $details = new Details();
     $details->setShipping($shipping)->setTax($tax)->setSubtotal($request->valor * $request->quantidade);
     // ### Amount
     $amount = new Amount();
     $amount->setCurrency("BRL")->setTotal($request->total + $tax + $shipping)->setDetails($details);
     // ### Transaction
     $transaction = new Transaction();
     // ### Redirect urls
     $baseUrl = "http://localhost:8000/confirmacao";
     $redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
     // ### Payment
     $payment = new Payment();
     //        // For Sample Purposes Only.
     //        $request = clone $payment;
     // ### Create Payment
     try {
     } catch (\PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
         echo $ex->getCode();
         // Prints the Error Code
         echo $ex->getData();
         // Prints the detailed error message
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
     $approvalUrl = $payment->getApprovalLink();
     echo "Created Payment Using PayPal. Please visit the URL to Approve.";
     return redirect($approvalUrl);