Esempio n. 1
 public static function start()
     $OSCOM_Language = Registry::get('Language');
     $OSCOM_MessageStack = Registry::get('MessageStack');
         $setlocale = setlocale(LC_TIME, explode(',', $OSCOM_Language->getLocale()));
         if ($setlocale === false || $setlocale === null) {
             $OSCOM_MessageStack->add('debug', 'Error: Locale does not exist: ' . $OSCOM_Language->getLocale(), 'error');
     if (SERVICE_DEBUG_CHECK_INSTALLATION_MODULE == '1' && file_exists(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Core/Site/Setup')) {
         $OSCOM_MessageStack->add('debug', sprintf(OSCOM::getDef('warning_install_directory_exists'), OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Core/Site/Setup'), 'warning');
     if (SERVICE_DEBUG_CHECK_CONFIGURATION == '1' && is_writeable(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Config/settings.ini')) {
         $OSCOM_MessageStack->add('debug', sprintf(OSCOM::getDef('warning_config_file_writeable'), OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Config//settings.ini'), 'warning');
     if (SERVICE_DEBUG_CHECK_SESSION_DIRECTORY == '1' && OSCOM::getConfig('store_sessions') == '') {
         if (!is_dir(OSCOM_Registry::get('Session')->getSavePath())) {
             $OSCOM_MessageStack->add('debug', sprintf(OSCOM::getDef('warning_session_directory_non_existent'), OSCOM_Registry::get('Session')->getSavePath()), 'warning');
         } elseif (!is_writeable(OSCOM_Registry::get('Session')->getSavePath())) {
             $OSCOM_MessageStack->add('debug', sprintf(OSCOM::getDef('warning_session_directory_not_writeable'), OSCOM_Registry::get('Session')->getSavePath()), 'warning');
     if (SERVICE_DEBUG_CHECK_SESSION_AUTOSTART == '1' && (bool) ini_get('session.auto_start')) {
         $OSCOM_MessageStack->add('debug', OSCOM::getDef('warning_session_auto_start'), 'warning');
         if (!is_dir(DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD)) {
             $OSCOM_MessageStack->add('debug', sprintf(OSCOM::getDef('warning_download_directory_non_existent'), DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD), 'warning');
     return true;
  * Verify an existing session ID and create or resume the session if the existing session ID is valid
  * @return boolean
  * @since v3.0.0
 public function start()
     if ($this->_life_time > 0) {
         ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $this->_life_time);
     } else {
         $this->_life_time = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
     session_set_cookie_params(0, OSCOM::getRequestType() == 'NONSSL' ? OSCOM::getConfig('http_cookie_path') : OSCOM::getConfig('https_cookie_path'), OSCOM::getRequestType() == 'NONSSL' ? OSCOM::getConfig('http_cookie_domain') : OSCOM::getConfig('https_cookie_domain'));
     if (isset($_GET[$this->_name]) && (empty($_GET[$this->_name]) || !ctype_alnum($_GET[$this->_name]) || !$this->exists($_GET[$this->_name]))) {
     if (isset($_POST[$this->_name]) && (empty($_POST[$this->_name]) || !ctype_alnum($_POST[$this->_name]) || !$this->exists($_POST[$this->_name]))) {
     if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->_name]) && (empty($_COOKIE[$this->_name]) || !ctype_alnum($_COOKIE[$this->_name]) || !$this->exists($_COOKIE[$this->_name]))) {
         setcookie($this->_name, '', time() - 42000, $this->getCookieParameters('path'), $this->getCookieParameters('domain'));
     if (session_start()) {
         register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'close'));
         $this->_is_started = true;
         $this->_id = session_id();
         return true;
     return false;
 public static function hasAccess($application)
     if (OSCOM::configExists('offline') && OSCOM::getConfig('offline') == 'true' && $application != 'Offline') {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
    protected function process() {
      $OSCOM_MessageStack = Registry::get('MessageStack');

      $this->_page_title = OSCOM::getDef('heading_title');

      if ( isset($_GET['cid']) && is_numeric($_GET['cid']) ) {
        $this->_category_id = $_GET['cid'];

      $this->_tree = new CategoryTree();
      Registry::set('CategoryTree', $this->_tree);

      Registry::set('Currencies', new Currencies());

      Registry::set('Tax', new Tax());

      Registry::set('Image', new Image());

// check if the products image directory exists
      if ( is_dir(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'products') ) {
        if ( !is_writeable(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'products') ) {
          $OSCOM_MessageStack->add('header', sprintf(OSCOM::getDef('ms_error_image_directory_not_writable'), OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'products'), 'error');
      } else {
        $OSCOM_MessageStack->add('header', sprintf(OSCOM::getDef('ms_error_image_directory_non_existant'), OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'products'), 'error');

// check for imagemagick or GD
      if ( !Image::hasGDSupport() && ((strlen(CFG_APP_IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT) < 1) || !file_exists(CFG_APP_IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT)) ) {
        $OSCOM_MessageStack->add('header', OSCOM::getDef('ms_warning_image_processor_not_available'), 'warning');
 public static function initialize()
     Registry::set('MessageStack', new MessageStack());
     Registry::set('Cache', new Cache());
     Registry::set('PDO', PDO::initialize());
     foreach (OSCOM::callDB('Shop\\GetConfiguration', null, 'Site') as $param) {
         define($param['cfgKey'], $param['cfgValue']);
     Registry::set('Session', Session::load('adminSid'));
     Registry::set('Language', new Language());
     if (!self::hasAccess(OSCOM::getSiteApplication())) {
         Registry::get('MessageStack')->add('header', 'No access.', 'error');
         OSCOM::redirect(OSCOM::getLink(null, OSCOM::getDefaultSiteApplication()));
     $application = 'osCommerce\\OM\\Core\\Site\\Admin\\Application\\' . OSCOM::getSiteApplication() . '\\Controller';
     Registry::set('Application', new $application());
     Registry::set('Template', new Template());
     // HPDL move following checks elsewhere
     // check if a default currency is set
     if (!defined('DEFAULT_CURRENCY')) {
         Registry::get('MessageStack')->add('header', OSCOM::getDef('ms_error_no_default_currency'), 'error');
     // check if a default language is set
     if (!defined('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE')) {
         Registry::get('MessageStack')->add('header', ERROR_NO_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_DEFINED, 'error');
     if (function_exists('ini_get') && (bool) ini_get('file_uploads') == false) {
         Registry::get('MessageStack')->add('header', OSCOM::getDef('ms_warning_uploads_disabled'), 'warning');
     // check if Work directories are writable
     $work_dirs = array();
     foreach (array('Cache', 'CoreUpdate', 'Database', 'Logs', 'Session', 'Temp') as $w) {
         if (!is_writable(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Work/' . $w)) {
             $work_dirs[] = $w;
     if (!empty($work_dirs)) {
         Registry::get('MessageStack')->add('header', sprintf(OSCOM::getDef('ms_error_work_directories_not_writable'), OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Work/', implode(', ', $work_dirs)), 'error');
     if (!OSCOM::configExists('time_zone', 'OSCOM')) {
         Registry::get('MessageStack')->add('header', OSCOM::getDef('ms_warning_time_zone_not_defined'), 'warning');
     if (!OSCOM::configExists('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') || !file_exists(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM'))) {
         Registry::get('MessageStack')->add('header', OSCOM::getDef('ms_warning_dir_fs_public_not_defined'), 'warning');
     // check if the upload directory exists
     if (is_dir(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'upload')) {
         if (!is_writeable(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'upload')) {
             Registry::get('MessageStack')->add('header', sprintf(OSCOM::getDef('ms_error_upload_directory_not_writable'), OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'upload'), 'error');
     } else {
         Registry::get('MessageStack')->add('header', sprintf(OSCOM::getDef('ms_error_upload_directory_non_existant'), OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'upload'), 'error');
Esempio n. 6
  * Loads the session storage handler
  * @param string $name The name of the session
  * @access public
 public static function load($name = null)
     $class_name = 'osCommerce\\OM\\Core\\Session\\' . OSCOM::getConfig('store_sessions');
     if (class_exists($class_name)) {
         return new $class_name($name);
     trigger_error('Session Handler \'' . $class_name . '\' does not exist, using default \'osCommerce\\OM\\Core\\Session\\File\'', E_USER_ERROR);
     return new Session\File($name);
 public static function execute($id)
     if (Registry::exists('CategoryTree')) {
         $OSCOM_CategoryTree = Registry::get('CategoryTree');
     } else {
         $OSCOM_CategoryTree = new CategoryTree();
         Registry::set('CategoryTree', $OSCOM_CategoryTree);
     $data = $OSCOM_CategoryTree->getData($id);
     if (!empty($data['image']) && file_exists(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'categories/' . $data['image'])) {
         unlink(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'categories/' . $data['image']);
 public static function execute()
     $result = array('images' => array());
     $OSCOM_DL = new DirectoryListing(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'upload');
     foreach ($OSCOM_DL->getFiles() as $f) {
         $result['images'][] = $f['name'];
     $result['rpcStatus'] = RPC::STATUS_SUCCESS;
     echo json_encode($result);
 public static function execute()
     $error = true;
     $image = new Upload('qqfile', OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'upload', null, array('gif', 'jpg', 'png'));
     if ($image->check() && $image->save()) {
         $error = false;
     if ($error === false) {
         $result = array('success' => true, 'filename' => $image->getFilename());
     } else {
         $result = array('error' => 'Error');
     echo json_encode($result);
Esempio n. 10
 public static function execute()
     $result = array();
     $db_time = OSCOM::callDB('Admin\\ServerInfo\\GetTime');
     $db_uptime = OSCOM::callDB('Admin\\ServerInfo\\GetUptime');
     $db_version = OSCOM::callDB('Admin\\ServerInfo\\GetVersion');
     $uptime = '---';
     if (!in_array('exec', explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', ini_get('disable_functions'))))) {
         $uptime = @exec('uptime');
     $data = array(array('key' => 'date', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_date'), 'value' => DateTime::getShort(null, true)), array('key' => 'system', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_operating_system'), 'value' => php_uname('s') . ' ' . php_uname('r')), array('key' => 'host', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_host'), 'value' => php_uname('n') . ' (' . gethostbyname(php_uname('n')) . ')'), array('key' => 'uptime', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_server_up_time'), 'value' => $uptime), array('key' => 'http_server', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_http_server'), 'value' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']), array('key' => 'php', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_php_version'), 'value' => 'PHP v' . PHP_VERSION . ' / Zend v' . zend_version()), array('key' => 'db_server', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_host'), 'value' => OSCOM::getConfig('db_server') . ' (' . gethostbyname(OSCOM::getConfig('db_server')) . ')'), array('key' => 'db_version', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_version'), 'value' => $db_version), array('key' => 'db_date', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_date'), 'value' => DateTime::getShort($db_time, true)), array('key' => 'db_uptime', 'title' => OSCOM::getDef('field_database_up_time'), 'value' => $db_uptime));
     $result['entries'] = $data;
     $result['total'] = count($data);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 11
 protected function process()
     $OSCOM_MessageStack = Registry::get('MessageStack');
     $this->_page_title = OSCOM::getDef('heading_title');
     if (isset($_GET['cid']) && is_numeric($_GET['cid'])) {
         $this->_category_id = $_GET['cid'];
     $this->_tree = new CategoryTree();
     Registry::set('CategoryTree', $this->_tree);
     // check if the categories image directory exists
     if (is_dir(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'categories')) {
         if (!is_writeable(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'categories')) {
             $OSCOM_MessageStack->add('header', sprintf(OSCOM::getDef('ms_error_image_directory_not_writable'), OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'categories'), 'error');
     } else {
         $OSCOM_MessageStack->add('header', sprintf(OSCOM::getDef('ms_error_image_directory_non_existant'), OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'categories'), 'error');
Esempio n. 12
 public static function execute($id = null, $data)
     if (Registry::exists('CategoryTree')) {
         $OSCOM_CategoryTree = Registry::get('CategoryTree');
     } else {
         $OSCOM_CategoryTree = new CategoryTree();
         Registry::set('CategoryTree', $OSCOM_CategoryTree);
     if (is_numeric($id)) {
         $data['id'] = $id;
     // Prevent another big bang and check if category is not being moved to a child category
     if (isset($data['id']) && $OSCOM_CategoryTree->getParentID($data['id']) != $data['parent_id']) {
         if (in_array($data['id'], explode('_', $OSCOM_CategoryTree->buildBreadcrumb($data['parent_id'])))) {
             return false;
     if (isset($data['image'])) {
         $new_image = $data['image'];
         while (file_exists(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'categories/' . $new_image)) {
             $new_image = rand(10, 99) . $new_image;
         if (rename(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'upload/' . $data['image'], OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'categories/' . $new_image)) {
             if (is_numeric($id)) {
                 $old_image = Categories::get($id, 'categories_image');
                 unlink(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . 'categories/' . $old_image);
             $data['image'] = $new_image;
         } else {
             $data['image'] = null;
     if (OSCOM::callDB('Admin\\Categories\\Save', $data)) {
         return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 13
    protected function _autoPrefixTables($statement) {
      if ( OSCOM::configExists('db_table_prefix') ) {
        $statement = str_replace(':table_', OSCOM::getConfig('db_table_prefix'), $statement);

      return $statement;
Esempio n. 14
 public function getAddress($image, $group = 'default')
     $group_id = $this->getID($group);
     $url = OSCOM::getRequestType() == 'NONSSL' ? OSCOM::getConfig('product_images_http_server') . OSCOM::getConfig('product_images_dir_ws_http_server') : OSCOM::getConfig('product_images_http_server') . OSCOM::getConfig('product_images_dir_ws_http_server');
     return $url . $this->_groups[$group_id]['code'] . '/' . $image;
 public function execute($input_parameters = array())
     $query_action = strtolower(substr($this->queryString, 0, strpos($this->queryString, ' ')));
     $db_table_prefix = OSCOM::getConfig('db_table_prefix');
     if ($query_action == 'delete') {
         $query_data = explode(' ', $this->queryString, 4);
         $query_table = substr($query_data[2], strlen($db_table_prefix));
         if ($this->_pdo->hasForeignKey($query_table)) {
             // check for RESTRICT constraints first
             foreach ($this->_pdo->getForeignKeys($query_table) as $fk) {
                 if ($fk['on_delete'] == 'restrict') {
                     $Qchild = $this->_pdo->prepare('select ' . $fk['to_field'] . ' from ' . $query_data[2] . ' ' . $query_data[3]);
                     foreach ($this->_binded_params as $key => $value) {
                         $Qchild->bindValue($key, $value['value'], $value['data_type']);
                     while ($Qchild->fetch()) {
                         $Qcheck = $this->_pdo->prepare('select ' . $fk['from_field'] . ' from ' . $db_table_prefix . $fk['from_table'] . ' where ' . $fk['from_field'] . ' = "' . $Qchild->value($fk['to_field']) . '" limit 1');
                         if (count($Qcheck->fetchAll()) === 1) {
                             trigger_error('RESTRICT constraint condition from table ' . $db_table_prefix . $fk['from_table']);
                             return false;
             foreach ($this->_pdo->getForeignKeys($query_table) as $fk) {
                 $Qparent = $this->_pdo->prepare('select * from ' . $query_data[2] . ' ' . $query_data[3]);
                 foreach ($this->_binded_params as $key => $value) {
                     $Qparent->bindValue($key, $value['value'], $value['data_type']);
                 while ($Qparent->fetch()) {
                     if ($fk['on_delete'] == 'cascade') {
                         $Qdel = $this->_pdo->prepare('delete from ' . $db_table_prefix . $fk['from_table'] . ' where ' . $fk['from_field'] . ' = :' . $fk['from_field']);
                         $Qdel->bindValue(':' . $fk['from_field'], $Qparent->value($fk['to_field']));
                     } elseif ($fk['on_delete'] == 'set_null') {
                         $Qupdate = $this->_pdo->prepare('update ' . $db_table_prefix . $fk['from_table'] . ' set ' . $fk['from_field'] . ' = null where ' . $fk['from_field'] . ' = :' . $fk['from_field']);
                         $Qupdate->bindValue(':' . $fk['from_field'], $Qparent->value($fk['to_field']));
     } elseif ($query_action == 'update') {
         $query_data = explode(' ', $this->queryString, 3);
         $query_table = substr($query_data[1], strlen($db_table_prefix));
         if ($this->_pdo->hasForeignKey($query_table)) {
             // check for RESTRICT constraints first
             foreach ($this->_pdo->getForeignKeys($query_table) as $fk) {
                 if ($fk['on_update'] == 'restrict') {
                     $Qchild = $this->_pdo->prepare('select ' . $fk['to_field'] . ' from ' . $query_data[2] . ' ' . $query_data[3]);
                     foreach ($this->_binded_params as $key => $value) {
                         $Qchild->bindValue($key, $value['value'], $value['data_type']);
                     while ($Qchild->fetch()) {
                         $Qcheck = $this->_pdo->prepare('select ' . $fk['from_field'] . ' from ' . $db_table_prefix . $fk['from_table'] . ' where ' . $fk['from_field'] . ' = "' . $Qchild->value($fk['to_field']) . '" limit 1');
                         if (count($Qcheck->fetchAll()) === 1) {
                             trigger_error('RESTRICT constraint condition from table ' . $db_table_prefix . $fk['from_table']);
                             return false;
             foreach ($this->_pdo->getForeignKeys($query_table) as $fk) {
                 // check to see if foreign key column value is being changed
                 if (strpos(substr($this->queryString, strpos($this->queryString, ' set ') + 4, strpos($this->queryString, ' where ') - strpos($this->queryString, ' set ') - 4), ' ' . $fk['to_field'] . ' ') !== false) {
                     $Qparent = $this->_pdo->prepare('select * from ' . $query_data[1] . substr($this->queryString, strrpos($this->queryString, ' where ')));
                     foreach ($this->_binded_params as $key => $value) {
                         if (preg_match('/:\\b' . substr($key, 1) . '\\b/', $Qparent->queryString)) {
                             $Qparent->bindValue($key, $value['value'], $value['data_type']);
                     while ($Qparent->fetch()) {
                         if ($fk['on_update'] == 'cascade' || $fk['on_update'] == 'set_null') {
                             $on_update_value = '';
                             if ($fk['on_update'] == 'cascade') {
                                 $on_update_value = $this->_binded_params[':' . $fk['to_field']]['value'];
                             $Qupdate = $this->_pdo->prepare('update ' . $db_table_prefix . $fk['from_table'] . ' set ' . $fk['from_field'] . ' = :' . $fk['from_field'] . ' where ' . $fk['from_field'] . ' = :' . $fk['from_field'] . '_orig');
                             if (empty($on_update_value)) {
                                 $Qupdate->bindNull(':' . $fk['from_field']);
                             } else {
                                 $Qupdate->bindValue(':' . $fk['from_field'], $on_update_value);
                             $Qupdate->bindValue(':' . $fk['from_field'] . '_orig', $Qparent->value($fk['to_field']));
     return parent::execute($input_parameters);
 public static function execute()
     $phar_can_open = true;
     $meta = array();
     $pro_hart = array();
     try {
         $phar = new Phar(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Work/CoreUpdate/update.phar');
         $meta = $phar->getMetadata();
         self::$_to_version = $meta['version_to'];
         // reset the log
         if (file_exists(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Work/Logs/update-' . self::$_to_version . '.txt') && is_writable(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Work/Logs/update-' . self::$_to_version . '.txt')) {
             unlink(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Work/Logs/update-' . self::$_to_version . '.txt');
         self::log('##### UPDATE TO ' . self::$_to_version . ' STARTED');
         // first delete files before extracting new files
         if (isset($meta['delete'])) {
             foreach ($meta['delete'] as $file) {
                 $directory = (substr($file, 0, 14) == 'osCommerce/OM/' ? realpath(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . '../../') : realpath(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . '../')) . '/';
                 if (file_exists($directory . $file)) {
                     if (is_dir($directory . $file)) {
                         if (rename($directory . $file, $directory . dirname($file) . '/.CU_' . basename($file))) {
                             $pro_hart[] = array('type' => 'directory', 'where' => $directory, 'path' => dirname($file) . '/.CU_' . basename($file), 'log' => true);
                     } else {
                         if (rename($directory . $file, $directory . dirname($file) . '/.CU_' . basename($file))) {
                             $pro_hart[] = array('type' => 'file', 'where' => $directory, 'path' => dirname($file) . '/.CU_' . basename($file), 'log' => true);
         // loop through each file individually as extractTo() does not work with
         // directories (see
         foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($phar) as $iteration) {
             if (($pos = strpos($iteration->getPathName(), 'update.phar')) !== false) {
                 $file = substr($iteration->getPathName(), $pos + 12);
                 $directory = (substr($file, 0, 14) == 'osCommerce/OM/' ? realpath(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . '../../') : realpath(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . '../')) . '/';
                 if (file_exists($directory . $file)) {
                     if (rename($directory . $file, $directory . dirname($file) . '/.CU_' . basename($file))) {
                         $pro_hart[] = array('type' => 'file', 'where' => $directory, 'path' => dirname($file) . '/.CU_' . basename($file), 'log' => false);
                 if ($phar->extractTo($directory, $file, true)) {
                     self::log('Extracted: ' . $file);
                 } else {
                     self::log('*** Could Not Extract: ' . $file);
         self::log('##### CLEANUP');
         foreach (array_reverse($pro_hart, true) as $mess) {
             if ($mess['type'] == 'directory') {
                 if (self::rmdir_r($mess['where'] . $mess['path'])) {
                     if ($mess['log'] === true) {
                         self::log('Deleted: ' . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']));
                 } else {
                     if ($mess['log'] === true) {
                         self::log('*** Could Not Delete: ' . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']));
             } else {
                 if (unlink($mess['where'] . $mess['path'])) {
                     if ($mess['log'] === true) {
                         self::log('Deleted: ' . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']));
                 } else {
                     if ($mess['log'] === true) {
                         self::log('*** Could Not Delete: ' . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $phar_can_open = false;
         self::log('##### ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage());
         self::log('##### REVERTING STARTED');
         foreach (array_reverse($pro_hart, true) as $mess) {
             if ($mess['type'] == 'directory') {
                 if (file_exists($mess['where'] . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']))) {
                     self::rmdir_r($mess['where'] . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']));
             } else {
                 if (file_exists($mess['where'] . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']))) {
                     unlink($mess['where'] . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']));
             if (file_exists($mess['where'] . $mess['path'])) {
                 rename($mess['where'] . $mess['path'], $mess['where'] . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']));
             self::log('Reverted: ' . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']));
         self::log('##### REVERTING COMPLETE');
         self::log('##### UPDATE TO ' . self::$_to_version . ' FAILED');
         trigger_error('Please review the update log at: ' . OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Work/Logs/update-' . self::$_to_version . '.txt');
     if ($phar_can_open === true) {
         if (isset($meta['run']) && method_exists('osCommerce\\OM\\Work\\CoreUpdate\\' . $meta['run'] . '\\Controller', 'runAfter')) {
             $results = call_user_func(array('osCommerce\\OM\\Work\\CoreUpdate\\' . $meta['run'] . '\\Controller', 'runAfter'));
             if (!empty($results)) {
                 self::log('##### RAN AFTER');
                 foreach ($results as $r) {
             self::log('##### CLEANUP');
             if (self::rmdir_r(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Work/CoreUpdate/' . $meta['run'])) {
                 self::log('Deleted: osCommerce/OM/Work/CoreUpdate/' . $meta['run']);
             } else {
                 self::log('*** Could Not Delete: osCommerce/OM/Work/CoreUpdate/' . $meta['run']);
         self::log('##### UPDATE TO ' . self::$_to_version . ' COMPLETE');
     return $phar_can_open;
Esempio n. 17
 public static function start()
     Registry::set('Session', SessionClass::load());
     $OSCOM_Session = Registry::get('Session');
     if (SERVICE_SESSION_FORCE_COOKIE_USAGE == '1' || (bool) ini_get('session.use_only_cookies') === true) {
         OSCOM::setCookie('cookie_test', 'please_accept_for_session', time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 90);
         if (isset($_COOKIE['cookie_test'])) {
     } elseif (SERVICE_SESSION_BLOCK_SPIDERS == '1') {
         $user_agent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
         $spider_flag = false;
         if (!empty($user_agent)) {
             $spiders = file(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Core/Site/Shop/assets/spiders.txt');
             foreach ($spiders as $spider) {
                 if (!empty($spider)) {
                     if (strpos($user_agent, trim($spider)) !== false) {
                         $spider_flag = true;
         if ($spider_flag === false) {
     } else {
     // verify the ssl_session_id
     if (OSCOM::getRequestType() == 'SSL' && SERVICE_SESSION_CHECK_SSL_SESSION_ID == '1' && OSCOM::getConfig('enable_ssl') == 'true') {
         if (isset($_SERVER['SSL_SESSION_ID']) && ctype_xdigit($_SERVER['SSL_SESSION_ID'])) {
             if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION_SSL_ID'])) {
                 $_SESSION['SESSION_SSL_ID'] = $_SERVER['SSL_SESSION_ID'];
             if ($_SESSION['SESSION_SSL_ID'] != $_SERVER['SSL_SESSION_ID']) {
                 OSCOM::redirect(OSCOM::getLink(null, 'Info', 'SSLcheck', 'AUTO'));
     // verify the browser user agent
         $http_user_agent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '';
         if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION_USER_AGENT'])) {
             $_SESSION['SESSION_USER_AGENT'] = $http_user_agent;
         if ($_SESSION['SESSION_USER_AGENT'] != $http_user_agent) {
             OSCOM::redirect(OSCOM::getLink(null, 'Account', 'LogIn', 'SSL'));
     // verify the IP address
         if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION_IP_ADDRESS'])) {
             $_SESSION['SESSION_IP_ADDRESS'] = OSCOM::getIPAddress();
         if ($_SESSION['SESSION_IP_ADDRESS'] != OSCOM::getIPAddress()) {
             OSCOM::redirect(OSCOM::getLink(null, 'Account', 'LogIn', 'SSL'));
     return true;
 public static function execute()
     $result = array('entries' => array());
     $phar_can_open = true;
     try {
         $phar = new Phar(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . 'Work/CoreUpdate/update.phar');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $phar_can_open = false;
     if ($phar_can_open === true) {
         $update_pkg = array();
         foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($phar) as $iteration) {
             if (($pos = strpos($iteration->getPathName(), 'update.phar')) !== false) {
                 $update_pkg[] = substr($iteration->getPathName(), $pos + 12);
         $counter = 0;
         foreach ($update_pkg as $file) {
             if (substr($file, 0, 14) == 'osCommerce/OM/') {
                 $custom = false;
                 if (substr($file, 14, 5) == 'Core/') {
                     $custom = file_exists(realpath(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . '../../') . '/osCommerce/OM/Custom/' . substr($file, 19));
                 $result['entries'][] = array('key' => $counter, 'name' => $file, 'exists' => file_exists(realpath(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . '../../') . '/' . $file), 'writable' => self::isWritable(realpath(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . '../../') . '/' . $file) && self::isWritable(realpath(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . '../../') . '/' . dirname($file)), 'custom' => $custom, 'to_delete' => false);
             } elseif (substr($file, 0, 7) == 'public/') {
                 $result['entries'][] = array('key' => $counter, 'name' => $file, 'exists' => file_exists(realpath(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . '../') . '/' . $file), 'writable' => self::isWritable(realpath(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . '../') . '/' . $file) && self::isWritable(realpath(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . '../') . '/' . dirname($file)), 'custom' => false, 'to_delete' => false);
     $meta = $phar->getMetadata();
     if (isset($meta['delete'])) {
         $files = array();
         foreach ($meta['delete'] as $file) {
             if (substr($file, 0, 14) == 'osCommerce/OM/') {
                 if (file_exists(realpath(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . '../../') . '/' . $file)) {
                     if (is_dir(realpath(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . '../../') . '/' . $file)) {
                         $DL = new DirectoryListing(realpath(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . '../../') . '/' . $file);
                         foreach ($DL->getFiles() as $f) {
                             $files[] = $file . '/' . $f['name'];
                     } else {
                         $files[] = $file;
             } elseif (substr($file, 0, 7) == 'public/') {
                 if (file_exists(realpath(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . '../') . '/' . $file)) {
                     if (is_dir(realpath(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . '../') . '/' . $file)) {
                         $DL = new DirectoryListing(realpath(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . '../') . '/' . $file);
                         foreach ($DL->getFiles() as $f) {
                             $files[] = $file . '/' . $f['name'];
                     } else {
                         $files[] = $file;
         foreach ($files as $d) {
             $writable = false;
             $custom = false;
             if (substr($d, 0, 14) == 'osCommerce/OM/') {
                 $writable = self::isWritable(realpath(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . '../../') . '/' . $d) && self::isWritable(realpath(OSCOM::BASE_DIRECTORY . '../../') . '/' . dirname($d));
             } elseif (substr($d, 0, 7) == 'public/') {
                 $writable = self::isWritable(realpath(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . '../') . '/' . $d) && self::isWritable(realpath(OSCOM::getConfig('dir_fs_public', 'OSCOM') . '../') . '/' . dirname($d));
             $result['entries'][] = array('key' => $counter, 'name' => $d, 'exists' => true, 'writable' => $writable, 'custom' => $custom, 'to_delete' => true);
     $result['total'] = count($result['entries']);
     return $result;