function it_returns_an_iterator_type_for_iterator_operations(Operation $operation)
        $class = new \ReflectionClass(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\FixturesClass');
        $method = $class->getMethod('iteratorOperation');
        $this->beConstructedWith($this->stream, $method, $this->description);
        $string = <<<'EOT'
.. method:: iteratorOperation(array $options = [])

    :param array $options: See Additional Parameters table
    :return: a resource iterator
    :rtype: OpenStack\Common\Iterator\ResourceIterator
    :raises CommandException: If a HTTP or network connection error occurs
    function it_writes_additional_properties(Operation $operation, Parameter $param1, Parameter $param2, Parameter $param3)
        $param1->getDescription()->willReturn('This is a desc of Foo');
        $param2->getDescription()->willReturn('This is a desc of Bar');
        $param3->getDescription()->willReturn('This is a desc of Baz');
        $operation->getParams()->willReturn([$param1, $param2, $param3]);
        $string = <<<EOT
Additional Parameters

| Name   | Type     | Required   | Description             |
| Foo    | string   | No         | This is a desc of Foo   |
| Bar    | string   | No         | This is a desc of Bar   |