Esempio n. 1
 public function notifyLateEmployee(UserInterface $user, Schedule $schedule)
     $supervisors = $user->getSupervisors();
     foreach ($supervisors as $supervisor) {
         $context = array('user' => $user, 'supervisor' => $supervisor, 'position' => $schedule->getPosition());
         $this->dispatchMessage('OpenSkedgeBundle:Mailer:lateemployee_sup.txt.twig', $context, $this->parameters['senderEmail'], $supervisor->getEmail());
     $context = array('user' => $user, 'position' => $schedule->getPosition());
     $this->dispatchMessage('OpenSkedgeBundle:Mailer:lateemployee_emp.txt.twig', $context, $this->parameters['senderEmail'], $user->getEmail());
Esempio n. 2
  * Run tests to ensure the output is correct for add/remove/getShift(s)
  * @return void
 public function testShift()
     $shift = $this->getMock('\\OpenSkedge\\AppBundle\\Entity\\Shift');
     $schedule = new Schedule();
     $shifts = $schedule->getShifts();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OpenSkedge\\AppBundle\\Entity\\Shift', $shifts[0]);
Esempio n. 3
 public function weekClockReport($uid, $week)
     $week = $this->dtUtils->getFirstDayOfWeek($week);
     $nextWeek = clone $week;
     $nextWeek->modify("+7 days");
     $user = $this->em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:User')->find($uid);
     if (!$user instanceof User) {
         throw new \Exception('User entity was not found!');
     $archivedClock = $this->em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:ArchivedClock')->findOneBy(array('week' => $week, 'user' => $uid));
     if (!$archivedClock instanceof ArchivedClock) {
         return new Schedule();
     $schedulePeriods = $this->em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:SchedulePeriod')->findSchedulePeriodsForWeek($week);
     $schedules = array();
     foreach ($schedulePeriods as $sp) {
         $schedules[] = $this->em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:Schedule')->findBy(array('user' => $uid, 'schedulePeriod' => $sp->getId()));
     // Create a temporary Schedule entity to store the composite of all the users schedules.
     $scheduled = new Schedule();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($schedulePeriods); $i++) {
         foreach ($schedules[$i] as $s) {
             for ($timesect = 0; $timesect < 96; $timesect++) {
                 for ($day = 0; $day < 7; $day++) {
                     if ($s->getDayOffset($day, $timesect) == '1') {
                         $scheduled->setDayOffset($day, $timesect, '1');
     $shifts = $this->em->createQuery("SELECT sh FROM OpenSkedgeBundle:Shift sh\n            WHERE (sh.pickedUpBy = :user AND sh.startTime >= :week AND sh.endTime < :nextWeek AND sh.status != 'unapproved')")->setParameter('user', $user)->setParameter('week', $week)->setParameter('nextWeek', $nextWeek)->getResult();
     foreach ($shifts as $shift) {
         $startIndex = $this->dtUtils->getIndexFromTime($shift->getStartTime());
         $endIndex = $this->dtUtils->getIndexFromTime($shift->getEndTime());
         if ($endIndex === -1) {
             // Midnight end hour
             $endIndex = 96;
         // Update the schedule composite to mark shifts they had picked up.
         if ($shift->getStartTime()->format('w') === $shift->getEndTime()->format('w')) {
             $day = $shift->getStartTime()->format('w');
             for ($i = $startIndex; $i < $endIndex; $i++) {
                 $scheduled->setDayOffset($day, $i, '1');
         } else {
             if ($shift->getStartTime()->format('w') === $shift->getEndTime()->format('w') - 1) {
                 $day = $shift->getStartTime()->format('w');
                 for ($i = $startIndex; $i < 96; $i++) {
                     $scheduled->setDayOffset($day, $i, '1');
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $endIndex; $i++) {
                     $scheduled->setDayOffset($day + 1, $i, '1');
     for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
         for ($j = 0; $j < 96; $j++) {
             if ($archivedClock->getDayOffset($i, $j) == '1' and $scheduled->getDayOffset($i, $j) == '1') {
                 $scheduled->setDayOffset($i, $j, '1');
             } elseif ($archivedClock->getDayOffset($i, $j) == '1' and $scheduled->getDayOffset($i, $j) == '0') {
                 $scheduled->setDayOffset($i, $j, '3');
             } elseif ($archivedClock->getDayOffset($i, $j) == '0' and $scheduled->getDayOffset($i, $j) == '1') {
                 $scheduled->setDayOffset($i, $j, '2');
             } else {
                 $scheduled->setDayOffset($i, $j, '0');
     return $scheduled;
Esempio n. 4
  * Edits an existing Schedule entity.
  * @param Request $request The user's request object
  * @param integer $pid     Position ID from request
  * @param integer $spid    Schedule period ID from request
  * @return Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
 public function editAction(Request $request, $pid, $spid)
     if (false === $this->get('security.context')->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException();
     $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
     $position = $em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:Position')->find($pid);
     if (!$position instanceof Position) {
         throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find Position entity.');
     $schedulePeriod = $em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:SchedulePeriod')->find($spid);
     if (!$schedulePeriod instanceof SchedulePeriod) {
         throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find SchedulePeriod entity.');
     $availSchedules = $em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:AvailabilitySchedule')->findBy(array('schedulePeriod' => $spid));
     $availData = array();
     foreach ($availSchedules as $avail) {
         /* We're using this entity as a temporary container
          * which generates a schedule based on the user's
          * availability schedule and any scheduled positions they may have.
          * 0 = Pending (treated as available if present in Twig template)
          * 1 = Unavailable (They're schedule for something else or marked unavailable)
          * 2 = Scheduled for current position
          * 3 = Available
         $genAS = new Schedule();
         $hoursScheduled = 0;
         foreach ($avail->getUser()->getSchedules() as $schedule) {
             $isPosition = $schedule->getPosition()->getId() == $position->getId();
             $isSchedulePeriod = $schedule->getSchedulePeriod()->getId() == $schedulePeriod->getId();
             for ($timesect = 0; $timesect < 96; $timesect++) {
                 for ($day = 0; $day < 7; $day++) {
                     // Check the availability schedule to see if the user is available at all.
                     if ($avail->getDayOffset($day, $timesect) != '0' && $isSchedulePeriod) {
                         if ($isPosition && $schedule->getDayOffset($day, $timesect) == '1') {
                             $genAS->setDayOffset($day, $timesect, 2);
                         } else {
                             if (!$isPosition && $schedule->getDayOffset($day, $timesect) == '1' && $genAS->getDayOffset($day, $timesect) != '2') {
                                 $genAS->setDayOffset($day, $timesect, 1);
                             } else {
                                 if ($schedule->getDayOffset($day, $timesect) == '0' && $genAS->getDayOffset($day, $timesect) == 0) {
                                     $genAS->setDayOffset($day, $timesect, 3);
                     } else {
                         if ($avail->getDayOffset($day, $timesect) == '0') {
                             $genAS->setDayOffset($day, $timesect, 1);
             if ($isSchedulePeriod) {
                 $scheduleSum = 0;
                 for ($day = 0; $day < 7; $day++) {
                     $scheduleSum += substr_count($schedule->getDay($day), '1');
                 $hoursScheduled += $scheduleSum / 4;
         // Pass the user's availability schedule too, as we'll need to reference that for priorties.
         $availData[] = array('gen' => $genAS, 'schedule' => $avail, 'totalHours' => $hoursScheduled);
     $deleteForm = $this->createDeleteForm($pid, $spid);
     $appSettings = $this->get('app_settings')->getAppSettings();
     // Get the requested time resolution, if available. Default to global default.
     $resolution = $request->query->get('timeresolution', $appSettings->getDefaultTimeResolution());
     if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST') {
         // Get the section divisor from the resolution used when the form was POSTed.
         $sectiondiv = $request->request->get('sectiondiv');
         $schedules = $em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:Schedule')->findBy(array('schedulePeriod' => $spid, 'position' => $pid));
         $uids = array();
          * Populate UID array with UIDs of users who already have
          * schedule for $pid and $spid.
         foreach ($schedules as $schedule) {
             $uids[] = $schedule->getUser()->getId();
          * Append UID array with UIDs of users who have been scheduled
          * in the POSTed request.
         for ($timesect = 0; $timesect < 96; $timesect += $sectiondiv) {
             for ($day = 0; $day < 7; $day++) {
                 $hourElement = "hour-" . $timesect . "-" . $day;
                 $hourUids = $request->request->get($hourElement);
                 if (!empty($hourUids)) {
                     foreach ($hourUids as $uid) {
                         $uids[] = (int) $uid;
         // Filter out duplicate UIDs.
         $uids = array_unique($uids);
         // Build or rebuild the schedule for each UID.
         foreach ($uids as $uid) {
             // Get the user's schedule for this $pid and $spid, if it exists.
             $schedule = $em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:Schedule')->findOneBy(array('schedulePeriod' => $spid, 'position' => $pid, 'user' => $uid));
             $new = false;
             // If it doesn't exist, create it.
             if (!$schedule instanceof Schedule) {
                 $schedule = new Schedule();
                 $tuser = $em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:User')->find($uid);
                 if (!$tuser instanceof \OpenSkedge\AppBundle\Entity\User) {
                     throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find User entity');
                 // Mark that this is a new schedule for the user.
                 $new = true;
              * If the each timesect exists in the POSTed data, mark it as scheduled.
              * If it doesn't exist in the POSTed data, mark it as not scheduled.
             for ($timesect = 0; $timesect < 96; $timesect += $sectiondiv) {
                 for ($day = 0; $day < 7; $day++) {
                     $hourElement = "hour-" . $timesect . "-" . $day;
                     $hourUids = $request->request->get($hourElement);
                     if (empty($hourUids) or !in_array($uid, $hourUids)) {
                         for ($sectpart = 0; $sectpart < $sectiondiv; $sectpart++) {
                             $schedule->setDayOffset($day, $timesect + $sectpart, 0);
                     } else {
                         for ($sectpart = 0; $sectpart < $sectiondiv; $sectpart++) {
                             $schedule->setDayOffset($day, $timesect + $sectpart, 1);
             // If this is a new schedule, notify the user of their new schedule.
             if ($new) {
                 $mailer = $this->container->get('notify_mailer');
         return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('position_schedule_view', array('pid' => $pid, 'spid' => $spid)));
     $dtUtils = $this->get('dt_utils');
     $startIndex = $dtUtils->getIndexFromTime($appSettings->getStartHour());
     $endIndex = $dtUtils->getIndexFromTime($appSettings->getEndHour()) - 1;
     if ($endIndex === -1) {
         // Midnight end hour
         $endIndex = 95;
     return $this->render('OpenSkedgeBundle:Schedule:edit.html.twig', array('htime' => $dtUtils->timeStrToDateTime($appSettings->getStartHour()), 'resolution' => $resolution, 'schedulePeriod' => $schedulePeriod, 'position' => $position, 'availData' => $availData, 'edit' => true, 'deleteForm' => $deleteForm->createView(), 'startIndex' => $startIndex, 'endIndex' => $endIndex));