public static function getRecursiveObjIdsArrForClassName($model_class_name, $parent_id_field_name, $filters_arr, $order_by = '', $parent_id = null, $depth = 0)
     \OLOG\CheckClassInterfaces::exceptionIfClassNotImplementsInterface($model_class_name, \OLOG\Model\InterfaceLoad::class);
     $db_table_name = $model_class_name::DB_TABLE_NAME;
     $db_id = $model_class_name::DB_ID;
     $db_id_field_name = CRUDFieldsAccess::getIdFieldName($model_class_name);
     $query_param_values_arr = array();
     $where = ' 1 = 1 ';
     if (is_null($parent_id)) {
         $where .= ' and ' . $parent_id_field_name . ' is null ';
     } else {
         $where .= ' and ' . $parent_id_field_name . ' = ? ';
         $query_param_values_arr[] = $parent_id;
     /** @var InterfaceCRUDTableFilter2 $filter_obj */
     foreach ($filters_arr as $filter_obj) {
         Assert::assert($filter_obj instanceof InterfaceCRUDTableFilter2);
         list($filter_sql_condition, $filter_placeholder_values_arr) = $filter_obj->sqlConditionAndPlaceholderValue();
         if ($filter_sql_condition != '') {
             $where .= ' and ' . $filter_sql_condition;
         $query_param_values_arr = array_merge($query_param_values_arr, $filter_placeholder_values_arr);
     if ($order_by == '') {
         $order_by = $db_id_field_name;
     $obj_ids_arr = \OLOG\DB\DBWrapper::readColumn($db_id, "select " . $db_id_field_name . " from " . $db_table_name . ' where ' . $where . ' order by ' . $order_by, $query_param_values_arr);
     $output_arr = [];
     foreach ($obj_ids_arr as $fetched_obj_id) {
         $output_arr[] = ['id' => $fetched_obj_id, 'depth' => $depth];
         $output_arr = array_merge($output_arr, self::getRecursiveObjIdsArrForClassName($model_class_name, $parent_id_field_name, $filters_arr, $order_by, $fetched_obj_id, $depth + 1));
     return $output_arr;
Esempio n. 2
 public function testAssert()
     $this->expectExceptionMessage('Assertion failed');
Esempio n. 3
 public static function factory($class_name, $id_to_load, $exception_if_not_loaded = true)
     $obj = \OLOG\Model\Factory::createAndLoadObject($class_name, $id_to_load);
     if ($exception_if_not_loaded) {
     return $obj;
Esempio n. 4
  * Loads file.
  * PHPClassFile constructor.
  * @param $model_file_path
 public function __construct($model_file_path)
     $this->class_file_path = $model_file_path;
     $this->class_file_text = file_get_contents($this->class_file_path);
     // TODO: better check?
Esempio n. 5
 public static function getRequiredPostValue($key)
     $value = '';
     if (array_key_exists($key, $_POST)) {
         $value = $_POST[$key];
     \OLOG\Assert::assert($value != '', 'Missing required POST field ' . $key);
     // TODO: library used while not mentioned in config
     return $value;
Esempio n. 6
 public static function getObjectFieldValue($obj, $field_name)
     $obj_class_name = get_class($obj);
     $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($obj_class_name);
     $field_prop_obj = null;
     foreach ($reflect->getProperties() as $prop_obj) {
         if ($prop_obj->getName() == $field_name) {
             $field_prop_obj = $prop_obj;
     \OLOG\Assert::assert($field_prop_obj, 'Field "' . $field_name . '" not found in object. Object class: "' . $obj_class_name . '"');
     return $field_prop_obj->getValue($obj);
Esempio n. 7
 public function html($obj)
     $o = '';
     $o .= '<form style="display: inline;" method="post" action="' . \OLOG\Url::getCurrentUrl() . '">';
     $o .= Operations::operationCodeHiddenField(CRUDTable::OPERATION_DELETE_MODEL);
     $o .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . self::FIELD_CLASS_NAME . '" value="' . Sanitize::sanitizeAttrValue(get_class($obj)) . '">';
     $o .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . self::FIELD_OBJECT_ID . '" value="' . Sanitize::sanitizeAttrValue(CRUDFieldsAccess::getObjId($obj)) . '">';
     if ($this->redirect_after_delete_url != '') {
         $o .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . self::FIELD_REDIRECT_AFTER_DELETE_URL . '" value="' . Sanitize::sanitizeAttrValue($this->redirect_after_delete_url) . '">';
     $o .= '<button class="' . $this->button_class_str . '" type="submit" onclick="return window.confirm(\'Delete?\');">' . $this->button_text . '</button>';
     $o .= '</form>';
     return $o;
 public function html($obj)
     $title_field_name = $this->getTitleFieldName();
     $obj_title = CRUDFieldsAccess::getObjectFieldValue($obj, $title_field_name);
     $id_field_name = $this->getIdFieldName();
     if ($id_field_name == '') {
         $id = CRUDFieldsAccess::getObjId($obj);
     } else {
         $id = CRUDFieldsAccess::getObjectFieldValue($obj, $id_field_name);
     $o = '';
     $o .= '<button class="btn btn-xs btn-default js-ajax-form-select" type="submit" data-id="' . Sanitize::sanitizeAttrValue($id) . '" data-title="' . Sanitize::sanitizeAttrValue($obj_title) . '">Выбор</button>';
     return $o;
Esempio n. 9
 public static function getReplacement($obj, $obj_field_name)
     $matches = [];
     if (preg_match('@^(\\w+)\\(\\)$@', $obj_field_name, $matches)) {
         // имя поля заканчивается скобками - значит это имя метода
         $method_name = $matches[1];
         Assert::assert(method_exists($obj, $method_name));
         $replacement = call_user_func([$obj, $method_name]);
     } else {
         $replacement = CRUDFieldsAccess::getObjectFieldValue($obj, $obj_field_name);
     if (is_null($replacement)) {
         $replacement = self::NULL_STRING;
     return $replacement;
Esempio n. 10
  * @param $obj InterfaceWeight
  * @return string
 public function html($obj)
     $o = '';
     $o .= '<form style="display: inline;" method="post" action="' . \OLOG\Url::getCurrentUrl() . '">';
     $o .= Operations::operationCodeHiddenField(CRUDTable::OPERATION_SWAP_MODEL_WEIGHT);
     $o .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . self::FORMFIELD_CONTEXT_FIELDS_NAME . '" value="' . Sanitize::sanitizeAttrValue(implode(',', array_keys($this->context_fields_arr))) . '">';
     foreach ($this->context_fields_arr as $context_field_name => $context_field_value) {
         $context_field_value = CRUDCompiler::compile($context_field_value, ['this' => $obj]);
         $o .= NullablePostFields::hiddenFieldHtml($context_field_name, $context_field_value);
     $o .= '<input type="hidden" name="_class_name" value="' . Sanitize::sanitizeAttrValue(get_class($obj)) . '">';
     $o .= '<input type="hidden" name="_id" value="' . Sanitize::sanitizeAttrValue(CRUDFieldsAccess::getObjId($obj)) . '">';
     $o .= '<button class="' . $this->button_class_str . '" type="submit">' . $this->button_text . '</button>';
     $o .= '</form>';
     return $o;
Esempio n. 11
 public static function getMcConnectionObj()
     static $memcache = NULL;
     if (isset($memcache)) {
         return $memcache;
     //$memcache_servers = \OLOG\ConfWrapper::value(\OLOG\Model\ModelConstants::MODULE_CONFIG_ROOT_KEY . '.memcache_servers');
     $memcache_servers = CacheConfig::getServersObjArr();
     if (!$memcache_servers) {
         return null;
     // Memcached php extension not supported - slower, rare, extra features not needed
     /** @var \Memcache $memcache */
     $memcache = new \Memcache();
     /** @var MemcacheServerSettings $server_settings_obj */
     foreach ($memcache_servers as $server_settings_obj) {
         \OLOG\Assert::assert($memcache->addServer($server_settings_obj->getHost(), $server_settings_obj->getPort()));
         $memcache->setCompressThreshold(5000, 0.2);
     return $memcache;
Esempio n. 12
  * @param $obj InterfaceOwner
  * Does not saves object - designed to be called from constructor.
 public static function assignCurrentUserAsOwnerToObj($obj)
     Assert::assert($obj instanceof InterfaceOwner);
     Assert::assert($obj instanceof InterfaceLoad);
     static $__inprogress = [];
     $inprogress_key = FullObjectId::getFullObjectId($obj);
     if (array_key_exists($inprogress_key, $__inprogress)) {
     $__inprogress[$inprogress_key] = 1;
     // заполняем при создании объекта
     if (!$obj->getId()) {
         $current_user_id = Auth::currentUserId();
         if ($current_user_id) {
             $current_user_obj = User::factory($current_user_id);
Esempio n. 13
  * @param $user_id
  * @param $obj InterfaceOwner
  * @return bool
 public static function userOwnsObj($user_id, $obj)
     \OLOG\Assert::assert($obj instanceof InterfaceOwner, 'Object must implement ' . \OLOG\Auth\InterfaceOwner::class . ' interface');
     $current_user_obj = User::factory($user_id);
     if ($current_user_obj->getHasFullAccess()) {
         return true;
     $current_user_usertogroup_ids_arr = UserToGroup::getIdsArrForUserIdByCreatedAtDesc($user_id);
     $current_user_groups_ids_arr = [];
     foreach ($current_user_usertogroup_ids_arr as $usertogroup_id) {
         $usertogroup_obj = UserToGroup::factory($usertogroup_id);
         $current_user_groups_ids_arr[] = $usertogroup_obj->getGroupId();
     if ($obj->getOwnerUserId() == $user_id) {
         return true;
     $obj_owner_group_id = $obj->getOwnerGroupId();
     if (in_array($obj_owner_group_id, $current_user_groups_ids_arr)) {
         return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 14
 public static function chooseModelDBIndex()
     echo CliUtil::delimiter();
     echo "Choose model DB index:\n";
     //$db_arr = \OLOG\ConfWrapper::value(\OLOG\Model\ModelConstants::MODULE_CONFIG_ROOT_KEY . '.db'); // TODO: check not empty
     $db_arr = DBConfig::getDBSettingsObjArr();
     Assert::assert(count($db_arr) > 0, 'No database settings found in config');
     // TODO: select db by index
     $db_id_by_index = [];
     $index = 1;
     foreach ($db_arr as $db_id => $db_settings_obj) {
         echo "\t" . str_pad($index, 8, '.') . $db_id . "\n";
         $db_id_by_index[$index] = $db_id;
     $model_db_index = CliUtil::readStdinAnswer();
     if (!array_key_exists($model_db_index, $db_id_by_index)) {
         throw new \Exception('Wrong index');
     self::$model_db_id = $db_id_by_index[$model_db_index];
     // TODO: check db presence in config?
Esempio n. 15
 public function validate($validators_arr, &$error_message = null)
     foreach ($validators_arr as $validator_obj) {
          * @var $validator_obj POSTFileValidatorInterface
         \OLOG\Assert::assert($validator_obj instanceof POSTFileValidatorInterface);
         $validator_error_message = '';
         if ($validator_obj->validate($this, $validator_error_message) === false) {
             $error_message = $validator_error_message;
             return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 16
 protected static function filtersHtml($filters_arr)
     $html = '';
     if ($filters_arr) {
         $html .= '<div class="">';
         $html .= '<form class="filters-form form-horizontal">';
         $html .= '<div class="row">';
         /** @var InterfaceCRUDTableFilter2 $filter_obj */
         foreach ($filters_arr as $filter_obj) {
             Assert::assert($filter_obj instanceof InterfaceCRUDTableFilter2);
             $html .= '<div class="col-md-12">';
             $html .= '<div class="form-group">';
             $html .= '<label class="col-sm-4 text-right control-label">' . $filter_obj->getTitle() . '</label>';
             $html .= '<div class="col-sm-8">' . $filter_obj->getHtml() . '</div>';
             $html .= '</div>';
             $html .= '</div>';
         $html .= '</div>';
         //$html .= '<div class="row"><div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-4"><button style="width: 100%;" type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Поиск</button></div></div>';
         $html .= '</form>';
         $html .= '</div>';
     return $html;
Esempio n. 17
    public static function render($content_html, $action_obj = null)
        $page_toolbar_html = '';
        // запрашиваем до начала вывода на страницу, потому что там может редирект или какая-то еще работа с хидерами
        if ($action_obj) {
            if ($action_obj instanceof \OLOG\Layouts\InterfacePageToolbarHtml) {
                $page_toolbar_html = $action_obj->pageToolbarHtml();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

	<link rel="stylesheet" href=""
	      integrity="sha384-1q8mTJOASx8j1Au+a5WDVnPi2lkFfwwEAa8hDDdjZlpLegxhjVME1fgjWPGmkzs7" crossorigin="anonymous">

	<!-- jQuery (necessary for Bootstrap's JavaScript plugins) -->
	<script src=""></script>
	<script src=""
<div class="container">
        //$application_title = BTConfig::getApplicationTitle();
        $application_title = 'Home';
        $menu_items_arr = [];
        if ($action_obj instanceof InterfaceMenu) {
            $menu_items_arr = $action_obj::menuArr();
	<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse">
		<div class="container-fluid">
			<!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
			<div class="navbar-header">
				<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse"
				        data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1" aria-expanded="false">
					<span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
				<a class="navbar-brand" href="/"><?php 
        echo $application_title;

			<!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling -->
			<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
				<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
        foreach ($menu_items_arr as $menu_item_obj) {
            \OLOG\Assert::assert($menu_item_obj instanceof \OLOG\Layouts\MenuItem);
            $children_arr = $menu_item_obj->getChildrenArr();
            $href = 'href="#"';
            if ($menu_item_obj->getUrl()) {
                $href = 'href="' . Sanitize::sanitizeUrl($menu_item_obj->getUrl()) . '"';
            $icon = '';
            if ($menu_item_obj->getIconClassesStr()) {
                $icon = '<i class="' . $menu_item_obj->getIconClassesStr() . '"></i> ';
            if (count($children_arr)) {
							<li class="dropdown">
								<a <?php 
                echo $href;
 class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
                echo $icon . Sanitize::sanitizeTagContent($menu_item_obj->getText());
 <span class="caret"></span>
								<ul class="dropdown-menu">
                /** @var  $child_menu_item_obj \OLOG\Layouts\MenuItem */
                foreach ($children_arr as $child_menu_item_obj) {
                    \OLOG\Assert::assert($child_menu_item_obj instanceof \OLOG\Layouts\MenuItem);
                    $children_href = '';
                    if ($child_menu_item_obj->getUrl()) {
                        $children_href = 'href="' . Sanitize::sanitizeUrl($child_menu_item_obj->getUrl()) . '"';
                    $children_icon = '';
                    if ($child_menu_item_obj->getIconClassesStr()) {
                        $children_icon = '<i class="' . $child_menu_item_obj->getIconClassesStr() . '"></i> ';
											<a <?php 
                    echo $children_href;
                    echo $children_icon . Sanitize::sanitizeTagContent($child_menu_item_obj->getText());
            } else {
								<a <?php 
                echo $href;
                echo $icon . Sanitize::sanitizeTagContent($menu_item_obj->getText());
			</div><!-- /.navbar-collapse -->
		</div><!-- /.container-fluid -->
        $h1_str = '';
        //$breadcrumbs_arr = ConfWrapper::getOptionalValue(\OLOG\BT\BTConstants::MODULE_NAME . '.' . \OLOG\BT\BTConstants::BREADCRUMBS_PREFIX_ARR, []);
        //$breadcrumbs_arr = BTConfig::getBreadcrumbsPrefixArr();
        $breadcrumbs_arr = [];
        if ($action_obj) {
            if ($action_obj instanceof InterfaceBreadcrumbs) {
            	$breadcrumbs_arr = array_merge($breadcrumbs_arr, $action_obj->currentBreadcrumbsArr());
            if ($action_obj instanceof \OLOG\Layouts\InterfaceTopActionObj) {
                $top_action_obj = $action_obj->topActionObj();
                $extra_breadcrumbs_arr = [];
                while ($top_action_obj) {
                    $top_action_title = '#NO_TITLE#';
                    if ($top_action_obj instanceof \OLOG\Layouts\InterfacePageTitle) {
                        $top_action_title = $top_action_obj->pageTitle();
                    $top_action_url = '#NO_URL#';
                    if ($top_action_obj instanceof InterfaceAction) {
                        $top_action_url = $top_action_obj->url();
                    array_unshift($extra_breadcrumbs_arr, HTML::a($top_action_url, $top_action_title));
                    $top_action_obj = null;
                    if ($top_action_obj instanceof \OLOG\Layouts\InterfaceTopActionObj) {
                        $top_action_obj = $top_action_obj->topActionObj();
                $breadcrumbs_arr = array_merge($breadcrumbs_arr, $extra_breadcrumbs_arr);
            if ($action_obj instanceof \OLOG\Layouts\InterfacePageTitle) {
                $h1_str = $action_obj->pageTitle();
        if (!empty($breadcrumbs_arr)) {
            echo BT::breadcrumbs($breadcrumbs_arr);
	<div class="page-header">
        echo $h1_str;
        if ($page_toolbar_html != '') {
            echo '<span>' . $page_toolbar_html . '</span>';
        echo $content_html;
Esempio n. 18
  * table_id - это идентификатор таблицы на странице, к которому привязываются все данные: имена полей формы и т.п.
  * @param $model_class_name
  * @param $create_form_html
  * @param $column_obj_arr
  * @param array $filters_arr
  * @param string $order_by
  * @return string
 public static function html($model_class_name, $create_form_html, $column_obj_arr, $filters_arr = [], $order_by = '', $table_id = '', $filters_position = self::FILTERS_POSITION_NONE)
     // TODO: придумать способ автогенерации table_id, который был бы уникальным, но при этом один и тот же когда одну таблицу запрашиваешь несколько раз
     // вывод таблицы
     $table_container_element_id = uniqid('tableContainer_');
     if ($table_id) {
         $table_container_element_id = $table_id;
     // оборачиваем в отдельный div для выдачи только таблицы аяксом - иначе корневой элемент документа не будет доступен в jquery селекторах
     $html = HTML::div($table_container_element_id, '', function () use($model_class_name, $create_form_html, $column_obj_arr, $filters_arr, $order_by, $table_id, $filters_position) {
         echo '<div class="row">';
         if ($filters_position == self::FILTERS_POSITION_LEFT) {
             echo '<div class="col-sm-4">';
             echo self::filtersHtml($table_id, $filters_arr);
             echo '</div>';
         $col_sm_class = '12';
         if ($filters_position == self::FILTERS_POSITION_LEFT || $filters_position == self::FILTERS_POSITION_RIGHT) {
             $col_sm_class = '8';
         echo '<div class="col-sm-' . $col_sm_class . '">';
         echo self::toolbarHtml($table_id, $create_form_html, $filters_arr);
         if ($filters_position == self::FILTERS_POSITION_TOP) {
             echo self::filtersHtml($table_id, $filters_arr);
         if ($filters_position == self::FILTERS_POSITION_INLINE) {
             echo self::filtersHtmlInline($table_id, $filters_arr);
         echo '<table class="table table-hover">';
         /** @var InterfaceCRUDTableColumn $column_obj */
         echo '<thead><tr>';
         foreach ($column_obj_arr as $column_obj) {
             Assert::assert($column_obj instanceof InterfaceCRUDTableColumn);
             echo '<th>' . Sanitize::sanitizeTagContent($column_obj->getTitle()) . '</th>';
         echo '</tr></thead>';
         echo '<tbody>';
         $objs_ids_arr = CRUDInternalTableObjectsSelector::getObjIdsArrForClassName($table_id, $model_class_name, $filters_arr, $order_by);
         foreach ($objs_ids_arr as $obj_id) {
             $obj_obj = CRUDObjectLoader::createAndLoadObject($model_class_name, $obj_id);
             /** @var InterfaceCRUDTableColumn $column_obj */
             echo '<tr>';
             foreach ($column_obj_arr as $column_obj) {
                 Assert::assert($column_obj instanceof InterfaceCRUDTableColumn);
                 /** @var InterfaceCRUDTableWidget $widget_obj */
                 $widget_obj = $column_obj->getWidgetObj();
                 Assert::assert($widget_obj instanceof InterfaceCRUDTableWidget);
                 $col_width_attr = '';
                 if ($widget_obj instanceof CRUDTableWidgetDelete) {
                     $col_width_attr = ' width="1px" ';
                 if ($widget_obj instanceof CRUDTableWidgetWeight) {
                     $col_width_attr = ' width="1px" ';
                 echo '<td ' . $col_width_attr . ' style="word-break: break-all;">';
                 echo $widget_obj->html($obj_obj);
                 echo '</td>';
             echo '</tr>';
         echo '</tbody>';
         echo '</table>';
         echo Pager::renderPager($table_id, count($objs_ids_arr));
         echo '</div>';
         if ($filters_position == self::FILTERS_POSITION_RIGHT) {
             echo '<div class="col-sm-4">';
             echo self::filtersHtml($table_id, $filters_arr);
             echo '</div>';
         echo '</div>';
     // Загрузка скриптов
     $html .= CRUDTableScript::getHtml($table_container_element_id, Url::getCurrentUrlNoGetForm());
     return $html;
Esempio n. 19
 public static function loadSqlArrForDB($db_name)
     $filename = self::getSqlFileNameForDB($db_name);
     if (!file_exists($filename)) {
         echo "Не найден файл SQL запросов для БД " . $db_name . ": " . $filename . "\n";
         echo "Введите 1 чтобы создать файл SQL запросов, ENTER для выхода:\n";
         $command_str = trim(fgets(STDIN));
         if ($command_str == '1') {
             // TODO: check errors
             file_put_contents($filename, var_export([], true));
         } else {
     // TODO: must open file from current project root
     $sql_file_str = file_get_contents($filename);
     // TODO: better errors check?
     \OLOG\Assert::assert($sql_file_str, 'SQL queries file doesnt exist or empty.');
     $sql_arr = array();
     eval('$sql_arr = ' . $sql_file_str . ';');
     return $sql_arr;
Esempio n. 20
 public static function get()
     return self::$config_arr;
Esempio n. 21
  * ид объекта может быть пустым - тогда при сохранении формы создаст новый объект
  * @param $obj
  * @param $element_obj_arr
  * @param string $url_to_redirect_after_save
  * @param array $redirect_get_params_arr
  * @return string html-код формы редактирования
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function html($obj, $element_obj_arr, $url_to_redirect_after_save = '', $redirect_get_params_arr = [], $form_id = '', $operation_code = self::OPERATION_SAVE_EDITOR_FORM, $hide_submit_button = false)
     self::executeOperations($url_to_redirect_after_save, $redirect_get_params_arr);
     $form_element_id = 'formElem_' . uniqid();
     if ($form_id) {
         $form_element_id = $form_id;
     $html = '';
     $html .= '<form id="' . $form_element_id . '" class="form-horizontal" role="form" method="post" action="' . Sanitize::sanitizeUrl(\OLOG\Url::getCurrentUrl()) . '">';
     $html .= Operations::operationCodeHiddenField($operation_code);
     $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . self::FIELD_CLASS_NAME . '" value="' . Sanitize::sanitizeAttrValue(get_class($obj)) . '">';
     $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . self::FIELD_OBJECT_ID . '" value="' . Sanitize::sanitizeAttrValue(CRUDFieldsAccess::getObjId($obj)) . '">';
     /** @var InterfaceCRUDFormRow $element_obj */
     foreach ($element_obj_arr as $element_obj) {
         Assert::assert($element_obj instanceof InterfaceCRUDFormRow);
         $html .= $element_obj->html($obj);
     $html .= '<div class="row">';
     $html .= '<div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-4">';
     if (!$hide_submit_button) {
         $html .= '<button style="width: 100%" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Сохранить</button>';
     $html .= '</div>';
     $html .= '</div>';
     $html .= '</form>';
     // Загрузка скриптов
     $html .= CRUDFormScript::getHtml($form_element_id);
     return $html;
Esempio n. 22
 public function addForeignKey()
     $model_db_id = $this->getDbIdFromClassFile();
     $model_table_name = $this->getTableNameFromClassFile();
     // TODO: select model instead of table name?
     echo "Enter target db table name:\n";
     $target_table_name = trim(fgets(STDIN));
     // TODO: check table name format
     // TODO: select from target model fields?
     echo "Enter target db table field name:\n";
     $target_field_name = trim(fgets(STDIN));
     // TODO: check field name format
     $on_delete_action = '';
     echo "Choose foreign key action on delete:\n";
     echo "\tc: cascade (delete this model when deleting referenced model)\n";
     echo "\tENTER: default action (restrict deleting referenced model)\n";
     $delete_action_code = trim(fgets(STDIN));
     if ($delete_action_code == 'c') {
         $on_delete_action = ' on delete cascade ';
     $sql = 'alter table ' . $model_table_name . ' add constraint FK_' . $this->field_name . '_' . rand(0, 999999) . ' foreign key (' . $this->field_name . ')  references ' . $target_table_name . ' (' . $target_field_name . ') ' . $on_delete_action . '/* rand' . rand(0, 999999) . ' */;';
     CLIExecuteSql::addSqlToRegistry($model_db_id, $sql);
     echo "\nSQL registry updated\n";
Esempio n. 23
  * @param $db_id
  * @return DBSettings
 public static function getDBSettingsObj($db_id)
     Assert::assert(array_key_exists($db_id, self::$dbsettings_obj_arr));
     return self::$dbsettings_obj_arr[$db_id];