Esempio n. 1
  * return a user specific instance of \OCP\IAvatar
  * @see \OCP\IAvatar
  * @param string $user the ownCloud user id
  * @return \OCP\IAvatar
  * @throws \Exception In case the username is potentially dangerous
 public function getAvatar($user)
     if (!$this->userManager->userExists($user)) {
         throw new \Exception('user does not exist');
     return new Avatar($this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($user)->getParent(), $this->l);
Esempio n. 2
  * return a user specific instance of \OCP\IAvatar
  * @see \OCP\IAvatar
  * @param string $user the ownCloud user id
  * @return \OCP\IAvatar
  * @throws \Exception In case the username is potentially dangerous
 public function getAvatar($userId)
     $user = $this->userManager->get($userId);
     if (is_null($user)) {
         throw new \Exception('user does not exist');
     return new Avatar($this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($userId)->getParent(), $this->l, $user);
Esempio n. 3
  * initializes the collection. At this point of time, we need the logged in
  * user. Since it is not the case when the instance is created, we cannot
  * have this in the constructor.
  * @throws NotAuthenticated
 protected function initCollections()
     if (!empty($this->entityTypeCollections)) {
     $user = $this->userSession->getUser();
     if (is_null($user)) {
         throw new NotAuthenticated();
     $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($user->getUID());
     $this->entityTypeCollections['files'] = new EntityTypeCollection('files', $this->commentsManager, $userFolder, $this->userManager, $this->logger);
Esempio n. 4
  * @param IOutput $output
 private function removeRootShares(IOutput $output)
     $function = function (IUser $user) use($output) {
         $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($user->getUID());
         $fileId = $userFolder->getId();
         $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
         $qb->delete('share')->where($qb->expr()->eq('file_source', $qb->createNamedParameter($fileId)))->andWhere($qb->expr()->orX($qb->expr()->eq('item_type', $qb->expr()->literal('file')), $qb->expr()->eq('item_type', $qb->expr()->literal('folder'))));
     $userCount = $this->countUsers();
Esempio n. 5
  * @param MapperEvent $event
 public function mapperEvent(MapperEvent $event)
     $tagIds = $event->getTags();
     if ($event->getObjectType() !== 'files' || empty($tagIds) || !in_array($event->getEvent(), [MapperEvent::EVENT_ASSIGN, MapperEvent::EVENT_UNASSIGN]) || !$this->appManager->isInstalled('activity')) {
         // System tags not for files, no tags, not (un-)assigning or no activity-app enabled (save the energy)
     try {
         $tags = $this->tagManager->getTagsByIds($tagIds);
     } catch (TagNotFoundException $e) {
         // User assigned/unassigned a non-existing tag, ignore...
     if (empty($tags)) {
     // Get all mount point owners
     $cache = $this->mountCollection->getMountCache();
     $mounts = $cache->getMountsForFileId($event->getObjectId());
     if (empty($mounts)) {
     $users = [];
     foreach ($mounts as $mount) {
         $owner = $mount->getUser()->getUID();
         $ownerFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($owner);
         $nodes = $ownerFolder->getById($event->getObjectId());
         if (!empty($nodes)) {
             /** @var Node $node */
             $node = array_shift($nodes);
             $path = $node->getPath();
             if (strpos($path, '/' . $owner . '/files/') === 0) {
                 $path = substr($path, strlen('/' . $owner . '/files'));
             // Get all users that have access to the mount point
             $users = array_merge($users, Share::getUsersSharingFile($path, $owner, true, true));
     $actor = $this->session->getUser();
     if ($actor instanceof IUser) {
         $actor = $actor->getUID();
     } else {
         $actor = '';
     $activity = $this->activityManager->generateEvent();
     $activity->setApp(Extension::APP_NAME)->setType(Extension::APP_NAME)->setAuthor($actor)->setObject($event->getObjectType(), $event->getObjectId());
     foreach ($users as $user => $path) {
         foreach ($tags as $tag) {
             if ($event->getEvent() === MapperEvent::EVENT_ASSIGN) {
                 $activity->setSubject(Extension::ASSIGN_TAG, [$actor, $path, $this->prepareTagAsParameter($tag)]);
             } else {
                 if ($event->getEvent() === MapperEvent::EVENT_UNASSIGN) {
                     $activity->setSubject(Extension::UNASSIGN_TAG, [$actor, $path, $this->prepareTagAsParameter($tag)]);
Esempio n. 6
  * Create a share object from an database row
  * @param mixed[] $data
  * @return Share
 private function createShare($data)
     $share = new Share();
     $share->setId((int) $data['id'])->setShareType((int) $data['share_type'])->setPermissions((int) $data['permissions'])->setTarget($data['file_target'])->setShareTime((int) $data['stime'])->setMailSend((bool) $data['mail_send']);
     if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
     } else {
         if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
         } else {
             if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK) {
             } else {
     // TODO: getById can return an array. How to handle this properly??
     $folder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($share->getSharedBy()->getUID());
     $path = $folder->getById((int) $data['file_source'])[0];
     $owner = $path->getOwner();
     $path = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($owner->getUID())->getById((int) $data['file_source'])[0];
     if ($data['expiration'] !== null) {
         $expiration = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['expiration']);
     return $share;
 public function testRun()
     //Add test user
     $user1 = $this->userManager->createUser('test1', 'test1');
     $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder('test1');
     $fileId = $userFolder->getId();
     //Now insert cyclic share
     $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
     $qb->insert('share')->values(['share_type' => $qb->createNamedParameter(0), 'share_with' => $qb->createNamedParameter('foo'), 'uid_owner' => $qb->createNamedParameter('owner'), 'item_type' => $qb->createNamedParameter('file'), 'item_source' => $qb->createNamedParameter($fileId), 'item_target' => $qb->createNamedParameter('/target'), 'file_source' => $qb->createNamedParameter($fileId), 'file_target' => $qb->createNamedParameter('/target'), 'permissions' => $qb->createNamedParameter(1)]);
     //Add test user
     $user2 = $this->userManager->createUser('test2', 'test2');
     $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder('test2');
     $folder = $userFolder->newFolder('foo');
     $fileId = $folder->getId();
     //Now insert cyclic share
     $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
     $qb->insert('share')->values(['share_type' => $qb->createNamedParameter(0), 'share_with' => $qb->createNamedParameter('foo'), 'uid_owner' => $qb->createNamedParameter('owner'), 'item_type' => $qb->createNamedParameter('file'), 'item_source' => $qb->createNamedParameter($fileId), 'item_target' => $qb->createNamedParameter('/target'), 'file_source' => $qb->createNamedParameter($fileId), 'file_target' => $qb->createNamedParameter('/target'), 'permissions' => $qb->createNamedParameter(1)]);
     $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
     $qb->selectAlias($qb->createFunction('COUNT(*)'), 'count')->from('share');
     $cursor = $qb->execute();
     $data = $cursor->fetch();
     $count = (int) $data['count'];
     $this->assertEquals(1, $count);
Esempio n. 8
  * Convert an IShare to an array for OCS output
  * @param IShare $share
  * @return array
 protected function formatShare($share)
     $result = ['id' => $share->getId(), 'share_type' => $share->getShareType(), 'uid_owner' => $share->getSharedBy()->getUID(), 'displayname_owner' => $share->getSharedBy()->getDisplayName(), 'permissions' => $share->getPermissions(), 'stime' => $share->getShareTime(), 'parent' => $share->getParent(), 'expiration' => null, 'token' => null];
     $path = $share->getPath();
     $result['path'] = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($share->getShareOwner()->getUID())->getRelativePath($path->getPath());
     if ($path instanceof \OCP\Files\Folder) {
         $result['item_type'] = 'folder';
     } else {
         $result['item_type'] = 'file';
     $result['storage_id'] = $path->getStorage()->getId();
     $result['storage'] = \OC\Files\Cache\Storage::getNumericStorageId($path->getStorage()->getId());
     $result['item_source'] = $path->getId();
     $result['file_source'] = $path->getId();
     $result['file_parent'] = $path->getParent()->getId();
     $result['file_target'] = $share->getTarget();
     if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
         $sharedWith = $share->getSharedWith();
         $result['share_with'] = $sharedWith->getUID();
         $result['share_with_displayname'] = $sharedWith->getDisplayName();
     } else {
         if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
             $sharedWith = $share->getSharedWith();
             $result['share_with'] = $sharedWith->getGID();
             $result['share_with_displayname'] = $sharedWith->getGID();
         } else {
             if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK) {
                 $result['share_with'] = $share->getPassword();
                 $result['share_with_displayname'] = $share->getPassword();
                 $result['token'] = $share->getToken();
                 $result['url'] = $this->urlGenerator->linkToRouteAbsolute('files_sharing.sharecontroller.showShare', ['token' => $share->getToken()]);
                 $expiration = $share->getExpirationDate();
                 if ($expiration !== null) {
                     $result['expiration'] = $expiration->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
             } else {
                 if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE) {
                     $result['share_with'] = $share->getSharedWith();
                     $result['share_with_displayname'] = $share->getSharedWith();
                     $result['token'] = $share->getToken();
     $result['mail_send'] = $share->getMailSend() ? 1 : 0;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 9
  * Update a share
  * @param \OCP\Share\IShare $share
  * @return \OCP\Share\IShare The share object
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function updateShare(\OCP\Share\IShare $share)
     $expirationDateUpdated = false;
     if (!$this->canShare($share)) {
         throw new \Exception('The Share API is disabled');
     $originalShare = $this->getShareById($share->getFullId());
     // We can't change the share type!
     if ($share->getShareType() !== $originalShare->getShareType()) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Can\'t change share type');
     // We can only change the recipient on user shares
     if ($share->getSharedWith() !== $originalShare->getSharedWith() && $share->getShareType() !== \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Can only update recipient on user shares');
     // Cannot share with the owner
     if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER && $share->getSharedWith() === $share->getShareOwner()) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Can\'t share with the share owner');
     if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
     } else {
         if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
         } else {
             if ($share->getShareType() === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK) {
                 // Password updated.
                 if ($share->getPassword() !== $originalShare->getPassword()) {
                     //Verify the password
                     // If a password is set. Hash it!
                     if ($share->getPassword() !== null) {
                 if ($share->getExpirationDate() !== $originalShare->getExpirationDate()) {
                     //Verify the expiration date
                     $expirationDateUpdated = true;
     // Now update the share!
     $provider = $this->factory->getProviderForType($share->getShareType());
     $share = $provider->update($share);
     if ($expirationDateUpdated === true) {
         \OC_Hook::emit('OCP\\Share', 'post_set_expiration_date', ['itemType' => $share->getNode() instanceof \OCP\Files\File ? 'file' : 'folder', 'itemSource' => $share->getNode()->getId(), 'date' => $share->getExpirationDate(), 'uidOwner' => $share->getSharedBy()]);
     if ($share->getPermissions() !== $originalShare->getPermissions()) {
         $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($share->getShareOwner());
         \OC_Hook::emit('OCP\\Share', 'post_update_permissions', array('itemType' => $share->getNode() instanceof \OCP\Files\File ? 'file' : 'folder', 'itemSource' => $share->getNode()->getId(), 'shareType' => $share->getShareType(), 'shareWith' => $share->getSharedWith(), 'uidOwner' => $share->getSharedBy(), 'permissions' => $share->getPermissions(), 'path' => $userFolder->getRelativePath($share->getNode()->getPath())));
     return $share;
Esempio n. 10
  * @param int $type The share type
  * @param string $path The path to share relative to $initiators root
  * @param string $initiator
  * @param string $recipient
  * @param int $permissions
  * @return \OCP\Share\IShare
 protected function share($type, $path, $initiator, $recipient, $permissions)
     $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($initiator);
     $node = $userFolder->get($path);
     $share = $this->shareManager->newShare();
     $share = $this->shareManager->createShare($share);
     return $share;
Esempio n. 11
  * @param CommentsEvent $event
 public function commentEvent(CommentsEvent $event)
     if ($event->getComment()->getObjectType() !== 'files' || !in_array($event->getEvent(), [CommentsEvent::EVENT_ADD]) || !$this->appManager->isInstalled('activity')) {
         // Comment not for file, not adding a comment or no activity-app enabled (save the energy)
     // Get all mount point owners
     $cache = $this->mountCollection->getMountCache();
     $mounts = $cache->getMountsForFileId($event->getComment()->getObjectId());
     if (empty($mounts)) {
     $users = [];
     foreach ($mounts as $mount) {
         $owner = $mount->getUser()->getUID();
         $ownerFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($owner);
         $nodes = $ownerFolder->getById($event->getComment()->getObjectId());
         if (!empty($nodes)) {
             /** @var Node $node */
             $node = array_shift($nodes);
             $path = $node->getPath();
             if (strpos($path, '/' . $owner . '/files/') === 0) {
                 $path = substr($path, strlen('/' . $owner . '/files'));
             // Get all users that have access to the mount point
             $users = array_merge($users, Share::getUsersSharingFile($path, $owner, true, true));
     $actor = $this->session->getUser();
     if ($actor instanceof IUser) {
         $actor = $actor->getUID();
     } else {
         $actor = '';
     $activity = $this->activityManager->generateEvent();
     $activity->setApp(Extension::APP_NAME)->setType(Extension::APP_NAME)->setAuthor($actor)->setObject($event->getComment()->getObjectType(), $event->getComment()->getObjectId())->setMessage(Extension::ADD_COMMENT_MESSAGE, [$event->getComment()->getId()]);
     foreach ($users as $user => $path) {
         $activity->setSubject(Extension::ADD_COMMENT_SUBJECT, [$actor, $path]);
Esempio n. 12
  * Creates the environment based on the share the token links to
  * @param IShare $share
 public function setTokenBasedEnv($share)
     $origShareOwnerId = $share->getShareOwner();
     $this->userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($origShareOwnerId);
     $this->sharedNodeId = $share->getNodeId();
     $this->sharedNode = $share->getNode();
     $this->fromRootToFolder = $this->buildFromRootToFolder($this->sharedNodeId);
     $this->folderName = $share->getTarget();
     $this->userId = $origShareOwnerId;
     $this->sharePassword = $share->getPassword();
  * @param string $name
 function childExists($name)
     // TODO: make this more abstract
     if ($this->objectType === 'files') {
         // make sure the object is reachable for the current user
         $userId = $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID();
         $nodes = $this->fileRoot->getUserFolder($userId)->getById(intval($name));
         return !empty($nodes);
     return true;
Esempio n. 14
  * Creates the environment based on the linkItem the token links to
  * @param array $linkItem
 public function setTokenBasedEnv($linkItem)
     // Resolves reshares down to the last real share
     $rootLinkItem = Share::resolveReShare($linkItem);
     $origShareOwner = $rootLinkItem['uid_owner'];
     $this->userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($origShareOwner);
     // This is actually the node ID
     $this->sharedNodeId = $linkItem['file_source'];
     $this->fromRootToFolder = $this->buildFromRootToFolder($this->sharedNodeId);
     $this->folderName = $linkItem['file_target'];
     $this->userId = $rootLinkItem['uid_owner'];
     $this->sharePassword = $linkItem['share_with'];
Esempio n. 15
  * Get the node with file $id for $user
  * @param string $userId
  * @param int $id
  * @return \OCP\Files\File|\OCP\Files\Folder
  * @throws InvalidShare
 private function getNode($userId, $id)
     try {
         $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($userId);
     } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
         throw new InvalidShare();
     $nodes = $userFolder->getById($id);
     if (empty($nodes)) {
         throw new InvalidShare();
     return $nodes[0];
Esempio n. 16
  * @inheritdoc
 public function getNode()
     if ($this->node === null) {
         if ($this->shareOwner === null || $this->fileId === null) {
             throw new NotFoundException();
         $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($this->shareOwner);
         $nodes = $userFolder->getById($this->fileId);
         if (empty($nodes)) {
             throw new NotFoundException();
         $this->node = $nodes[0];
     return $this->node;
Esempio n. 17
  * The getShares function.
  * - Get shares by the current user
  * - Get shares by the current user and reshares (?reshares=true)
  * - Get shares with the current user (?shared_with_me=true)
  * - Get shares for a specific path (?path=...)
  * - Get all shares in a folder (?subfiles=true&path=..)
  * @return \OC_OCS_Result
 public function getShares()
     $sharedWithMe = $this->request->getParam('shared_with_me', null);
     $reshares = $this->request->getParam('reshares', null);
     $subfiles = $this->request->getParam('subfiles');
     $path = $this->request->getParam('path', null);
     if ($path !== null) {
         $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($this->currentUser->getUID());
         try {
             $path = $userFolder->get($path);
         } catch (\OCP\Files\NotFoundException $e) {
             return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, 404, 'wrong path, file/folder doesn\'t exist');
     if ($sharedWithMe === 'true') {
         return $this->getSharedWithMe($path);
     if ($subfiles === 'true') {
         return $this->getSharesInDir($path);
     if ($reshares === 'true') {
         $reshares = true;
     } else {
         $reshares = false;
     // Get all shares
     $userShares = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser->getUID(), \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $path, $reshares, -1, 0);
     $groupShares = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser->getUID(), \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, $path, $reshares, -1, 0);
     $linkShares = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser->getUID(), \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK, $path, $reshares, -1, 0);
     $shares = array_merge($userShares, $groupShares, $linkShares);
     if ($this->shareManager->outgoingServer2ServerSharesAllowed()) {
         $federatedShares = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser->getUID(), \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, $path, $reshares, -1, 0);
         $shares = array_merge($shares, $federatedShares);
     $formatted = [];
     foreach ($shares as $share) {
         try {
             $formatted[] = $this->formatShare($share);
         } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
             //Ignore share
     return new \OC_OCS_Result($formatted);
Esempio n. 18
  * @inheritdoc
 public function getNode()
     if ($this->node === null) {
         if ($this->shareOwner === null || $this->fileId === null) {
             throw new NotFoundException();
         // for federated shares the owner can be a remote user, in this
         // case we use the initiator
         if ($this->userManager->userExists($this->shareOwner)) {
             $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($this->shareOwner);
         } else {
             $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($this->sharedBy);
         $nodes = $userFolder->getById($this->fileId);
         if (empty($nodes)) {
             throw new NotFoundException();
         $this->node = $nodes[0];
     return $this->node;
Esempio n. 19
  * @return \OC_OCS_Result
 public function createShare()
     $share = $this->shareManager->newShare();
     // Verify path
     $path = $this->request->getParam('path', null);
     if ($path === null) {
         return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, 404, 'please specify a file or folder path');
     $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($this->currentUser->getUID());
     try {
         $path = $userFolder->get($path);
     } catch (\OCP\Files\NotFoundException $e) {
         return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, 404, 'wrong path, file/folder doesn\'t exist');
     // Parse permissions (if available)
     $permissions = $this->request->getParam('permissions', null);
     if ($permissions === null) {
         $permissions = \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_ALL;
     } else {
         $permissions = (int) $permissions;
     if ($permissions < 0 || $permissions > \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_ALL) {
         return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, 404, 'invalid permissions');
     // Shares always require read permissions
     $permissions |= \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_READ;
     if ($path instanceof \OCP\Files\File) {
         // Single file shares should never have delete or create permissions
         $permissions &= ~\OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_DELETE;
         $permissions &= ~\OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE;
     $shareWith = $this->request->getParam('shareWith', null);
     $shareType = (int) $this->request->getParam('shareType', '-1');
     if ($shareType === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
         // Valid user is required to share
         if ($shareWith === null || !$this->userManager->userExists($shareWith)) {
             return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, 404, 'please specify a valid user');
     } else {
         if ($shareType === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
             // Valid group is required to share
             if ($shareWith === null || !$this->groupManager->groupExists($shareWith)) {
                 return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, 404, 'please specify a valid group');
         } else {
             if ($shareType === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK) {
                 //Can we even share links?
                 if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiAllowLinks()) {
                     return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, 404, 'public link sharing is disabled by the administrator');
                 $publicUpload = $this->request->getParam('publicUpload', null);
                 if ($publicUpload === 'true') {
                     // Check if public upload is allowed
                     if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiLinkAllowPublicUpload()) {
                         return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, 403, '"public upload disabled by the administrator');
                     // Public upload can only be set for folders
                     if ($path instanceof \OCP\Files\File) {
                         return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, 404, '"public upload is only possible for public shared folders');
                     $share->setPermissions(\OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_READ | \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE | \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE);
                 } else {
                 // Set password
                 $share->setPassword($this->request->getParam('password', null));
                 //Expire date
                 $expireDate = $this->request->getParam('expireDate', null);
                 if ($expireDate !== null) {
                     try {
                         $expireDate = $this->parseDate($expireDate);
                     } catch (\Exception $e) {
                         return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, 404, 'Invalid Date. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD.');
             } else {
                 if ($shareType === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE) {
                     //fixme Remote shares are handled by old code path for now
                     return \OCA\Files_Sharing\API\Local::createShare([]);
                 } else {
                     return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, 400, "unknown share type");
     try {
         $share = $this->shareManager->createShare($share);
     } catch (\OC\HintException $e) {
         $code = $e->getCode() === 0 ? 403 : $e->getCode();
         return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, $code, $e->getHint());
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, 403, $e->getMessage());
     $share = $this->formatShare($share);
     return new \OC_OCS_Result($share);
Esempio n. 20
  * @PublicPage
  * @NoCSRFRequired
  * @param string $token
  * @param string $files
  * @param string $path
  * @param string $downloadStartSecret
  * @return void|RedirectResponse
 public function downloadShare($token, $files = null, $path = '', $downloadStartSecret = '')
     $share = $this->shareManager->getShareByToken($token);
     // Share is password protected - check whether the user is permitted to access the share
     if ($share->getPassword() !== null && !$this->linkShareAuth($share)) {
         return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->linkToRoute('files_sharing.sharecontroller.authenticate', ['token' => $token]));
     $files_list = null;
     if (!is_null($files)) {
         // download selected files
         $files_list = json_decode($files);
         // in case we get only a single file
         if ($files_list === null) {
             $files_list = [$files];
     $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($share->getShareOwner()->getUID());
     $originalSharePath = $userFolder->getRelativePath($share->getNode()->getPath());
     // Single file share
     if ($share->getNode() instanceof \OCP\Files\File) {
         // Single file download
         $event = $this->activityManager->generateEvent();
         $event->setApp('files_sharing')->setType(Activity::TYPE_PUBLIC_LINKS)->setSubject(Activity::SUBJECT_PUBLIC_SHARED_FILE_DOWNLOADED, [$userFolder->getRelativePath($share->getNode()->getPath())])->setAffectedUser($share->getShareOwner()->getUID())->setObject('files', $share->getNode()->getId(), $userFolder->getRelativePath($share->getNode()->getPath()));
     } else {
         /** @var \OCP\Files\Folder $node */
         $node = $share->getNode();
         // Try to get the path
         if ($path !== '') {
             try {
                 $node = $node->get($path);
             } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
                 return new NotFoundResponse();
         $originalSharePath = $userFolder->getRelativePath($node->getPath());
         if ($node instanceof \OCP\Files\File) {
             // Single file download
             $event = $this->activityManager->generateEvent();
             $event->setApp('files_sharing')->setType(Activity::TYPE_PUBLIC_LINKS)->setSubject(Activity::SUBJECT_PUBLIC_SHARED_FILE_DOWNLOADED, [$userFolder->getRelativePath($node->getPath())])->setAffectedUser($share->getShareOwner()->getUID())->setObject('files', $node->getId(), $userFolder->getRelativePath($node->getPath()));
         } else {
             if (!empty($files_list)) {
                 /** @var \OCP\Files\Folder $node */
                 // Subset of files is downloaded
                 foreach ($files_list as $file) {
                     $subNode = $node->get($file);
                     $event = $this->activityManager->generateEvent();
                     $event->setApp('files_sharing')->setType(Activity::TYPE_PUBLIC_LINKS)->setAffectedUser($share->getShareOwner()->getUID())->setObject('files', $subNode->getId(), $userFolder->getRelativePath($subNode->getPath()));
                     if ($subNode instanceof \OCP\Files\File) {
                         $event->setSubject(Activity::SUBJECT_PUBLIC_SHARED_FILE_DOWNLOADED, [$userFolder->getRelativePath($subNode->getPath())]);
                     } else {
                         $event->setSubject(Activity::SUBJECT_PUBLIC_SHARED_FOLDER_DOWNLOADED, [$userFolder->getRelativePath($subNode->getPath())]);
             } else {
                 // The folder is downloaded
                 $event = $this->activityManager->generateEvent();
                 $event->setApp('files_sharing')->setType(Activity::TYPE_PUBLIC_LINKS)->setSubject(Activity::SUBJECT_PUBLIC_SHARED_FOLDER_DOWNLOADED, [$userFolder->getRelativePath($node->getPath())])->setAffectedUser($share->getShareOwner()->getUID())->setObject('files', $node->getId(), $userFolder->getRelativePath($node->getPath()));
     /* FIXME: We should do this all nicely in OCP */
      * this sets a cookie to be able to recognize the start of the download
      * the content must not be longer than 32 characters and must only contain
      * alphanumeric characters
     if (!empty($downloadStartSecret) && !isset($downloadStartSecret[32]) && preg_match('!^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$!', $downloadStartSecret) === 1) {
         // FIXME: set on the response once we use an actual app framework response
         setcookie('ocDownloadStarted', $downloadStartSecret, time() + 20, '/');
     // download selected files
     if (!is_null($files)) {
         // FIXME: The exit is required here because otherwise the AppFramework is trying to add headers as well
         // after dispatching the request which results in a "Cannot modify header information" notice.
         OC_Files::get($originalSharePath, $files_list, $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD');
     } else {
         // FIXME: The exit is required here because otherwise the AppFramework is trying to add headers as well
         // after dispatching the request which results in a "Cannot modify header information" notice.
         OC_Files::get(dirname($originalSharePath), basename($originalSharePath), $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD');
Esempio n. 21
  * @param $path path to file
  * @return int id of the file
 public function getFileId($path)
     $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder();
     $file = $userFolder->get($path);
     return $file->getId();