Esempio n. 1
 public function test_that_to_string_returns_expected_string_for_resource()
     $expected = 'Resource(stream)';
     $resource = fopen(__FILE__, 'r');
     $this->assertSame($expected, VarPrinter::toString($resource));
Esempio n. 2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function deserialize(array $data) : QueryMessage
     $keys = ['id', 'type', 'timestamp', 'meta_data', 'payload_type', 'payload'];
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         if (!isset($data[$key])) {
             $message = sprintf('Invalid serialization data: %s', VarPrinter::toString($data));
             throw new DomainException($message);
     if ($data['type'] !== MessageType::QUERY) {
         $message = sprintf('Invalid message type: %s', $data['type']);
         throw new DomainException($message);
     /** @var MessageId $id */
     $id = MessageId::fromString($data['id']);
     /** @var DateTime $timestamp */
     $timestamp = DateTime::fromString($data['timestamp']);
     /** @var MetaData $metaData */
     $metaData = MetaData::create($data['meta_data']);
     /** @var Type $payloadType */
     $payloadType = Type::create($data['payload_type']);
     /** @var string $payloadClass */
     $payloadClass = $payloadType->toClassName();
     assert(Validate::implementsInterface($payloadClass, Query::class), sprintf('Unable to deserialize: %s', $payloadClass));
     /** @var Query $payload */
     $payload = $payloadClass::fromArray($data['payload']);
     return new static($id, $timestamp, $payload, $metaData);
Esempio n. 3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function get($id)
     if (!isset($this->services[$id])) {
         $message = sprintf('Entry (%s) is not defined', VarPrinter::toString($id));
         throw EntryNotFoundException::create($message);
     return $this->services[$id]($this);
Esempio n. 4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function get($key)
     $node = $this->nodeGet($key, $this->root);
     if ($node === null) {
         $message = sprintf('Key not found: %s', VarPrinter::toString($key));
         throw new KeyException($message);
     return $node->value();
Esempio n. 5
 public static function fromArray(array $data) : UserByEmailQuery
     $keys = ['email'];
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         if (!array_key_exists($key, $data)) {
             $message = sprintf('Invalid serialization format: %s', VarPrinter::toString($data));
             throw new DomainException($message);
     return new static($data['email']);
Esempio n. 6
  * Constructs Timezone
  * @param mixed $value The timezone value
  * @throws DomainException When the value is not a valid timezone
 public function __construct($value)
     if (!Validate::isTimezone($value)) {
         $message = sprintf('Invalid timezone: %s', VarPrinter::toString($value));
         throw new DomainException($message);
     if ($value instanceof DateTimeZone) {
         $value = $value->getName();
     $this->value = (string) $value;
Esempio n. 7
 public static function fromArray(array $data) : UserRegisteredEvent
     $keys = ['prefix', 'first_name', 'middle_name', 'last_name', 'suffix', 'email'];
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         if (!array_key_exists($key, $data)) {
             $message = sprintf('Invalid serialization format: %s', VarPrinter::toString($data));
             throw new DomainException($message);
     return new static($data['email'], $data['first_name'], $data['last_name'], $data['middle_name'], $data['prefix'], $data['suffix']);
Esempio n. 8
  * Retrieves the fully qualified class name of an object
  * @param object|string $object An object, fully qualified class name, or
  *                              canonical class name
  * @return string
  * @throws TypeException When $object is not a string or object
 public static function full($object) : string
     if (is_string($object)) {
         return str_replace('.', '\\', $object);
     if (is_object($object)) {
         return trim(get_class($object), '\\');
     $message = sprintf('%s expects $object to be an object or string; received (%s) %s', __METHOD__, gettype($object), VarPrinter::toString($object));
     throw new TypeException($message);
Esempio n. 9
  * Created StdString instance
  * @param mixed $value The string value
  * @return StdString
  * @throws DomainException When the value is not valid
 function stdString($value) : StdString
     if (!Validate::isStringCastable($value)) {
         $message = sprintf('Invalid string value: %s', VarPrinter::toString($value));
         throw new DomainException($message);
     if ($value instanceof StdString) {
         return $value;
     /** @var StdString $string */
     $string = StdString::create((string) $value);
     return $string;
Esempio n. 10
  * Removes a key/value pair
  * @param string $key The key
  * @return void
 public function offsetUnset($key)
     assert(Validate::isString($key), sprintf('Invalid metadata key: (%s) %s', gettype($key), VarPrinter::toString($key)));
Esempio n. 11
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function toString() : string
     return sprintf('{%s}', Collection::create()->push(sprintf('id:%s', $this->id->toString()))->push(sprintf('type:%s', $this->type->value()))->push(sprintf('timestamp:%s', $this->timestamp->toString()))->push(sprintf('meta_data:{%s}', Collection::create($this->metaData->toArray())->implode(',', function ($value, $key) {
         return sprintf('%s:%s', $key, VarPrinter::toString($value));
     })))->push(sprintf('payload_type:%s', $this->payloadType->toString()))->push(sprintf('payload:{%s}', Collection::create($this->payload->toArray())->implode(',', function ($value, $key) {
         return sprintf('%s:%s', $key, VarPrinter::toString($value));
Esempio n. 12
  * Creates instance from a time string
  * @param string $time The time string
  * @return Time
  * @throws DomainException When the string is invalid
 public static function fromString($time)
     assert(Test::isString($time), sprintf('%s expects $time to be a string; received (%s) %s', __METHOD__, gettype($time), VarPrinter::toString($time)));
     $pattern = '/\\A(?P<hour>[\\d]{2}):(?P<minute>[\\d]{2}):(?P<second>[\\d]{2}).(?P<micro>[\\d]{6})\\z/';
     if (!preg_match($pattern, $time, $matches)) {
         $message = sprintf('%s expects $time in "H:i:s.u" format', __METHOD__);
         throw DomainException::create($message);
     $hour = (int) $matches['hour'];
     $minute = (int) $matches['minute'];
     $second = (int) $matches['second'];
     $micro = (int) $matches['micro'];
     return new self($hour, $minute, $second, $micro);
Esempio n. 13
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function offsetUnset($index)
     assert(Validate::isInt($index), sprintf('Invalid list index: %s', VarPrinter::toString($index)));
Esempio n. 14
  * Validates enum constants
  * @param ReflectionClass $reflection The reflection instance
  * @return void
  * @throws DomainException When more than one constant has the same value
 private static final function guardConstants(ReflectionClass $reflection)
     $constants = $reflection->getConstants();
     $duplicates = [];
     foreach ($constants as $value) {
         $names = array_keys($constants, $value, true);
         if (count($names) > 1) {
             $duplicates[VarPrinter::toString($value)] = $names;
     if (!empty($duplicates)) {
         $list = array_map(function ($names) use($constants) {
             return sprintf('(%s)=%s', implode('|', $names), VarPrinter::toString($constants[$names[0]]));
         }, $duplicates);
         $message = sprintf('Duplicate enum values: %s', implode(', ', $list));
         throw new DomainException($message);
Esempio n. 15
  * Retrieves a value by key
  * @param string $key The key
  * @return mixed
  * @throws KeyException When the key is not defined
 public function get($key)
     if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->data)) {
         $message = sprintf('Key not found: %s', VarPrinter::toString($key));
         throw KeyException::create($message);
     return $this->data[$key];
Esempio n. 16
  * Validates and normalizes the host
  * @param string|null $host The host
  * @return string|null
  * @throws DomainException When the host is invalid
 protected static function normalizeHost($host)
     if ($host === null) {
         return null;
     if ($host === '') {
         return '';
     if (!static::isValidHost($host)) {
         $message = sprintf('Invalid host: %s', VarPrinter::toString($host));
         throw DomainException::create($message);
     // Although host is case-insensitive, producers and normalizers should
     // use lowercase for registered names and hexadecimal addresses for the
     // sake of uniformity, while only using uppercase letters for
     // percent-encodings.
     $host = mb_strtolower($host, 'UTF-8');
     return static::encodeHost(static::decode($host, static::UNRESERVED_SET));
Esempio n. 17
  * Retrieves a value by key
  * @param mixed $key The key
  * @return mixed
  * @throws KeyException When the key is not found
 public function get($key)
     $bucket = $this->locate($key);
     if ($bucket === null) {
         $message = sprintf('Key not found: %s', VarPrinter::toString($key));
         throw new KeyException($message);
     return $bucket->value();
Esempio n. 18
  * Creates instance from a timezone string
  * @param string $timezone The timezone string
  * @return Timezone
  * @throws DomainException When the string is invalid
 public static function fromString($timezone)
     assert(Test::isString($timezone), sprintf('%s expects $timezone to be a string; received (%s) %s', __METHOD__, gettype($timezone), VarPrinter::toString($timezone)));
     return new self($timezone);
Esempio n. 19
  * Creates instance from a byte string
  * @param string $bytes The UUID bytes
  * @return Uuid
  * @throws DomainException When the bytes string is not valid
 public static function fromBytes($bytes)
     assert(Test::isString($bytes), sprintf('%s expects $bytes to be a string; received (%s) %s', __METHOD__, gettype($bytes), VarPrinter::toString($bytes)));
     if (strlen($bytes) !== 16) {
         $message = sprintf('%s expects $bytes to be a 16-byte string', __METHOD__);
         throw DomainException::create($message);
     $steps = [];
     foreach (range(0, 15) as $step) {
         $steps[] = sprintf('%02x', ord($bytes[$step]));
         if (in_array($step, [3, 5, 7, 9])) {
             $steps[] = '-';
     return self::parse(implode('', $steps));
Esempio n. 20
  * Validates monetary operand is an integer or float
  * @param mixed $operand The operand
  * @return void
  * @throws DomainException When operand is not an int or float
 protected function guardOperand($operand)
     if (!is_int($operand) && !is_float($operand)) {
         $message = sprintf('Operand must be an integer or float; received (%s) %s', gettype($operand), VarPrinter::toString($operand));
         throw new DomainException($message);
Esempio n. 21
  * Creates instance from a date/time string
  * @param string $dateTime The date/time string
  * @return DateTime
  * @throws DomainException When the string is invalid
 public static function fromString($dateTime)
     assert(Test::isString($dateTime), sprintf('%s expects $dateTime to be a string; received (%s) %s', __METHOD__, gettype($dateTime), VarPrinter::toString($dateTime)));
     $pattern = sprintf('/\\A%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%s\\.%s\\[%s\\]\\z/', '(?P<year>[\\d]{4})', '(?P<month>[\\d]{2})', '(?P<day>[\\d]{2})', '(?P<hour>[\\d]{2})', '(?P<minute>[\\d]{2})', '(?P<second>[\\d]{2})', '(?P<micro>[\\d]{6})', '(?P<timezone>.+)');
     if (!preg_match($pattern, $dateTime, $matches)) {
         $message = sprintf('%s expects $dateTime in "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.u[timezone]" format', __METHOD__);
         throw DomainException::create($message);
     $year = (int) $matches['year'];
     $month = (int) $matches['month'];
     $day = (int) $matches['day'];
     $hour = (int) $matches['hour'];
     $minute = (int) $matches['minute'];
     $second = (int) $matches['second'];
     $micro = (int) $matches['micro'];
     $timezone = $matches['timezone'];
     return new self(Date::create($year, $month, $day), Time::create($hour, $minute, $second, $micro), Timezone::create($timezone));
Esempio n. 22
  * Retrieves the value type error message
  * @param string $method The calling method
  * @param mixed  $value  The value
  * @return string
 protected function valueTypeError(string $method, $value) : string
     $valueType = is_object($value) ? get_class($value) : gettype($value);
     return sprintf('%s::%s expects value type (%s); received (%s) %s', static::class, $method, $this->valueType(), $valueType, VarPrinter::toString($value));
Esempio n. 23
  * Retrieves the item type error message
  * @param string $method The calling method
  * @param mixed  $item   The item
  * @return string
 protected function itemTypeError(string $method, $item) : string
     $itemType = is_object($item) ? get_class($item) : gettype($item);
     return sprintf('%s::%s expects item type (%s); received (%s) %s', static::class, $method, $this->itemType(), $itemType, VarPrinter::toString($item));
Esempio n. 24
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function get($key)
     $hash = Hasher::hash($key);
     if (!isset($this->buckets[$hash])) {
         $message = sprintf('Key not found: %s', VarPrinter::toString($key));
         throw new KeyException($message);
     return $this->buckets[$hash]->get($key);
Esempio n. 25
  * Creates instance from a locale string
  * @param string $locale The locale string
  * @return LocaleFormatter
 public static function fromLocale($locale)
     assert(Test::isString($locale), sprintf('%s expects $locale to be a string; received (%s) %s', __METHOD__, gettype($locale), VarPrinter::toString($locale)));
     $formatter = new NumberFormatter($locale, NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
     return new self($formatter);
Esempio n. 26
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function offsetExists($index) : bool
     assert(Validate::isInt($index), sprintf('Invalid character index: %s', VarPrinter::toString($index)));
     return $this->has($index);
Esempio n. 27
  * Validates monetary operand is an integer or float
  * @param mixed $operand The operand
  * @return void
  * @throws TypeException When the operand is not an integer or float
 private function guardOperand($operand)
     if (!is_int($operand) && !is_float($operand)) {
         $message = sprintf('Operand must be an integer or float; received (%s) %s', gettype($operand), VarPrinter::toString($operand));
         throw TypeException::create($message);
Esempio n. 28
  * Validates and normalizes the scheme
  * @param string|null $scheme The scheme
  * @return string
  * @throws DomainException When the scheme is invalid
 protected static function normalizeScheme(string $scheme = null) : string
     if (!static::isValidScheme($scheme)) {
         $message = sprintf('Invalid URI scheme: %s', VarPrinter::toString($scheme));
         throw new DomainException($message);
     return strtolower($scheme);
Esempio n. 29
  * Creates instance from a date string
  * @param string $date The date string
  * @return Date
  * @throws DomainException When the string is invalid
 public static function fromString($date)
     assert(Test::isString($date), sprintf('%s expects $date to be a string; received (%s) %s', __METHOD__, gettype($date), VarPrinter::toString($date)));
     $pattern = '/\\A(?P<year>[\\d]{4})-(?P<month>[\\d]{2})-(?P<day>[\\d]{2})\\z/';
     if (!preg_match($pattern, $date, $matches)) {
         $message = sprintf('%s expects $date in "Y-m-d" format', __METHOD__);
         throw DomainException::create($message);
     $year = (int) $matches['year'];
     $month = (int) $matches['month'];
     $day = (int) $matches['day'];
     return new self($year, $month, $day);