Esempio n. 1
  * @inheritDoc
 public function init()
     if ($this->emailSubject === null) {
         $this->emailSubject = Helper::t('email', 'Thank you for signing up');
Esempio n. 2
  * Authenticates the password.
  * This is the 'authenticate' validator as declared in rules().
 public function authenticate($attribute, $params)
     if (!$this->hasErrors()) {
         $identityClass = Helper::getModule()->getClassName(Module::CLASS_USER_IDENTITY);
         $this->_identity = new $identityClass($this->username, $this->password);
         $success = $this->_identity->authenticate();
         $account = $this->_identity->getAccount();
         if ($account !== null && $this->isAccountLocked($account->id)) {
             $this->addError('password', Helper::t('errors', 'Your account has been temporarily locked due to too many failed login attempts.'));
         if (!$success) {
             $this->createHistoryEntry($account !== null ? $account->id : 0, false);
             $this->addError('password', Helper::t('errors', 'Your username or password is invalid.'));
Esempio n. 3

use nordsoftware\yii_account\helpers\Helper;
/* @var $this \nordsoftware\yii_account\controllers\SignupController */
<div class="register-controller done-action">

echo CHtml::encode(Yii::app()->name);

    <p class="lead"><?php 
echo Helper::t('views', 'Thank you for registering!');

echo Helper::t('views', 'You will soon receive an email with instructions on how to activate your account.');

Esempio n. 4

use nordsoftware\yii_account\helpers\Helper;
/* @var $this \nordsoftware\yii_account\controllers\PasswordController */
/* @var $resetUrl string */
echo Helper::t('email', 'Reset password');
echo Helper::t('email', 'Please click the link below to reset the password for your account:');
echo CHtml::link($resetUrl, $resetUrl);
Esempio n. 5

$form = $this->beginWidget('\\TbActiveForm', array('id' => $this->forgotFormId, 'enableAjaxValidation' => true));

echo $form->textFieldControlGroup($model, 'email', array('label' => false, 'placeholder' => $model->getAttributeLabel('email'), 'block' => true));

    <div class="row">
        <div class="forgot-submit col-xs-8">
echo TbHtml::submitButton(Helper::t('views', 'Recover Account'), array('color' => TbHtml::BUTTON_COLOR_PRIMARY, 'size' => TbHtml::BUTTON_SIZE_LARGE, 'block' => true));
        <div class="forgot-cancel col-xs-4">
echo TbHtml::linkButton(Helper::t('views', 'Cancel'), array('url' => array('/account/authenticate/login'), 'color' => TbHtml::BUTTON_COLOR_LINK, 'size' => TbHtml::BUTTON_SIZE_LARGE, 'block' => true));


Esempio n. 6
  * @inheritDoc
 public function attributeLabels()
     return array_merge(parent::attributeLabels(), array('email' => Helper::t('labels', 'Email'), 'username' => Helper::t('labels', 'Username')));
Esempio n. 7
  * Performs logic to change the password for an account.
  * @param \nordsoftware\yii_account\models\ar\AccountToken $tokenModel authentication token model.
  * @return \nordsoftware\yii_account\models\form\PasswordForm the form model.
 protected function changePasswordInternal(AccountToken $tokenModel)
     $modelClass = $this->module->getClassName(Module::CLASS_PASSWORD_FORM);
     /** @var \nordsoftware\yii_account\models\form\PasswordForm $model */
     $model = new $modelClass();
     $request = \Yii::app()->request;
     $this->runAjaxValidation($model, $this->changeFormId);
     if ($request->isPostRequest) {
         $model->attributes = $request->getPost(Helper::classNameToPostKey($modelClass));
         if ($model->validate()) {
             $accountClass = $this->module->getClassName(Module::CLASS_ACCOUNT);
             /** @var \nordsoftware\yii_account\models\ar\Account $account */
             $account = \CActiveRecord::model($accountClass)->findByPk($tokenModel->accountId);
             // Check that the password has not been used in the past.
             if ($model->checkPasswordHistory($account, $model->password)) {
                 $model->addError('password', Helper::t('errors', 'You have already used this password.'));
             if (!$model->hasErrors() && $account->changePassword($model->password, true)) {
                 $model->createHistoryEntry($account->id, $account->salt, $account->password);
                 // We need to reset the requireNewPassword flag if applicable when the password has been changed.
                 if ($account->requireNewPassword && !$account->saveAttributes(array('requireNewPassword' => false))) {
                 if (!$tokenModel->saveAttributes(array('status' => AccountToken::STATUS_USED))) {
             // todo: figure out how to avoid this, the problem is that password validation is done on the account
             $model->addError('password', $account->getError('password'));
     return $model;
Esempio n. 8
echo Helper::t('views', 'Please enter a new password twice to change the password for your account.');

$form = $this->beginWidget('\\TbActiveForm', array('id' => $this->changeFormId, 'enableAjaxValidation' => true));

echo $form->passwordFieldControlGroup($model, 'password', array('label' => false, 'placeholder' => $model->getAttributeLabel('password'), 'block' => true));
echo $form->passwordFieldControlGroup($model, 'verifyPassword', array('label' => false, 'placeholder' => $model->getAttributeLabel('verifyPassword'), 'block' => true));

    <div class="row">
        <div class="forgot-submit col-xs-8">
echo TbHtml::submitButton(Helper::t('views', 'Change Password'), array('color' => TbHtml::BUTTON_COLOR_PRIMARY, 'size' => TbHtml::BUTTON_SIZE_LARGE, 'block' => true));


Esempio n. 9
echo $form->passwordFieldControlGroup($model, 'password', array('label' => false, 'placeholder' => $model->getAttributeLabel('password'), 'block' => true));
echo $form->passwordFieldControlGroup($model, 'verifyPassword', array('label' => false, 'placeholder' => $model->getAttributeLabel('verifyPassword'), 'block' => true));
if ($model->scenario === 'withCaptcha') {
    echo $form->textFieldControlGroup($model, 'captcha', array('label' => false, 'placeholder' => $model->getAttributeLabel('captcha'), 'block' => true, 'controlOptions' => array('before' => $this->widget($this->module->getClassName(Module::CLASS_CAPTCHA_WIDGET), array(), true))));

    <div class="row">
        <div class="register-submit col-xs-8">
echo TbHtml::submitButton(Helper::t('views', 'Create Account'), array('color' => TbHtml::BUTTON_COLOR_PRIMARY, 'size' => TbHtml::BUTTON_SIZE_LARGE, 'block' => true));


Esempio n. 10
 public function validateAccountExists($attribute, $params)
     if (($model = $this->loadModel($this->email)) === null) {
         $this->addError($attribute, Helper::t('errors', 'Account not found.'));
Esempio n. 11

use nordsoftware\yii_account\helpers\Helper;
/* @var $this \nordsoftware\yii_account\controllers\SignupController */
/* @var $activateUrl string */
echo Helper::t('email', 'Thank you for signing up');
echo Helper::t('email', 'Please click the link below to activate your account:');
echo CHtml::link($activateUrl, $activateUrl);
Esempio n. 12
  * @inheritDoc
 public function attributeLabels()
     return array('id' => Helper::t('labels', 'ID'), 'accountId' => Helper::t('labels', 'Account'), 'type' => Helper::t('labels', 'Type'), 'token' => Helper::t('labels', 'Token'), 'createdAt' => Helper::t('labels', 'Created At'), 'status' => Helper::t('labels', 'Status'));
Esempio n. 13
  * @inheritDoc
 public function attributeLabels()
     return array('password' => Helper::t('labels', 'Password'), 'verifyPassword' => Helper::t('labels', 'Verify Password'));
Esempio n. 14
  * @param string $message error message.
  * @throws \CHttpException when called.
 public function fatalError($message = null)
     throw new \CHttpException(500, $message === null ? Helper::t('errors', 'Something went wrong.') : $message);
Esempio n. 15
  * @inheritDoc
 public function attributeLabels()
     return array('id' => Helper::t('labels', 'ID'), 'salt' => Helper::t('labels', 'Salt'), 'username' => Helper::t('labels', 'Username'), 'password' => Helper::t('labels', 'Password'), 'email' => Helper::t('labels', 'Email'), 'passwordStrategy' => Helper::t('labels', 'Password Strategy'), 'requireNewPassword' => Helper::t('labels', 'Require New Password'), 'lastLoginAt' => Helper::t('labels', 'Last Login At'), 'lastActiveAt' => Helper::t('labels', 'Last Active At'), 'status' => Helper::t('labels', 'Status'));
Esempio n. 16
    <div class="row">
        <div class="login-submit col-xs-6">
echo TbHtml::submitButton(Helper::t('views', 'Log In'), array('color' => TbHtml::BUTTON_COLOR_PRIMARY, 'size' => TbHtml::BUTTON_SIZE_LARGE, 'block' => true));
        <div class="login-stay-logged-in col-xs-6">
echo $form->checkBoxControlGroup($model, 'stayLoggedIn');


    <ul class="login-links list-unstyled">
echo TbHtml::link(Helper::t('views', 'Create an account'), array('/account/signup/index'));
echo TbHtml::link(Helper::t('views', 'Forgot password'), array('/account/password/forgot'));
