extensionMethod() public static method

public static extensionMethod ( $name, $callback = NULL )
Esempio n. 1
  * Registers this control
  * @return DateTimePicker
 public static function register()
     Container::extensionMethod('addDateTime', function ($container, $name, $label = NULL) {
         $picker = $container[$name] = new DateTimePicker($label);
         return $picker;
 public static function register($format = 'yyyy-mm-dd', $language = 'en', $method = 'addDatePicker')
     $class = function_exists('get_called_class') ? get_called_class() : __CLASS__;
     \Nette\Forms\Container::extensionMethod($method, function (\Nette\Forms\Container $container, $name, $label = NULL) use($class, $format, $language) {
         return $container[$name] = new $class($format, $language, $label);
Esempio n. 3
 protected function createForm()
     $form = new Form();
     Container::extensionMethod('addLazyContainer', function ($container, $name, $factory) {
         return $container[$name] = new LazyContainer($factory);
     $base = $form->addContainer('base');
     $base->addText('name', 'Název');
     $type = $base->addSelect('type', 'Typ položky', $this->menuTypeOptionFactory->getOptionsBySection($this->sectionId));
     $type->setAttribute('class', 'change-ajax-submit');
     $base->addCheckbox('show', 'Zobrazit')->setDefaultValue(TRUE);
     $parent = $form->addContainer('parent');
     $menu = $parent['id_menu'] = $this->menuFormItemFactory->create($this->sectionId);
     $menu->caption = 'Rodičovská kategorie';
     $form->addLazyContainer('content', function (LazyContainer $self) use($form, $type) {
         $values = $self->getFormValues();
         $itemType = $values['base']['type'];
         $this->lazyItemMap->get($itemType)->setup($self, $this->sectionId);
     $form->addSubmit('save', 'Uložit');
     $form->onValidate[] = $this->validateNonCircular;
     $form->onValidate[] = $this->validateAjax;
     $form->onValidate[] = $this->validateLazyItem;
     return $form;
Esempio n. 4
  * @param string $siteKey
  * @param string $name
  * @return void
 public static function bind($siteKey, $name = 'addReCaptcha')
     // Bind to form container
     Container::extensionMethod($name, function ($container, $name, $label = NULL) use($siteKey) {
         return $container[$name] = new ReCaptchaField($siteKey, $label);
Esempio n. 5
 public static function register()
     Container::extensionMethod('addHasOne', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, $column = NULL, array $items = NULL) {
         $control = $container[$name] = new HasOneControl($label, $column, $items);
         return $control;
     Container::extensionMethod('addHasMany', function (Container $container, $name, $column = NULL, array $items = NULL) {
         $control = $container[$name] = new HasManyControl($column, $items);
         return $control;
     // WYSIWYG
     Container::extensionMethod('addWysiwyg', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, $rows = NULL, $cols = NULL) {
         $control = $container->addTextArea($name, $label, $cols, $rows);
         return $control;
     // E-mail
     Container::extensionMethod('addEmail', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, $cols = NULL, $maxLength = NULL) {
         $control = $container->addText($name, $label, $cols, $maxLength);
         $control->setAttribute('type', 'email');
         return $control;
     // URL
     Container::extensionMethod('addUrl', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, $cols = NULL, $maxLength = NULL) {
         $control = $container->addText($name, $label, $cols, $maxLength);
         $control->setAttribute('type', 'url');
         return $control;
     // Color
     Container::extensionMethod('addColor', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, $cols = NULL, $maxLength = NULL) {
         $control = $container->addText($name, $label, $cols, $maxLength);
         $control->setAttribute('type', 'color');
         return $control;
     // Number
     Container::extensionMethod('addNumber', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, $step = NULL, $min = NULL, $max = NULL, $cols = NULL, $maxLength = NULL) {
         $control = $container->addText($name, $label, $cols, $maxLength);
         $control->setAttribute('type', 'number');
         $control->setAttribute('step', $step);
         $range = [];
         if ($min !== NULL) {
             $control->setAttribute('min', $min);
             $range[0] = $min;
         if ($max !== NULL) {
             $control->setAttribute('max', $max);
             $range[1] = $max;
         if ($range != [NULL, NULL]) {
             $control->addCondition(Form::FILLED)->addRule(Form::RANGE, NULL, $range);
         return $control;
Esempio n. 6
 public static function register()
     \Nette\Forms\Container::extensionMethod('addDate', function (\Nette\Forms\Container $form, $name, $label = null, $type = 'datetime') {
         $component = new NetteDateTime($label, $type);
         $form->addComponent($component, $name);
         return $component;
Esempio n. 7
  * Adds addTextOutput() method to Nette\Forms\Container
 public static function register()
     Container::extensionMethod('addTextOutput', function (Container $_this, $value, $label = NULL) {
         $number = TextOutput::$counter;
         return $_this["textOutput_" . $number] = new TextOutput($value, $label);
 public function __construct(ReservationManager $rm, CarsModel $cm)
     $this->reservationManager = $rm;
     $this->carsModel = $cm;
     Container::extensionMethod('addDatePicker', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL) {
         return $container[$name] = new DatePicker($label);
Esempio n. 9
 public static function register()
     Container::extensionMethod('addGMap', function (Container $form, $name, $label = null) {
         $component = new NetteGMapPicker($label);
         $form->addComponent($component, $name);
         return $component;
Esempio n. 10
 protected function startup()
     Container::extensionMethod('addDatePicker', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL) {
         return $container[$name] = new DatePicker($label);
Esempio n. 11
 public static function register(Translator $translator)
     Nette\Forms\Container::extensionMethod('enableLocalized', function (\Nette\Application\UI\Form $form) use($translator) {
     Nette\Forms\Container::extensionMethod('translate', function (\Nette\Application\UI\Form $form, $message, $count = null, $parameters = array()) use($translator) {
         return $translator->translate($message, $count, $parameters);
Esempio n. 12
 public static function registerControls()
     Container::extensionMethod('addDatePicker', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL) {
         return $container[$name] = new DatePicker($label);
     Container::extensionMethod('addDateTimePicker', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL) {
         return $container[$name] = new DateTimePicker($label);
Esempio n. 13
 public static function register()
     $class = __CLASS__;
     \Nette\Forms\Container::extensionMethod('addDate', function (\Nette\Forms\Container $form, $name, $label = null, $type = 'datetime-local') use($class) {
         $component = new $class($label, $type);
         $form->addComponent($component, $name);
         return $component;
Esempio n. 14
  * Registrace AntiSpamu.
  * @static
  * @param $systemContainer
 public static function register($systemContainer)
     $class = __CLASS__;
     \Nette\Forms\Container::extensionMethod("addAntiSpam", function (\Nette\Forms\Container $container, $name, $blockingTime = 0, $minimumReadTime = 60) use($class, $systemContainer) {
         $component = new $class($name, $blockingTime, $minimumReadTime);
         $container->addComponent($component, $name);
         return $component;
Esempio n. 15
 public static function register()
     $class = __CLASS__;
     \Nette\Forms\Container::extensionMethod('addDate', function (\Nette\Forms\Container $form, $name, $label = null, $type = 'datetime-local') use($class) {
         $component = new $class($label, $type);
         $form->addComponent($component, $name);
         return $component;
     \Nette\Forms\Rules::$defaultMessages[__CLASS__ . '::validateDateInputRange'] = \Nette\Forms\Rules::$defaultMessages[\Nette\Forms\Form::RANGE];
     \Nette\Forms\Rules::$defaultMessages[__CLASS__ . '::validateDateInputValid'] = 'Please enter a valid date.';
 public static function bind($config)
     // Bind to form container to cache for DatePickerInput
     Container::extensionMethod('addDatePickerInput', function ($container, $name, $label = NULL) use($config) {
         return $container[$name] = new DatePickerInput($label, $config);
     // Bind to form container to cache form DatePickerRange
     Container::extensionMethod('addDatePickerRange', function ($container, $name, $label = NULL) use($config) {
         return $container[$name] = new DatePickerRange($label, $config);
  * Registers this control
  * @param string $format format
  * @return self
 public static function register($format = NULL)
     Container::extensionMethod('addTbDatePicker', function ($container, $name, $label = NULL, $maxLength = NULL) use($format) {
         $picker = $container[$name] = new TbDatePicker($label, $maxLength);
         if ($format !== NULL) {
         return $picker;
Esempio n. 18
 public function __construct(Session $session)
     Container::extensionMethod('addDateInput', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL) {
         return $container[$name] = new DateInput($label);
     Container::extensionMethod('addTextCaptcha', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL) use($session) {
         $textCaptcha = new TextCaptcha($label);
         return $container[$name] = $textCaptcha;
Esempio n. 19
  * Registers 'add*Buttons' & 'add*Button' methods to form
  * @param Binder $binder
  * @param AbstractPaymentService $service
 public static function registerAddPaymentButtons(Binder $binder, AbstractPaymentService $service)
     $class = new ReflectionClass($service);
     $method = lcfirst(str_replace('Service', '', $class->getShortName()));
     FormContainer::extensionMethod('add' . $method . 'Buttons', function ($container, $callbacks) use($binder, $service) {
         $binder->bindPaymentButtons($service, $container, $callbacks);
     FormContainer::extensionMethod('add' . $method . 'Button', function ($container, $channel, $callback = NULL) use($binder, $service) {
         $channels = $service->getChannels();
         if (!isset($channels[$channel])) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException("Channel '{$channel}' is not allowed.");
         return $binder->bindPaymentButton($channels[$channel], $container, $callback = []);
  * @static
  * @param $systemContainer
  * @param array $configuration
 public static function register(\Nette\DI\Container $systemContainer, $configuration = [])
     $class = __CLASS__;
     \Nette\Forms\Container::extensionMethod("addFileUpload", function (\Nette\Forms\Container $container, $name, $maxFiles = NULL, $maxFileSize = NULL) use($class, $systemContainer, $configuration) {
         $maxFiles = is_null($maxFiles) ? $configuration["maxFiles"] : $maxFiles;
         $maxFileSize = is_null($maxFileSize) ? $configuration["maxFileSize"] : $maxFileSize;
         /** @var FileUploadControl $component */
         $component = new $class($name, $maxFiles, $maxFileSize);
         $container->addComponent($component, $name);
         return $component;
Esempio n. 21
 public static function registerControls()
     Container::extensionMethod('addOptionList', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, array $items = NULL) {
         return $container[$name] = new Controls\OptionList($label, $items);
     Container::extensionMethod('addMultiOptionList', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, array $items = NULL) {
         return $container[$name] = new Controls\MultiOptionList($label, $items);
     Container::extensionMethod('addDatePicker', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL) {
         return $container[$name] = new Controls\DatePicker($label);
     Container::extensionMethod('addDateTimePicker', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL) {
         return $container[$name] = new Controls\DateTimePicker($label);
     Container::extensionMethod('addTypeahead', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, $callback = NULL) {
         return $container[$name] = new Controls\Typeahead($label, $callback);
Esempio n. 22
 public function registerMethods()
     Container::extensionMethod('autoFill', function (Container $container, $values, $erase = false) {
         if ($values instanceof \Traversable) {
             $values = iterator_to_array($values);
         foreach ($container->getComponents() as $name => $control) {
             if ($control instanceof IControl) {
                 if (is_array($values)) {
                     if (array_key_exists($name, $values)) {
                     } elseif ($erase) {
                 } else {
                     if (isset($values->{$name})) {
                     } elseif ($erase) {
             } elseif ($control instanceof Container) {
                 if (is_array($values)) {
                     if (array_key_exists($name, $values)) {
                         $control->autoFill($values[$name], $erase);
                     } elseif ($erase) {
                         $control->autoFill(array(), $erase);
                 } else {
                     if (isset($values->{$name})) {
                     } elseif ($erase) {
         return $this;
Esempio n. 23
  * @param ProviderFactory $providerFactory
 public static function bind(ProviderFactory $providerFactory)
     Container::extensionMethod('addCaptcha', function ($container, $name = 'captcha') use($providerFactory) {
         return $container[$name] = new CaptchaContainer($providerFactory->create());
  * Adds addDependentSelectBox() method to \Nette\Forms\Form
 public static function register()
     Container::extensionMethod('addDependentSelectBox', array('NasExt\\Forms\\Controls\\DependentSelectBox', 'addDependentSelectBox'));
Esempio n. 25
 public static function register()
     Container::extensionMethod('addCheckboxTree', function (Container $_this, $name, $label, array $items = NULL) {
         return $_this[$name] = new CheckboxTree($label, $items);
Esempio n. 26
  * @param array $config
 public static function bind($config)
     Container::extensionMethod('addTypeahead', function ($container, $name, $label = NULL, $display = NULL, $remote = NULL) use($config) {
         return $container[$name] = new TypeaheadInput($label, $config, $display, $remote);
Esempio n. 27
 public static function register($method = 'addSelectize', $config)
     Nette\Forms\Container::extensionMethod($method, function (Nette\Forms\Container $container, $name, $label, $entity = null, array $options = null) use($config) {
         $container[$name] = new Selectize($label, $entity, is_array($options) ? array_replace($config, $options) : $config);
         return $container[$name];
Esempio n. 28
  * @param string $name
 public static function register($name = 'addCheckboxList')
     Nette\Forms\Container::extensionMethod($name, function (Nette\Forms\Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, array $items = NULL) {
         return $container[$name] = new static($label, $items);
  * Registers this control
  * @return self
 public static function register()
     Container::extensionMethod('addImageSelectBox', function ($container, $name, $label = NULL, array $items = NULL) {
         return $container[$name] = new ImageSelectBox($label, $items);
Esempio n. 30

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use Nette\Forms\Container;
use Nextras\Forms\Controls;
Container::extensionMethod('addOptionList', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, array $items = NULL) {
    return $container[$name] = new Controls\OptionList($label, $items);
Container::extensionMethod('addMultiOptionList', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, array $items = NULL) {
    return $container[$name] = new Controls\MultiOptionList($label, $items);
Container::extensionMethod('addDatePicker', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL) {
    return $container[$name] = new Controls\DatePicker($label);
Container::extensionMethod('addDateTimePicker', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL) {
    return $container[$name] = new Controls\DateTimePicker($label);
Container::extensionMethod('addTypeahead', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, $callback = NULL) {
    return $container[$name] = new Controls\Typeahead($label, $callback);
$configurator = new Nette\Configurator();
//$configurator->setDebugMode('23.75.345.200'); // enable for your remote IP
$configurator->enableDebugger(__DIR__ . '/../log');
$configurator->setTempDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../temp');
$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/config.neon');
$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/config.local.neon');
$container = $configurator->createContainer();
return $container;