/** * Registers the assembly and some aliases. * * @param NetManager $manager */ public static function LoadAssemblyAndAliases($manager) { // Register the source assembly, this can be a dll of a full qualified name. // Make sure the DLL is compiled for .Net framework 3.5 or lower. $manager->RegisterAssembly('C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\AjaxMinDll\\bin\\Debug\\AjaxMin.dll', 'Ajaxmin'); // Add some shortcuts. $manager->RegisterClass('Ajaxmin', 'Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.Minifier', 'Minifier'); $manager->RegisterClass('Ajaxmin', 'Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.CodeSettings', 'CodeSettings'); $manager->RegisterClass('Ajaxmin', 'Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.OutputMode', 'OutputMode'); }
/** * Registers the assembly and some aliases. * * @param NetManager $manager */ public static function LoadAssemblyAndAliases($manager) { // Register the source assembly, this can be a dll of a full qualified name. // Make sure the DLL is compiled for .Net framework 3.5 or lower. $manager->RegisterAssembly('D:\\xxxx\\xfinium.dll', 'xfinium'); // Add some shortcuts. $manager->RegisterClass('xfinium', 'Xfinium.Pdf.PdfFixedDocument', 'PdfFixedDocument'); $manager->RegisterClass('xfinium', 'Xfinium.Pdf.Graphics.PdfBrush', 'PdfBrush'); $manager->RegisterClass('xfinium', 'Xfinium.Pdf.Graphics.PdfStandardFont', 'PdfStandardFont'); $manager->RegisterClass('xfinium', 'Xfinium.Pdf.Graphics.PdfRgbColor', 'PdfRgbColor'); $manager->RegisterClass('xfinium', 'Xfinium.Pdf.Graphics.PdfStandardFontFace', 'PdfStandardFontFace'); $manager->RegisterClass('xfinium', 'Xfinium.Pdf.PdfPage', 'PdfPage'); }
/** * TODO: Convert this piece of code into a PHP unit test. */ public static function Run() { // Net Should report it's native types becase // COM+ does converion for these. $PHPType = array(); $PHPType[] = array('data' => 'mystring', 'netType' => 'System.String'); $PHPType[] = array('data' => 1234, 'netType' => 'System.Int32'); $PHPType[] = array('data' => 1.234, 'netType' => 'System.Double'); $PHPType[] = array('data' => 0, 'netType' => 'System.Int32'); $PHPType[] = array('data' => FALSE, 'netType' => 'System.Boolean'); $PHPType[] = array('data' => NULL, 'netType' => 'System.DBNull'); $PHPType[] = array('data' => array(), 'netType' => 'System.Object[]'); //$PHPType[] = array('data' => function() { $abstract = 0; }, 'netType' => 'System.__ComObject'); $mappings = array(); foreach ($PHPType as &$item) { $php_type = gettype($item['data']); $item['netType'] = \NetPhp\Core\NetUtilities::GetTypeAsString($item['data']); $mappings[$php_type] = $item['netType']; } // Try some .Net to PHP native COM conversions and see what they throw. $utils = \NetPhp\Core\MagicWrapperUtilities::GetInstance(); $locals = array(); for ($x = 0; $x < 8; $x++) { $locals[] = $utils->GetTypeSample($x); } // Get an instance of List<String> $mylist = \NetPhp\Core\NetProxyCollection::Get($utils->GetIteratorSample()); // The fact that NetProxyCollection supports the Countable interface // does not mean that the native type will allow to do so. Use this with care. $total = count($mylist); // Keys are brought back as native types. // Values are NetProxy instances. foreach ($mylist as $key => $value) { $real_value = $value->Val(); } // Get an instance of Dictionary<String, String> $mylist = \NetPhp\Core\NetProxyCollection::Get($utils->GetDictionaryIteratorSample()); $total = count($mylist); foreach ($mylist as $key => $value) { $real_value = $value->Val(); } $net1 = new NetManager(); // Be brave and use .Net native lists on the fly. // ArrayList is the closes thing we have to a PHP array. $net1->RegisterAssembly('mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089', 'mscorlib'); $net1->RegisterClass('mscorlib', 'System.Collections.ArrayList', 'ArrayList'); try { $utils->TestException(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $o = 0; } $list = $net1->Create('mscorlib', 'ArrayList')->Instantiate(); // Wrap over a collection proxy $list = \NetPhp\Core\NetProxyCollection::Get($list->GetWrapper()); // Check the .Net type. $net_type = $list->GetType(); $start = microtime(TRUE); for ($x = 0; $x < 5000; $x++) { $list->Call("Add", "Object {$x}"); } // Retrieve total count. $count = count($list); $total1 = microtime(TRUE) - $start; $start = microtime(TRUE); $list = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection(); for ($x = 0; $x < 5000; $x++) { $list->add("Object {$x}"); } // Retrieve total count. $count = count($list); $total2 = microtime(TRUE) - $start; $a = 0; }