Esempio n. 1
 * A simple test script which exercises the core server components, utilising the FunctionListDispatch, and TestTransport implementations.
 * This should be considered separate from the systems unit tests, and serves only as a proof of concept
 * @author Nathan Muir
 * @version 2012-12-28
require '../../vendor/autoload.php';
// include the functions necessary to exercise the specification
require_once 'mapMethods.php';
// create a simple dispatch object from the function mapping
$dispatch = new Server\Dispatch\MapDispatch();
$specificationTestMethods = new \SpecificationTestMethods();
$dispatch->registerAll(Server\Dispatch\ReflectionMethod::createFrom($specificationTestMethods, true, function ($m) {
    return $m->name;
// retrieve the examples, [ { "description": "string", "request": "string", "expected_response": "string" } ]
$specExamples = (require 'specificationTests.php');
// create an iterator over the examples
// initialise variables for totals
$testsPassed = 0;
$testsFailed = 0;
$testsTotal = count($specExamples);
$currentTest = 1;
// go through each example, process the request and check the response
foreach ($specExamples as $specExample) {
    // print status message
    echo "Running Test {$currentTest}/{$testsTotal}... ";
    // create a new transport