/** * Handles the upload of a user image. * * @param \MusicBox\Entity\User $user * * @param boolean TRUE if a new user image was uploaded, FALSE otherwise. */ protected function handleFileUpload($user) { // If a temporary file is present, move it to the correct directory // and set the filename on the user. $file = $user->getFile(); if ($file) { $newFilename = $user->getUsername() . '.' . $file->guessExtension(); $file->move(SWIM_PUBLIC_ROOT . '/img/users', $newFilename); $user->setFile(null); $user->setImage($newFilename); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
/** * Instantiates a user entity and sets its properties using db data. * * @param array $userData * The array of db data. * * @return \MusicBox\Entity\User */ protected function buildUser($userData) { $user = new User(); $user->setId($userData['user_id']); $user->setUsername($userData['username']); $user->setSalt($userData['salt']); $user->setPassword($userData['password']); $user->setMail($userData['mail']); $user->setRole($userData['role']); $createdAt = new \DateTime('@' . $userData['created_at']); $user->setCreatedAt($createdAt); return $user; }