Esempio n. 1
 public function __construct()
     if ($this->config === null) {
         $this->config = config::getConfig(__CLASS__);
     $this->config['cookie.user'] .= ':' . crc32(environment::getCurrentEnvironment());
Esempio n. 2
 public function __construct()
     $tokenClass = config::getConfig(__CLASS__)['token_class'];
     $this->token_class = new $tokenClass();
     if (!$this->token_class instanceof tokenManagerInterface) {
         throw new tokenManagerException("{$tokenClass} is not implements tokenManagerInterface");
Esempio n. 3
  * @return mixed
 private function getConfig()
     static $config;
     if ($config === null) {
         $config = config::getConfig(__CLASS__);
     return $config;
Esempio n. 4
 public function __construct()
     $config = config::getConfig(__CLASS__);
     $this->cookie = $config['cookie'];
     $this->cookie['name'] .= ':' . crc32(environment::getCurrentEnvironment());
     $aclClass = $config['acl_class'];
     $this->aclManager = new $aclClass();
     if (!$this->aclManager instanceof aclManagerInterface) {
         throw new aclException("{$aclClass} is not implements aclManagerInterface");
Esempio n. 5
 protected function getPackageConfig()
     static $config;
     if ($config === null) {
         $config = config::getConfig(get_called_class());
     if (!isset($config[$this->configSection])) {
         // TODO :: Check, really configurationException needed to throw or factoryException
         throw new configurationException("Unable to find configSection: \"{$this->configSection}\"");
     return $config[$this->configSection];
Esempio n. 6
  * Initialize driver and connect to host
  * @var string $configSection
  * @throws cacheException
 public function __construct($configSection = 'default')
     $config = config::getConfig(__CLASS__);
     if (!isset($config[$configSection])) {
         throw new cacheException("Config section {$configSection} not found!");
     $this->memcached = new \Memcached();
     foreach ($config[$configSection]['servers'] as $server) {
         $this->memcached->addServer($server['host'], $server['port']);
Esempio n. 7
  * @return mongoInstance
  * @throws storageException
 public function storage()
     if ($this->storageInstance === null) {
         $config = config::getConfig(get_called_class());
         $this->mongoCrudStorageConfig = $config['storage'];
         if (!array_key_exists('configSection', $this->mongoCrudStorageConfig)) {
             throw new storageException('Unable to find config[storage][configSection] in case of mongoCrud usage');
         $this->storageInstance = mongoInstance::factory($this->mongoCrudStorageConfig['configSection']);
     return $this->storageInstance;
Esempio n. 8
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     if (!defined('SMARTY_MBSTRING')) {
         define(SMARTY_MBSTRING, true);
     $options = config::getConfig(get_called_class());
     $this->force_compile = $options['force_compile'];
     $this->debugging = $options['debugging'];
     $this->caching = $options['caching'];
     $this->cache_lifetime = $options['cache_lifetime'];
Esempio n. 9
  * Executes the current command.
  * This method is not because you can use this class
  * as a concrete class. In this case, instead of defining the
  * execute() method, you set the code to execute by passing
  * a Closure to the setCode() method.
  * @param InputInterface  $input  An InputInterface instance
  * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance
  * @return null|int null or 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
  * @throws \LogicException When this method is not implemented
  * @see setCode()
 protected function handle(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->output = $output;
     $smartyDir = dirname(rtrim(config::getConfig('mpcmf_system_view_smartyDriver')['config_dir'], '/'));
     if (file_exists($smartyDir)) {
         @shell_exec("chmod -R 0777 '{$smartyDir}' && chmod -R 0777 '{$smartyDir}'");
     } else {
         @mkdir($smartyDir, 0777, true);
     $masterServerAddr = $input->getOption('master-server');
     if ($masterServerAddr) {
     } else {
         for (;;) {

 * @author greevex
 * @date   : 11/16/12 5:11 PM
use Monolog\Logger;
use mpcmf\system\configuration\config;
use mpcmf\system\helper\io\codes;
$level = Logger::DEBUG;
config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['default' => [codes::RESPONSE_CODE_FAIL => 'Ошибка:( %s', codes::RESPONSE_CODE_OK => 'Всё хорошо.', codes::RESPONSE_CODE_SAVED => 'Объект %s сохранён!', codes::RESPONSE_CODE_REMOVED => 'Объект удалён!', codes::RESPONSE_CODE_CREATED => 'Объект %s создан!']]);

 * @author greevex
 * @date   : 11/16/12 5:11 PM
\mpcmf\system\configuration\config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['cookie' => ['name' => 'mpcmf:user', 'expire' => '+1 day'], 'acl_class' => 'mpcmf\\modules\\authex\\simpleAclManager']);

 * @author greevex
 * @date   : 11/16/12 5:11 PM
\mpcmf\system\configuration\config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['name' => 'Web application base', 'slim' => ['debug' => true, 'log.enabled' => true, 'templates.path' => null, 'view' => '\\mpcmf\\system\\view\\smartyDriver', 'cookies.encrypt' => true, 'cookies.lifetime' => '60 minutes', 'cookies.path' => '/', 'cookies.domain' => null, '' => false, 'cookies.httponly' => false, 'cookies.secret_key' => 'CHANGE_THIS_SECRET_KEY', 'cookies.cipher' => MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, 'cookies.cipher_mode' => MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, 'http.version' => '1.1']]);

 * mongoInstance configuration
 * @author Gregory Ostrovsky <*****@*****.**>
use mpcmf\system\configuration\config;
use mpcmf\system\configuration\environment;
config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['default' => ['uri' => 'mongodb://localhost', 'options' => ['connect' => true]], 'localhost' => ['uri' => 'mongodb://localhost', 'options' => ['connect' => true]]]);
config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['localhost' => ['uri' => 'mongodb://localhost', 'options' => ['connect' => true]]], environment::ENV_PRODUCTION);

 * @author greevex
 * @date   : 11/16/12 5:11 PM
\mpcmf\system\configuration\config::setConfig(__FILE__, []);
Esempio n. 15
  * Get micro-web-framework object
  * @param null $instance
  * @param string|null $appKey
  * @return Slim
  * @throws webApplicationException
 public function slim($instance = null, $appKey = null)
     if ($appKey === null) {
         $appKey = get_called_class();
     if ($instance !== null) {
         self::$slimInstance[$appKey] = $instance;
     } elseif (!isset(self::$slimInstance[$appKey])) {
         $config = array_replace_recursive(config::getConfig(__CLASS__), $this->getPackageConfig());
         if (!isset($config['slim'], $config['name'])) {
             throw new webApplicationException('Undefined required config sections: slim, name');
         self::$slimInstance[$appKey] = new Slim($config['slim']);
         set_error_handler(array('\\Slim\\Slim', 'handleErrors'));
         //Apply final outer middleware layers
         if (self::$slimInstance[$appKey]->config('debug')) {
             //Apply pretty exceptions only in debug to avoid accidental information leakage in production
             self::$slimInstance[$appKey]->add(new PrettyExceptions());
     return self::$slimInstance[$appKey];
Esempio n. 16

use Monolog\Logger;
use mpcmf\system\configuration\config;
use mpcmf\system\configuration\environment;
$path = '/tmp/mpcmf.log';
$defaultLevel = Logger::DEBUG;
config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['default' => ['name' => 'BaseLog', 'path' => 'php://stdout', 'level' => $defaultLevel], 'applicationBase' => ['name' => 'ApplicationLog', 'path' => 'php://stdout', 'level' => $defaultLevel], 'controllerBase' => ['name' => 'ControllerLog', 'path' => 'php://stdout', 'level' => $defaultLevel]]);
$productionLevel = MPCMF_DEBUG ? Logger::DEBUG : Logger::NOTICE;
config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['default' => ['name' => 'BaseLog', 'path' => "{$path}/mpcmf.log", 'level' => $productionLevel], 'applicationBase' => ['name' => 'ApplicationLog', 'path' => "{$path}/mpcmf.log", 'level' => $productionLevel], 'controllerBase' => ['name' => 'ControllerLog', 'path' => "{$path}/mpcmf.log", 'level' => $productionLevel]], environment::ENV_PRODUCTION);
MPCMF_DEBUG && config::setConfigByEnvironment(__FILE__, environment::ENV_PRODUCTION);

 * @author greevex
 * @date   : 11/16/12 5:11 PM
\mpcmf\system\configuration\config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['compile_dir' => '/tmp/mpcmf/smarty/templates_c/', 'config_dir' => '/tmp/mpcmf/smarty/configs/', 'cache_dir' => '/tmp/mpcmf/smarty/templates_cache/', 'cache_lifetime' => 3600, 'caching' => true, 'debugging' => false, 'force_compile' => true]);

 * @author greevex
 * @date   : 11/16/12 5:11 PM
use mpcmf\system\configuration\config;
config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['localhost' => ['host' => '', 'port' => '5672', 'login' => 'guest', 'password' => 'guest']]);

 * @author greevex
 * @date   : 11/16/12 5:11 PM
\mpcmf\system\configuration\config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['token_class' => \mpcmf\apps\mpcmfWeb\libraries\acl\defaultTokenManager::class]);
Esempio n. 20

use Monolog\Logger;
use mpcmf\system\configuration\config;
$path = '/tmp/mpcmf.log';
$defaultLevel = Logger::DEBUG;
config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['default' => ['name' => 'BaseLog', 'path' => 'php://stdout', 'level' => $defaultLevel], 'applicationBase' => ['name' => 'ApplicationLog', 'path' => 'php://stdout', 'level' => $defaultLevel], 'controllerBase' => ['name' => 'ControllerLog', 'path' => 'php://stdout', 'level' => $defaultLevel]]);

 * mongoInstance configuration
 * @author Gregory Ostrovsky <*****@*****.**>
use mpcmf\system\configuration\config;
config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['default' => ['uri' => 'mongodb://localhost', 'options' => ['connect' => true]], 'mongo01' => ['uri' => 'mongodb://localhost', 'options' => ['connect' => true]], 'localhost' => ['uri' => 'mongodb://localhost', 'options' => ['connect' => true]]]);
Esempio n. 22
  * Get package config data
  * @return mixed
 protected function getPackageConfig()
     return config::getConfig(get_called_class());

 * @author greevex
 * @date   : 11/16/12 5:11 PM
\mpcmf\system\configuration\config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['cookie' => ['name' => 'mpcmf:user', 'expire' => '+1 day'], 'acl_class' => \mpcmf\apps\mpcmfWeb\libraries\acl\defaultAclManager::class]);

 * @author gilberg.vrn
 * @date   : 5/29/15 10:55 PM
\mpcmf\system\configuration\config::setConfig(__FILE__, ['default' => ['servers' => [['host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 11211]]]]);
Esempio n. 25
 public function saveMapperConfig()
     $smarty = $this->smarty();
     $smarty->appendData(['entityData' => $this->entityData]);
     $filepath = config::getConfigFilepath($this->entityData['struct']['mapper']['fullClassName']);
     file_put_contents($filepath, $smarty->render('mapperConfig.tpl', true));