public function run($creating = 15) { foreach ([1, 2] as $accountid) { $account = Account::find($accountid); $clients = Client::all(); $users = User::all(); $users = $users->lists('id')->toArray(); //flip so we can use array_rand $tags = array_flip(Tag::lists('id')->toArray()); for ($i = 0; $i < $creating; $i++) { $project = Modules\Portfolio\Project::create(['account_id' => $account->id, 'date' => $this->nl->dateTimeBetween('-3 months', 'now'), 'website' => $this->nl->url, 'nl' => ['published' => rand(0, 1), 'title' => $this->nl->sentence(2), 'content' => $this->nl->text(1300), 'created_at' => $this->nl->dateTimeBetween('-3 months', 'now'), 'updated_at' => $this->nl->dateTimeBetween('-2 months', 'now')], 'fr' => ['published' => rand(0, 1), 'title' => $this->fr->sentence(2), 'content' => $this->fr->text(1300), 'created_at' => $this->fr->dateTimeBetween('-3 months', 'now'), 'updated_at' => $this->fr->dateTimeBetween('-2 months', 'now')], 'en' => ['published' => rand(0, 1), 'title' => $this->en->sentence(2), 'content' => $this->en->text(1300), 'created_at' => $this->en->dateTimeBetween('-3 months', 'now'), 'updated_at' => $this->en->dateTimeBetween('-2 months', 'now')], 'de' => ['published' => rand(0, 1), 'title' => $this->de->sentence(2), 'content' => $this->de->text(1300), 'created_at' => $this->de->dateTimeBetween('-3 months', 'now'), 'updated_at' => $this->de->dateTimeBetween('-2 months', 'now')]]); $this->addImages($project); //foreach project we randomly add 1 to 3 collaborators $amount = rand(1, 3); $possibleUsers = $users; for ($j = 0; $j < $amount; $j++) { shuffle($possibleUsers); $add = array_shift($possibleUsers); $project->collaborators()->attach($add); } $project->tags()->sync(array_rand($tags, 2)); $project->client()->associate($clients->random()); $project->save(); } } }
/** * @return static */ protected function account($name) { if (env('APP_ENV') == 'production') { $account = Account::create(['alias' => $name, 'domain' => "{$name}.be"]); } elseif (env('APP_ENV') == 'develop') { $account = Account::create(['alias' => '' . $name . '', 'domain' => "dev.{$name}.be"]); } else { $account = Account::create(['alias' => $name, 'domain' => "{$name}.local"]); } return $account; }
public function testActivationWillActivateSystemProducts() { $system = Account::where('alias', 'digiredo')->first(); list($account, $brand, $category) = $this->baseData(); $this->products($brand, $system, $category); $this->needsActivationCommandsDispatched(); $catalog = app(CatalogRepositoryInterface::class); $gamma = $this->gammaMock($account, $brand, $category); $job = new BatchGammaActivation($category, $account, $brand); $job->handle($catalog, $gamma); }
/** * @param int $amount */ public function run($amount = 15) { foreach ([1, 2] as $accountid) { $account = Account::find($accountid); //flip array since array_rand returns the keys from an array for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; ++$i) { $page = $this->model->newInstance($this->texts()); $page->user_id = 1; $page->account_id = $account->id; $page->save(); $this->addImages($page); $this->subPages($page, $accountid); } } }
public function run() { foreach ([1, 2] as $account) { $teller = 0; $teams = new Collection(); while ($teller < 3) { $teams->push(Team::create(['account_id' => $account, 'nl' => ['name' => $this->faker->sentence(2), 'description' => $this->faker->paragraph(5)], 'en' => ['name' => $this->faker->sentence(2), 'description' => $this->faker->paragraph(5)], 'fr' => ['name' => $this->faker->sentence(2), 'description' => $this->faker->paragraph(5)], 'de' => ['name' => $this->faker->sentence(2), 'description' => $this->faker->paragraph(5)]])); $teller++; } $account = Account::find($account); $teams = array_flip($teams->lists('id')->toArray()); foreach ($account->memberships as $membership) { $membership->teams()->attach(array_rand($teams, rand(1, 3))); } } }
protected function seed($prefix) { $table = ucfirst($prefix) . 'Seeder'; if (class_exists($table)) { if (isset($this->amounts[$prefix])) { $this->call($table, $this->amounts[$prefix]); } else { $this->call($table); } } $accounts = Account::all(); $modules = Module::all(); foreach ($accounts as $account) { $account->modules()->sync($modules->lists('id')->toArray()); } }
public function startData() { $account1 = factory(Account::class)->create(); $digiredo = Account::find(1); $account2 = factory(Account::class)->create(); $category = factory(Category::class)->create(); $brand = factory(Brand::class)->create(); //create 3 products, but all a different account factory(Product::class)->create(['brand_id' => $brand->id, 'account_id' => $account1->id]); $notSee = factory(Product::class)->create(['brand_id' => $brand->id, 'account_id' => $account2->id]); factory(Product::class)->create(['brand_id' => $brand->id, 'account_id' => $digiredo->id]); //create notification $notification = new GammaNotification(['account_id' => $account1->id, 'brand_id' => $brand->id, 'category_id' => $category->id, 'type' => 'activate']); $notification->save(); return [$category->id, $account1->id, $brand->id, $notification, $notSee]; }
/** * @param int $amount */ public function run($amount = 15) { foreach ([1, 2] as $accountid) { $account = Account::find($accountid); $tags = Modules\Tags\Tag::all(); $tags = $tags->lists('id')->toArray(); $tags = array_unique($tags); //flip array since array_rand returns the keys from an array $tags = array_flip($tags); for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; ++$i) { $post = $this->model->newInstance($this->texts($accountid)); $post->user_id = 1; $post->account_id = $account->id; $post->save(); $this->addImages($post); $useTags = array_rand($tags, rand(1, 3)); $useTags = (array) $useTags; $post->tags()->sync($useTags); } } }
protected function productBases($amount) { $brands = Brand::all(); $categories = Category::whereNull('original_id')->get(); $categories->load('synonyms'); $accounts = Account::take(2)->get(); foreach ($accounts as $account) { for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; $i++) { $product = factory(Product::class)->create(['brand_id' => $brands->random(1)->id, 'account_id' => $account->id]); $this->addImages($product); $category = $categories->random(1); $categoryIds = [$category->id]; if ($category->synonyms) { $categoryIds = array_merge($categoryIds, $category->synonyms->lists('id')->toArray()); } $product->categories()->sync($categoryIds); $this->properties($product, $category); $this->prices($product, $account->id); $this->promotions($product, $account->id); } } }
/** * */ protected function account() { $account = Account::where('alias', env('APP_ALIAS'))->first(); return $account; }
/** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model */ public function handle() { $membership = new Membership(); $membership->member()->associate($this->member); return $this->account->memberships()->save($membership); }