  * Check we either have an associated block already or if BlockType has been passed in as value on extended model
  * e.g. from CMS form submission.
  * @param \ValidationResult $validationResult
  * @return array|void
  * @throws \ValidationException
 public function validate(ValidationResult $validationResult)
     if (!($blockType = $this->getBlockType())) {
         $validationResult->error($this->fieldDecoration(self::BlockTypeFieldName, 'missing', '{model} requires a block type', ['model' => $this()->i18n_singular_name()]));
         throw new ValidationException($validationResult);
  * Skip validation for Pages if not already saved so we can create new pages with DateFields as CMS saves early.
  * @param \ValidationResult $result
  * @throws \ValidationException
  * @return null
 public function validate(\ValidationResult $result)
     if ($this() instanceof \SiteTree) {
         if (!$this()->isInDB()) {
             return null;
  * Prevent duplicate code being entered.
  * @param \ValidationResult $result
  * @return array|void
  * @throws \ValidationException
 public function validate(ValidationResult $result)
     // this could throw an exception, let it
     $code = $this->owner->{self::CodeFieldName};
     if ($this->owner->isInDB()) {
         // code should be read-only in CMS but check anyway that doesn't exist on another ID
         $existing = Model::get($this->owner->class)->exclude('ID', $this->owner->ID)->filter(self::CodeFieldName, $code)->first();
     } else {
         // check code doesn't exist already
         $existing = Model::get($this->owner->class)->filter(self::CodeFieldName, $code)->first();
     if ($existing) {
         $message = $this->fieldDecoration(self::CodeFieldName, 'Duplicate', "Code must be unique, the {singular} '{title}' already uses '{code}'", ['code' => $code, 'title' => $existing->Title ?: $existing->Name]);
         throw new ValidationException($result);