include "../headnav.html";
    <div id="mainbody">
      <div id="leftpanel">

include "../scripts/microscopes.php";
use MicronOxford\OpticalMicroscope;
use MicronOxford\SolidStateLaser;
use MicronOxford\GasLaser;
use MicronOxford\Objective;
$nasmyth = new OpticalMicroscope("PE_Ultraview", "UltraView Spinning Disk system (Nasmyth)", "New Biochemistry Room 00-031", array(new SolidStateLaser(405), new SolidStateLaser(488), new GasLaser(488, "Argon"), new GasLaser(515, "Argon"), new GasLaser(568, "Argon"), new GasLaser(633, "Argon")), array(new Objective(60, 1.35, "Oil UPlanSApo")));


          Spinning-disc confocal microscope (Ultra- VIEW VoX; PerkinElmer;
          mounted on an IX81 microscope [Olympus]; 60x 1.3 NA silicon
          immersion objective and an electron-multiplying charge-coupled
          device camera [ImagEM; Hamamatsu Photonics]).
          The UltraView system is a spinning disc confocal, providing
          optical sectioning while still permitting rapid imaging, on the
          order of 20 frames/s. It has 6 laser lines, 405, 488, 514, 532,
          568 and 633. This allows a very wide range of fluorescent probes
          to be used on the system. The instrument is also fitted with a
          photo-bleach/activation unit, which can be used to provide either
Esempio n. 2
include "../headnav.html";
    <div id="mainbody">
      <div id="leftpanel">

include "../scripts/microscopes.php";
use MicronOxford\OpticalMicroscope;
use MicronOxford\Laser;
use MicronOxford\Objective;
$z1 = new OpticalMicroscope("Z1_lightsheet", "Zeiss Z1 Lightsheet", "New Biochemistry Room 00-060", array(new Laser(405, ""), new Laser(445, ""), new Laser(488, ""), new Laser(514, ""), new Laser(561, ""), new Laser(638, "")), array(new Objective(5, 0.16, "Air"), new Objective(20, 1.0, "Water"), new Objective(63, 1.0, "Water")));


          This is a commercial lightsheet microscope designed primarily for
          time-lapse imaging of thick specimens that a scanning confocal
          microscope would struggle with. Imaging of thick, fixed samples is
          also possible. Specimens are illuminated with one or two thin light
          sheets from opposite sides perpendicular to the detection objective.
          This vastly reduces light exposure and therefore bleaching of the
          sample and enables penetration depths of up to 100 µm. It is possible
          to image in single or multiview mode, the latter through rotating
          the sample and imaging stacks at six to eight different angles,
          which can then be recombined into a 360° view. Specimens are
          embedded in 1% low-melting agarose or similar inside glass
          capillaries and then extruded and imaged in buffer.
Esempio n. 3
include "../headnav.html";
    <div id="mainbody">
      <div id="leftpanel">

include "../scripts/microscopes.php";
use MicronOxford\OpticalMicroscope;
use MicronOxford\SolidStateLaser;
use MicronOxford\GasLaser;
use MicronOxford\Objective;
$omxv3 = new OpticalMicroscope("omxv3", "OMX V3 Optical Microscope, eXperimental (BLAZE)", "New Biochemistry Room 00-056", array(new SolidStateLaser(405), new SolidStateLaser(488), new GasLaser(488, "Argon"), new GasLaser(593, "Argon"), new GasLaser(633, "Argon")), array(new Objective(60, 1.42, "Oil UPlanSApo")));


          This is a cutting edge fluorescence microscope system. It has
          two complimentary functionalities.

          Fast Live mode: In this mode it is able to grab simultaneous
          images in multiple colours, extremely rapidly and with very
          accurate timing control.

          3D Structured Illumination mode: in this mode the system uses
Esempio n. 4
include "../headnav.html";
    <div id="mainbody">
      <div id="leftpanel">

include "../scripts/microscopes.php";
use MicronOxford\OpticalMicroscope;
use MicronOxford\SolidStateLaser;
use MicronOxford\GasLaser;
use MicronOxford\Objective;
$omxv2 = new OpticalMicroscope("omxv2", "OMX V2 Optical Microscope, eXperimental", "New Biochemistry Room 00-056", array(new SolidStateLaser(405), new SolidStateLaser(488), new GasLaser(488, "Argon"), new GasLaser(515, "Argon"), new GasLaser(568, "Argon"), new GasLaser(633, "Argon")), array(new Objective(60, 1.35, "Oil UPlanSApo")));


          This is a cutting edge fluorescence microscope system. It has
          two complimentary functionalities.

          Fast Live mode: In this mode it is able to grab simultaneous
          images in multiple colours, extremely rapidly and with very
          accurate timing control.

          3D Structured Illumination mode: in this mode the system uses
Esempio n. 5
include "../headnav.html";
    <div id="mainbody">
      <div id="leftpanel">

include "../scripts/microscopes.php";
use MicronOxford\OpticalMicroscope;
use MicronOxford\SolidStateLaser;
use MicronOxford\GasLaser;
use MicronOxford\Objective;
$zippy = new OpticalMicroscope("zippy", "API DeltaVision Core", "New Biochemistry Room 00-031", array(), array(new Objective(60, 1.35, "Oil UPlanSApo")));



      <div id="rightpanel">
        <img src="../images/DVcore_thumb.jpg" width="200" />
          <li><a href="" title="Applied Precision">Applied Precision</a></li>

Esempio n. 6
  <div id="container_all">
include "../headnav.html";
    <div id="mainbody">
      <div id="leftpanel">

include "../scripts/microscopes.php";
use MicronOxford\OpticalMicroscope;
use MicronOxford\Objective;
$bungle = new OpticalMicroscope("bungle", "API DeltaVision Elite", "New Biochemistry Room 00-031", array(), array(new Objective(60, 1.35, "Oil UPlanSApo")));



      <div id="rightpanel">
        <img src="../images/DVcore_thumb.jpg" width="200" />
          <li><a href="" title="Applied Precision">Applied Precision</a></li>

include "../headnav.html";
    <div id="mainbody">
      <div id="leftpanel">

include "../scripts/microscopes.php";
use MicronOxford\OpticalMicroscope;
use MicronOxford\SolidStateLaser;
use MicronOxford\GasLaser;
use MicronOxford\Objective;
$barr = new OpticalMicroscope("37C_Ultraview", "UltraView Spinning Disk system (Barr)", "New Biochemistry Room 00-056", array(new SolidStateLaser(405), new SolidStateLaser(488), new GasLaser(488, "Argon"), new GasLaser(515, "Argon"), new GasLaser(568, "Argon"), new GasLaser(633, "Argon")), array(new Objective(60, 1.35, "Oil UPlanSApo")));


          The UltraView system is a spinning disc confocal, providing
          optical sectioning while still permitting rapid imaging, on the
          order of 20 frames/s. It has 6 laser lines, 405, 488, 514, 532,
          568 and 633. This allows a very wide range of fluorescent probes
          to be used on the system. The instrument is also fitted with a
          photo-bleach/activation unit, which can be used to provide either
          single spots or arbitrary shapes via line or raster scans. This
          instrument is particularly useful for doing live cell imaging as
          the high imaging speed and low background provide crisp images of
          even fast moving objects in live cells.
Esempio n. 8
    <div id="mainbody">
      <div id="leftpanel">

include "../scripts/microscopes.php";
use MicronOxford\OpticalMicroscope;
use MicronOxford\SolidStateLaser;
use MicronOxford\GasLaser;
use MicronOxford\Laser;
use MicronOxford\Objective;
$FV1000 = new OpticalMicroscope("FV1000", "Olympus Fluoview FV1000", "Dunn School of Pathology Room 214.00.25", array(new SolidStateLaser(405), new SolidStateLaser(488), new Laser(488, "Pulsed"), new GasLaser(488, "Argon"), new GasLaser(515, "Argon"), new GasLaser(568, "Argon"), new GasLaser(633, "Argon")), array(new Objective(10, 0.4, "UPlanSApo (air)"), new Objective(20, 0.75, "UPlanSApo (air)"), new Objective(40, 1.3, "Oil UPlan FLN"), new Objective(60, 1.35, "Oil UPlanSApo"), new Objective(100, 1.4, "Oil UPlanSApo")));


          This microscope is an inverted IX81 motorized microscope equipped
          with FV1000 Point scanning laser and Becker and Hickel FLIM system



      <div id="rightpanel">
        <img src="../images/FV1000_thumb.jpg" width="200" />
include "../headnav.html";
    <div id="mainbody">
      <div id="leftpanel">

include "../scripts/microscopes.php";
use MicronOxford\OpticalMicroscope;
use MicronOxford\SolidStateLaser;
use MicronOxford\GasLaser;
use MicronOxford\Objective;
$FV1200 = new OpticalMicroscope("FV1200", "Olympus Fluoview FV1200", "Dunn School of Pathology Room 214.00.25", array(new SolidStateLaser(355), new SolidStateLaser(405), new SolidStateLaser(488), new GasLaser(488, "Argon"), new GasLaser(515, "Argon"), new GasLaser(559, "Argon"), new GasLaser(635, "Argon")), array(new Objective(10, 0.4, "UPlanSApo (air)"), new Objective(20, 0.75, "UPlanSApo (air)"), new Objective(40, 1.3, "Oil UPlan FLN"), new Objective(60, 1.4, "Oil UPlanSApo"), new Objective(100, 1.4, "Oil UPlanSApo")));


          This microscope is an inverted IX83 motorized microscope equipped
          with Sensitvie GASP detectors, a 355nm DNA damage laser and an
          environmental chamber for live cell work.



      <div id="rightpanel">
Esempio n. 10
include "../headnav.html";
    <div id="mainbody">
      <div id="leftpanel">

include "../scripts/microscopes.php";
use MicronOxford\OpticalMicroscope;
use MicronOxford\Laser;
use MicronOxford\Objective;
$palm_tirf = new OpticalMicroscope("palm_tirf", "PALM/TIRF", "New Biochemistry Room 00-060", array(new Laser(405), new Laser(488), new Laser(561), new Laser(640)), array(new Objective(100, 1.4, "Oil")));


          This microscope was custom-built by the Kapanidis lab in Physics. It
          can be used for PALM and dSTORM experiments under TIRF or near-TIRF
          conditions up to 1 µm into the cell. Both methods are used to
          localise single molecules beyond the diffraction limit. TIRF and
          near-TIRF localisation is limited to 2D with no z-information.
          Localisation accuracy depends on a high number of detected photons
          and on only a fraction of molecules being in a fluorescent state at
          any one time. The latter is achieved in PALM by the activation of
          only a few fluorophores at the same time, which then bleach
          irreversibly, and in dSTORM by reversible switching between a
          fluorescent on-state and a dark off-state. PALM uses photoactivatable
          fluorescent proteins and dSTORM images fluorescent organic dyes.