public function writeConfig($destinationDir = null) { if (!$destinationDir) { $destinationDir = Platform::rootDir(); } return file_put_contents($destinationDir . '/' . self::PLATFORM_CONFIG, Yaml::dump($this->config, 2)); }
public function copyConfigs() { // Copy configs foreach ($this->configsToCopy() as $fileName) { $this->fs->copy($this->resourcesDir . '/conf/' . $fileName, $this->projectPath . '/docker/conf/' . $fileName); } // Change the default xdebug remote host on Mac, which uses a VM if (!Docker::native()) { $phpConfFile = $this->projectPath . '/docker/conf/php.ini'; $phpConf = file_get_contents($phpConfFile); $phpConf = str_replace('', '', $phpConf); file_put_contents($phpConfFile, $phpConf); } // Quick fix to make nginx PHP_IDE_CONFIG dynamic for now. $nginxConfFile = $this->projectPath . '/docker/conf/nginx.conf'; $nginxConf = file_get_contents($nginxConfFile); $nginxConf = str_replace('{{ platform }}', Platform::projectName() . '.' . Platform::projectTld(), $nginxConf); file_put_contents($nginxConfFile, $nginxConf); // stub in for Solr configs $finder = new Finder(); $finder->in($this->resourcesDir . '/conf/solr')->files()->depth('< 1')->name('*'); /** @var \SplFileInfo $file */ foreach ($finder as $file) { $this->fs->copy($file->getPathname(), $this->projectPath . '/docker/conf/solr/' . $file->getFilename()); } // copy ssl $this->fs->copy($this->resourcesDir . '/ssl/nginx.crt', $this->projectPath . '/docker/ssl/nginx.crt'); $this->fs->copy($this->resourcesDir . '/ssl/nginx.key', $this->projectPath . '/docker/ssl/nginx.key'); }
/** * Initiates basic variables. */ public function __construct() { $this->fs = new Filesystem(); $this->projectName = Platform::projectName(); $this->projectTld = Platform::projectTld(); $this->containerName = Compose::getContainerName(Platform::projectName(), 'mariadb'); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see PlatformCommand::getCurrentEnvironment() */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { /** @var \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProcessHelper $process */ $process = $this->getHelper('process'); $output->setVerbosity(OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE); if (!is_dir(Platform::rootDir() . '/docker/fg')) { $process->mustRun($output, ['git', 'clone', '', Platform::rootDir() . '/docker/fg']); } if (!is_dir(Platform::rootDir() . '/docker/xhpfg')) { $process->mustRun($output, ['git', 'clone', '', Platform::rootDir() . '/docker/xhpfg']); } $stack = StacksFactory::getStack(Platform::webDir()); switch ($stack->type()) { case Stacks\Drupal::TYPE: $this->stdOut->writeln("<comment>Patching Drupal for xhprof</comment>"); $patchProcess = new Process('patch -p1 < ' . CLI_ROOT . '/resources/drupal-enable-profiling.patch', Platform::webDir()); break; case Stacks\WordPress::TYPE: $this->stdOut->writeln("<comment>Patching WordPress for xhprof</comment>"); $patchProcess = new Process('patch -p0 < ' . CLI_ROOT . '/resources/wordpress-enable-profiling.patch', Platform::webDir()); break; default: throw new \Exception('Stack type not supported yet.'); } $patchProcess->mustRun(); }
public function testAddExtras() { $config = new ComposeContainers(Platform::rootDir(), Platform::projectName()); $config->addRedis(); $config_converted = Yaml::parse($config->yaml()); $this->assertCount(4, $config_converted); $config->addSolr(); $config_converted = Yaml::parse($config->yaml()); $this->assertCount(5, $config_converted); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see PlatformCommand::getCurrentEnvironment() */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $xhpfg = Platform::rootDir() . '/docker/xhpfg/xhprof-sample-to-flamegraph-stacks'; $fg = Platform::rootDir() . '/docker/fg/'; $xhprof = Platform::rootDir() . '/xhprof'; $graphName = $input->getArgument('filename'); $graphDestination = Platform::rootDir() . '/' . $graphName . '.svg'; exec("{$xhpfg} {$xhprof} | {$fg} > {$graphDestination}"); $url = 'file://' . $graphDestination; $this->openUrl($url); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see PlatformCommand::getCurrentEnvironment() */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $url = 'http://' . Platform::projectName() . '.' . Platform::projectTld(); // See if the nginx-proxy is running. try { $process = Docker::inspect(['--format="{{ .State.Running }}"', 'nginx-proxy'], true); if (trim($process->getOutput()) != 'true') { $port = Docker::getContainerPort(Compose::getContainerName(Platform::projectName(), 'nginx'), 80); $url .= ':' . $port; } } catch (\Exception $e) { } $this->openUrl($url, $this->stdErr, $this->stdOut); }
public function configure() { $this->fs->copy(CLI_ROOT . '/resources/stacks/wordpress/wp-config.php', Platform::webDir() . '/wp-config.php', true); $this->fs->remove(Platform::webDir() . '/wp-confg-sample.php'); $this->fs->copy(CLI_ROOT . '/resources/stacks/wordpress/wp-config.local.php', Platform::sharedDir() . '/wp-config.local.php'); $localSettings = file_get_contents(Platform::sharedDir() . '/wp-config.local.php'); $localSettings = str_replace('{{ salts }}', $this->salts(), $localSettings); $localSettings = str_replace('{{ container_name }}', $this->containerName, $localSettings); $localSettings = str_replace('{{ project_domain }}', $this->projectName . '.' . $this->projectTld, $localSettings); file_put_contents(Platform::sharedDir() . '/wp-config.local.php', $localSettings); // Relink if missing. if (!$this->fs->exists(Platform::webDir() . '/wp-config.local.php')) { $this->fs->symlink('../shared/wp-config.local.php', Platform::webDir() . '/wp-config.local.php'); } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see PlatformCommand::getCurrentEnvironment() */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->stdOut->writeln("<info>Syncing environment database to local</info>"); /** @var \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProcessHelper $process */ $process = $this->getHelper('process'); // If this is a project, get latest dump. // @todo: add proper provider integration if (Config::get('id')) { $process->mustRun($this->stdOut, ['platform', 'sql-dump']); } $cd = getcwd(); chdir(Platform::webDir()); $process->run($this->stdOut, 'drush sqlc < ' . $input->getArgument('file')); chdir($cd); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see PlatformCommand::getCurrentEnvironment() */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $stack = StacksFactory::getStack(Platform::webDir()); switch ($stack->type()) { case Stacks\Drupal::TYPE: $this->stdOut->writeln("<comment>Removing patch on Drupal for xhprof</comment>"); $patchProcess = new Process('patch -p1 -R < ' . CLI_ROOT . '/resources/drupal-enable-profiling.patch', Platform::webDir()); break; case Stacks\WordPress::TYPE: $this->stdOut->writeln("<comment>Removing patch on WordPress for xhprof</comment>"); $patchProcess = new Process('patch -p0 -R < ' . CLI_ROOT . '/resources/wordpress-enable-profiling.patch', Platform::webDir()); break; default: throw new \Exception('Stack type not supported yet.'); } $patchProcess->mustRun(null); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $composeConfig = new ComposeConfig(); // Create docker folder in project. try { $composeConfig->ensureDirectories(); } catch (IOException $e) { $this->stdOut->writeln("<error>Error while trying to create docker-compose directories.</error>"); exit(1); } $composeConfig->copyImages(); $composeConfig->copyConfigs(); $composeContainers = new ComposeContainers(Platform::rootDir(), Config::get('name')); // @todo: With #20 and making tool provider aware, read those configs. Or push those configs to main. if (isset(Config::get()['services'])) { foreach (Config::get('services') as $service) { switch ($service) { case 'redis': $composeContainers->addRedis(); break; case 'solr': $composeContainers->addSolr(); break; case 'memcached': $composeContainers->addMemcached(); break; case 'blackfire': $composeContainers->addBlackfire(); break; } } } $composeConfig->writeDockerCompose($composeContainers); $stack = Toolstack::inspect(Platform::webDir()); if ($stack) { $this->stdOut->writeln("<comment>Configuring stack:</comment> " . $stack->type()); StacksFactory::configure($stack->type()); } $this->stdOut->writeln('<info>Building the containers</info>'); Compose::build(); $this->stdOut->writeln('<info>Bringing up the containers</info>'); Compose::up(['-d']); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $containerName = null; $type = $input->getArgument('service'); $containerNameMap = ['http' => 'nginx', 'php' => 'phpfpm', 'db' => 'mariadb', 'redis' => 'redis', 'solr' => 'solr', 'memcache' => 'memcached', 'blackfire' => 'blackfire']; if (!isset($containerNameMap[$type])) { $this->stdOut->writeln("<error>Invalid service type</error>"); return 1; } else { $containerName = $containerNameMap[$type]; } $builder = ProcessBuilder::create(['docker', 'exec', '-it', Compose::getContainerName(Platform::projectName(), $containerName), 'bash']); $process = $builder->getProcess(); // Need to set tty true, ProccessHelper doesn't allow this setting. $process->setTty(true); try { $process->mustRun(null); } catch (ProcessFailedException $e) { $message = "The command failed with the exit code: " . $process->getExitCode(); $message .= "\n\nFull command: " . $process->getCommandLine(); throw new \Exception($message); } return $process->isSuccessful(); }
public function testWebRoot() { mkdir(Platform::webDir()); $this->assertTrue(is_dir(self::$tmpName . '/www')); }
/** * Write a drushrc */ public function drushrc() { // @todo: Check if drushrc.php exists, load in any $conf changes. switch ($this->version) { case DrupalStackHelper::DRUPAL7: $this->fs->copy(CLI_ROOT . '/resources/stacks/drupal7/drushrc.php', Platform::sharedDir() . '/drushrc.php', true); break; case DrupalStackHelper::DRUPAL8: $this->fs->copy(CLI_ROOT . '/resources/stacks/drupal8/drushrc.php', Platform::sharedDir() . '/drushrc.php', true); break; default: throw new \Exception('Unsupported version of Drupal. Write a pull reuqest!'); } // Replace template variables. $localSettings = file_get_contents(Platform::sharedDir() . '/drushrc.php'); // @todo this expects proxy to be running. $localSettings = str_replace('{{ project_domain }}', $this->projectName . '.' . $this->projectTld, $localSettings); file_put_contents(Platform::sharedDir() . '/drushrc.php', $localSettings); $this->fs->symlink('../../../shared/drushrc.php', Platform::webDir() . '/sites/default/drushrc.php'); }
protected function discoverBehatYml() { $depth = $this->stdIn->getOption('depth'); $scanDirs = [Platform::sharedDir(), Platform::webDir()]; if (is_dir(Platform::repoDir())) { $scanDirs[] = Platform::repoDir(); } if (is_dir(Platform::testsDir())) { $scanDirs[] = Platform::testsDir(); } $extraDir = $this->stdIn->getOption('folder'); if ($extraDir && is_dir($extraDir)) { $scanDirs[] = $extraDir; } $finder = new Finder(); $finder->files()->in($scanDirs)->depth("< {$depth}")->name('behat.yml'); return $finder; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see PlatformCommand::getCurrentEnvironment() */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $processBuilder = ProcessBuilder::create(['drush', $input->getArgument('cmd'), '--root=' . Platform::webDir(), '--uri=' . Platform::projectName() . '.' . Platform::projectTld()]); passthru($processBuilder->getProcess()->getCommandLine()); }
/** * */ public function addWebserver() { $this->config['nginx'] = ['image' => 'nginx:1.9.0', 'volumes' => ['./docker/conf/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf', './:/var/platform', './docker/ssl/nginx.crt:/etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt', './docker/ssl/nginx.key:/etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key'], 'ports' => ['80', '443'], 'links' => ['phpfpm'], 'environment' => ['VIRTUAL_HOST' => $this->name . '.' . Platform::projectTld(), 'PLATFORM_DOCKER' => $this->name]]; }