Esempio n. 1
  * Recursively inflate the folder into che provided archive, using local_dir as a prefix for archived files.
  * @param ZipArchive $zip_archive the current archive
  * @param Dir $current_folder the current folder to compress
  * @param string $local_dir the local dir prefix to use for compressed files.
  * @internal
 private static function recursiveZipFolder($zip_archive, $current_folder, $local_dir)
     $results = $current_folder->listElements();
     $all_elements = array_merge($results[0], $results[1]);
     foreach ($all_elements as $dir_entry) {
         if ($dir_entry->isFile()) {
             $zip_archive->addFile($dir_entry->getFullPath(), $local_dir . $dir_entry->getFullName());
         } else {
             $zip_archive->addEmptyDir($local_dir . $dir_entry->getName() . DS);
             ZipUtils::recursiveZipFolder($zip_archive, $dir_entry, $local_dir . $dir_entry->getName() . DS);
Esempio n. 2
 function testExtractArchive()
     $create_dir = new Dir("/test/zip_test/create/");
     $this->assertTrue($create_dir->exists(), "La directory create non esiste!!");
     $save_dir = new Dir("/test/zip_test/saved/");
     $this->assertTrue($save_dir->exists(), "La directory save non esiste!!");
     $extract_dir = new Dir("/test/zip_test/extract/");
     $this->assertTrue($extract_dir->exists(), "La directory extract non esiste!!");
     $r = $extract_dir->listElements(Dir::MODE_FILES_AND_FOLDERS);
     $extract_dir_files = array_merge($r[0], $r[1]);
     foreach ($extract_dir_files as $f) {
     $target_file = new File("/test/zip_test/saved/");
     $dir_to_zip = "/test/zip_test/create/";
     ZipUtils::createArchive($target_file, $dir_to_zip);
     $this->assertTrue($target_file->exists(), "Il file zip non è stato creato!!");
     $this->assertTrue($target_file->getSize() > 0, "Il file creato ha dimensione vuota!!");
     //ora estraggo l'archivio
     $extract_root = "/test/zip_test/extract/";
     ZipUtils::expandArchive($target_file, $extract_root);
     $r = $extract_dir->listElements(Dir::MODE_FILES_AND_FOLDERS);
     $all_elements = array_merge($r[0], $r[1]);
     $this->assertEquals(count($all_elements), 3, "Il numero dei file estratti non corrisponde!!");
     $f1 = new File($extract_root . "my_file_01.php");
     $this->assertTrue($f1->exists(), "Il file my_file_01.php non e' stato estratto!!");
     $this->assertTrue(!$f1->isEmpty(), "Il file my_file_01.php e' vuoto!!");
     //$d1 = new Dir($extract_root."another_dir/");
     //$d2 = new Dir($extract_root."my_subdir/");
     $f2 = new File($extract_root . "another_dir/blabla.ini");
     $this->assertTrue($f2->exists(), "Il file blabla.ini non e' stato estratto!!");
     $this->assertTrue(!$f2->isEmpty(), "Il file blabla.ini e' vuoto!!");
     $r = $save_dir->listElements(Dir::MODE_FILES_AND_FOLDERS);
     $saved_files = array_merge($r[0], $r[1]);
     foreach ($saved_files as $f) {
     $r = $extract_dir->listElements(Dir::MODE_FILES_AND_FOLDERS);
     $extracted_files = array_merge($r[0], $r[1]);
     foreach ($extracted_files as $f) {