Esempio n. 1
  * Fetch factories from class constructor
  * @param $file string
  * @param $reflectionClass mixed
  * @return array
 protected function _fetchDataBuilders($file, $reflectionClass)
     $absentDataBuilders = [];
     if ($reflectionClass->hasMethod('__construct')) {
         $constructor = $reflectionClass->getMethod('__construct');
         $parameters = $constructor->getParameters();
         /** @var $parameter \ReflectionParameter */
         foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
             preg_match('/\\[\\s\\<\\w+?>\\s([\\w\\\\]+)/s', $parameter->__toString(), $matches);
             if (isset($matches[1]) && substr($matches[1], -11) == 'DataBuilder') {
                 $factoryClassName = $matches[1];
                 if (class_exists($factoryClassName)) {
                 $entityName = rtrim(substr($factoryClassName, 0, -11), '\\');
                 if (!class_exists($entityName) && !interface_exists($entityName . 'Interface')) {
                     $this->_log->add(Log::CONFIGURATION_ERROR, $factoryClassName, 'Invalid DataBuilder for nonexistent class ' . $entityName . ' in file ' . $file);
                 $absentDataBuilders[] = $factoryClassName;
     return $absentDataBuilders;
Esempio n. 2
  * Compile class definitions
  * @param string $path
  * @param bool $validate
  * @return void
 public function compile($path, $validate = true)
     $rdi = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(realpath($path));
     $recursiveIterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($rdi, 1);
     /** @var $item \SplFileInfo */
     foreach ($recursiveIterator as $item) {
         if ($item->isFile() && pathinfo($item->getRealPath(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'php') {
             $fileScanner = new FileScanner($item->getRealPath());
             $classNames = $fileScanner->getClassNames();
             foreach ($classNames as $className) {
                 $this->_current = $className;
                 if (!class_exists($className)) {
                     require_once $item->getRealPath();
                 try {
                     if ($validate) {
                     $signatureReader = new \Magento\Framework\Code\Reader\ClassReader();
                     $this->_definitions[$className] = $signatureReader->getConstructor($className);
                     $this->_relations[$className] = $signatureReader->getParents($className);
                 } catch (\Magento\Framework\Code\ValidationException $exception) {
                     $this->_log->add(Log::COMPILATION_ERROR, $className, $exception->getMessage());
                 } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
                     $this->_log->add(Log::COMPILATION_ERROR, $className, $e->getMessage());
                 $this->_processedClasses[$className] = 1;
Esempio n. 3
  * Filter found entities if needed
  * @param array $output
  * @return array
 protected function _filterEntities(array $output)
     $filteredEntities = array();
     foreach ($output as $className) {
         $entityName = substr($className, -6) === '\\Proxy' ? substr($className, 0, -6) : $className;
         if (false === class_exists($className)) {
             if (class_exists($entityName) || interface_exists($entityName)) {
                 array_push($filteredEntities, $className);
             } else {
                 $this->_log->add(\Magento\Tools\Di\Compiler\Log\Log::CONFIGURATION_ERROR, $className, 'Invalid proxy class for ' . substr($className, 0, -5));
     return $filteredEntities;
Esempio n. 4
  * Retrieves list of classes for given path
  * @param string $path path to dir with files
  * @return array
 public function getList($path)
     $nameList = [];
     foreach ($this->classesScanner->getList($path) as $className) {
         try {
             if (!strpos($path, 'generation')) {
                 // validate all classes except classes in var/generation dir
             $nameList[] = $className;
         } catch (\Magento\Framework\Code\ValidationException $exception) {
             $this->log->add(Log::COMPILATION_ERROR, $className, $exception->getMessage());
         } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
             $this->log->add(Log::COMPILATION_ERROR, $className, $e->getMessage());
     return $nameList;
Esempio n. 5
  * Filter found entities if needed
  * @param array $output
  * @return array
 protected function _filterEntities(array $output)
     $entitySuffix = '\\' . ucfirst(ProxyGenerator::ENTITY_TYPE);
     $filteredEntities = [];
     foreach ($output as $className) {
         $entityName = substr($className, -strlen($entitySuffix)) === $entitySuffix ? substr($className, 0, -strlen($entitySuffix)) : $className;
         $isClassExists = false;
         try {
             $isClassExists = class_exists($className);
         } catch (\Magento\Framework\Exception $e) {
         if (false === $isClassExists) {
             if (class_exists($entityName) || interface_exists($entityName)) {
                 array_push($filteredEntities, $className);
             } else {
                 $this->_log->add(\Magento\Tools\Di\Compiler\Log\Log::CONFIGURATION_ERROR, $className, 'Invalid proxy class for ' . substr($className, 0, -5));
     return $filteredEntities;
Esempio n. 6
  * Fetch factories from class constructor
  * @param \ReflectionClass $reflectionClass
  * @param string $file
  * @return string[]
 protected function _fetchFactories($reflectionClass, $file)
     $factorySuffix = '\\' . ucfirst(FactoryGenerator::ENTITY_TYPE);
     $absentFactories = $this->_findMissingClasses($file, $reflectionClass, '__construct', ucfirst(FactoryGenerator::ENTITY_TYPE));
     foreach ($absentFactories as $key => $absentFactory) {
         if (substr($absentFactory, -strlen($factorySuffix)) == $factorySuffix) {
             $entityName = rtrim(substr($absentFactory, 0, -strlen($factorySuffix)), '\\');
             $this->_log->add(Log::CONFIGURATION_ERROR, $absentFactory, 'Invalid Factory declaration for class ' . $entityName . ' in file ' . $file);
     return $absentFactories;
Esempio n. 7
  * Retrieves list of classes for given path
  * @param string $path path to dir with files
  * @return array
 public function getList($path)
     foreach ($this->classesScanner->getList($path) as $className) {
         $this->current = $className;
         // for errorHandler function
         try {
             if ($path != $this->generationDir) {
                 // validate all classes except classes in generation dir
             $this->relations[$className] = $this->classReader->getParents($className);
         } catch (\Magento\Framework\Code\ValidationException $exception) {
             $this->log->add(Log::COMPILATION_ERROR, $className, $exception->getMessage());
         } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
             $this->log->add(Log::COMPILATION_ERROR, $className, $e->getMessage());
     return $this->relations;
Esempio n. 8
use Magento\Tools\Di\Definition\Serializer\Igbinary;
use Magento\Tools\Di\Definition\Serializer\Standard;
try {
    $opt = new Zend_Console_Getopt(['serializer=w' => 'serializer function that should be used (serialize|igbinary) default: serialize', 'verbose|v' => 'output report after tool run', 'extra-classes-file=s' => 'path to file with extra proxies and factories to generate', 'generation=s' => 'absolute path to generated classes, <magento_root>/var/generation by default', 'di=s' => 'absolute path to DI definitions directory, <magento_root>/var/di by default', 'exclude-pattern=s' => 'allows to exclude Paths from compilation (default is #[\\\\/]m1[\\\\/]#i)']);
    $generationDir = $opt->getOption('generation') ? $opt->getOption('generation') : $rootDir . '/var/generation';
    $diDir = $opt->getOption('di') ? $opt->getOption('di') : $rootDir . '/var/di';
    $testExcludePatterns = ["#^{$rootDir}/app/code/[\\w]+/[\\w]+/Test#", "#^{$rootDir}/lib/internal/[\\w]+/[\\w]+/([\\w]+/)?Test#", "#^{$rootDir}/setup/src/Magento/Setup/Test#", "#^{$rootDir}/dev/tools/Magento/Tools/[\\w]+/Test#"];
    $fileExcludePatterns = $opt->getOption('exclude-pattern') ? [$opt->getOption('exclude-pattern')] : ['#[\\\\/]M1[\\\\/]#i'];
    $fileExcludePatterns = array_merge($fileExcludePatterns, $testExcludePatterns);
    $relationsFile = $diDir . '/relations.ser';
    $pluginDefFile = $diDir . '/plugins.ser';
    $compilationDirs = [$rootDir . '/app/code', $rootDir . '/lib/internal/Magento', $rootDir . '/dev/tools/Magento/Tools'];
    /** @var Writer\WriterInterface $logWriter Writer model for success messages */
    $logWriter = $opt->getOption('v') ? new Writer\Console() : new Writer\Quiet();
    $log = new Log($logWriter, new Writer\Console());
    $serializer = $opt->getOption('serializer') == Igbinary::NAME ? new Igbinary() : new Standard();
    AutoloaderRegistry::getAutoloader()->addPsr4('Magento\\', $generationDir . '/Magento/');
    // 1 Code generation
    // 1.1 Code scan
    $filePatterns = ['php' => '/.*\\.php$/', 'di' => '/\\/etc\\/([a-zA-Z_]*\\/di|di)\\.xml$/'];
    $codeScanDir = realpath($rootDir . '/app');
    $directoryScanner = new Scanner\DirectoryScanner();
    $files = $directoryScanner->scan($codeScanDir, $filePatterns, $fileExcludePatterns);
    $files['additional'] = [$opt->getOption('extra-classes-file')];
    $entities = [];
    $repositoryScanner = new Scanner\RepositoryScanner();
    $repositories = $repositoryScanner->collectEntities($files['di']);
    $scanner = new Scanner\CompositeScanner();
    $scanner->addChild(new Scanner\PhpScanner($log), 'php');
    $scanner->addChild(new Scanner\XmlScanner($log), 'di');