  * Assert order is not visible in customer account on frontend
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param Customer $customer
  * @param CustomerAccountIndex $customerAccountIndex
  * @param OrderHistory $orderHistory
  * @param string $status
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(OrderInjectable $order, Customer $customer, CustomerAccountIndex $customerAccountIndex, OrderHistory $orderHistory, $status)
     $filter = ['id' => $order->getId(), 'status' => $status];
     $this->objectManager->create('Magento\\Customer\\Test\\TestStep\\LoginCustomerOnFrontendStep', ['customer' => $customer])->run();
     $customerAccountIndex->getAccountMenuBlock()->openMenuItem('My Orders');
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse($orderHistory->getOrderHistoryBlock()->isVisible() && $orderHistory->getOrderHistoryBlock()->isOrderVisible($filter), 'Order with following data \'' . implode(', ', $filter) . '\' is present in Orders block on frontend.');
  * Assert bestseller info in report: date, product name and qty.
  * @param Bestsellers $bestsellers
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param string $date
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(Bestsellers $bestsellers, OrderInjectable $order, $date)
     /** @var CatalogProductSimple $product */
     $product = $order->getEntityId()['products'][0];
     $filter = ['date' => date($date), 'product' => $product->getName(), 'price' => $product->getPrice(), 'orders' => $product->getCheckoutData()['qty']];
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($bestsellers->getGridBlock()->isRowVisible($filter, false), 'Bestseller does not present in report grid.');
  * Create invoice.
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param array $data
  * @return array
 public function test(OrderInjectable $order, array $data)
     // Preconditions
     // Steps
     $result = $this->objectManager->create('Magento\\Sales\\Test\\TestStep\\CreateInvoiceStep', ['order' => $order, 'data' => $data])->run();
     return ['ids' => ['invoiceIds' => $result['invoiceIds'], 'shipmentIds' => isset($result['shipmentIds']) ? $result['shipmentIds'] : null]];
  * Assert coupon info in report: code, rule name, subtotal, discount on coupons report page
  * @param SalesCouponReportView $salesCouponReportView
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param string $currency
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(SalesCouponReportView $salesCouponReportView, OrderInjectable $order, $currency = '$')
     $data = $order->getData();
     $discount = $data['price']['discount'] != 0 ? '-' . $currency . number_format($data['price']['discount'], 2) : $currency . '0.00';
     $couponCode = $data['coupon_code']->getCouponCode();
     $filter = ['coupon_code' => $couponCode, 'rule_name' => $data['coupon_code']->getName(), 'subtotal' => $currency . number_format($data['price']['subtotal'], 2), 'discount' => $discount];
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($salesCouponReportView->getGridBlock()->isRowVisible($filter, false), "Coupon with code - '{$couponCode}' is not visible.");
  * Assert that order is present in Orders grid on frontend.
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param Customer $customer
  * @param ObjectManager $objectManager
  * @param CustomerAccountIndex $customerAccountIndex
  * @param OrderHistory $orderHistory
  * @param string $status
  * @param string $orderId
  * @param string|null $statusToCheck
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(OrderInjectable $order, Customer $customer, ObjectManager $objectManager, CustomerAccountIndex $customerAccountIndex, OrderHistory $orderHistory, $status, $orderId = '', $statusToCheck = null)
     $filter = ['id' => $order->hasData('id') ? $order->getId() : $orderId, 'status' => $statusToCheck === null ? $status : $statusToCheck];
     $objectManager->create('Magento\\Customer\\Test\\TestStep\\LoginCustomerOnFrontendStep', ['customer' => $customer])->run();
     $customerAccountIndex->getAccountMenuBlock()->openMenuItem('My Orders');
     $errorMessage = implode(', ', $filter);
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($orderHistory->getOrderHistoryBlock()->isOrderVisible($filter), 'Order with following data \'' . $errorMessage . '\' is absent in Orders block on frontend.');
  * Assert that order with fixture data in not more in the Orders grid
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param OrderIndex $orderIndex
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(OrderInjectable $order, OrderIndex $orderIndex)
     $data = $order->getData();
     $filter = ['id' => $data['id']];
     $errorMessage = implode(', ', $filter);
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse($orderIndex->getSalesOrderGrid()->isRowVisible($filter), 'Order with following data \'' . $errorMessage . '\' is present in Orders grid.');
  * Prepare expected result
  * @param array $expectedInvoiceData
  * @return array
 protected function prepareExpectedResult(array $expectedInvoiceData)
     $totalInvoice = $this->order->getPrice()[0]['grand_invoice_total'];
     $expectedInvoiceData['invoiced'] += 1;
     $expectedInvoiceData['qty'] += 1;
     $expectedInvoiceData['total-invoiced'] += $totalInvoice;
     return $expectedInvoiceData;
  * Create invoice.
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param array $data
  * @return array
 public function test(OrderInjectable $order, array $data)
     // Preconditions
     // Steps
     $result = $this->objectManager->create('Magento\\Sales\\Test\\TestStep\\CreateInvoiceStep', ['order' => $order, 'data' => $data])->run();
     return $result;
  * Search order products report.
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param array $customersReport
  * @return void
 public function test(OrderInjectable $order, array $customersReport)
     // Preconditions
     // Steps
  * Create shipment.
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param array $data
  * @return array
 public function test(OrderInjectable $order, array $data)
     // Preconditions
     // Steps
     $createShipping = $this->objectManager->create('Magento\\Sales\\Test\\TestStep\\CreateShipmentStep', ['order' => $order, 'data' => $data]);
     return ['ids' => $createShipping->run()];
  * Assert that invoiced Grand Total amount is equal to placed order Grand total amount on invoice page (frontend)
  * @param OrderHistory $orderHistory
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param CustomerOrderView $customerOrderView
  * @param InvoiceView $invoiceView
  * @param array $ids
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(OrderHistory $orderHistory, OrderInjectable $order, CustomerOrderView $customerOrderView, InvoiceView $invoiceView, array $ids)
     foreach ($ids['invoiceIds'] as $key => $invoiceId) {
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(number_format($order->getPrice()[$key]['grand_invoice_total'], 2), $invoiceView->getInvoiceBlock()->getItemBlock($invoiceId)->getGrandTotal());
Esempio n. 12
  * Get orders quantity from Ordered Products Report grid
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @return array
 public function getOrdersResults(OrderInjectable $order)
     $products = $order->getEntityId()['products'];
     $views = [];
     foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
         $views[$key] = $this->_rootElement->find(sprintf($this->product, $product->getName()), Locator::SELECTOR_XPATH)->getText();
     return $views;
  * Put created order on hold.
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @return array
 public function test(OrderInjectable $order)
     // Preconditions
     // Steps
     $this->orderIndex->getSalesOrderGrid()->searchAndOpen(['id' => $order->getId()]);
     return ['customer' => $order->getDataFieldConfig('customer_id')['source']->getCustomer()];
  * Assert that shipped items quantity in 'Total Quantity' is equal to data from fixture on My Account page
  * @param OrderHistory $orderHistory
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param CustomerOrderView $customerOrderView
  * @param ShipmentView $shipmentView
  * @param array $ids
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(OrderHistory $orderHistory, OrderInjectable $order, CustomerOrderView $customerOrderView, ShipmentView $shipmentView, array $ids)
     $totalQty = $order->getTotalQtyOrdered();
     $customerOrderView->getOrderViewBlock()->openLinkByName('Order Shipments');
     foreach ($ids['shipmentIds'] as $key => $shipmentIds) {
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($totalQty[$key], $shipmentView->getShipmentBlock()->getItemShipmentBlock($shipmentIds)->getTotalQty());
  * Assert shipment with corresponding shipment/order ID is present in 'Shipments' with correct total qty field
  * @param ShipmentIndex $shipmentIndex
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param array $ids
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(ShipmentIndex $shipmentIndex, OrderInjectable $order, array $ids)
     $orderId = $order->getId();
     $totalQty = $order->getTotalQtyOrdered();
     foreach ($ids['shipmentIds'] as $key => $shipmentIds) {
         $filter = ['id' => $shipmentIds, 'order_id' => $orderId, 'total_qty_from' => $totalQty[$key], 'total_qty_to' => $totalQty[$key]];
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($shipmentIndex->getShipmentsGrid()->isRowVisible($filter), 'Shipment is absent in shipment grid on shipment index page.');
  * Prepare order products
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param array|null $data [optional]
  * @return array
 protected function prepareOrderProducts(OrderInjectable $order, array $data = null)
     $products = $order->getEntityId()['products'];
     $productsData = [];
     /** @var CatalogProductSimple $product */
     foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
         $productsData[] = ['product' => $product->getName(), 'sku' => $product->getSku(), 'qty' => isset($data[$key]['qty']) && $data[$key]['qty'] != '-' ? $data[$key]['qty'] : $product->getCheckoutData()['qty']];
     return $this->sortDataByPath($productsData, $this->sortKey);
  * Bestseller Products Report.
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param array $bestsellerReport
  * @return void
 public function test(OrderInjectable $order, array $bestsellerReport)
     // Preconditions
     $this->bestsellers->getMessagesBlock()->clickLinkInMessages('notice', 'here');
     // Steps
  * Assert that ordered products in bestsellers on Dashboard successfully refreshed.
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param Dashboard $dashboard
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(OrderInjectable $order, Dashboard $dashboard)
     /** @var \Magento\Backend\Test\Block\Dashboard\Tab\Products\Ordered $bestsellersGrid */
     $bestsellersGrid = $dashboard->getStoreStatsBlock()->getTabElement('bestsellers')->getBestsellersGrid();
     $products = $order->getEntityId()['products'];
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($bestsellersGrid->isProductVisible($product), 'Bestseller ' . $product->getName() . ' is not present in report grid after refresh data.');
  * Create shipping for order on backend.
  * @return array
 public function run()
     $this->orderIndex->getSalesOrderGrid()->searchAndOpen(['id' => $this->order->getId()]);
     if (!empty($this->data)) {
         $this->orderShipmentNew->getFormBlock()->fillData($this->data, $this->order->getEntityId()['products']);
     return ['shipmentIds' => $this->getShipmentIds()];
  * Assert bestseller info in report: date, product name and qty
  * @param Bestsellers $bestsellers
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param string $date
  * @return void
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
 public function processAssert(Bestsellers $bestsellers, OrderInjectable $order, $date)
     $products = $order->getEntityId()['products'];
     $totalQuantity = $bestsellers->getGridBlock()->getViewsResults($products, $date);
     $productQty = [];
     foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
         /** @var CatalogProductSimple $product*/
         $productQty[$key] = $product->getCheckoutData()['qty'];
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($productQty, $totalQuantity);
  * Process assert.
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param array $ids
  * @param SalesShipmentView $salesShipmentView
  * @param array|null $data [optional]
  * @return void
 protected function assert(OrderInjectable $order, array $ids, SalesShipmentView $salesShipmentView, array $data = null)
     $orderId = $order->getId();
     $productsData = $this->prepareOrderProducts($order, $data['items_data']);
     foreach ($ids['shipmentIds'] as $shipmentId) {
         $filter = ['order_id' => $orderId, 'id' => $shipmentId];
         $itemsData = $this->preparePageItems($salesShipmentView->getItemsBlock()->getData());
         $error = $this->verifyData($productsData, $itemsData);
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEmpty($error, $error);
  * Assert product info in report: product name, link title, sku, downloads number (Reports > Products > Downloads)
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param DownloadsReport $downloadsReport
  * @param int $downloads
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(OrderInjectable $order, DownloadsReport $downloadsReport, $downloads)
     foreach ($order->getEntityId()['products'] as $product) {
         foreach ($product->getDownloadableLinks()['downloadable']['link'] as $link) {
             $filter = ['name' => $product->getName(), 'link_title' => $link['title'], 'sku' => $product->getSku()];
             $filter[] = $downloads;
             \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($downloadsReport->getGridBlock()->isRowVisible($filter, false), "Downloads report link {$link['title']} is not present in reports grid.");
  * Assert product name and qty in Ordered Products report
  * @param OrderedProductsReport $orderedProducts
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(OrderedProductsReport $orderedProducts, OrderInjectable $order)
     $products = $order->getEntityId()['products'];
     $totalQuantity = $orderedProducts->getGridBlock()->getOrdersResults($order);
     $productQty = [];
     foreach ($totalQuantity as $key => $value) {
         /** @var CatalogProductSimple $product */
         $product = $products[$key];
         $productQty[$key] = $product->getCheckoutData()['qty'];
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($totalQuantity, $productQty);
  * Assert that shipment is present in the Shipments tab with correct shipped items quantity
  * @param SalesOrderView $salesOrderView
  * @param OrderIndex $orderIndex
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param array $ids
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(SalesOrderView $salesOrderView, OrderIndex $orderIndex, OrderInjectable $order, array $ids)
     $orderIndex->getSalesOrderGrid()->searchAndOpen(['id' => $order->getId()]);
     $totalQty = $order->getTotalQtyOrdered();
     $totalQty = is_array($totalQty) ? $totalQty : [$totalQty];
     foreach ($ids['shipmentIds'] as $key => $shipmentId) {
         $filter = ['id' => $shipmentId, 'qty_from' => $totalQty[$key], 'qty_to' => $totalQty[$key]];
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($salesOrderView->getOrderForm()->getTabElement('shipments')->getGridBlock()->isRowVisible($filter), 'Shipment is absent on shipments tab.');
  * Create credit memo from order on backend.
  * @return array
 public function run()
     $this->orderIndex->getSalesOrderGrid()->searchAndOpen(['id' => $this->order->getId()]);
     if (!empty($this->data)) {
         $this->orderCreditMemoNew->getFormBlock()->fillProductData($this->data, $this->order->getEntityId()['products']);
     return ['creditMemoIds' => $this->getCreditMemoIds()];
  * Assert that refund is present in the tab with ID and refunded amount(depending on full/partial refund).
  * @param SalesOrderView $salesOrderView
  * @param OrderIndex $orderIndex
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param array $ids
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(SalesOrderView $salesOrderView, OrderIndex $orderIndex, OrderInjectable $order, array $ids)
     $orderIndex->getSalesOrderGrid()->searchAndOpen(['id' => $order->getId()]);
     /** @var Grid $grid */
     $grid = $salesOrderView->getOrderForm()->getTab('creditmemos')->getGridBlock();
     $amount = $order->getPrice();
     foreach ($ids['creditMemoIds'] as $key => $creditMemoId) {
         $filter = ['id' => $creditMemoId, 'amount_from' => $amount[$key]['grand_creditmemo_total'], 'amount_to' => $amount[$key]['grand_creditmemo_total']];
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($grid->isRowVisible($filter, true, false), 'Credit memo is absent on credit memos tab.');
  * Assert credit memo items on credit memo view page
  * @param CreditMemoIndex $creditMemoIndex
  * @param SalesCreditMemoView $salesCreditMemoView
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param array $ids
  * @param array|null $data [optional]
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CreditMemoIndex $creditMemoIndex, SalesCreditMemoView $salesCreditMemoView, OrderInjectable $order, array $ids, array $data = null)
     $orderId = $order->getId();
     $productsData = $this->prepareOrderProducts($order, $data['items_data']);
     foreach ($ids['creditMemoIds'] as $creditMemoId) {
         $filter = ['order_id' => $orderId, 'id' => $creditMemoId];
         $itemsData = $this->preparePageItems($salesCreditMemoView->getItemsBlock()->getData());
         $error = $this->verifyData($productsData, $itemsData);
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEmpty($error, $error);
  * Assert invoice with corresponding order ID is present in the invoices grid with corresponding amount
  * @param InvoiceIndex $invoiceIndex
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param array $ids
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(InvoiceIndex $invoiceIndex, OrderInjectable $order, array $ids)
     $amount = $order->getPrice();
     $orderId = $order->getId();
     foreach ($ids['invoiceIds'] as $key => $invoiceId) {
         $filter = ['id' => $invoiceId, 'order_id' => $orderId, 'grand_total_from' => $amount[$key]['grand_invoice_total'], 'grand_total_to' => $amount[$key]['grand_invoice_total']];
         $filter['grand_total_from'] = number_format($amount[$key]['grand_invoice_total'], 2);
         $filter['grand_total_to'] = number_format($amount[$key]['grand_invoice_total'], 2);
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($invoiceIndex->getInvoicesGrid()->isRowVisible($filter, false, false), 'Invoice is absent in invoices grid on invoice index page.');
  * Assert that refund is present in the 'Refunds' grid with correct ID, order ID, refunded amount
  * @param CreditMemoIndex $creditMemoIndex
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param array $ids
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CreditMemoIndex $creditMemoIndex, OrderInjectable $order, array $ids)
     $amount = $order->getPrice();
     $orderId = $order->getId();
     foreach ($ids['creditMemoIds'] as $key => $creditMemoId) {
         $filter = ['id' => $creditMemoId, 'order_id' => $orderId, 'grand_total_from' => $amount[$key]['grand_creditmemo_total'], 'grand_total_to' => $amount[$key]['grand_creditmemo_total']];
         $filter['grand_total_from'] = number_format($amount[$key]['grand_creditmemo_total'], 2);
         $filter['grand_total_to'] = number_format($amount[$key]['grand_creditmemo_total'], 2);
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($creditMemoIndex->getCreditMemoGrid()->isRowVisible($filter, false, false), "Credit memo '#{$creditMemoId}' is absent in credit memos grid on credit memo index page.");
  * Assert that buttons from dataset are not present on page
  * @param OrderIndex $orderIndex
  * @param SalesOrderView $salesOrderView
  * @param OrderInjectable $order
  * @param string $orderButtonsUnavailable
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(OrderIndex $orderIndex, SalesOrderView $salesOrderView, OrderInjectable $order, $orderButtonsUnavailable)
     $orderIndex->getSalesOrderGrid()->searchAndOpen(['id' => $order->getId()]);
     $buttons = explode(',', $orderButtonsUnavailable);
     $matches = [];
     foreach ($buttons as $button) {
         if ($salesOrderView->getPageActions()->isActionButtonVisible(trim($button))) {
             $matches[] = $button;
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEmpty($matches, 'Buttons are present on order page.' . "\nLog:\n" . implode(";\n", $matches));