Esempio n. 1
  * Rollback a release
  * @see \Mage\Command\AbstractCommand::run()
 public function run()
     $exitCode = 450;
     $releaseId = $this->getConfig()->getArgument(1);
     if (!is_numeric($releaseId)) {
         Console::output('<red>This release is mandatory.</red>', 1, 2);
         return 451;
     $lockFile = getcwd() . '/.mage/' . $this->getConfig()->getEnvironment() . '.lock';
     if (file_exists($lockFile)) {
         Console::output('<red>This environment is locked!</red>', 1, 2);
         echo file_get_contents($lockFile);
         return 20;
     // Run Tasks for Deployment
     $hosts = $this->getConfig()->getHosts();
     if (count($hosts) == 0) {
         Console::output('<light_purple>Warning!</light_purple> <dark_gray>No hosts defined, unable to get releases.</dark_gray>', 1, 3);
     } else {
         $result = true;
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $task = Factory::get('releases/rollback', $this->getConfig());
             $result = $task->run() && $result;
         if ($result) {
             $exitCode = 0;
     return $exitCode;
Esempio n. 2
  * List the Releases, Rollback to a Release
  * @see \Mage\Command\AbstractCommand::run()
 public function run()
     $exitCode = 100;
     $subCommand = $this->getConfig()->getArgument(1);
     // Run Tasks for Deployment
     $hosts = $this->getConfig()->getHosts();
     if (count($hosts) == 0) {
         Console::output('<light_purple>Warning!</light_purple> <bold>No hosts defined, unable to get releases.</bold>', 1, 3);
         return 101;
     $result = true;
     foreach ($hosts as $hostKey => $host) {
         // Check if Host has specific configuration
         $hostConfig = null;
         if (is_array($host)) {
             $hostConfig = $host;
             $host = $hostKey;
         // Set Host and Host Specific Config
         switch ($subCommand) {
             case 'list':
                 $task = Factory::get('releases/list', $this->getConfig());
                 $result = $task->run() && $result;
             case 'rollback':
                 if (!is_numeric($this->getConfig()->getParameter('release', ''))) {
                     Console::output('<red>Missing required releaseid.</red>', 1, 2);
                     return 102;
                 $lockFile = getcwd() . '/.mage/' . $this->getConfig()->getEnvironment() . '.lock';
                 if (file_exists($lockFile)) {
                     Console::output('<red>This environment is locked!</red>', 1, 2);
                     echo file_get_contents($lockFile);
                     return 103;
                 $releaseId = $this->getConfig()->getParameter('release', '');
                 $task = Factory::get('releases/rollback', $this->getConfig());
                 $result = $task->run() && $result;
     if ($result) {
         $exitCode = 0;
     return $exitCode;
Esempio n. 3
  * Updates the SCM Base Code
  * @see \Mage\Command\AbstractCommand::run()
 public function run()
     $exitCode = 200;
     $task = Factory::get('scm/update', $this->getConfig());
     Console::output('Updating application via ' . $task->getName() . ' ... ', 1, 0);
     $result = $task->run();
     if ($result === true) {
         Console::output('<green>OK</green>' . PHP_EOL, 0);
         $exitCode = 0;
     } else {
         Console::output('<red>FAIL</red>' . PHP_EOL, 0);
     return $exitCode;
Esempio n. 4
  * List the Releases, Rollback to a Release
  * @see \Mage\Command\AbstractCommand::run()
 public function run()
     $exitCode = 400;
     $subCommand = $this->getConfig()->getArgument(1);
     // Run Tasks for Deployment
     $hosts = $this->getConfig()->getHosts();
     if (count($hosts) == 0) {
         Console::output('<light_purple>Warning!</light_purple> <dark_gray>No hosts defined, unable to get releases.</dark_gray>', 1, 3);
         return 401;
     $result = true;
     foreach ($hosts as $host) {
         switch ($subCommand) {
             case 'list':
                 $task = Factory::get('releases/list', $this->getConfig());
                 $result = $task->run() && $result;
             case 'rollback':
                 if (!is_numeric($this->getConfig()->getParameter('release', ''))) {
                     Console::output('<red>Missing required releaseid.</red>', 1, 2);
                     return 410;
                 $lockFile = getcwd() . '/.mage/' . $this->getConfig()->getEnvironment() . '.lock';
                 if (file_exists($lockFile)) {
                     Console::output('<red>This environment is locked!</red>', 1, 2);
                     echo file_get_contents($lockFile);
                     return 420;
                 $releaseId = $this->getConfig()->getParameter('release', '');
                 $task = Factory::get('releases/rollback', $this->getConfig());
                 $result = $task->run() && $result;
     if ($result) {
         $exitCode = 0;
     return $exitCode;
Esempio n. 5
  * Rollback a release
  * @see \Mage\Command\AbstractCommand::run()
 public function run()
     $exitCode = 105;
     $releaseId = $this->getConfig()->getArgument(1);
     if (!is_numeric($releaseId)) {
         Console::output('<red>This release is mandatory.</red>', 1, 2);
         return 104;
     $lockFile = getcwd() . '/.mage/' . $this->getConfig()->getEnvironment() . '.lock';
     if (file_exists($lockFile)) {
         Console::output('<red>This environment is locked!</red>', 1, 2);
         echo file_get_contents($lockFile);
         return 106;
     // Run Tasks for Deployment
     $hosts = $this->getConfig()->getHosts();
     if (count($hosts) == 0) {
         Console::output('<light_purple>Warning!</light_purple> <bold>No hosts defined, unable to get releases.</bold>', 1, 3);
     } else {
         $result = true;
         foreach ($hosts as $hostKey => $host) {
             // Check if Host has specific configuration
             $hostConfig = null;
             if (is_array($host)) {
                 $hostConfig = $host;
                 $host = $hostKey;
             // Set Host and Host Specific Config
             $task = Factory::get('releases/rollback', $this->getConfig());
             $result = $task->run() && $result;
         if ($result) {
             $exitCode = 0;
     return $exitCode;
Esempio n. 6
 protected function runDeploymentTasks()
     if (self::$deployStatus == self::FAILED) {
     // Run Tasks for Deployment
     $hosts = $this->getConfig()->getHosts();
     $this->hostsCount = count($hosts);
     self::$failedTasks = 0;
     if ($this->hostsCount == 0) {
         Console::output('<light_purple>Warning!</light_purple> <dark_gray>No hosts defined, skipping deployment tasks.</dark_gray>', 1, 3);
     } else {
         $this->startTimeHosts = time();
         foreach ($hosts as $hostKey => $host) {
             // Check if Host has specific configuration
             $hostConfig = null;
             if (is_array($host)) {
                 $hostConfig = $host;
                 $host = $hostKey;
             // Set Host and Host Specific Config
             // Prepare Tasks
             $tasks = 0;
             $completedTasks = 0;
             Console::output('Deploying to <dark_gray>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</dark_gray>');
             $tasksToRun = $this->getConfig()->getTasks();
             $deployStrategy = $this->chooseDeployStrategy();
             array_unshift($tasksToRun, $deployStrategy);
             if (count($tasksToRun) == 0) {
                 Console::output('<light_purple>Warning!</light_purple> <dark_gray>No </dark_gray><light_cyan>Deployment</light_cyan> <dark_gray>tasks defined.</dark_gray>', 2);
                 Console::output('Deployment to <dark_gray>' . $host . '</dark_gray> skipped!', 1, 3);
             } else {
                 foreach ($tasksToRun as $taskData) {
                     $task = Factory::get($taskData, $this->getConfig(), false, AbstractTask::STAGE_DEPLOY);
                     if ($this->runTask($task)) {
                     } else {
                 if ($completedTasks == $tasks) {
                     $tasksColor = 'green';
                 } else {
                     $tasksColor = 'red';
                 Console::output('Deployment to <dark_gray>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</dark_gray> completed: <' . $tasksColor . '>' . $completedTasks . '/' . $tasks . '</' . $tasksColor . '> tasks done.', 1, 3);
             // Reset Host Config
         $this->endTimeHosts = time();
         if (self::$failedTasks > 0) {
             self::$deployStatus = self::FAILED;
         } else {
             self::$deployStatus = self::SUCCEDED;
         // Releasing
         if (self::$deployStatus == self::SUCCEDED && $this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) == true) {
             // Execute the Releases
             Console::output('Starting the <dark_gray>Releasing</dark_gray>');
             $completedTasks = 0;
             foreach ($hosts as $hostKey => $host) {
                 // Check if Host has specific configuration
                 $hostConfig = null;
                 if (is_array($host)) {
                     $hostConfig = $host;
                     $host = $hostKey;
                 // Set Host
                 $task = Factory::get($this->chooseReleaseStrategy(), $this->getConfig(), false, AbstractTask::STAGE_DEPLOY);
                 if ($this->runTask($task, 'Releasing on host <purple>' . $host . '</purple> ... ')) {
                 // Reset Host Config
             Console::output('Finished the <dark_gray>Releasing</dark_gray>', 1, 3);
             // Execute the Post-Release Tasks
             foreach ($hosts as $hostKey => $host) {
                 // Check if Host has specific configuration
                 $hostConfig = null;
                 if (is_array($host)) {
                     $hostConfig = $host;
                     $host = $hostKey;
                 // Set Host
                 $tasksToRun = $this->getConfig()->getTasks(AbstractTask::STAGE_POST_RELEASE);
                 $tasks = count($tasksToRun);
                 $completedTasks = 0;
                 if (count($tasksToRun) > 0) {
                     Console::output('Starting <dark_gray>Post-Release</dark_gray> tasks for <dark_gray>' . $host . '</dark_gray>:');
                     foreach ($tasksToRun as $task) {
                         $task = Factory::get($task, $this->getConfig(), false, AbstractTask::STAGE_POST_RELEASE);
                         if ($this->runTask($task)) {
                     if ($completedTasks == $tasks) {
                         $tasksColor = 'green';
                     } else {
                         $tasksColor = 'red';
                     Console::output('Finished <dark_gray>Post-Release</dark_gray> tasks for <dark_gray>' . $host . '</dark_gray>: <' . $tasksColor . '>' . $completedTasks . '/' . $tasks . '</' . $tasksColor . '> tasks done.', 1, 3);
                 // Reset Host Config
Esempio n. 7
  * Performs a Rollback Operation
  * @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::run()
 public function run()
     if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) === true) {
         $releasesDirectory = $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases');
         $symlink = $this->getConfig()->release('symlink', 'current');
         if (substr($symlink, 0, 1) == '/') {
             $releasesDirectory = rtrim($this->getConfig()->deployment('to'), '/') . '/' . $releasesDirectory;
         $output = '';
         $result = $this->runCommandRemote('ls -1 ' . $releasesDirectory, $output);
         $releases = $output == '' ? array() : explode(PHP_EOL, $output);
         if (count($releases) == 0) {
             Console::output('Release are not available for <bold>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</bold> ... <red>FAIL</red>');
         } else {
             $deleteCurrent = $this->getConfig()->getParameter('deleteCurrent', $this->getConfig()->deployment('delete-on-rollback', $this->getConfig()->general('delete-on-rollback', false)));
             $releaseIsAvailable = false;
             if ($this->getReleaseId() == '') {
                 $releaseId = $releases[0];
                 $releaseIsAvailable = true;
             } elseif ($this->getReleaseId() <= 0) {
                 $index = $this->getReleaseId() * -1;
                 if (isset($releases[$index])) {
                     $releaseId = $releases[$index];
                     $releaseIsAvailable = true;
             } else {
                 if (in_array($this->getReleaseId(), $releases)) {
                     $releaseId = $this->getReleaseId();
                     $releaseIsAvailable = true;
             $currentCopy = rtrim($releasesDirectory, '/') . '/' . $releaseId;
             if (!$releaseIsAvailable) {
                 Console::output('Release <bold>' . $this->getReleaseId() . '</bold> is invalid or unavailable for <bold>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</bold> ... <red>FAIL</red>');
             } else {
                 Console::output('Rollback release on <bold>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</bold>');
                 $rollbackTo = $releasesDirectory . '/' . $releaseId;
                 // Get Current Release
                 if ($deleteCurrent) {
                     $result = $this->runCommandRemote('ls -l ' . $symlink, $output) && $result;
                     $currentRelease = explode('/', $output);
                     $currentRelease = trim(array_pop($currentRelease));
                 // Tasks
                 $tasks = 1;
                 $completedTasks = 0;
                 $tasksToRun = $this->getConfig()->getTasks();
                 // Run Deploy Tasks
                 foreach ($tasksToRun as $taskData) {
                     $task = Factory::get($taskData, $this->getConfig(), true, self::STAGE_DEPLOY);
                     Console::output('Running <purple>' . $task->getName() . '</purple> ... ', 2, false);
                     if ($task instanceof RollbackAware) {
                         /* @var $task AbstractTask */
                         $result = $task->run();
                         if ($result === true) {
                             Console::output('<green>OK</green>', 0);
                         } else {
                             Console::output('<red>FAIL</red>', 0);
                     } else {
                         Console::output('<yellow>SKIPPED</yellow>', 0);
                 // Changing Release
                 Console::output('Running <purple>Rollback Release [id=' . $releaseId . ']</purple> ... ', 2, false);
                 $userGroup = '';
                 $resultFetch = $this->runCommandRemote('ls -ld ' . $rollbackTo . ' | awk \'{print \\$3":"\\$4}\'', $userGroup);
                 $tmplink = $symlink . '.tmp';
                 $command = "ln -sfn {$currentCopy} {$tmplink}";
                 if ($resultFetch && $userGroup) {
                     $command .= " && chown -h {$userGroup} {$tmplink}";
                 $command .= " && mv -f {$tmplink} {$symlink}";
                 $result = $this->runCommandRemote($command);
                 if ($result) {
                     Console::output('<green>OK</green>', 0);
                     // Delete Old Current Release
                     if ($deleteCurrent && $currentRelease) {
                         $this->runCommandRemote('rm -rf ' . $releasesDirectory . '/' . $currentRelease, $output);
                 } else {
                     Console::output('<red>FAIL</red>', 0);
                 // Run Post Release Tasks
                 $tasksToRun = $this->getConfig()->getTasks(AbstractTask::STAGE_POST_DEPLOY);
                 foreach ($tasksToRun as $taskData) {
                     $task = Factory::get($taskData, $this->getConfig(), true, self::STAGE_POST_DEPLOY);
                     Console::output('Running <purple>' . $task->getName() . '</purple> ... ', 2, false);
                     if ($task instanceof RollbackAware) {
                         /* @var $task AbstractTask */
                         $result = $task->run();
                         if ($result === true) {
                             Console::output('<green>OK</green>', 0);
                         } else {
                             Console::output('<red>FAIL</red>', 0);
                     } else {
                         Console::output('<yellow>SKIPPED</yellow>', 0);
                 if ($completedTasks == $tasks) {
                     $tasksColor = 'green';
                 } else {
                     $tasksColor = 'red';
                 Console::output('Release rollback on <bold>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</bold> compted: <' . $tasksColor . '>' . $completedTasks . '/' . $tasks . '</' . $tasksColor . '> tasks done.', 1, 3);
         return $result;
     } else {
         return false;
Esempio n. 8
  * @expectedException \Exception
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Task "Unknowntask" not found.
  * @covers Mage\Task\Factory::get
 public function testGetClassDoesNotExist()
     Factory::get('unknowntask', $this->config);
Esempio n. 9
 protected function runRollbackTask(AbstractTask $task)
     $hosts = $this->getConfig()->getHosts();
     Console::output("", 1, 2);
     Console::output("Starting the <bold>rollback</bold>", 1, 1);
     if (!in_array($task->getStage(), $this->acceptedStagesToRollback)) {
         $stagesString = implode(', ', $this->acceptedStagesToRollback);
         Console::output("<light_purple>Warning!</light_purple> <bold>Rollback during deployment can be called only at the stages: {$stagesString} <bold>", 1);
         Console::output("<bold>Rollback:<bold> <red>ABORTING</red>", 1, 3);
     } elseif (count($hosts) == 0) {
         Console::output('<light_purple>Warning!</light_purple> <bold>No hosts defined, unable to get releases.</bold>', 1, 3);
     } else {
         $result = true;
         foreach ($hosts as $hostKey => $host) {
             $hostConfig = null;
             if (is_array($host)) {
                 $hostConfig = $host;
                 $host = $hostKey;
             // Set Host and Host Specific Config
             $task = Factory::get(array('name' => 'releases/rollback', 'parameters' => array('inDeploy' => true)), $this->getConfig(), false, $task->getStage());
             $result = $task->run() && $result;
         return $result;
     return false;