Exif data is actually an extension of the TIFF file format. TIFF
images consist of a number of {@link PelIfd Image File Directories}
(IFDs), each containing a number of {@link PelEntry entries}. The
IFDs are linked to each other --- one can get hold of the first one
with the {@link getIfd()} method.
To parse a TIFF image for Exif data one would do:
$tiff = new PelTiff($data);
$ifd0 = $tiff->getIfd();
$exif = $ifd0->getSubIfd(PelIfd::EXIF);
$ifd1 = $ifd0->getNextIfd();
Should one have some image data of an unknown type, then the {@link PelTiff::isValid()} function is handy: it will quickly test if the
data could be valid TIFF data. The {@link PelJpeg::isValid()}
function does the same for JPEG images.