function getTurns($username) { $waitTimePerTurn = 100; $turns = array('time' => null, 'total' => null, 'used' => null, 'remaining' => null); if ($username == \libAllure\Session::getUser()->getUsername()) { $registerd = \libAllure\Session::getUser()->getData('registered'); } else { global $db; $sql = 'SELECT `usedturns`, `registerd` FROM `pfrog_users` WHERE "' . $username . '" LIMIT 1 '; $result = $db->query($sql); $result = $result->fetchRow(); $registerd = $result['registerd']; $turns['used'] = $result['usedTurns']; } $now = time(); $timelapse = $now - $registerd; $blocks = $timelapse / $waitTimePerTurn; $temp = explode('.', $blocks); if (strlen($temp[1]) == 1) { $temp[1] = $temp[1] . 0; } $time_left = $waitTimePerTurn - $temp[1]; $temp[0] = $temp[0] - $turns['used']; $turns['time'] = $time_left; $turns['total'] = $blocks; $turns['total_turns'] = $blocks; $turns['remaining'] = $temp[0]; return $turns; }
public static function isEmpty() { $sql = 'SELECT FROM basket_items bi WHERE bi.basketOwner = :userId'; $stmt = DatabaseFactory::getInstance()->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':userId', Session::getUser()->getId()); $stmt->execute(); return $stmt->numRows() == 0; }
public function process() { $event = Events::getById($this->getElementValue('id')); Events::setSignupStatus($this->user->getId(), $event['id'], 'SIGNEDUP'); Events::appendSignupComment($this->user->getId(), $event['id'], 'Forced signup.', Session::getUser()->getUsername()); logActivity('Forced signup of:' . $this->getElementValue('username') . ' to event: ' . $event['id'] . ' (' . $event['name'] . ')'); redirect('viewEvent.php?id=' . $event['id'], 'They have been signed up.'); }
public function process() { global $db; $sql = 'INSERT INTO plugin_shoutbox (user, content) VALUES (:user, :content) '; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':user', Session::getUser()->getId()); $stmt->bindValue(':content', $this->getElementValue('shout')); $stmt->execute(); }
public function process() { $sql = 'INSERT INTO basket_items (user, event, basketOwner) VALUES (:user, :event, :basketOwner)'; $stmt = DatabaseFactory::getInstance()->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':user', $this->user->getId()); $stmt->bindValue(':event', $this->getElementValue('event')); $stmt->bindValue(':basketOwner', Session::getUser()->getId()); $stmt->execute(); }
function getQuadrants() { global $db; $sql = 'SELECT, FROM quadrents q WHERE owner = :userId'; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':userId', Session::getUser()->getId()); $stmt->execute(); return $stmt->fetchAll(); }
public function process() { global $db; $sql = 'INSERT INTO news (title, content, author, date) VALUES (:title, :content, :author, now())'; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':title', $this->getElementValue('title')); $stmt->bindValue(':content', $this->getElementValue('content')); $stmt->bindValue(':author', Session::getUser()->getId()); $stmt->execute(); }
function deleteSeatsForUser($eventId, $userId = null) { if (empty($userId)) { $userId = Session::getUser()->getId(); } $sql = 'DELETE FROM seatingplan_seat_selections WHERE event = :event AND user = :user '; $stmt = DatabaseFactory::getInstance()->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':event', $eventId); $stmt->bindValue(':user', $userId); $stmt->execute(); }
public function processNew() { global $db; $sql = 'INSERT INTO page_content (page, content, updatedBy) VALUES (:title, :content, :userId) '; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':title', $this->getElementValue('title')); $stmt->bindValue(':content', $this->getElementValue('content')); $stmt->bindValue(':userId', Session::getUser()->getId()); $stmt->execute(); logActivity('Content created: ' . $this->getElementValue('title')); return true; }
function setUserInSeat($eventId, $seatId, $userId = null) { if (empty($userId)) { $userId = Session::getUser()->getId(); } logActivity('_u_' . ' selected seat ' . $seatId . ' for event _e_', null, array('user' => $userId, 'event' => $eventId)); $sql = 'INSERT INTO seatingplan_seat_selections (seat, event, user) VALUES (:seat, :event, :user1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE user = :user2'; $stmt = DatabaseFactory::getInstance()->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':seat', $seatId); $stmt->bindValue(':event', $eventId); $stmt->bindValue(':user1', $userId); $stmt->bindValue(':user2', $userId); $stmt->execute(); }
public function process() { if (!empty($_SESSION['userHidden'])) { $_SESSION['user'] = $_SESSION['userHidden']; $_SESSION['userHidden'] = null; } else { // Directly manipulate the session to workaround the security restrictions. if ($this->user->getId() == Session::getUser()->getId()) { return; } $_SESSION['userHidden'] = $_SESSION['user']; $_SESSION['user'] = $this->user; } }
private function removeEventsAlreadySignedupFor($events) { $sql = 'SELECT s.event, s.status FROM signups s WHERE s.user = :user AND s.status != "SIGNEDUP" '; $stmt = DatabaseFactory::getInstance()->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':user', Session::getUser()->getId()); $stmt->execute(); $eventIds = array(); foreach ($stmt->fetchAll() as $event) { $eventIds[] = $event['event']; } foreach ($events as $key => $event) { if (in_array($event['id'], $eventIds)) { unset($events[$key]); } } return $events; }
public function process() { global $db; $db->beginTransaction(); $sql = 'DELETE FROM survey_votes WHERE opt IN (SELECT id FROM survey_options WHERE survey = :survey) AND user = :user '; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':survey', $this->survey['id']); $stmt->bindValue(':user', Session::getUser()->getId()); $stmt->execute(); $sql = 'INSERT INTO survey_votes (user, opt) VALUES (:user, :option)'; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $count = 0; foreach ($this->getElementValue('voteValue') as $vote) { if ($count >= $this->survey['count']) { break; } else { $count++; } $stmt->bindValue(':user', Session::getUser()->getId()); $stmt->bindValue(':option', $vote); $stmt->execute(); } $db->commit(); }
private function logSettingChange($settingKey) { if ($this->settings[$settingKey] != $this->getElementValue($settingKey)) { logActivity('Changed site setting: ' . $settingKey, Session::getUser()->getId()); } }
} else { echo "You have <strong>" . $result->numRows() . "</strong> slaves. Keep your number of slaves up."; } break; case 'business': $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE owner = '" . $_SESSION['username'] . "' AND type = 'BUSINESS'"); if ($result->numRows() <= 0) { echo "You've no businesses! Go to the shop, and buy some to start making money!"; echo "<br /><br /><strong>Overall</strong>: Bad"; } else { echo "You have </strong>" . count_rows($result) . "</strong> businsesses, nice going."; echo "<br /><br /><strong>Overall</strong>: Good"; } break; case 'financial': if (\libAllure\Session::getUser()->getData('gold') <= 0) { echo "We are in debt! Try raising some more cash."; echo "<br /><br /><strong>Overall</strong>: Bad"; } else { echo "We are not in debt, but make more money!"; echo "<br /><br /><strong>Overall</strong>: Good"; } break; case 'rankings': $turns = get_turns($_SESSION['username']); $rank = intval($turns['total_turns'] * $user->getData('gold') / 10000); if ($rank <= 20) { echo "You're rank is only <strong>" . $rank . "</strong>, you aught to try and improve this... Try making more money."; echo "<br /><br /><strong>Overall</strong>: Bad"; } else { echo "You've got a rank of <strong>" . $rank . "</strong>, keep going!";
/** * FIXME: Check they are actually allowed to set the status. */ public static function setSignupStatus($userId, $eventId, $status) { global $db; $status = strtoupper($status); if ($userId != Session::getUser()->getId() && !Session::hasPriv('SIGNUPS_MODIFY')) { throw new PermissionException('You may only edit your own signup.'); } if ($status == 'DELETE') { self::signupDelete($userId, $eventId); return; } $sql = 'SELECT id FROM signups AS s WHERE s.user = :userId AND s.event = :eventId'; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':userId', $userId); $stmt->bindValue(':eventId', $eventId); $stmt->execute(); if ($stmt->numRows() == 0) { self::signupCreate($userId, $eventId, $status); } else { $signupId = $stmt->fetchRow(); $signupId = $signupId['id']; self::signupUpdate($signupId, $status, false); } }
<li><h3>Financial</h3></li> <li><a href="bank.php">bank</a></li> <li><a href="shop.php">shop</a></li> <li><a href="slaves.php">slaves</a></li> <li><a href="business.php">business</a></li> </ul> <ul class = "mainmenu"> <li><h3>Account</h3></li> <li><a href="contacts.php">contacts</a></li> <li><a href="clans.php">clans</a></li> <li><a href="logout.php">logout</a></li> </ul> </div> <?php $turns = getTurns(Session::getUser()->getUsername()); $gold = number_format(Session::getUser()->getData('gold')); echo '<p class = "status">'; echo '<span class = "metric"><strong><img src = "resources/images/gold.png" /> ' . $gold . '</strong></span> '; echo '<span class = "metric"><strong><img src = "resources/images/turn.png" /> ' . $turns['remaining'] . '</strong></span> '; echo '<span class = "metric"><strong><img src = "resources/images/time.png" /> ' . $turns['time'] . '</strong></span>'; echo "</p>"; } else { echo "<a href = \"register.php\">register</a> | "; echo "<a href = \"login.php\">login</a>"; } ?> </div> <div class = "page">
<?php require_once 'includes/widgets/header.php'; require_once 'includes/widgets/sidebar.php'; require_once 'includes/classes/FormPermissionCreate.php'; use libAllure\Session; if (!Session::getUser()->hasPriv('VIEW_PRIVS')) { box('You do not have permission to view this page.'); require_once 'includes/widgets/footer.php'; } $sql = 'SELECT `key`, description FROM permissions ORDER BY `key` ASC'; $result = $db->query($sql); $permissions = array(); while ($perm = $result->fetchRow()) { if (Session::getUser()->hasPriv($perm['key'])) { $priv = '<span class = "good">' . $perm['key'] . '</span>'; } else { if (Session::hasPriv('VIEW_UNASSIGNED_PERMISSIONS')) { $priv = '<span class = "bad">' . $perm['key'] . '</span>'; } } $perm['priv'] = $priv; $permissions[] = $perm; } $tpl->assign('permissionsList', $permissions); $tpl->display('listPermissions.tpl'); require_once 'includes/widgets/footer.php';
function getSingleUserSignupsWithStatuses($statuses, $user = null) { if ($user == null) { $user = Session::getUser()->getId(); } array_walk($statuses, array(DatabaseFactory::getInstance(), 'quote')); array_walk($statuses, 'addQuotes'); $statusString = implode(", ", $statuses); $sql = 'SELECT, AS eventId,, s.status FROM signups s LEFT JOIN events e ON s.event = WHERE s.user = :user AND s.status IN (' . $statusString . ')'; $stmt = DatabaseFactory::getInstance()->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':user', $user); $stmt->execute(); return $stmt->fetchAll(); }
protected function processUpdate() { global $db; if ($this->getElementValue('status') == "DELETE") { $this->processDelete(); } $sanitizer = Sanitizer::getInstance(); $sql = 'UPDATE signups SET status = :status, numberMachinesAllowed = :machinesAllowed, comments = concat(comments, "\\n", now(), " (", :staffUsername, ") - ", :comments, :changeMetadata), gigabit = :gigabit, ticketCost = :ticketCost WHERE id = :id'; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':id', $this->getElementValue('id')); $stmt->bindValue(':status', $this->getElementValue('status')); $stmt->bindValue(':comments', $sanitizer->formatString($this->getElementValue('comments'))); $stmt->bindValue(':gigabit', $sanitizer->formatBool($this->getElementValue('gigabit'))); $stmt->bindValue(':ticketCost', $this->getElementValue('ticketCost')); $stmt->bindValue(':staffUsername', Session::getUser()->getUsername()); $stmt->bindValue(':changeMetadata', $this->getChangeMetadata()); $stmt->bindValue(':machinesAllowed', $this->getElementValue('numberMachinesAllowed')); $stmt->execute(); $this->signup = $this->getSignup(); if ($this->getElementValue('status') == 'CANCELLED') { require_once 'includes/functions.seatingPlan.php'; removeSeat($this->signup['event'], $this->signup['userId']); } $sql = 'SELECT FROM events e WHERE = :eventId LIMIT 1'; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':eventId', $this->signup['event']); $stmt->execute(); logActivity('Signup updated for _u_ to event _e_ ' . $this->getElementValue('comments') . '. ' . $this->getChangeMetadata(), null, array('user' => $this->signup['user'], 'event' => $this->signup['event'])); redirect('viewEvent.php?id=' . $this->signup['event'], 'Signup edited.'); }
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pFrog; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *******************************************************************************/ require_once 'includes/common.php'; $title = "index"; require_once "includes/widgets/header.php"; use libAllure\Session; if (Session::isLoggedIn()) { startBox("Hello again!", BOX_GREEN); echo "Welcome back, " . Session::getUser()->getUsername() . "."; stopBox(BOX_GREEN); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `hints` ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1 "; $result = $db->query($sql); $hint = $result->fetchRow(); startBox("Random Game Hint #" . $hint['id'], BOX_YELLOW); echo $hint['content']; stopBox(BOX_YELLOW); } else { echo "tycoonism is a free online role playing game, ( rpg for short ). The objectives of the game are as follows: "; echo "<ul>"; echo "<li>Try to become the richest player in the game.</li>"; echo "<li>The richer you become, within the smallest time as possible will give you good rankings.</li>"; echo "<li>You play as a 'tycoon'. Earn lots of money while you get one up on your fellow players.</li>"; echo "</ul>"; }
<?php use libAllure\HtmlLinksCollection; use libAllure\Session; if (!Session::isLoggedIn()) { return; } $isMe = Session::getUser()->getId() == $user->getId() && Session::hasPriv('CHANGE_AVATAR'); $linksCollection = new HtmlLinksCollection('User admin'); $linksCollection->addIf(Session::hasPriv('DELETE_USER'), 'users.php?action=delete&id=' . $user->getId(), 'Delete', null, 'delete'); $linksCollection->addIf(Session::hasPriv('VIEW_ATTENDANCE'), 'viewAttendance.php?user='******'Attendance'); $linksCollection->addIf(Session::hasPriv('EDIT_USER') || $isMe, 'users.php?action=edit&user='******'Update my profile' : 'Edit user', null, 'update'); $linksCollection->addIf(Session::hasPriv('SEND_EMAIL'), 'sendEmail.php?userId=' . $user->getId(), 'Send email'); $linksCollection->addIf(Session::hasPriv('EDIT_OTHERS_AVATAR') || $isMe, 'updateAvatar.php?user='******'Avatar', null, 'avatar'); $linksCollection->addIfPriv('SUDO', 'formSudo.php?username='******'SUDO'); if ($linksCollection->hasLinks()) { $tpl->assign('links', $linksCollection); $tpl->display('sidebarLinks.tpl'); }
$tpl->error('Could not find user.'); } if (Session::hasPriv('GROUP_EDIT')) { $formAddUserToGroup = new FormAddUserToGroup($user->getId()); if ($formAddUserToGroup->validate()) { $formAddUserToGroup->process(); } } require_once 'includes/widgets/header.php'; require_once 'includes/widgets/sidebar.php'; $userArray = array('username' => $user->getData('username'), 'realName' => $user->getData('real_name'), 'registered' => $user->getData('registered')); $avatarUrl = 'resources/images/avatars/' . $user->getId() . '.png'; if (file_exists($avatarUrl)) { $userArray['avatar'] = $avatarUrl; } if (Session::isLoggedIn() && Session::getUser()->hasPriv('VIEW_PROFILE_PRIVATE')) { $userArray['canSeePrivate'] = true; $userArray['lastLogin'] = $user->getData('lastLogin'); $userArray['email'] = $user->getData('email'); $bannedReason = $user->getData('bannedReason'); $userArray['isBanned'] = !empty($bannedReason); $userArray['bannedReason'] = $bannedReason; } else { $userArray['canSeePrivate'] = false; } $tpl->assign('user', $userArray); $tpl->display('profile.tpl'); if (Session::hasPriv('PRIVS_VIEW')) { $listPermissions = array(); foreach ($user->getPrivs() as $privilege) { if ($privilege['source'] == 'Group') {
loginPrompt(); } $notifications = array(); if (Session::hasPriv('GALLERY_APPROVE_IMAGE')) { $sql = 'SELECT i.filename, AS gallery, g.title AS galleryTitle FROM images i LEFT JOIN galleries g ON = WHERE i.user_uploaded != 0 AND i.published = 0 '; $stmt = DatabaseFactory::getInstance()->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $unpublishedUserUploadedImages = $stmt->fetchAll(); foreach ($unpublishedUserUploadedImages as $image) { $notifications[] = 'Image <a href = "viewGalleryImage.php?filename=' . $image['filename'] . '&gallery=' . $image['gallery'] . '">' . $image['filename'] . '</a> in gallery ' . $image['galleryTitle'] . ', uploaded by a user, is unpublished. Please publish or delete.'; } } checkNotificationNotGuarenteedSeats($notifications); $tpl->assign('notifications', $notifications); $tpl->assign('emailFlagged', Session::getUser()->getData('emailFlagged')); $tpl->assign('username', Session::getUser()->getUsername()); $standardLinks = new HtmlLinksCollection(); $standardLinks->addIf(Session::hasPriv('CHANGE_AVATAR'), 'updateAvatar.php', 'Avatar', 'avatar'); $standardLinks->addIf(Session::hasPriv('VIEW_ATTENDANCE'), 'viewAttendance.php', 'Attendance'); $standardLinks->addIfPriv('UPLOAD_GALLERY_IMAGE', 'formUploadImage.php', 'Upload gallery image'); $standardLinks->addIfPriv('VIEW_SURVEYS', 'listSurveys.php', 'Survey', 'survey'); $tpl->assign('standardLinks', $standardLinks); $privilegedLinks = new HtmlLinksCollection(); $privilegedLinks->addIfPriv('ADMIN_USERS', 'users.php', 'Users', 'users'); $privilegedLinks->addIfPriv('ADMIN_GROUPS', 'listGroups.php', 'Groups'); $privilegedLinks->addIfPriv('ADMIN_USERS', 'formFlagEmail.php', 'Flag bad emails', 'users'); $privilegedLinks->addIfPriv('VIEW_PRIVS', 'listPermissions.php', 'Permissions'); $privilegedLinks->addIfPriv('VIEW_VENUES', 'listVenues.php', 'Venues'); $privilegedLinks->addIfPriv('EDIT_CONTENT', 'listContent.php', 'Content blocks', 'contentBlocks'); $privilegedLinks->addIfPriv('VIEW_LOG', 'listLogs.php', 'Log'); $privilegedLinks->addIfPriv('MAILING_LIST', 'viewMailingList.php', 'Mailing list');
function getThemeDirectory() { $installedThemes = 'resources/themes/'; if (Session::isLoggedIn()) { $theme = Session::getUser()->getData('theme'); if (is_dir($installedThemes . $theme)) { return $installedThemes . $theme; } } return $installedThemes . getSiteSetting('theme', 'airdale'); }
public function process() { $filename = uniqid() . '.png'; $this->getElement('file')->destinationFilename = 'full/' . $filename; $this->getElement('file')->savePng(); $this->getElement('file')->resize(100, 100); $this->getElement('file')->destinationFilename = 'thumb/' . $filename; $this->getElement('file')->savePng(); $gal = intval(str_replace('gallery', null, $this->getElementValue('dir'))); if ($gal != null) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO images (filename, gallery, caption, published, user_uploaded) values (:filename, :gallery, :caption, 0, :user)'; $stmt = DatabaseFactory::getInstance()->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':filename', $filename); $stmt->bindValue(':gallery', $gal); $stmt->bindValue(':caption', 'Uploaded by: ' . Session::getUser()->getUsername()); $stmt->bindValue(':user', Session::getUser()->getId()); $stmt->execute(); } logActivity(Session::getUser()->getUsername() . ' uploaded image ' . $filename . ' to gallery: ' . $this->getElement('file')->destinationDir); redirect('account.php', 'Image has been uploaded, thanks!'); }
require_once 'includes/widgets/footer.php'; break; case 'bacsComplete': foreach (Basket::getContents() as $ticket) { Events::setSignupStatus(Session::getUser()->getId(), $ticket['eventId'], 'BACS_WAITING'); } Basket::clear(); redirect('account.php', 'Thanks, you will be marked as PAID by an admin when they receive the transfer.'); break; case 'paypalFail': logAndRedirect('account.php', 'Paypal transaction failed.'); break; case 'paypalComplete': logActivity('Started processing PayPal payment notification'); foreach (Basket::getContents() as $ticket) { logActivity('PayPal transaction processing - setting status to PAID for event. Ticket owner _u_, event _e_', $ticket['userId'], array('event' => $ticket['eventId'], 'user' => Session::getUser()->getId())); Events::setSignupStatus($ticket['userId'], $ticket['eventId'], 'PAID'); } logActivity('Finished processing PayPal payment notification.'); Basket::clear(); redirect('account.php', 'Thanks, payment complete!'); break; default: require_once 'includes/widgets/header.php'; require_once 'includes/widgets/sidebar.php'; startBox(); echo str_replace('%BASKETTOTAL%', doubleToGbp($cost), getContent('selectPaymentMethod')); $tpl->assign('cost', $cost); $tpl->assign('costPaypal', getPaypalCommission($cost)); $tpl->assign('paypalEmail', getSiteSetting('paypalEmail')); $tpl->assign('listBasketContents', Basket::getContents());
(at your option) any later version. pFrog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pFrog; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *******************************************************************************/ require_once "includes/common.php"; $title = "slaves"; require_once "includes/widgets/header.php"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM slaves WHERE `user` = '" . \libAllure\Session::getUser()->getUsername() . "'"; $result = $db->query($sql); $slaves = $result->numRows(); startBox("Slaves", BOX_GREEN); echo "You currently have <strong>" . $slaves . "</strong> slaves."; echo "<ul>"; while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { popup("<li>" . $row['name'] . "</li>", "view_slave.php?slave=" . $row['name']); } echo "</ul>"; stopBox(BOX_GREEN); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM slaves WHERE user = ""'; $result = $db->query($sql); if ($result->numRows() == 0) { startBox("Slave Shop", BOX_RED); echo "There are are not any slaves for sale.";
<?php require_once 'includes/common.php'; use libAllure\Session; $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); if (!(Session::isLoggedIn() && Session::getUser()->hasPriv('EVENT_DELETE'))) { throw new PermissionsException(); } $sql = 'DELETE FROM events WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1'; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':id', $id); $stmt->execute(); logActivity('Event deleted'); redirect('listEvents.php', 'Event deleted. Oh dear.');
<?php require_once 'includes/common.php'; require_once 'includes/classes/DatabaseItem.php'; require_once 'includes/classes/Events.php'; use libAllure\Session; var_dump(Session::getUser());