// Now we know $key is valid, we can assign it
        // We use a helper to assist us in the different use cases we can
        // encounter where the type of input we want to create gives as the value in a format
        // different than we want to store (e.g. Checkbox gives 'on' and we want to store 1)
        $value_inserted = DbConversor::convert($form_field->getTypeString(), $var);
        $response->{$key} = $value_inserted;
        // We also add it to our parameters array for it to be send to the contact by
        // e-mail
        $parameters['fields'][$key] = $value_inserted;
        // And the field names
        $parameters['field_names'][$key] = $form_field->field_name;
    // Aaaand, we send emails to all the contacts of that form
    $twig = $app->view()->getEnvironment();
    // twig environment
    $transport = Swift_MailTransport::newInstance();
    // Create the Mailer using your created Transport
    $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
    $parameters['form'] = $form;
    foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
        // Contact to be accessible from the template
        $parameters['contact'] = $contact;
        $generator = new Email($twig);
        $message = $generator->getMessage(Config::read('email_template'), $parameters);