/** * Escrever log * * @return void */ public function escrever($mensagem) { $data = date('d/m/Y H:i:s'); $mensagem = "[ {$data} ] {$mensagem}" . PHP_EOL; $arquivo = Config::get('log.path'); # Capitulo 2 - Laboratorio 2 }
public function __CONSTRUCT($con_name = null) { if (empty($con_name)) { $con_name = self::$con_name; } $this->config = \Lib\Config::load('Redis')->{$con_name}; $this->connect($this->config['host'], $this->config['port']); }
/** * Escrever log * * @return void */ public function escrever($mensagem) { $data = date('d/m/Y H:i:s'); $mensagem = "[ {$data} ] {$mensagem}" . PHP_EOL; $arquivo = Config::get('log.path'); # Capitulo 2 - Laboratorio 2 file_put_contents($arquivo, $mensagem, FILE_APPEND); }
public function testIndexAuthenticated() { // We disable the Authentication Config::write('auth_required', false); $this->get('/'); $this->assertEquals('302', $this->response->status()); $this->assertEquals('/listing', $this->response['Location']); }
private function __construct() { // building data source name from config $dsn = 'mysql:host=' . Config::read('db.host') . ';dbname=' . Config::read('db.basename') . ';port=' . Config::read('db.port') . ';connect_timeout=15'; // getting DB user from config $user = Config::read('db.user'); // getting DB password from config $password = Config::read('db.password'); $this->dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password); }
private function __construct() { // building data source name from config $dsn = 'mysql:host=' . Config::read('db.host') . ';dbname=' . Config::read('db.basename') . ';charset=' . Config::read("db.charset"); // getting DB user from config $user = Config::read('db.user'); // getting DB password from config $password = Config::read('db.password'); $this->dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password); $this->dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); }
/** * コンストラクタ * 設定ファイルはrootに配置されているconfig.php */ private function __construct() { // building data source name from config $dsn = 'mysql:host=' . Config::read('db.host') . ';dbname=' . Config::read('db.basename') . ';port=' . Config::read('db.port') . ';connect_timeout=15'; // getting DB user from config $user = Config::read('db.user'); // getting DB password from config $password = Config::read('db.password'); $options = array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES ' . Config::read('db.encode')); $this->dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password, $options); }
/** * Constructor */ private function __construct() { $dbConfig = Config::readFromAlias('db'); if (!$dbConfig) { throw new \Exception('DB config not found!'); } $dsnParams = array_intersect_key($dbConfig['mysql']['connect'], array_flip($this->getDSNAvailableParams())); $dsn = sprintf('mysql:%s', http_build_query($dsnParams, null, ';')); try { $this->dbh = new PDO($dsn, $dbConfig['mysql']['connect']['user'], $dbConfig['mysql']['connect']['password']); } catch (\Exception $e) { reconstructionPage(); } }
public function viewCreate($params) { $strings = Config::load('guildTranslations', 'translations/guild'); foreach ($strings as $key => $str) { Request::getInstance()->setParam('txt.' . $key, _($str)); } Request::getInstance()->setParam('txt.enter_guild_name', _('alliance.enter_guild_name')); Request::getInstance()->setParam('txt.create', _('common.create')); $params['isLocked'] = getHero()->getLevel() < 15 ? true : false; return $params; }
public static function isInactive() { @session_start(); $current_time = strtotime('now'); if (!isset($_SESSION[self::$session_inactive])) { $_SESSION[self::$session_inactive] = $current_time; } else { if (strtotime('now') - $_SESSION[self::$session_inactive] > self::$inactive_length && self::isLogged()) { self::logout(); header('Location:' . Config::getConfig(Config::$base)); } else { $_SESSION[self::$session_inactive] = $current_time; } } }
public function request($method, $path, $options = array()) { // Capture STDOUT ob_start(); // Prepare a mock environment \Slim\Environment::mock(array_merge(array('REQUEST_METHOD' => $method, 'SERVER_PORT' => Config::read('port_project'), 'PATH_INFO' => $path, 'SERVER_NAME' => 'http://localhost:9076'), $options)); // Run the application require __DIR__ . '/../../www/bootstrap.php'; $this->app = $app; $this->request = $app->request(); $this->response = $app->response(); // We fire the routes $this->app->run(); // Return STDOUT return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Carregar View * * @param string $tipo * @param string $arquivo * @param stdClass|array $dados * * @return void * * @throws \Exception */ public static function carregar($tipo, $arquivo, $dados = array()) { # Carregando items do menu $obj_Menus = new Menus(); $items_menu = $obj_Menus->retornarItens($tipo); # Recuperando configuracao relacionada ao path $path = Config::get('path'); # verificando se view existe if (file_exists(__DIR__ . "/../../templates/{$tipo}/{$arquivo}.tpl.php")) { # inclusao arquivo cabecalho.tpl.php require __DIR__ . "/../../templates/{$tipo}/_cabecalho.tpl.php"; require __DIR__ . "/../../templates/{$tipo}/{$arquivo}.tpl.php"; # inclusao arquivo cabecalho.tpl.php require __DIR__ . "/../../templates/{$tipo}/_rodape.tpl.php"; } else { throw new \Exception("View nao encontrada!"); } }
/** * Cria objeto da classe PDO (cria conexao com o banco) * * @return void */ private function conectar() { switch (Config::get('pdo.driver')) { case 'sqlite': $dsn = Config::get('pdo.driver') . ':' . Config::get('pdo.path'); $user = null; $pass = null; break; default: $dsn = Config::get('pdo.driver') . ':host=' . Config::get('pdo.host') . ';dbname=' . Config::get('pdo.dbname'); $user = Config::get('pdo.user'); $pass = Config::get('pdo.pass'); } // Cria objeto da classe PDO $this->obj_PDO = new \PDO($dsn, $user, $pass); // Determinando a forma padrao de tratamento de erros $this->obj_PDO->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); // Determinando a forma padrao de retorno de dados SELECT $this->obj_PDO->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, \PDO::FETCH_OBJ); $this->escrever('Conectado ao banco \'' . Config::get('pdo.driver') . '\''); }
/** * Make connection to the database. */ public static function init() { $host = Config::getConfig(Config::$host); $port = Config::getConfig(Config::$port); $dbName = Config::getConfig(Config::$databaseName); $user = Config::getConfig(Config::$user); $password = Config::getConfig(Config::$password); $file = Config::getConfig(Config::$file); if ('' == $host) { throw new AriesException('Your host config is null.'); } else { if ('' == $port) { throw new AriesException('Your port config is null.'); } else { if ('' == $dbName) { throw new AriesException('Your dbName config is null.'); } else { if ('' == $user) { throw new AriesException('Your user config is null.'); } } } } if (Config::getConfig(Config::$driver) == Config::$mysql) { self::$db = new \PDO("mysql:host={$host};port={$port};dbname={$dbName}", $user, $password); } else { if (Config::getConfig(Config::$driver) == Config::$postgree) { self::$db = new \PDO("pgsql:host={$host};port={$port};dbname={$dbName}", $user, $password); } else { if (Config::getConfig(Config::$driver) == Config::$sqlite) { if ('' == $file) { throw new AriesException('Your file config is null.'); } self::$db = new \PDO("sqlite:{$file}", $user, $password); } } } }
<?php use lib\Config; // DB Config Config::write('db.host', 'localhost'); Config::write('db.port', ''); Config::write('db.basename', 'events'); Config::write('db.user', 'root'); Config::write('db.password', ''); // Project Config Config::write('path', 'http://localhost/slimMVC');
<?php use lib\Config; use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as DB; // /render/:id controller // Render a form // When accessing /render/:id via GET, // the form will be rendered $app->get('/render/:id', function ($id) use($app) { $c = array(); // We grab the form $form = models\Form::find($id); // We grab its fields $fields = $form->fields; // Base path $c['base_path'] = Config::read('base_path'); $c['form'] = $form; $c['fields'] = $fields; $app->render('pages/render.html', $c); })->name('render');
<?php use lib\Config; // Configurações do Banco de Dados POSTGRESQL Config::write('db.host', 'localhost'); Config::write('db.port', '5432'); Config::write('db.basename', 'mapa_alerta2'); Config::write('db.user', 'postgres'); Config::write('db.password', 'root'); // Endereço Publico do Projeto Config::write('path', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/MapaAlerta/public');
<?php use lib\Config; // Configurações do Banco de Dados POSTGRESQL Config::write('db.host', 'localhost'); Config::write('db.port', '5432'); Config::write('db.basename', 'sca'); Config::write('db.user', 'postgres'); Config::write('db.password', 'root'); // Endereço Publico do Projeto Config::write('path', 'http://localhost/SCA/public'); // Salt de Criptografia Config::write('salt', 'Ep&JulgcTb)l(#Hta821m#teChPX6z(E');
<?php use Lib\Config; // Inclusao do arquivo de bootstrap require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap.php'; if ($_GET) { if (isset($_GET['modulo'])) { $modulo = "Model\\{$_GET['modulo']}"; $objeto = new $modulo(); $servidor_soap = new SoapServer(Config::get('path') . "wsdl/{$_GET['modulo']}.wsdl"); $servidor_soap->setObject($objeto); $servidor_soap->handle(); } }
if (Config::getPlugins('css') == 'lessCSS') { $lessFile = glob('public/less/*.less'); if (sizeof($lessFile) > 0) { $less = new lessc(); foreach ($lessFile as $value) { $filenames = explode('/', $value); $filename = $filenames[2]; $less->checkedCompile($value, strstr($value, '/', true) . '/css/' . substr($filename, 0, strpos($filename, '.')) . '.css'); } } } //Call caches header if (Config::getConfig(Config::$cache) == 'true') { $router->headerCache(); } AR_Config::initialize(function ($cfg) { $cfg->set_model_directory('app/models'); $cfg->set_connections(Config::getDatabases()); $cfg->set_default_connection(Config::getConfig(Config::$default_connection)); }); //Call controller $router->route(); //Call caches footer if (Config::getConfig(Config::$cache) == 'true') { $router->footerCache(); } //Stop timer $time_end = microtime(true); $time = $time_end - $time_start; //Comment below to hide timer //echo 'Web executed in '.$time.' seconds';
<?php use lib\Config; // DB Config Config::write('db.host', 'localhost'); Config::write('db.port', ''); Config::write('db.basename', 'buildcorner'); Config::write('db.user', 'root'); Config::write('db.password', ''); // Project Config Config::write('path', 'http://localhost/buildcorner-api');
<?php use lib\Config; // DB Config Config::write('db.host', ''); Config::write('db.port', ''); Config::write('db.basename', 'api'); Config::write('db.user', 'root'); Config::write('db.password', ''); Config::write('db.encode', 'utf8');
continue; } // We edit the field $contact = models\Contact::find($id_contact); $contact->{$column_name} = $var; $contact->save(); } $app->redirect($app->urlFor('getFormEdit', array('id' => $id))); })->name('postFormContactEdit'); // /form/edit/:id/fields controller // Edit Fields controller // Name and placeholders for the current fields are updated // type or number of fields cannot be updated for performance reasons $app->post('/form/edit/:id/fields', function ($id) use($app) { $c = array(); $allowed_field_names = Config::read('field_form_elements'); $post_vars = $app->request()->post(); // We iterate through id foreach ($post_vars as $key => $var) { // as keys are name_id $explode = explode('_', $key); $id_field = array_pop($explode); // column name can be placeholder or field_name $column_name = implode('_', $explode); // We try to avoid as possible possible Database mess if (!in_array($column_name, $allowed_field_names)) { continue; } // We edit the field $field = models\Field::find($id_field); $field->{$column_name} = $var;
/** * send rally point information by mail */ protected function sendRallyPointMail() { $recipient = Config::getNotificationMail('RALLY_SET'); if ($recipient && \Audit::instance()->email($recipient)) { $updatedCharacterId = (int) $this->get('updatedCharacterId', true); /** * @var $character CharacterModel */ $character = $this->rel('updatedCharacterId'); $character->getById($updatedCharacterId); if (!$character->dry()) { $body = []; $body[] = "Map:\t\t" . $this->mapId->name; $body[] = "System:\t\t" . $this->name; $body[] = "Region:\t\t" . $this->region; $body[] = "Security:\t" . $this->security; $body[] = "Character:\t" . $character->name; $body[] = "Time:\t\t" . date('g:i a; F j, Y', strtotime($this->rallyUpdated)); $bodyMsg = implode("\r\n", $body); (new MailController())->sendRallyPoint($recipient, $bodyMsg); } } }
/** * get environment specific configuration data * @param string $key * @return string|null */ static function getEnvironmentData($key) { return Config::getEnvironmentData($key); }
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); define('LIB', './lib/'); define('APP', './app/'); if (!function_exists('pr')) { function pr($data) { echo '<pre>'; print_r($data); } } ini_set('date.timezone', 'Asia/Shanghai'); require_once LIB . 'Autoloader.php'; \Lib\Autoloader::get(); //配置文件路径设置 \Lib\Config::setConfigNamespace('\\App\\Config'); require_once LIB . 'Dispacher.php'; \Lib\Dispacher::get()->dispach(); //register_shutdown_function(array(\Lib\Shut::instance(), 'shut'));
// Now we know $key is valid, we can assign it // We use a helper to assist us in the different use cases we can // encounter where the type of input we want to create gives as the value in a format // different than we want to store (e.g. Checkbox gives 'on' and we want to store 1) $value_inserted = DbConversor::convert($form_field->getTypeString(), $var); $response->{$key} = $value_inserted; // We also add it to our parameters array for it to be send to the contact by // e-mail $parameters['fields'][$key] = $value_inserted; // And the field names $parameters['field_names'][$key] = $form_field->field_name; } $response->save(); // Aaaand, we send emails to all the contacts of that form $twig = $app->view()->getEnvironment(); // twig environment $transport = Swift_MailTransport::newInstance(); // Create the Mailer using your created Transport $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport); $parameters['form'] = $form; foreach ($contacts as $contact) { // Contact to be accessible from the template $parameters['contact'] = $contact; $generator = new Email($twig); $message = $generator->getMessage(Config::read('email_template'), $parameters); $message->setTo($contact->contact_email); $message->setFrom(Config::read('email_from')); $mailer->send($message); } $app->redirect($form->redirect); });
/** * Get all required static config data for program initialization * @param \Base $f3 */ public function init(\Base $f3) { // expire time in seconds $expireTimeHead = 60 * 60 * 12; $expireTimeSQL = 60 * 60 * 12; $f3->expire($expireTimeHead); $return = (object) []; $return->error = []; // static program data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $return->timer = $f3->get('PATHFINDER.TIMER'); // get all available map types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $mapType = Model\BasicModel::getNew('MapTypeModel'); $rows = $mapType->find('active = 1', null, $expireTimeSQL); $mapTypeData = []; foreach ((array) $rows as $rowData) { $data = ['id' => $rowData->id, 'label' => $rowData->label, 'class' => $rowData->class, 'classTab' => $rowData->classTab]; $mapTypeData[$rowData->name] = $data; } $return->mapTypes = $mapTypeData; // get all available map scopes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $mapScope = Model\BasicModel::getNew('MapScopeModel'); $rows = $mapScope->find('active = 1', null, $expireTimeSQL); $mapScopeData = []; foreach ((array) $rows as $rowData) { $data = ['id' => $rowData->id, 'label' => $rowData->label]; $mapScopeData[$rowData->name] = $data; } $return->mapScopes = $mapScopeData; // get all available system status ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $systemStatus = Model\BasicModel::getNew('SystemStatusModel'); $rows = $systemStatus->find('active = 1', null, $expireTimeSQL); $systemScopeData = []; foreach ((array) $rows as $rowData) { $data = ['id' => $rowData->id, 'label' => $rowData->label, 'class' => $rowData->class]; $systemScopeData[$rowData->name] = $data; } $return->systemStatus = $systemScopeData; // get all available system types ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $systemType = Model\BasicModel::getNew('SystemTypeModel'); $rows = $systemType->find('active = 1', null, $expireTimeSQL); $systemTypeData = []; foreach ((array) $rows as $rowData) { $data = ['id' => $rowData->id, 'name' => $rowData->name]; $systemTypeData[$rowData->name] = $data; } $return->systemType = $systemTypeData; // get available connection scopes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $connectionScope = Model\BasicModel::getNew('ConnectionScopeModel'); $rows = $connectionScope->find('active = 1', null, $expireTimeSQL); $connectionScopeData = []; foreach ((array) $rows as $rowData) { $data = ['id' => $rowData->id, 'label' => $rowData->label, 'connectorDefinition' => $rowData->connectorDefinition]; $connectionScopeData[$rowData->name] = $data; } $return->connectionScopes = $connectionScopeData; // get available character status ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $characterStatus = Model\BasicModel::getNew('CharacterStatusModel'); $rows = $characterStatus->find('active = 1', null, $expireTimeSQL); $characterStatusData = []; foreach ((array) $rows as $rowData) { $data = ['id' => $rowData->id, 'name' => $rowData->name, 'class' => $rowData->class]; $characterStatusData[$rowData->name] = $data; } $return->characterStatus = $characterStatusData; // get max number of shared entities per map ------------------------------------------------------------------ $maxSharedCount = ['character' => $f3->get('PATHFINDER.MAP.PRIVATE.MAX_SHARED'), 'corporation' => $f3->get('PATHFINDER.MAP.CORPORATION.MAX_SHARED'), 'alliance' => $f3->get('PATHFINDER.MAP.ALLIANCE.MAX_SHARED')]; $return->maxSharedCount = $maxSharedCount; // get program routes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $return->routes = ['ssoLogin' => $this->getF3()->alias('sso', ['action' => 'requestAuthorization'])]; // get notification status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $return->notificationStatus = ['rallySet' => (bool) Config::getNotificationMail('RALLY_SET')]; // get SSO error messages that should be shown immediately ---------------------------------------------------- // -> e.g. errors while character switch from previous HTTP requests if ($f3->exists(Controller\Ccp\Sso::SESSION_KEY_SSO_ERROR)) { $ssoError = (object) []; $ssoError->type = 'error'; $ssoError->title = 'Login failed'; $ssoError->message = $f3->get(Controller\Ccp\Sso::SESSION_KEY_SSO_ERROR); $return->error[] = $ssoError; $f3->clear(Controller\Ccp\Sso::SESSION_KEY_SSO_ERROR); } echo json_encode($return); }
/** * Generating js for the header. * * @return null|string */ public function jsBuilder() { $js = glob($this->js_folder . '*.js'); $result = null; foreach ($js as $value) { $result .= '<script src="' . Config::getConfig(Config::$base) . $value . '" type="text/javascript"></script>'; } return $result; }
<?php use lib\Config; use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule; defined('APP_DEBUG') or define('APP_DEBUG', true); //defined('APP_DB_DEBUG') or define('APP_DB_DEBUG', false); //function reconstructionPage() { //die(require APP_WEB_ROOT_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.php.temp'); //} require 'db.php'; // Setup custom Twig view $twigView = new \Slim\Views\Twig(); Config::$confArray = array('init' => array('debug' => APP_DEBUG, 'view' => $twigView, 'templates.path' => APP_ROOT_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates', 'mode' => 'production'), 'production' => array('parameters' => array('name' => 'Evgeniy Blinov', 'skype' => 'evgeniy_blinov', 'email' => '*****@*****.**'), 'auth' => array('cookies.secret_key' => '3c44d9aa3d78269adcc417ec67e03c26'), 'db' => array('mysql' => array('connect' => array('host' => 'localhost', 'port' => '3306', 'dbname' => APPLICATION_MYSQL_DB_NAME, 'user' => APPLICATION_MYSQL_USER, 'password' => APPLICATION_MYSQL_PASS, 'charset' => 'utf8')), 'eloquent' => array('default' => array('driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => '', 'database' => APPLICATION_MYSQL_DB_NAME, 'username' => APPLICATION_MYSQL_USER, 'password' => APPLICATION_MYSQL_PASS, 'charset' => 'utf8', 'collation' => 'utf8_general_ci', 'prefix' => ''))))); Config::$env = 'production'; /** * Configure the database and boot Eloquent */ $capsule = new Capsule(); $capsule->addConnection(Config::$confArray[Config::$env]['db']['eloquent']['default']); $capsule->setAsGlobal(); $capsule->bootEloquent(); date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Moscow');