public static function step2($_feedback) { $txt_text = "نظر ارزشمند شما در ثبت شد.\n"; $txt_text .= "ممنون از همراهیتان."; if (strlen($_feedback) < 10) { $txt_text = "ممنون!\n"; // not registerd! } self::saveComment($_feedback); $result = [['text' => $txt_text, 'reply_markup' => step::get('menu')]]; step::stop(); return $result; }
/** * on successful ending call caller step * @return [type] [description] */ private static function successful() { // generate caller function to continue last step $funcName = '\\' . step::get('call_from') . "::" . step::get('call_from_step'); // stop registration after use variables step::stop(); if (is_callable($funcName)) { // get and return response $result = call_user_func($funcName, true, true); } else { $txt = T_('Return'); $result = ['text' => $txt, 'reply_markup' => step::get('call_default_menu')]; // show main menu } return $result; }