Esempio n. 1
 public function onSlap(Session $session)
     $data = $this->game->getPlayerData($session);
     $oldLevel = $data->getBowLevel();
     $newLevel = $oldLevel + 1;
     list($upgradePrice, $name, $description, $damage, $fireTicks, $knockback, $minImportance) = Settings::kitpvp_getBowInfo($newLevel);
     $rank = $session->getRank();
     if (($rank & Settings::RANK_SECTOR_IMPORTANCE) < $minImportance) {
         $session->tell("Upgrade your account to get more advanced bows!");
     if ($upgradePrice === PHP_INT_MAX) {
         $session->tell("More bow upgrades coming soon!");
     if ($data->isGoingToBuy === null or $data->isGoingToBuy["column"] !== "bow" or $data->isGoingToBuy["timestamp"] + 5 < microtime(true)) {
         $session->tell("Upgrade your bow to \"%s\".", $name);
         $session->tell("%s deals %f hearts of damage to victims.", $name, $damage / 2);
         if ($fireTicks > 0) {
             $session->tell("It also sets them on fire for %f seconds", $fireTicks / 20);
         if ($knockback > 0) {
             $session->tell("An extra knockback of {$knockback}%% will also be casted.");
         $session->tell("This upgrade costs you %g coins.", $upgradePrice);
         if ($upgradePrice > $session->getCoins()) {
             $session->tell("You need at least %g more coins to upgrade your bow!", $upgradePrice - $session->getCoins());
         } else {
             $session->tell("Click me within 5 seconds to confirm the purchase.");
             $data->isGoingToBuy = ["column" => "bow", "timestamp" => microtime(true)];
     } else {
         $data->isGoingToBuy = null;
         if ($upgradePrice > $session->getCoins()) {
             $session->tell("You need at least %d more coins to upgrade your bow!", $upgradePrice - $session->getCoins());
         $session->setCoins($coins = $session->getCoins() - $upgradePrice);
         $session->tell("Your bow is now {$name}! You have %d coins left.", $coins);
         $session->tell("Triple-click a model to toggle sword or bow.");