public static function getDocumentation()
     return ['stimulus' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to `prompt`'), 'options' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to list of simpleChoice'), 'image' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to the image object width'), 'image.source' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to interaction image object, we will use its extension to map it to its type,' . 'ie. `hello.png` would be assumed to have image type of `image/png`'), 'image.width' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to the image object width'), 'image.height' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to the image object height'), 'areas' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to a collection of hotspotChoice. Each hotspotChoice would be of a shape Poly and ' . 'its percentage-based coordinates would be mapped to QTI fixed-based coordinates'), 'multiple_responses' => LearnosityDoc::support('When this option sets to true, then it would map the interaction ' . '`maxChoices` attribute with the highest number of choices possible')];
 public static function getDocumentation()
     return ['stimulus' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to `prompt`'), 'options' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to list of simpleChoice'), 'options[].value' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to `simpleChoice` @identifier'), 'options[].label' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to `simpleChoice` value'), 'shuffle_options' => LearnosityDoc::support('Yes this is mapped to shuffle at `orderInteraction`')];
 public static function getDocumentation()
     return ['stimulus' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to `prompt`'), 'placeholder' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to the interaction `placeholder` attribute')];
 public static function getDocumentation()
     return ['stimulus' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to `prompt`'), 'options' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to `target` collection for QTI `simpleMatchSet'), 'stems' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to `source` collection for QTI `simpleMatchSet`'), 'multiple_responses' => LearnosityDoc::support('When this option sets to true, then it would map the interaction ' . '`maxAssociation` attribute with the highest number of association possible. It also map the `source` (stems) collection to have highest `matchMax` possible')];
 public static function getDocumentation()
     return ['stimulus' => LearnosityDoc::support('Since InlineChoiceInteraction is inline and does not have prompt, this `stimulus` is then prepended to the itembody content'), 'template' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to the interaction content, the {{response}} would be replaced with `inlineChoiceInteraction` elements')];
 public static function getDocumentation()
     return ['stimulus' => LearnosityDoc::support('Since TextEntryInteraction is inline and does not have prompt, this `stimulus` is then prepended to the itembody content'), 'max_length' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to the TextEntryInteraction interaction `expectedLength` attribute, if not set then defaulted to 15'), 'template' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to the interaction content, the {{response}} would be replaced with `textEntryInteraction` elements'), 'case_sensitive' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to each `mapEntry` case sensitive attribute at `mapping`')];
 public static function getDocumentation()
     return ['stimulus' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to `prompt`'), 'template' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to the interaction content, the {{response}} would be replaced with `gap` elements'), 'possible_responses' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to the interaction gap choices, would be mapped as either `gapText` or `gapImg`'), 'duplicate_responses' => LearnosityDoc::support('When this option sets to true, then it would map the interaction ' . '`matchMax` attribute with the highest number of choices possibles')];
 public static function getDocumentation()
     return ['stimulus' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to `prompt`'), 'template' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to the Hottext interaction content'), 'max_selection' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to the interaction `maxChoices`')];
 public static function getDocumentation()
     return ['stimulus' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to `prompt`'), 'image.src' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to the interaction background image `object`'), 'possible_responses' => LearnosityDoc::support('These are mapped to `gapImg`(s). Texts would be converted to base64 image `object`'), 'response_positions' => LearnosityDoc::support('These are mapped to `associableHostpot`(s)')];
 public static function getDocumentation()
     return ['stimulus' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped to `prompt`'), 'list' => LearnosityDoc::support('This is mapped `simpleChoice` list within the `orderInteraction`')];