  * @inheritdoc
 protected function getMigrationHistory($limit)
     if ($this->db->schema->getTableSchema($this->migrationTable, true) === null) {
     $query = new Query();
     $rows = $query->select(['version', 'apply_time'])->from($this->migrationTable)->orderBy('apply_time DESC, version DESC')->limit($limit)->createCommand($this->db)->queryAll();
     $history = ArrayHelper::map($rows, 'version', 'apply_time');
     return $history;
  * Saves messages to database
  * @param array $messages
  * @param \yii\db\Connection $db
  * @param string $sourceMessageTable
  * @param string $messageTable
  * @param boolean $removeUnused
  * @param array $languages
  * @param boolean $markUnused
 protected function saveMessagesToDb($messages, $db, $sourceMessageTable, $messageTable, $removeUnused, $languages, $markUnused)
     $q = new \Leaps\Db\Query();
     $current = [];
     foreach ($q->select(['id', 'category', 'message'])->from($sourceMessageTable)->all() as $row) {
         $current[$row['category']][$row['id']] = $row['message'];
     $new = [];
     $obsolete = [];
     foreach ($messages as $category => $msgs) {
         $msgs = array_unique($msgs);
         if (isset($current[$category])) {
             $new[$category] = array_diff($msgs, $current[$category]);
             $obsolete += array_diff($current[$category], $msgs);
         } else {
             $new[$category] = $msgs;
     foreach (array_diff(array_keys($current), array_keys($messages)) as $category) {
         $obsolete += $current[$category];
     if (!$removeUnused) {
         foreach ($obsolete as $pk => $m) {
             if (mb_substr($m, 0, 2) === '@@' && mb_substr($m, -2) === '@@') {
     $obsolete = array_keys($obsolete);
     $this->stdout("Inserting new messages...");
     $savedFlag = false;
     foreach ($new as $category => $msgs) {
         foreach ($msgs as $m) {
             $savedFlag = true;
             $lastPk = $db->schema->insert($sourceMessageTable, ['category' => $category, 'message' => $m]);
             foreach ($languages as $language) {
                 $db->createCommand()->insert($messageTable, ['id' => $lastPk['id'], 'language' => $language])->execute();
     $this->stdout($savedFlag ? "saved.\n" : "Nothing new...skipped.\n");
     $this->stdout($removeUnused ? "Deleting obsoleted messages..." : "Updating obsoleted messages...");
     if (empty($obsolete)) {
         $this->stdout("Nothing obsoleted...skipped.\n");
     } else {
         if ($removeUnused) {
             $db->createCommand()->delete($sourceMessageTable, ['in', 'id', $obsolete])->execute();
         } elseif ($markUnused) {
             $db->createCommand()->update($sourceMessageTable, ['message' => new \Leaps\Db\Expression("CONCAT('@@',message,'@@')")], ['in', 'id', $obsolete])->execute();
Esempio n. 3
  * @inheritdoc
 protected function queryScalar($selectExpression, $db)
     if ($this->sql === null) {
         return parent::queryScalar($selectExpression, $db);
     /* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
     $modelClass = $this->modelClass;
     if ($db === null) {
         $db = $modelClass::getDb();
     return (new Query())->select([$selectExpression])->from(['c' => "({$this->sql})"])->params($this->params)->createCommand($db)->queryScalar();
  * Loads the messages from database.
  * You may override this method to customize the message storage in the database.
  * @param string $category the message category.
  * @param string $language the target language.
  * @return array the messages loaded from database.
 protected function loadMessagesFromDb($category, $language)
     $mainQuery = new Query();
     $mainQuery->select(['t1.message message', 't2.translation translation'])->from(["{$this->sourceMessageTable} t1", "{$this->messageTable} t2"])->where('t1.id = t2.id AND t1.category = :category AND t2.language = :language')->params([':category' => $category, ':language' => $language]);
     $fallbackLanguage = substr($language, 0, 2);
     if ($fallbackLanguage != $language) {
         $fallbackQuery = new Query();
         $fallbackQuery->select(['t1.message message', 't2.translation translation'])->from(["{$this->sourceMessageTable} t1", "{$this->messageTable} t2"])->where('t1.id = t2.id AND t1.category = :category AND t2.language = :fallbackLanguage')->andWhere("t2.id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM {$this->messageTable} WHERE language = :language)")->params([':category' => $category, ':language' => $language, ':fallbackLanguage' => $fallbackLanguage]);
         $mainQuery->union($fallbackQuery, true);
     $messages = $mainQuery->createCommand($this->db)->queryAll();
     return ArrayHelper::map($messages, 'message', 'translation');
Esempio n. 5
  * Retrieves multiple values from cache with the specified keys.
  * @param array $keys a list of keys identifying the cached values
  * @return array a list of cached values indexed by the keys
 protected function getValues($keys)
     if (empty($keys)) {
         return [];
     $query = new Query();
     $query->select(['id', 'data'])->from($this->cacheTable)->where(['id' => $keys])->andWhere('([[expire]] = 0 OR [[expire]] > ' . time() . ')');
     if ($this->db->enableQueryCache) {
         $this->db->enableQueryCache = false;
         $rows = $query->createCommand($this->db)->queryAll();
         $this->db->enableQueryCache = true;
     } else {
         $rows = $query->createCommand($this->db)->queryAll();
     $results = [];
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         $results[$key] = false;
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $results[$row['id']] = $row['data'];
     return $results;
Esempio n. 6
  * Performs access check for the specified user.
  * This method is internally called by [[checkAccess()]].
  * @param string|integer $user the user ID. This should can be either an integer or a string representing
  *        the unique identifier of a user. See [[\Leaps\Web\User::id]].
  * @param string $itemName the name of the operation that need access check
  * @param array $params name-value pairs that would be passed to rules associated
  *        with the tasks and roles assigned to the user. A param with name 'user' is added to this array,
  *        which holds the value of `$userId`.
  * @param Assignment[] $assignments the assignments to the specified user
  * @return boolean whether the operations can be performed by the user.
 protected function checkAccessRecursive($user, $itemName, $params, $assignments)
     if (($item = $this->getItem($itemName)) === null) {
         return false;
     Leaps::trace($item instanceof Role ? "Checking role: {$itemName}" : "Checking permission: {$itemName}", __METHOD__);
     if (!$this->executeRule($user, $item, $params)) {
         return false;
     if (isset($assignments[$itemName]) || in_array($itemName, $this->defaultRoles)) {
         return true;
     $query = new Query();
     $parents = $query->select(['parent'])->from($this->itemChildTable)->where(['child' => $itemName])->column($this->db);
     foreach ($parents as $parent) {
         if ($this->checkAccessRecursive($user, $parent, $params, $assignments)) {
             return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 7
  * Session write handler.
  * Do not call this method directly.
  * @param string $id session ID
  * @param string $data session data
  * @return boolean whether session write is successful
 public function writeSession($id, $data)
     // exception must be caught in session write handler
     // http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.session-set-save-handler.php
     try {
         $query = new Query();
         $exists = $query->select(['id'])->from($this->sessionTable)->where(['id' => $id])->createCommand($this->db)->queryScalar();
         $fields = $this->composeFields($id, $data);
         if ($exists === false) {
             $this->db->createCommand()->insert($this->sessionTable, $fields)->execute();
         } else {
             $this->db->createCommand()->update($this->sessionTable, $fields, ['id' => $id])->execute();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $exception = ErrorHandler::convertExceptionToString($e);
         // its too late to use Leaps logging here
         echo $exception;
         return false;
     return true;