public static function update($view, $id) { // Get the Account $response = API::get(array('account', $id)); // Handle response codes other than 200 OK if (!$response->success) { return Event::first($response->code); } // The response body is the Account $account = $response->get(); // Get Roles and put it in a nice array for the dropdown $roles = array('' => '') + model_array_pluck(API::get(array('role', 'all'))->get('results'), function ($role) { return $role->lang->name; }, 'id'); // Get the Roles that belong to a User and put it in a nice array for the dropdown $active_roles = array(); if (isset($account->roles)) { $active_roles = model_array_pluck($account->roles, 'id', ''); } // Get Languages and put it in a nice array for the dropdown $languages = model_array_pluck(API::get(array('language', 'all'))->get('results'), function ($language) { return $language->name; }, 'id'); $view->text('name', __(''), Input::old('name', $account->name)); $view->text('email', __(''), Input::old('email', $account->email)); $view->password('password', __('admin::account.update.form.password')); $view->multiple('roles[]', __('admin::account.update.form.roles'), $roles, Input::old('roles', $active_roles)); $view->dropdown('language_id', __('admin::account.update.form.language'), $languages, Input::old('language_id', $account->language->id)); $view->actions(function ($view) { $view->submit(__('admin::account.update.buttons.edit'), 'primary'); }); }
/** * __construct * * @return void */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); API::$component = 'admin'; $this->url = Config::get('layla.admin.url_prefix') . '/'; View::share('base_url', URL::base()); }
public function delete_delete($id = null) { // Delete the Account $response = API::delete(array('account', $id)); // Handle response codes other than 200 OK if (!$response->success) { return Event::first($response->code); } // Add success notification Notification::success('Successfully deleted account'); return Redirect::to(prefix('admin') . 'accounts'); }
public function get_read_multiple($id = null) { // Set API options $options = array('offset' => (Input::get('page', 1) - 1) * $this->per_page, 'limit' => $this->per_page, 'sort_by' => Input::get('sort_by', 'name'), 'order' => Input::get('order', 'ASC'), 'filter' => array('module_id' => $id)); // Add search to API options if (Input::has('q')) { $options['search'] = array('string' => Input::get('q'), 'columns' => array('name')); } // Get the Accounts $mediagroups = API::get(array('media', $id, 'groups'), $options); // Paginate the mediagroups $mediagroups = Paginator::make($mediagroups->get('results'), $mediagroups->get('total'), $this->per_page); $this->layout->content = Module::page('', $mediagroups, $id); }
public function delete($view, $id) { // Get the Account $response = API::get(array('module', $id)); // Handle response codes other than 200 OK if (!$response->success) { return Event::first($response->code); } // The response body is the Account $module = $response->get(); $view->page_header(function ($view) { $view->float_right(function ($view) { $view->search(); }); $view->title(__('admin::module.delete.title')); }); $view->well(function ($view) use($module) { $view->raw(__('admin::module.delete.message', array('name' => $module->name, 'email' => $module->email))); }); $view->form(Module::form('module.delete', $id), 'DELETE', prefix('admin') . 'module/delete/' . $id); }
public function delete_delete($slug = null) { // Delete the Page $response = API::delete(array('page', $slug)); // Handle response codes other than 200 OK if (!$response->success) { return Event::first($response->code); } // Add success notification Notification::success('Successfully deleted page'); return Redirect::to(prefix('admin') . 'pages'); }