  * @param mixed  $query
  * @param string $lang
  * @param string $type
  * @return mixed|void
 public function defineSearch($query, $lang, $type)
     $query = \Elastica\Util::escapeTerm($query);
     $elasticaQueryLang = new \Elastica\Query\Term();
     $elasticaQueryLang->setTerm('lang', $lang);
     $elasticaQueryString = new \Elastica\Query\Match();
     $elasticaQueryString->setFieldQuery('content', $query)->setFieldMinimumShouldMatch('content', '80%');
     $elasticaQueryTitle = new \Elastica\Query\QueryString();
     $elasticaQueryBool = new \Elastica\Query\BoolQuery();
     if (!is_null($type)) {
         $elasticaQueryType = new \Elastica\Query\Term();
         $elasticaQueryType->setTerm('type', $type);
     $rootNode = $this->domainConfiguration->getRootNode();
     if (!is_null($rootNode)) {
         $elasticaQueryRoot = new \Elastica\Query\Term();
         $elasticaQueryRoot->setTerm('root_id', $rootNode->getId());
     $this->query->setHighlight(array('pre_tags' => array('<strong>'), 'post_tags' => array('</strong>'), 'fields' => array('content' => array('fragment_size' => 150, 'number_of_fragments' => 3))));
  * @param RelationDefinition $query
  * @param string $lang
  * @param string $type
  * @return void
 public function defineSearch($query, $lang, $type)
     $category = $query->getCategory();
     $tags = $query->getTags();
     $exclude = $query->getExclude();
     $rootNode = $this->domainConfiguration->getRootNode();
     $bool = (new Query\BoolQuery())->setMinimumNumberShouldMatch(1);
     $bool->addMust((new Term())->setTerm('lang', $this->language));
     $bool->addMust((new Term())->setTerm('type', $type));
     $bool->addMust((new Term())->setTerm('view_roles', 'IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'));
     if ($rootNode instanceof Node) {
         $root = new Term();
         $root->setTerm('root_id', $rootNode->getId());
     // check if slug is non-empty: avoid filtering for home page
     if ($category && $category->getSlug()) {
         $bool->addShould((new Term())->setTerm('ancestors', $category->getNodeId()));
     if ($tags) {
         $tagLogic = $this->tagsLogic instanceof TagLogic ?: new TagLogic(TagLogic::LOGIC_FEW);
         $minimum = $tagLogic->getMinMatch($tags);
         $bool->addShould((new Terms())->setMinimumMatch($minimum)->setTerms('tags', $tags));
     if (0 !== sizeof($exclude)) {
         $bool->addMustNot((new Terms())->setTerms('node_id', $exclude));
     $this->query = new Query();
     $queryDefinition = new QueryDefinition($this->query, $bool);
 public function getPageChildren($page = null, $ofType = null, array $options = [])
     if (null === $page) {
         $page = $this->domainConfiguration->getRootNode();
     return $this->siteTree->getChildren($page, $options + ['depth' => 0, 'refName' => $this->getRefNames($ofType)]);
  * @param ContainerInterface      $container
  * @param SearchProviderInterface $searchProvider
  * @param string                  $name
  * @param string                  $type
 public function __construct($container, $searchProvider, $name, $type)
     $this->container = $container;
     $this->indexName = $name;
     $this->indexType = $type;
     $this->searchProvider = $searchProvider;
     $this->domainConfiguration = $this->container->get('kunstmaan_admin.domain_configuration');
     $this->locales = $this->domainConfiguration->getBackendLocales();
     $this->analyzerLanguages = $this->container->getParameter('analyzer_languages');
     $this->em = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getManager();
  * Build filters for admin list
 public function buildFilters()
     if ($this->domainConfiguration->isMultiDomainHost()) {
         $hosts = $this->domainConfiguration->getHosts();
         $domains = array_combine($hosts, $hosts);
         $domains = array_merge(array('' => 'redirect.all'), $domains);
         $this->addFilter('domain', new ORM\EnumerationFilterType('domain'), 'Domain', $domains);
     $this->addFilter('origin', new ORM\StringFilterType('origin'), 'Origin');
     $this->addFilter('target', new ORM\StringFilterType('target'), 'Target');
     $this->addFilter('permanent', new ORM\BooleanFilterType('permanent'), 'Permanent');
  * Builds the form.
  * This method is called for each type in the hierarchy starting form the
  * top most type. Type extensions can further modify the form.
  * @see FormTypeExtensionInterface::buildForm()
  * @param FormBuilderInterface $builder The form builder
  * @param array                $options The options
 public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
     if ($this->domainConfiguration->isMultiDomainHost()) {
         $hosts = $this->domainConfiguration->getHosts();
         $domains = array_combine($hosts, $hosts);
         $domains = array_merge(array('' => 'redirect.all'), $domains);
         $builder->add('domain', 'choice', array('choices' => $domains, 'required' => true, 'expanded' => false, 'multiple' => false));
     $builder->add('origin', 'text', array('required' => true, 'attr' => array('info_text' => 'redirect.origin_info')));
     $builder->add('target', 'text', array('required' => true, 'attr' => array('info_text' => 'redirect.target_info')));
     $builder->add('permanent', 'checkbox', array('required' => false));
  * @param QueryBuilder $queryBuilder The query builder
 public function adaptQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder)
     $queryBuilder->select('b,n')->innerJoin('b.node', 'n', 'WITH', 'b.node = n.id')->andWhere('b.lang = :lang')->andWhere('n.deleted = 0')->addOrderBy('b.updated', 'DESC')->setParameter('lang', $this->locale);
     if (!$this->domainConfiguration) {
     $rootNode = $this->domainConfiguration->getRootNode();
     if (!is_null($rootNode)) {
         $queryBuilder->andWhere('n.lft >= :left')->andWhere('n.rgt <= :right')->setParameter('left', $rootNode->getLeft())->setParameter('right', $rootNode->getRight());
  * @param FilterResponseEvent $event
 public function onKernelResponse(FilterResponseEvent $event)
     if (HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST !== $event->getRequestType()) {
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     if ($response instanceof RedirectResponse) {
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
     if (!$this->isAdminRoute($request->getRequestUri())) {
     if ($request->getHost() !== $this->domainConfiguration->getHost()) {
         // Add flash message for admin pages
         $this->session->getFlashBag()->add('warning', 'multi_domain.host_override_active');
 private function initRoutes()
     $redirects = $this->redirectRepository->findAll();
     $domain = $this->domainConfiguration->getHost();
     /** @var Redirect $redirect */
     foreach ($redirects as $redirect) {
         // Only add the route when the domain matches or the domain is empty
         if ($redirect->getDomain() == $domain || !$redirect->getDomain()) {
             $this->routeCollection->add('_redirect_route_' . $redirect->getId(), new Route($redirect->getOrigin(), array('_controller' => 'FrameworkBundle:Redirect:urlRedirect', 'path' => $redirect->getTarget(), 'permanent' => $redirect->isPermanent())));
 public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
     $resolver->setDefaults(['advanced_select' => true, 'root_node' => function (Options $options) {
         return $this->domainConfiguration->getRootNode();
     }, 'lang' => function (Options $options) {
         return $this->currentLocale->getCurrentLocale();
     }, 'class' => function (Options $options) {
         return $this->contentTypeService->getContentTypeClass($options['page_name']);
     }, 'query_builder' => function (Options $options) {
         /** @var QueryBuilder $qb */
         $qb = $options['em']->getRepository($options['class'])->createQueryBuilder('e');
         $node = $options['root_node'];
         if ($node instanceof Node) {
             $qb->setParameters(['left' => $node->getLeft(), 'right' => $node->getRight()]);
         $qb->setParameter('lang', $options['lang']);
         return $qb;
     }, 'empty_value' => ' ', 'required' => false]);
     $resolver->setAllowedTypes('root_node', ['null', Node::class]);
Esempio n. 11
  * Returns the current root node menu item
 public function getRootNodeMenuItem()
     if (is_null($this->rootNodeMenuItem)) {
         $rootNode = $this->domainConfiguration->getRootNode();
         if (!is_null($rootNode)) {
             $nodeTranslation = $rootNode->getNodeTranslation($this->locale, $this->includeOffline);
             $this->rootNodeMenuItem = new NodeMenuItem($rootNode, $nodeTranslation, false, $this);
         } else {
             $this->rootNodeMenuItem = $this->breadCrumb[0];
     return $this->rootNodeMenuItem;
  * Get the list of nodes that is used in the admin menu.
  * @param string          $lang
  * @param string          $permission
  * @param AclNativeHelper $aclNativeHelper
  * @param bool            $includeHiddenFromNav
  * @return array
 private function getTreeNodes($lang, $permission, AclNativeHelper $aclNativeHelper, $includeHiddenFromNav)
     if (is_null($this->treeNodes)) {
         $repo = $this->em->getRepository('KunstmaanNodeBundle:Node');
         $this->treeNodes = array();
         $rootNode = $this->domainConfiguration->getRootNode();
         // Get all nodes that should be shown in the menu
         $allNodes = $repo->getAllMenuNodes($lang, $permission, $aclNativeHelper, $includeHiddenFromNav, $rootNode);
         /** @var Node $nodeInfo */
         foreach ($allNodes as $nodeInfo) {
             $refEntityName = $nodeInfo['ref_entity_name'];
             if ($this->pagesConfiguration->isHiddenFromTree($refEntityName)) {
             $parent_id = is_null($nodeInfo['parent']) ? 0 : $nodeInfo['parent'];
             $this->treeNodes[$parent_id][] = $nodeInfo;
     return $this->treeNodes;
  * @param NodeTranslation $translation  The node translation
  * @param EntityManager   $em           The entity manager
  * @param array           $flashes      Flashes
  * A function that checks the URL and sees if it's unique.
  * It's allowed to be the same when the node is a StructureNode.
  * When a node is deleted it needs to be ignored in the check.
  * Offline nodes need to be included as well.
  * It sluggifies the slug, updates the URL
  * and checks all existing NodeTranslations ([1]), excluding itself. If a
  * URL existsthat has the same url. If an existing one is found the slug is
  * modified, the URL is updated and the check is repeated until no prior
  * urls exist.
  * NOTE: We need a way to tell if the slug has been modified or not.
  * NOTE: Would be cool if we could increment a number after the slug. Like
  * check if it matches -v# and increment the number.
  * [1] For all languages for now. The issue is that we need a way to know
  * if a node's URL is prepended with the language or not. For now both
  * scenarios are possible so we check for all languages.
  * @param NodeTranslation &$translation Reference to the NodeTranslation.
  *                                      This is modified in place.
  * @param EntityManager   $em           The entity manager
  * @param array           $flashes      The flash messages array
  * @return bool
  * @return boolean
 private function ensureUniqueUrl(NodeTranslation &$translation, EntityManager $em, $flashes = array())
     // Can't use GetRef here yet since the NodeVersions aren't loaded yet for some reason.
     $nodeVersion = $translation->getPublicNodeVersion();
     $page = $em->getRepository($nodeVersion->getRefEntityName())->find($nodeVersion->getRefId());
     $isStructureNode = $page->isStructureNode();
     // If it's a StructureNode the slug and url should be empty.
     if ($isStructureNode) {
         return true;
     /* @var NodeTranslationRepository $nodeTranslationRepository */
     $nodeTranslationRepository = $em->getRepository('KunstmaanNodeBundle:NodeTranslation');
     if ($translation->getUrl() == $translation->getFullSlug()) {
         $this->logger->addDebug('Evaluating URL for NT ' . $translation->getId() . ' getUrl: \'' . $translation->getUrl() . '\' getFullSlug: \'' . $translation->getFullSlug() . '\'');
         return false;
     // Adjust the URL.
     // Find all translations with this new URL, whose nodes are not deleted.
     $translations = $nodeTranslationRepository->getNodeTranslationForUrl($translation->getUrl(), $translation->getLang(), false, $translation, $this->domainConfiguration->getRootNode());
     $this->logger->addDebug('Found ' . count($translations) . ' node(s) that match url \'' . $translation->getUrl() . '\'');
     if (count($translations) > 0) {
         $oldUrl = $translation->getFullSlug();
         $newUrl = $translation->getFullSlug();
         $message = 'The URL of the page has been changed from ' . $oldUrl . ' to ' . $newUrl . ' since another page already uses this URL.';
         $flashes[] = $message;
         $this->ensureUniqueUrl($translation, $em, $flashes);
     } elseif (count($flashes) > 0 && $this->isInRequestScope()) {
         // No translations found so we're certain we can show this message.
         $flash = current(array_slice($flashes, -1));
         $this->session->getFlashBag()->add(FlashTypes::WARNING, $flash);
     return true;
 public function __construct(DomainConfigurationInterface $domainConfiguration)
     $locales = $domainConfiguration->getFrontendLocales();
     $this->locales = array_combine($locales, $locales);
 public function getCurrentLocale()
     $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
     return $request ? $request->getLocale() : $this->domainConfiguration->getDefaultLocale();
Esempio n. 16
  * @return string
 protected function getHost()
     return $this->domainConfiguration->getHost();
  * @return array
 public function getCurrentHost()
     return $this->domainConfiguration->getHost();
Esempio n. 18
  * @return array
 private function getLocales()
     return $this->domainConfiguration->getBackendLocales();