public function goFilterAjax() { $validator = Validator::create(array('package' => 'min:3|max:1024', 'package_version' => 'min:3|max:255', 'brand' => 'min:3|max:255', 'os_version' => 'min:1|max:255', 'phone_model' => 'min:3|max:255', 'product' => 'min:3|max:255')); if ($validator->failed()) { return BootstrapUI::formResponse()->failedOn($validator); } $data = $validator->getParamsObj(); $params = array(); if ($data->package !== null) { $params['package'] = $data->package; } if ($data->package_version !== null) { $params['package_version'] = $data->package_version; } if ($data->brand !== null) { $params['brand'] = $data->brand; } if ($data->os_version !== null) { $params['os_version'] = $data->os_version; } if ($data->phone_model !== null) { $params['phone_model'] = $data->phone_model; } if ($data->product !== null) { $params['product'] = $data->product; } // the country is array if (Input::hasPost('country')) { $params['country'] = implode(',', array_values(Input::post('country'))); } if (sizeof($params) == 0) { return BootstrapUI::formResponse()->failed('You must define at least one criteria!'); } return BootstrapUI::formResponse()->redirect(Url::href('live-feed', 'filter', $params)); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->remove('icon'); $this->set('__field_name', Input::post('__field_name')); $this->set('__field_id', Input::post('__field_id')); $this->set('__form_id', Input::post('__form_id')); }
public function findAnyAjax() { $stackTraceId = Input::post('stack_trace_id'); $total = Crash\Archive::count(array('stack_trace_id' => $stackTraceId)); if ($total > 0) { $random = rand(0, $total - 1); $records = Crash\Archive::query()->field('id')->where('stack_trace_id', $stackTraceId)->limit($random, 1)->fetchAllObj(); $id = $records[0]->id; return BootstrapUI::buttonRemoteResponse()->redirect(\Koldy\Url::href('report', $id)); } else { return BootstrapUI::buttonRemoteResponse()->disableButton()->text('No reports'); } }
public function versionsAjax() { $packageId = (int) Input::post('package_id'); if ($packageId <= 0) { Application::throwError(400, 'Bad request'); } $resultSet = new Package\ResultSet\Version(); $resultSet->setPackageId($packageId, Input::post('last')); $timeFrom = $resultSet->getFromTime(); return BootstrapUI::tableRemoteResponse()->primaryKey('package_version_id')->column('total', function ($value, $row) { return \Bootstrap::label($value)->color('red'); })->column('name')->column('action', function ($value, $row) use($packageId, $timeFrom) { return \Bootstrap::anchor(\Bootstrap::icon('search'), \Koldy\Url::href('reports', 'search', array('package_version_id' => $row['package_version_id'], 'date_from' => \Misc::userDate('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($timeFrom)))))->title('Find reports with this package version')->asButton()->size('xs')->color('red'); })->resultSet($resultSet)->handle(); }
/** * Handle the request * @return \Bootstrap\Response\TableRemote */ public function handle() { $this->params = Input::requireParams('page', 'limit', 'field', 'dir'); $page = (int) $this->params->page; if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $limitPerPage = (int) $this->params->limit; $field = (string) trim($this->params->field); $this->resultSet->page($page, $limitPerPage)->orderBy($field, $this->params->dir); // check if this is request with search $search = trim((string) \Koldy\Input::post('search')); if ($search != '') { $fields = $this->searchFields !== null ? $this->searchFields : $this->columns; foreach ($fields as $field) { $this->resultSet->orWhere($field, "%{$search}%", null, 'LIKE'); } } \Log::debug($this->resultSet); // get the rows of data $this->data = $this->resultSet->fetch(); if (is_array($this->data)) { $this->tbody = array(); foreach ($this->data as $row) { $this->tbody[] = "<tr data-id=\"{$row[$this->primaryKey]}\">"; foreach ($this->columns as $column) { $value = isset($row[$column]) ? $row[$column] : null; if (isset($this->columnValueModifier[$column])) { $fn = $this->columnValueModifier[$column]; $fnResult = $fn($value, $row); $this->tbody[] = "<td>{$fnResult}</td>"; } else { $value = strip_tags(stripslashes($value)); $this->tbody[] = "<td>{$value}</td>"; } } $this->tbody[] = '</tr>'; } $this->tbody = implode("\n", $this->tbody); } // get the totals $total = (int) $this->resultSet->count(); // get the info if ($total > 0) { $start = ($this->params->page - 1) * $this->params->limit + 1; $end = $start + $this->params->limit; if ($end > $total) { $end = $total; } /*$this->info = __('', 'Showing {from} - {to} of {total}', 'The info below remote table about how many rows are visible. Variables are {from}, {to} and {total}', array('from' => $start, 'to' => $end, 'total' => $total) );*/ $this->info = "Showing {$start} - {$end} of {$total}"; } else { $this->info = 'No results'; } // create pagination $this->pagination = new \Koldy\Pagination($this->params->page, $total); $this->pagination->setItemsPerPage(10)->setCssDefault('btn btn-primary btn-xs')->setCssSelected('btn-info'); return $this; }