
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Knp\Snappy\Pdf;
$snappy = new Pdf('/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf');
// Cabeçalho para o navegador entender que o conteúdo é um PDF
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
// Se quiser forçar o download, descomente a linha abaixo e
// modifica o valor do parâmetro filename para o valor desejado
//header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="schoolofnet-blog-artigos.pdf"');
echo $snappy->getOutput(array('http://www.schoolofnet.com/2015/07/trabalhando-com-repository-no-laravel/', 'http://www.schoolofnet.com/2015/04/como-usar-os-metodos-magicos-no-php/', 'http://www.schoolofnet.com/2015/04/enviando-emails-utilizando-swift-mailer/', 'http://www.schoolofnet.com/2015/04/instalando-e-integrando-apache-com-php-no-windows/'));
// Se quiser salvar numa pasta do servidor ao invés mostrar no navegador,
// comente a linha do getOutput(),
// descomente a linha abaixo e arrume o segundo parâmetro.
//    [
//        'http://www.schoolofnet.com/2015/07/trabalhando-com-repository-no-laravel/',
//        'http://www.schoolofnet.com/2015/04/como-usar-os-metodos-magicos-no-php/',
//        'http://www.schoolofnet.com/2015/04/enviando-emails-utilizando-swift-mailer/',
//        'http://www.schoolofnet.com/2015/04/instalando-e-integrando-apache-com-php-no-windows/',
//    ],
//    '/app/arquivos/son/artigos.pdf'
Esempio n. 2
  * Output the PDF as a string.
  * @return string The rendered PDF as string
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function output()
     if ($this->html) {
         return $this->snappy->getOutputFromHtml($this->html, $this->options);
     if ($this->file) {
         return $this->snappy->getOutput($this->file, $this->options);
     throw new \InvalidArgumentException('PDF Generator requires a html or file in order to produce output.');
Esempio n. 3
 public function doGetPdf($data, $form)
     global $baseDir;
     $website = $data['Website'];
     $pdf_creator = new Pdf($baseDir . '\\vendor\\bin\\wkhtmltopdf');
     header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
     header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="file.pdf"');
     echo $pdf_creator->getOutput($website);
     return $this->redirectBack();
Esempio n. 4

| Application Routes
| Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application.
| It is a breeze. Simply tell Lumen the URIs it should respond to
| and give it the Closure to call when that URI is requested.
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Knp\Snappy\Pdf;
$app->get('/', function () use($app) {
    echo "Make a post request to either /html or /url";
$app->get('/html', function () use($app) {
    echo "Use post with a base64 encoded html parameter";
$app->post('/html', function (Request $request) use($app) {
    $pdf = new Pdf('xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 640x480x16" wkhtmltopdf');
    echo base64_encode($pdf->getOutputFromHtml(base64_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'))));
$app->get('/url', function () use($app) {
    echo "Use post with a url parameter";
$app->post('/url', function (Request $request) use($app) {
    $pdf = new Pdf('xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 640x480x16" wkhtmltopdf');
    echo base64_encode($pdf->getOutput($request->get('url')));
Esempio n. 5
  * @param $orderUid
  * @return string
  * @throws \Exception
 protected function generatePdfReceipt($orderUid)
     $snappy = new Pdf($this->pixie->config->get('parameters.wkhtmltopdf_path'));
     //$snappy->setOption('cookie', $_COOKIE);
     $snappy->setOption('viewport-size', '800x600');
     $snappy->setOption('toc', false);
     $snappy->setOption('outline', false);
     $snappy->setOption('outline-depth', 0);
     $url = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/payment/request_bill/' . $orderUid . '?print=1' . '&code=' . $this->generatePrintCode($orderUid);
     return $snappy->getOutput($url);
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Knp\Snappy\Pdf;
$snappy = new Pdf('/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf', ['viewport-size' => '1280x800', 'margin-top' => 0, 'margin-right' => 0, 'margin-bottom' => 0, 'margin-left' => 0]);
// Cabeçalho para o navegador entender que o conteúdo é um PDF
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
// Se quiser forçar o download, descomente a linha abaixo e
// modifica o valor do parâmetro filename para o valor desejado
//header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="schoolofnet-blog-home.pdf"');
echo $snappy->getOutput('http://www.schoolofnet.com/blog/');
// Se quiser salvar numa pasta do servidor ao invés mostrar no navegador,
// comente a linha do getOutput(),
// descomente a linha abaixo e arrume o segundo parâmetro.
//$snappy->generate('http://www.schoolofnet.com/blog/', '/app/arquivos/son/home-blog.pdf');
Esempio n. 7
    $log->debug("printPage.php - set exe location and options");
    $snappy = new Pdf('C://"Program Files/"/wkhtmltopdf/bin/wkhtmltopdf.exe');
    $snappy->setOption('page-size', 'A3');
    $snappy->setOption('disable-external-links', true);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $log->error("printPage.php - New PDF Class Exception: " . $e->getMessage());
if (isset($_POST['url'])) {
    $urlIn = urldecode($_POST['url']);
    $url = setPrintEncryptionUrl($urlIn);
    $log->debug("Use Post to get URL: " . $url);
    header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
    header('Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
    // HTTP/1.1
    header('Pragma: public');
    header('Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
    // Date in the past
    header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
    header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
    header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="print_page.pdf"');
    try {
        echo $snappy->getOutput($url);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $log->error("Exception thrown PDF Generation error: " . $e->getMessage());
} else {
    $errorTitle = "Print Page Error";
    $log->error("Error Print Operation", "No URL sent from page to print", $pageUrl, null, null);
    processError("Error Print Operation", "Error Print Operation", $pageUrl, null, null, $errorTitle);