Esempio n. 1
 public static function ssoAction($controller, $conn, $appid, $openid, $token, $encrypt)
     $app = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\App($controller->container);
     $appdata = $app->getappinfo(array("appid" => $appid));
     if (empty($appdata)) {
         $resp = new Response("无效的APPID");
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
         return $resp;
     $agent = $appdata["clientid"];
     if (empty($agent)) {
         $resp = new Response("未正确配置认证信息的appkey项");
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
         return $resp;
     $bindinfo = $app->getappbind(array("appid" => $appid, "openid" => $openid));
     if (empty($bindinfo)) {
         //$controller->get("logger")->err("================not bind");
         return $controller->render("JustsyBaseBundle:AppCenter:h5bundle.html.twig", array('appid' => $appid, 'openid' => $openid, 'ssomodule' => self::$bind_type . "Controller"));
     $ldap_uid = $bindinfo["bind_uid"];
     $cacheKey = md5($appid . $openid);
     $data = Cache_Enterprise::get(Cache_Enterprise::$EN_OAUTH2, $cacheKey, $this->containerObj);
     $acctoken = $data["access_token"];
     $url = "";
     $authkey = Utils::do_post_request($url, "alias=" . $ldap_uid . "&access_token=" . $acctoken);
     if (empty($authkey)) {
         $resp = new Response("腾讯企业邮箱登录失败");
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
         return $resp;
     $authkey = json_decode($authkey, true);
     if (!isset($authkey)) {
         $resp = new Response("腾讯企业邮箱登录失败:<br>" . json_encode($authkey));
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
         return $resp;
     $authkey = $authkey["auth_key"];
     $login_url = "" . $agent . "&user="******"&ticket=" . $authkey;
     return Utils::http_redirect($login_url);
Esempio n. 2
 public static function bindBatAction($controller, $con, $appid, $eno, $encrypt, $params)
     $re = array('s' => '1', 'm' => '');
     try {
         $openids = $params->get("openids");
         if ($openids == 'all') {
             $sql = "select openid from we_staff where eno=? and auth_level!='J'";
             $param = array($eno);
             $ds = $con->getdata('info', $sql, $param);
             $rows = $ds['info']['rows'];
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $openidArr[] = $row['openid'];
         } else {
             $openidArr = explode(',', $openids);
         $sql = "select appkey from we_appcenter_apps where appid=?";
         $ds = $con->GetData("t", $sql, array((string) $appid));
         $appkey = '';
         if (count($ds["t"]["rows"]) > 0) {
             $appkey = $ds["t"]["rows"][0]["appkey"];
         $sqls = [];
         $paras = [];
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($openidArr); $i++) {
             $sql = "select mobile,nick_name,birthday,sex_id,login_account from we_staff where openid=?";
             $params = array($openidArr[$i]);
             $ds = $con->getdata('info', $sql, $params);
             if ($ds['info']['recordcount'] > 0) {
                 $pam_account = array();
                 $pam_account['login_name'] = $ds['info']['rows'][0]['login_account'];
                 $pam_account['login_password'] = '******';
                 $pam_account['psw_confirm'] = '123456';
                 $auth = array('userid' => $pam_account['login_name'], 'passwd' => $pam_account['login_password']);
                 $auth = json_encode($auth);
                 $auth = DES::encrypt2($auth, $appkey);
                 $pam_account = json_encode($pam_account);
                 $pam_account = DES::encrypt2($pam_account, 'ecstore');
                 $addr = "";
                 $name = $ds['info']['rows'][0]['nick_name'];
                 $phone = $ds['info']['rows'][0]['phone'];
                 $qq = "";
                 $zipcode = "";
                 $birthday = $ds['info']['rows'][0]['birthday'];
                 $gender = $ds['info']['rows'][0]['sex_id'] == '女' ? 'female' : 'male';
                 $data = "pam_account={$pam_account}&addr={$addr}&name={$name}&phone={$phone}&qq={$qq}&zipcode={$zipcode}&birthday={$birthday}&gender={$gender}";
                 $result = Utils::do_post_request(self::$bind_url . "&" . $data);
                 $result = json_decode($result, true);
                 if ($result['rsp'] != 'fail') {
                     $sql = "delete from we_staff_account_bind where bind_account=? and bind_type=? and appid=?";
                     $params = array($openidArr[$i], self::$bind_type, $appid);
                     array_push($sqls, $sql);
                     array_push($paras, $params);
                     $sql = "insert into we_staff_account_bind(bind_account,appid,bind_uid,authkey,bind_type,bind_created)values(?,?,?,?,?,now())";
                     $params = array($openidArr[$i], (string) $appid, $ds['info']['rows'][0]['login_account'], (string) $auth, self::$bind_type);
                     array_push($sqls, $sql);
                     array_push($paras, $params);
         if (count($sqls) > 0) {
             if (!$con->ExecSQLs($sqls, $paras)) {
                 $re = array('s' => '0', 'm' => '操作失败');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $re = array('s' => '0', 'm' => $e->getMessage());
     return $re;
Esempio n. 3
 public function removeRemindTaskAction()
     $isWeFaFaDomain = $this->checkWWWDomain();
     $res = $this->get("request");
     $da = $this->get("we_data_access");
     if (!$isWeFaFaDomain) {
         $token = $this->checkAccessToken($res, $da);
         if (!$token) {
             $response = new Response("{\"returncode\" : \"9999\",\"code\":\"err1015\",\"msg\":\"参数Appid或Openid或Access_token未指定或无效.\"}");
             $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
             return $response;
     $busid = trim($res->get("ID"));
     $regUrl = $this->container->getParameter("FAFA_REG_JID_URL");
     $regUrlOrg = $regUrl . "/service.yaws";
     $data = "removeRemind=1&busid={$busid}";
     //$this->get("logger")->alert("SEND API URL:$regUrlOrg?$data");
     $re = Utils::do_post_request($regUrlOrg, $data);
     //$this->get("logger")->alert("SEND API Result:$re");
     $response = new Response("{\"returncode\" : \"0000\"}");
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
Esempio n. 4
 public function weibocallbackAction()
     $request = $this->get("request");
     $o = new SaeTOAuthV2(Utils::$WB_AKEY, Utils::$WB_SKEY);
     $login_type = $request->get('_wefafa_t');
     $code_url = $o->getAuthorizeURL("" . $login_type);
     $keys = array();
     $keys['code'] = $request->get('code');
     $keys['redirect_uri'] = "";
     try {
         $token = $o->getAccessToken('code', $keys);
         $c = new SaeTClientV2(Utils::$WB_AKEY, Utils::$WB_SKEY, $token["access_token"]);
         $info = $c->show_user_by_id($token["uid"]);
         if (!empty($info["error"])) {
         $province = Utils::do_post_request("", "");
         //$mgr = new SinaWeiboMgr($this->get('we_data_access'),$token["uid"],$token["access_token"]);
         //$myfans = $mgr->getlist();
         //$wangbin_fans = $c->followers_by_id("2793358674");
         $accountbind = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\StaffAccountBind($this->get('we_data_access'), null, $this->get('logger'));
         $bind = $accountbind->GetBind_By_Uid($login_type, $token["uid"], empty($info["error"]) ? $info : null);
         $_SESSION["uid"] = $token["uid"];
         //$_SESSION["weibo_account"]= $info["uid"];
         $_SESSION["token"] = $token["access_token"];
         return $this->render('JustsyBaseBundle:Login:weibo_auth.html.twig', array('code' => $keys['code'], 'token' => $token["access_token"], "uid" => $token["uid"], "info" => $info, "code_url" => $code_url, "province" => $province, "isbind" => empty($bind) ? "0" : "1", "error" => empty($info["error"]) ? "" : "帐号异常,无法调用微博API!", "error_msg" => empty($info["error"]) ? "" : $info["error"]));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     return $this->render('JustsyBaseBundle:Login:default.html.twig', array('code_url' => $code_url));
Esempio n. 5
 public static function registerToPlatform($container, $type, $uid, $openid, $nickName)
     $defaultPostURl = "";
     $cacheobj = new Enterprise(null, $container->get("logger"), $container);
     $authConfig = $cacheobj->getUserAuth();
     $httpUrlConfig = $authConfig["ssoauthurl"];
     if (empty($httpUrlConfig)) {
         $httpUrlConfig = $defaultPostURl;
         $eno = "100001";
     } else {
         $ldapConfgiObject = json_decode($httpUrlConfig, true);
         $eno = $ldapConfgiObject["ENO"];
         $httpUrlConfig = $ldapConfgiObject["URL"];
     try {
         $data = array();
         $data["providerLoginKey"] = $uid;
         $data["loginProviderName"] = $type;
         $data["nickName"] = $nickName;
         $data["openid"] = $openid;
         $data["isNeedSyn"] = false;
         $para = "ServiceName=WXSC_Account&MethodName=POST:JSON:loginWithRegisterExternal&Message=" . json_encode($data) . "&Version=1";
         $container->get("logger")->err("SOA URL:" . $httpUrlConfig . "?" . $para);
         $postresult = Utils::do_post_request($httpUrlConfig, $para);
         $container->get("logger")->err("SOA Result:" . $postresult);
         $resultObject = json_decode($postresult, true);
         return $resultObject;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $container->get("logger")->err("SOA ERROR:" . $e);
Esempio n. 6
 public static function rest($controller, $user, $re, $parameters, $need_params)
     $api_parameter = "";
     $appid = $parameters["appid"];
     $openid = $user->openid;
     $cacheKey = md5($appid . $openid);
     $data = Cache_Enterprise::get(Cache_Enterprise::$EN_OAUTH2, $cacheKey, $controller);
     if ($data == null) {
         throw new \Exception("token 已过期,请重新获取");
     if (isset($data["expires_in"]) && (int) $data["expires_in"] < time()) {
         throw new \Exception("token 已过期,请重新获取");
     $access_token = json_decode($data, true);
     $str_para = array();
     if (!empty($parameters)) {
         if (is_array($parameters) && !empty($need_params)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($need_params); $i++) {
                 $pname = $need_params[$i]["paramname"];
                 if (!empty($access_token) && isset($access_token[$pname])) {
                     $val = $access_token[$key];
                 } else {
                     $val = isset($parameters[$pname]) ? $parameters[$pname] : $need_params[$i]["paramvalue"];
                 $str_para[$pname] = $val;
     $restUrl = $re["inf_url"];
     if (strpos($restUrl, "?") === false) {
         $restUrl = $restUrl . "?" . http_build_query($str_para);
     } else {
         $restUrl = $restUrl . "&" . http_build_query($str_para);
     $controller->get("logger")->err("===============restUrl:" . $restUrl);
     $re = Utils::do_post_request($restUrl, null, null);
     return $re;
Esempio n. 7
 public function createUser($container, $attributes)
     $createUserRest = $container->getParameter('staff_sync_url');
     $defaultPostURl = "";
     $appcodeConfig = "fafa-app";
     $appkeyConfig = "DKGHwqJ5H91noPYNYm9b8EUPQSY";
     $cacheobj = new Enterprise(null, $container->get("logger"), $container);
     $authConfig = $cacheobj->getUserAuth();
     $httpUrlConfig = $authConfig["ssoauthurl"];
     if (empty($httpUrlConfig)) {
         $httpUrlConfig = $defaultPostURl;
         $eno = "100001";
     } else {
         $ldapConfgiObject = json_decode($httpUrlConfig, true);
         $eno = $ldapConfgiObject["ENO"];
         $httpUrlConfig = $ldapConfgiObject["URL"];
         $appcodeConfig = $ldapConfgiObject["AppCode"];
         $appkeyConfig = $ldapConfgiObject["AppKey"];
     $reqHeader = SsoAvicAuth::getHeaders($appcodeConfig, $appkeyConfig);
     $data = array();
     $data["name"] = "";
     $data["attributes"] = array(array("name" => "mobile", "value" => $attributes["mobile"]), array("name" => "smart-securemobile", "value" => $attributes["mobile"]), array("name" => "userpassword", "value" => $attributes["password"]), array("name" => "smart-type", "value" => "2"), array("name" => "cn", "value" => $attributes["nick_name"]));
     $para = json_encode($data);
     $container->get("logger")->err("SOA URL:" . $createUserRest . "?" . $para);
     $postresult = Utils::do_post_request($createUserRest, $para, $reqHeader, $container->get("logger"));
     $container->get("logger")->err("SOA Result:" . $postresult);
     $resultObject = json_decode($postresult, true);
     if (!$resultObject["status"] || $resultObject["status"] == "false") {
         throw new \Exception($resultObject["message"]);
     $resultObject["ldap_uid"] = $resultObject["key"];
     $resultObject["deptid"] = "100054";
     return $resultObject;
 public function tencentexmailloginAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $param = $request->get("params");
     if (empty($param)) {
         $param = array();
     } else {
         if (is_string($param)) {
             $param = json_decode($param, true);
     if (!isset($param["appid"])) {
         $param["appid"] = $request->get("appid");
     $openid = $request->get("openid");
     $staffObj = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\Staff($this->get('we_data_access'), $this->get('we_data_access_im'), $openid, $this->get("logger"));
     $user = $staffObj->getSessionUser();
     $appid = $param["appid"];
     //$openid = $user->openid;
     //$ldap_uid = $user->ldap_uid;
     $app = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\App($this->container);
     $appdata = $app->getappinfo(array("appid" => $appid));
     if (empty($appdata)) {
         $resp = new Response("无效的APPID");
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
         return $resp;
     $agent = $appdata["clientid"];
     $bindinfo = $app->getappbind(array("appid" => $appid, "openid" => $openid));
     if (empty($bindinfo)) {
         //$controller->get("logger")->err("================not bind");
         return $this->render("JustsyBaseBundle:AppCenter:h5bundle.html.twig", array('appid' => $appid, 'openid' => $openid, 'ssomodule' => "OAuth2"));
     $ldap_uid = $bindinfo["bind_uid"];
     $cacheKey = md5($appid . $openid);
     $data = Cache_Enterprise::get(Cache_Enterprise::$EN_OAUTH2, $cacheKey, $this->container);
     if (empty($data)) {
         $resp = new Response("太长时间未操作,请重新进入应用");
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
         return $resp;
     $data = json_decode($data, true);
     $acctoken = $data["access_token"];
     $url = "";
     $authkey = Utils::do_post_request($url, "alias=" . $ldap_uid . "&access_token=" . $acctoken);
     if (empty($authkey)) {
         $resp = new Response("腾讯企业邮箱登录失败");
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
         return $resp;
     $authkey = json_decode($authkey, true);
     if (!isset($authkey["auth_key"])) {
         if ($authkey["error"] == "invalid_token") {
             Cache_Enterprise::delete(Cache_Enterprise::$EN_OAUTH2, $cacheKey, $this->container);
             $resp = new Response("腾讯企业邮箱登录失败:<br>token无效或已经过期,请稍后重试!");
         } else {
             $resp = new Response("腾讯企业邮箱登录失败:<br>" . json_encode($authkey));
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
         return $resp;
     $authkey = $authkey["auth_key"];
     $login_url = "" . $agent . "&user="******"&ticket=" . $authkey;
     return Utils::http_redirect($login_url);