public function render() { if (!$this->wp->isUserLoggedIn()) { return Render::get('user/login', array()); } $order = $this->wp->getQueryParameter('orders'); $accountUrl = $this->wp->getPermalink($this->options->getPageId(Pages::ACCOUNT)); if (!empty($order) && is_numeric($order)) { $order = $this->orderService->find($order); /** @var Entity $order */ return Render::get('user/account/orders/single', array('messages' => $this->messages, 'order' => $order, 'myAccountUrl' => $accountUrl, 'listUrl' => Api::getEndpointUrl('orders', '', $accountUrl), 'showWithTax' => $this->options->get('tax.price_tax') == 'with_tax', 'getTaxLabel' => function ($taxClass) use($order) { return Tax::getLabel($taxClass, $order); })); } $customer = $this->customerService->getCurrent(); $orders = $this->orderService->findForUser($customer->getId()); return Render::get('user/account/orders', array('messages' => $this->messages, 'customer' => $customer, 'orders' => $orders, 'myAccountUrl' => $accountUrl)); }
public function displayColumn($column) { $post = $this->wp->getGlobalPost(); if ($post === null) { return; } /** @var Entity $order */ $order = $this->orderService->findForPost($post); switch ($column) { case 'status': OrderHelper::renderStatus($order); break; case 'customer': echo OrderHelper::getUserLink($order->getCustomer()); break; case 'billing_address': Render::output('admin/orders/billingAddress', array('order' => $order)); break; case 'shipping_address': Render::output('admin/orders/shippingAddress', array('order' => $order)); break; case 'shipping_payment': Render::output('admin/orders/shippingPayment', array('order' => $order)); break; case 'total': Render::output('admin/orders/totals', array('order' => $order, 'getTaxLabel' => function ($taxClass) use($order) { return Tax::getLabel($taxClass, $order); })); break; case 'products': $wpdb = $this->wp->getWPDB(); $products = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT product_id, title FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "jigoshop_order_item WHERE order_id = " . $order->getId()); Render::output('admin/orders/products', array('products' => $products)); break; } }
public function render() { $content = $this->wp->getPostField('post_content', $this->options->getPageId(Pages::THANK_YOU)); /** @var Order $order */ $order = $this->orderService->find((int) $_REQUEST['order']); if ($order->getKey() != $_REQUEST['key']) { $this->messages->addError(__('Invalid security key. The order was processed.', 'jigoshop')); $this->wp->redirectTo($this->options->getPageId(Pages::SHOP)); } return Render::get('shop/checkout/thanks', array('content' => $content, 'messages' => $this->messages, 'order' => $order, 'showWithTax' => $this->options->get('tax.price_tax') == 'with_tax', 'shopUrl' => $this->wp->getPermalink($this->options->getPageId(Pages::SHOP)), 'cancelUrl' => \Jigoshop\Helper\Order::getCancelLink($order), 'getTaxLabel' => function ($taxClass) use($order) { return Tax::getLabel($taxClass, $order); })); }
/** * Abstraction for cart update response. * Prepares and returns response array for cart update requests. * * @param \Jigoshop\Entity\Cart $cart Current cart. * * @return array */ private function getAjaxCartResponse(\Jigoshop\Entity\Cart $cart) { $tax = array(); foreach ($cart->getCombinedTax() as $class => $value) { $tax[$class] = array('label' => Tax::getLabel($class, $cart), 'value' => Product::formatPrice($value)); } $shipping = array(); $shippingHtml = array(); foreach ($this->shippingService->getAvailable() as $method) { /** @var $method Method */ if ($method instanceof MultipleMethod) { /** @var $method MultipleMethod */ foreach ($method->getRates($cart) as $rate) { /** @var $rate Rate */ $shipping[$method->getId() . '-' . $rate->getId()] = $method->isEnabled() ? $rate->calculate($cart) : -1; if ($method->isEnabled()) { $shippingHtml[$method->getId() . '-' . $rate->getId()] = array('price' => Product::formatPrice($rate->calculate($cart)), 'html' => Render::get('shop/cart/shipping/rate', array('method' => $method, 'rate' => $rate, 'cart' => $cart))); } } } else { $shipping[$method->getId()] = $method->isEnabled() ? $method->calculate($cart) : -1; if ($method->isEnabled()) { $shippingHtml[$method->getId()] = array('price' => Product::formatPrice($cart->getShippingPrice()), 'html' => Render::get('shop/cart/shipping/method', array('method' => $method, 'cart' => $cart))); } } } $shippingMethod = $cart->getShippingMethod(); if ($shippingMethod) { try { $cart->setShippingMethod($shippingMethod); } catch (Exception $e) { $cart->removeShippingMethod(); } } $productSubtotal = $this->options->get('tax.price_tax') == 'with_tax' ? $cart->getProductSubtotal() + $cart->getTotalTax() : $cart->getProductSubtotal(); $coupons = join(',', array_map(function ($coupon) { /** @var $coupon Coupon */ return $coupon->getCode(); }, $cart->getCoupons())); $response = array('success' => true, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'subtotal' => $cart->getSubtotal(), 'product_subtotal' => $productSubtotal, 'discount' => $cart->getDiscount(), 'coupons' => $coupons, 'tax' => $cart->getCombinedTax(), 'total' => $cart->getTotal(), 'html' => array('shipping' => $shippingHtml, 'discount' => Product::formatPrice($cart->getDiscount()), 'subtotal' => Product::formatPrice($cart->getSubtotal()), 'product_subtotal' => Product::formatPrice($productSubtotal), 'tax' => $tax, 'total' => Product::formatPrice($cart->getTotal()))); return $response; }
/** * Abstraction for cart update response. * * Prepares and returns response array for cart update requests. * * @param CartEntity $cart Current cart. * * @return array */ private function getAjaxCartResponse(CartEntity $cart) { $tax = array(); foreach ($cart->getCombinedTax() as $class => $value) { $tax[$class] = array('label' => Tax::getLabel($class, $cart), 'value' => ProductHelper::formatPrice($value)); } $shipping = array(); $shippingHtml = array(); foreach ($this->shippingService->getAvailable() as $method) { /** @var $method Method */ if ($method instanceof MultipleMethod) { /** @var $method MultipleMethod */ foreach ($method->getRates($cart) as $rate) { /** @var $rate Rate */ $shipping[$method->getId() . '-' . $rate->getId()] = $method->isEnabled() ? $rate->calculate($cart) : -1; if ($method->isEnabled()) { $shippingHtml[$method->getId() . '-' . $rate->getId()] = array('price' => ProductHelper::formatPrice($rate->calculate($cart)), 'html' => Render::get('shop/cart/shipping/rate', array('method' => $method, 'rate' => $rate, 'cart' => $cart))); } } } else { $shipping[$method->getId()] = $method->isEnabled() ? $method->calculate($cart) : -1; if ($method->isEnabled()) { $shippingHtml[$method->getId()] = array('price' => ProductHelper::formatPrice($method->calculate($cart)), 'html' => Render::get('shop/cart/shipping/method', array('method' => $method, 'cart' => $cart))); } } } $response = array('success' => true, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'subtotal' => $cart->getSubtotal(), 'product_subtotal' => $cart->getProductSubtotal(), 'tax' => $cart->getCombinedTax(), 'total' => $cart->getTotal(), 'html' => array('shipping' => $shippingHtml, 'subtotal' => ProductHelper::formatPrice($cart->getSubtotal()), 'product_subtotal' => ProductHelper::formatPrice($cart->getProductSubtotal()), 'tax' => $tax, 'total' => ProductHelper::formatPrice($cart->getTotal()))); return $response; }
/** * Starts Jigoshop extensions and Jigoshop itself. * * @param Container $container */ public function run(Container $container) { $wp = $this->wp; // Add table to benefit from WordPress metadata API $wpdb = $wp->getWPDB(); /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFieldInspection */ $wpdb->jigoshop_termmeta = "{$wpdb->prefix}jigoshop_term_meta"; $wp->addFilter('template_include', array($this->template, 'process')); $wp->addFilter('template_redirect', array($this->template, 'redirect')); $wp->addFilter('jigoshop\\get_fields', function ($fields) { // Post type if (isset($_GET['post_type'])) { $fields['post_type'] = $_GET['post_type']; } return $fields; }); $wp->addAction('jigoshop\\shop\\content\\before', array($this, 'displayCustomMessage')); $wp->addAction('wp_head', array($this, 'googleAnalyticsTracking'), 9990); // Action for limiting WordPress feed from using order notes. $wp->addAction('comment_feed_where', function ($where) { return $where . " AND comment_type <> 'order_note'"; }); $container->get('jigoshop.permalinks'); /** @var \Jigoshop\ApiDeprecated $api */ $api = $container->get('jigoshop.api_deprecated'); $api->run(); /** @var \Jigoshop\Api $api */ $api = $container->get('jigoshop.api'); $api->run(); /** @var \Jigoshop\Service\TaxServiceInterface $tax */ $tax = $container->get(''); $tax->register(); Tax::setService($tax); $container->get('jigoshop.emails'); $widget = $container->get('jigoshop.widget'); $widget->init($container, $wp); // TODO: Why this is required? :/ //$this->wp->flushRewriteRules(false); $this->wp->doAction('jigoshop\\run', $container); }
</tr> <?php do_action('jigoshop\\template\\shop\\checkout\\before_tax'); ?> <?php foreach ($cart->getCombinedTax() as $taxClass => $tax) { ?> <tr id="tax-<?php echo $taxClass; ?> "<?php $tax == 0 and print ' style="display: none;"'; ?> > <th scope="row"><?php echo Tax::getLabel($taxClass, $cart); ?> </th> <td><?php echo Product::formatPrice($tax); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr id="cart-discount"<?php $cart->getDiscount() == 0 and print ' class="not-active"'; ?> > <th scope="row"><?php
public function render() { /** @var Order $order */ $order = $this->orderService->find((int) $this->wp->getQueryParameter('pay')); $render = $this->wp->applyFilters('jigoshop\\pay\\render', '', $order); if (!empty($render)) { return Render::get('shop/checkout/payment', array('messages' => $this->messages, 'content' => $render, 'order' => $order)); } $termsUrl = ''; $termsPage = $this->options->get('advanced.pages.terms'); if ($termsPage > 0) { $termsUrl = $this->wp->getPageLink($termsPage); } $accountUrl = $this->wp->getPermalink($this->options->getPageId(Pages::ACCOUNT)); return Render::get('shop/checkout/pay', array('messages' => $this->messages, 'order' => $order, 'showWithTax' => $this->options->get('tax.price_tax') == 'with_tax', 'termsUrl' => $termsUrl, 'myAccountUrl' => $accountUrl, 'myOrdersUrl' => Api::getEndpointUrl('orders', '', $accountUrl), 'paymentMethods' => $this->paymentService->getEnabled(), 'getTaxLabel' => function ($taxClass) use($order) { return Tax::getLabel($taxClass, $order); })); }
/** * @param $order OrderInterface Order to get taxes for. * * @return array Taxes with labels array. */ private function getTaxes($order) { $result = array(); foreach ($order->getCombinedTax() as $class => $value) { $result[$class] = array('label' => Tax::getLabel($class, $order), 'value' => ProductHelper::formatPrice($value)); } return $result; }