public function home() { $page_title = "لوحة التحكم"; $section_title = "لوحة التحكم"; Date::setLocale('ar'); $date = Date::now()->format('j F Y'); $day = Date::now()->format('l'); $month = Date::now()->format('F'); $year = Date::now()->format('Y'); //**************Tasks*************** $tasksToday = Task::orderBy('task_date', 'desc')->today()->take(5); $tasksWeek = Task::orderBy('task_date', 'desc')->thisweek()->take(5); $tasksMonth = Task::orderBy('task_date', 'desc')->thisMonth()->take(5); $tasks_count = count($tasksToday->toArray()); //**************Fails*************** $failsToday = Failure::orderBy('fail_time', 'desc')->today()->take(5); $failsWeek = Failure::orderBy('fail_time', 'desc')->thisweek()->take(5); $failsMonth = Failure::orderBy('fail_time', 'desc')->thisMonth()->take(5); $fails_count = count($failsToday->toArray()); //**************Repairs*************** $repairsToday = Repair::today(); $repairsWeek = Repair::thisweek(); $repairsMonth = Repair::thisMonth(); $repairs_count = count($repairsToday->toArray()); return view('dashboard.dashboard', compact('page_title', 'section_title', 'date', 'day', 'month', 'year', 'tasksToday', 'tasksMonth', 'tasksWeek', 'tasks_count', 'failsToday', 'failsMonth', 'failsWeek', 'fails_count', 'repairsToday', 'repairsMonth', 'repairsWeek', 'repairs_count')); }
/** * */ public function trash() { if ($this->isDeleted()) { return; } $this->deletedAt = Date::now(); }
public function getInsert() { //if(Input::old('tanggal')!="" and Input::old('nis')!="") { $siswa = \DB::table('t_siswa_tingkat')->where('nis', Input::old('nis'))->first(); if ($siswa == null) { \Session::flash('siswa_ilang', 'NIS tidak ditemukan'); return redirect('/home'); } $date = Date::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', Input::old('tanggal')); $tapel = AbsencesController::checkPeriode($date); $tapel['kd_tapel'] = \DB::table('t_tahun_ajaran')->where('tahun_ajaran', $tapel['tahun_ajaran'])->first()->kd_tahun_ajaran; $siswa_tingkat = \DB::table('t_siswa_tingkat')->where('nis', $siswa->nis)->where('kd_tahun_ajaran', $tapel['kd_tapel'])->where('kd_periode_belajar', $tapel['periode'])->first(); if ($siswa_tingkat == null) { \Session::flash('tahun_ajaran', 'Tahun ajaran belum dimulai'); return redirect('/home'); } $siswa = \DB::table('t_siswa')->where('nis', $siswa->nis)->first(); $pikets = \DB::table('t_piket')->where('hari', $date->format('l'))->first(); $piket = \DB::table('t_guru')->where('kd_guru', $pikets->kd_guru)->first(); $jam_masuk = Date::createFromFormat('H:i:s', $pikets->jam_masuk, Date::now()->tzName); return view('absences.insert', compact('date', 'jam_masuk', 'siswa', 'siswa_tingkat', 'piket', 'tapel')); //} //else // return redirect('home'); }
function today() { global $today; if (!isset($today)) { $today = Date::now(); $today->hour = 0; $today->minute = 0; $today->second = 0; } return $today; }
public function getIndex() { $absens = \DB::table('t_kesiangan')->get(); $kelas = \DB::table('t_siswa_tingkat')->distinct('kd_rombel')->orderBy('kd_rombel')->get(['kd_rombel']); $headers = ['NIS', 'Nama', 'Kelas', 'Tahun Ajaran', 'Semester', 'Hari', 'Tanggal', 'Jam Datang', 'Menit Kesiangan', 'Piket', 'Keterangan']; $date = Date::now(); $th1 = strval($date->year - 1) . "/" . strval($date->year); $th2 = strval($date->year) . "/" . strval($date->year + 1); $t1 = \DB::table('t_tahun_ajaran')->where('tahun_ajaran', $th1)->get(); $t2 = \DB::table('t_tahun_ajaran')->where('tahun_ajaran', $th2)->get(); $tahun_ajaran = (object) array_merge((array) $t1, (array) $t2); return view('laporan.index', compact('headers', 'absens', 'tahun_ajaran', 'kelas')); }
/** * Returns the rendered Blade templates. * * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function showIndex() { $today = Date::now(); $startDate = Date::now(); segment_page('Status Page'); // Check if we have another starting date if (Binput::has('start_date')) { try { // If date provided is valid $oldDate = Date::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', Binput::get('start_date')); segment_track('Status Page', ['start_date' => $oldDate->format('Y-m-d')]); // If trying to get a future date fallback to today if ($today->gt($oldDate)) { $startDate = $oldDate; } } catch (Exception $e) { // Fallback to today } } $metrics = null; if ($displayMetrics = Setting::get('display_graphs')) { $metrics = Metric::where('display_chart', 1)->get(); } $daysToShow = Setting::get('app_incident_days') ?: 7; $incidentDays = range(0, $daysToShow - 1); $dateTimeZone = Setting::get('app_timezone'); $incidentVisiblity = Auth::check() ? 0 : 1; $allIncidents = Incident::notScheduled()->where('visible', '>=', $incidentVisiblity)->whereBetween('created_at', [$startDate->copy()->subDays($daysToShow)->format('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00', $startDate->format('Y-m-d') . ' 23:59:59'])->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get()->groupBy(function (Incident $incident) use($dateTimeZone) { return (new Date($incident->created_at))->setTimezone($dateTimeZone)->toDateString(); }); // Add in days that have no incidents foreach ($incidentDays as $i) { $date = (new Date($startDate))->setTimezone($dateTimeZone)->subDays($i); if (!isset($allIncidents[$date->toDateString()])) { $allIncidents[$date->toDateString()] = []; } } // Sort the array so it takes into account the added days $allIncidents = $allIncidents->sortBy(function ($value, $key) { return strtotime($key); }, SORT_REGULAR, true)->all(); // Scheduled maintenance code. $scheduledMaintenance = Incident::scheduled()->orderBy('scheduled_at')->get(); // Component & Component Group lists. $usedComponentGroups = Component::where('group_id', '>', 0)->groupBy('group_id')->lists('group_id'); $componentGroups = ComponentGroup::whereIn('id', $usedComponentGroups)->orderBy('order')->get(); $ungroupedComponents = Component::where('group_id', 0)->orderBy('order')->orderBy('created_at')->get(); $canPageBackward = Incident::notScheduled()->where('created_at', '<', $startDate->format('Y-m-d'))->count() != 0; return View::make('index', ['componentGroups' => $componentGroups, 'ungroupedComponents' => $ungroupedComponents, 'displayMetrics' => $displayMetrics, 'metrics' => $metrics, 'allIncidents' => $allIncidents, 'scheduledMaintenance' => $scheduledMaintenance, 'aboutApp' => Markdown::convertToHtml(Setting::get('app_about')), 'canPageForward' => (bool) $today->gt($startDate), 'canPageBackward' => $canPageBackward, 'previousDate' => $startDate->copy()->subDays($daysToShow)->toDateString(), 'nextDate' => $startDate->copy()->addDays($daysToShow)->toDateString(), 'pageTitle' => Setting::get('app_name') . ' Status']); }
/** * Check if access is allowed given an RFID card identifier. * * @param Resource $resource * @param string $cardId * @return Response */ public function check(Resource $resource, $cardId) { $now = Date::now(); try { $card = Card::findOrFail($cardId); // @todo: refactor for single responsibility $reservation = $resource->reservations()->where('starts_at', '<=', $now)->where('ends_at', '>', $now)->where('user_id', '=', $card->user->id)->first(); $allow = $reservation ? true : false; // } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) { $reservation = null; $allow = false; } return ['time' => $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'reservation' => $reservation, 'allow' => $allow]; }
/** * Displays the explore page. * * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function showIndex() { $today = Date::now(); $startDate = Date::now(); // Check if we have another starting date if (Binput::has('start_date')) { try { // If date provided is valid $oldDate = Date::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', Binput::get('start_date')); // If trying to get a future date fallback to today if ($today->gt($oldDate)) { $startDate = $oldDate; } } catch (Exception $e) { // Fallback to today } } $daysToShow = Setting::get('app_issue_days', 0) - 1; if ($daysToShow < 0) { $daysToShow = 0; $issueDays = []; } else { $issueDays = range(0, $daysToShow); } $dateTimeZone = Setting::get('app_timezone'); $issueVisiblity = Auth::check() ? 0 : 1; $allIssues = Issue::where('visible', '>=', $issueVisiblity)->whereBetween('created_at', [$startDate->copy()->subDays($daysToShow)->format('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00', $startDate->format('Y-m-d') . ' 23:59:59'])->orderBy('scheduled_at', 'desc')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get()->groupBy(function (Issue $issue) use($dateTimeZone) { // If it's scheduled, get the scheduled at date. if ($issue->is_scheduled) { return (new Date($issue->scheduled_at))->setTimezone($dateTimeZone)->toDateString(); } return (new Date($issue->created_at))->setTimezone($dateTimeZone)->toDateString(); }); // Add in days that have no issues foreach ($issueDays as $i) { $date = (new Date($startDate))->setTimezone($dateTimeZone)->subDays($i); if (!isset($allIssues[$date->toDateString()])) { $allIssues[$date->toDateString()] = []; } } // Sort the array so it takes into account the added days $allIssues = $allIssues->sortBy(function ($value, $key) { return strtotime($key); }, SORT_REGULAR, true)->all(); return View::make('index')->withDaysToShow($daysToShow)->withAllIssues($allIssues)->withCanPageForward((bool) $today->gt($startDate))->withCanPageBackward(Issue::where('created_at', '<', $startDate->format('Y-m-d'))->count() > 0)->withPreviousDate($startDate->copy()->subDays($daysToShow)->toDateString())->withNextDate($startDate->copy()->addDays($daysToShow)->toDateString()); }
/** * Displays the explore page. * * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function indexAction() { $this->subMenu['explore']['active'] = true; $today = Date::now(); $startDate = Date::now(); // Check if we have another starting date if (Request::has('start_date')) { try { // If date provided is valid $oldDate = Date::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', Request::get('start_date')); // If trying to get a future date fallback to today if ($today->gt($oldDate)) { $startDate = $oldDate; } } catch (Exception $e) { // Fallback to today } } $daysToShow = Setting::get('app_issue_days', 0) - 1; if ($daysToShow < 0) { $daysToShow = 0; $issueDays = []; } else { $issueDays = range(0, $daysToShow); } $dateTimeZone = Setting::get('app_timezone'); $allIssues = Issue::whereBetween('created_at', [$startDate->copy()->subDays($daysToShow)->format('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00', $startDate->format('Y-m-d') . ' 23:59:59'])->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get()->groupBy(function (Issue $issue) use($dateTimeZone) { return (new Date($issue->created_at))->setTimezone($dateTimeZone)->toDateString(); }); // Add in days that have no issues foreach ($issueDays as $i) { $date = (new Date($startDate))->setTimezone($dateTimeZone)->subDays($i); if (!isset($allIssues[$date->toDateString()])) { $allIssues[$date->toDateString()] = []; } } // Sort the array so it takes into account the added days $allIssues = $allIssues->sortBy(function ($value, $key) { return strtotime($key); }, SORT_REGULAR, true)->all(); return View::make('explore.index')->withPageTitle(trans('dashboard.explore'))->withProjects([])->withSubMenu($this->subMenu)->withDaysToShow($daysToShow)->withAllIssues($allIssues)->withCanPageForward((bool) $today->gt($startDate))->withCanPageBackward(Issue::where('created_at', '<', $startDate->format('Y-m-d'))->count() > 0)->withPreviousDate($startDate->copy()->subDays($daysToShow)->toDateString())->withNextDate($startDate->copy()->addDays($daysToShow)->toDateString()); }
/** * @param OnFlushEventArgs $args */ public function onFlush(OnFlushEventArgs $args) { $entityManager = $args->getEntityManager(); $unitOfWork = $entityManager->getUnitOfWork(); foreach ($unitOfWork->getScheduledEntityDeletions() as $entity) { if (!$this->isSoftDeletable($entity)) { continue; } $metadata = $entityManager->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $oldValue = $metadata->getFieldValue($entity, $this->propertyName); if ($oldValue !== null) { continue; } $newValue = Date::now(); $metadata->setFieldValue($entity, $this->propertyName, $newValue); $entityManager->persist($entity); $unitOfWork->propertyChanged($entity, $this->propertyName, $oldValue, $newValue); $unitOfWork->scheduleExtraUpdate($entity, [$this->propertyName => [$oldValue, $newValue]]); } }
/** * @return string */ public function createOrUpdateFixtures() { $dateOfBeginningMonth = Date::now()->startOfMonth()->format('d.m.Y'); $dateOfEndingMonth = Date::now()->endOfMonth()->format('d.m.Y'); $request = 'matches?comp_id=' . $this->premierleague . ',' . $this->ucl . ',' . $this->europa . ',' . $this->facup . '&team_id=' . $this->liverpoolfc . '&from_date=' . $dateOfBeginningMonth . '&to_date=' . $dateOfEndingMonth . '&'; $getMatches = $this->connector($request); foreach ($getMatches as $match) { $match['match_id'] = $match['id']; unset($match['id']); $mergeDateTime = Date::createFromFormat('d.m.Y H:i', $match['formatted_date'] . ' ' . $match['time'], 'UTC')->tz('Asia/Bangkok')->toDateTimeString(); $date = Date::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mergeDateTime)->format('Y-m-d'); $match['formatted_date'] = $date; $time = Date::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mergeDateTime)->format('H:i'); $matchStatus = $match['status']; $match['status'] === $match['time'] ? $match['status'] = $time : ($match['status'] = $matchStatus); $match['time'] = $time; if ($match['localteam_score'] === '?' and $match['visitorteam_score'] === '?' or $match['localteam_score'] === '' and $match['visitorteam_score'] === '') { if ($match['status'] !== 'FT' or $match['status'] !== 'AET') { $match['localteam_score'] = '-'; $match['visitorteam_score'] = '-'; } } $this->footballMatches->updateOrCreate(['match_id' => $match['match_id']], $match); if (!empty($match['events'])) { $events = $match['events']; $matchId = $match['match_id']; foreach ($events as $event) { $event['match_id'] = $matchId; $event['event_id'] = $event['id']; unset($event['id']); $this->footballMatchEvents->updateOrCreate(['event_id' => $event['event_id']], $event) ? Log::info('Event of ' . $matchId . ' update completed!.') : Log::error('Event update process of ' . $matchId . ' failed'); } } Log::info('All data of ' . $match['match_id'] . ' update completed!'); } return Event::fire(new FootballMatchUpdated($this->footballMatches)); }
public function testAgoTranslated() { Date::setLocale('nl'); $date = Date::parse('-5 years'); $this->assertSame("5 jaar geleden", $date->ago()); $date = Date::parse('-5 months'); $this->assertSame("5 maanden geleden", $date->ago()); $date = Date::parse('-32 days'); $this->assertSame("1 maand geleden", $date->ago()); $date = Date::parse('-4 days'); $this->assertSame("4 dagen geleden", $date->ago()); $date = Date::parse('-1 day'); $this->assertSame("1 dag geleden", $date->ago()); $date = Date::parse('-3 hours'); $this->assertSame("3 uur geleden", $date->ago()); $date = Date::parse('-1 hour'); $this->assertSame("1 uur geleden", $date->ago()); $date = Date::parse('-2 minutes'); $this->assertSame("2 minuten geleden", $date->ago()); $date = Date::parse('-1 minute'); $this->assertSame("1 minuut geleden", $date->ago()); $date = Date::parse('-50 second'); $this->assertSame("50 seconden geleden", $date->ago()); $date = Date::parse('-1 second'); $this->assertSame("1 seconde geleden", $date->ago()); $date = Date::parse('+5 days'); $this->assertSame("5 dagen vanaf nu", $date->ago()); $date = Date::parse('+5 days'); $this->assertSame("5 dagen na", $date->ago(Date::now())); $date = Date::parse('-5 days'); $this->assertSame("5 dagen voor", $date->ago(Date::now())); Date::setLocale('ru'); $date = Date::parse('-21 hours'); $this->assertSame("21 час до", $date->ago(Date::now())); $date = Date::parse('-11 hours'); $this->assertSame("11 часов до", $date->ago(Date::now())); }
public function scopeActive($query) { return $query->where('ends_at', '>=', Date::now()); }
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Acme\CsvExporter; use Acme\DataGenerator; use Jenssegers\Date\Date; $start = Date::now()->firstOfMonth(); $csvExporter = new CsvExporter('salaryDates.csv'); $dataGenerator = new DataGenerator($start); $data = $dataGenerator->generate(); $csvExporter->export($data);
private function makeTimelineData($timeline) { Carbon::setLocale('pt_BR'); foreach ($timeline as $key => $item) { $now = Carbon::now(); $start = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['start']); $end = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['end']); $startW3c = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['start'])->addSeconds(env('TIME_OFFSET_ADD')); $endW3c = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['end'])->addSeconds(env('TIME_OFFSET_ADD')); $timeline[$key]['startW3c'] = $startW3c->toW3cString(); $timeline[$key]['endW3c'] = $endW3c->toW3cString(); $end->addSeconds(2); $diff = $start->diffInDays($end); if ($diff <= 1) { $period = $start->format('d \\d\\e F'); } else { if ($start->month == $end->month) { $period = $start->format('d') . ' a ' . $end->format('d \\d\\e F'); } else { $period = $start->format('d \\d\\e F') . ' a ' . $end->format('d \\d\\e F'); } } $timeline[$key]['period'] = $period; $timeline[$key]['past'] = $start->diffInSeconds($now) > 0; } return ['lines' => $timeline, 'now' => $now->toW3cString()]; }
/** * Get topics from IPBoard that most comments in past a week * @return array|static[] */ public function getHotTopics() { $subWeek = Date::now()->subWeek()->timestamp; $hotTopics = Topic::whereForumId(2)->where('approved', 1)->where('start_date', '>', $subWeek)->select('title', 'posts', 'title_seo', 'starter_name', 'start_date')->orderBy('posts', 'desc')->take(5)->get(); return $hotTopics; }
public function createproyecto() { $nuevoproyecto["name"] = ucfirst($this->datosempresa["name"]) . " " . ucfirst(Date::now()->format('F Y')); $nuevoproyecto["user_id"] = $this->datosempresa["user_id"]; Proyecto::create($nuevoproyecto); return redirect('proyectos'); }
/** * @ORM\PreUpdate */ public function updateAt() { $this->updatedAt = Date::now(); }
function humanize($date) { return Date::now()->timespan($date); }
/** * @ORM\PreUpdate */ public function preUpdate() { $this->updatedAt = Date::now(); }