public function load($src) { $item = Load::loadJSON($src); if (!$item) { $item = array(); } if (!empty($item['external'])) { if (!is_array($item['external'])) { $item['external'] = explode(', ', $item['external']); } foreach ($item['external'] as $esrc) { if (!Path::theme($esrc)) { echo '<pre>'; throw new \Exception('Not found seojson external ' . $esrc); } $ext = self::load($esrc); foreach ($ext as $k => $v) { if (!isset($item[$k])) { $item[$k] = $v; continue; } } if (!empty($ext['properties'])) { foreach ($ext['properties'] as $k => $v) { if (isset($item['properties'][$k])) { continue; } $item['properties'][$k] = $v; } } if (!empty($ext['names'])) { foreach ($ext['names'] as $k => $v) { if (isset($item['names'][$k])) { continue; } $item['names'][$k] = $v; } } if (!empty($ext['itemprops'])) { foreach ($ext['itemprops'] as $k => $v) { if (isset($item['itemprops'][$k])) { continue; } $item['itemprops'][$k] = $v; } } } } return $item; }
public static function check(&$layer) { if (!isset($layer['css'])) { return; } if (static::$ready[$css]) { return; } Each::fora($layer['css'], function ($css) use(&$layer) { Css::$ready[$css] = true; $code = Load::loadTEXT($css); View::html('<style>' . $code . '</style>', $layer['div']); $r = null; return $r; }); }
public static function preview($src) { $param = self::parse($src); $data = Load::srcInfo($src); unset($data['query']); //$data = Load::nameInfo($data['file']); $temphtml = strip_tags($param['html'], '<p>'); //preg_match('/^(<p.*>.{'.$previewlen.'}.*<\/p>)/U',$temphtml,$match); preg_match('/(<p.*>.{1}.*<\\/p>)/U', $temphtml, $match); if (sizeof($match) > 1) { $preview = $match[1]; } else { $preview = $param['html']; } $preview = preg_replace('/<h1.*<\\/h1>/U', '', $preview); $preview = preg_replace('/<img.*>/U', '', $preview); $preview = preg_replace('/<p.*>\\s*<\\/p>/iU', '', $preview); $preview = preg_replace("/\\s+/", ' ', $preview); $preview = trim($preview); /*preg_match('/<img.*src=["\'](.*)["\'].*>/U', $param['html'], $match); if ($match && $match[1]) { $img = $match[1]; } else { $img = false; }*/ $filetime = filemtime(Path::theme($src)); $data['modified'] = $filetime; if (!empty($param['links'])) { $data['links'] = $param['links']; } if (!empty($param['heading'])) { $data['heading'] = $param['heading']; } //title - depricated if (!empty($data['name'])) { $data['title'] = $data['name']; } /*if ($img) { $data['img'] = $img; }*/ if (!empty($param['images'])) { $data['images'] = $param['images']; } $data['preview'] = $preview; return $data; }
public static function checkExt(&$layer, &$external) { if (!$external) { return; } unset($layer['external']); Each::fora($external, function &(&$exter) use(&$layer) { if (is_string($exter)) { $external =& Load::loadJSON($exter); } else { $external = $exter; } if ($external) { foreach ($external as $i => &$v) { external::merge($layer, $external, $i); } } $r = null; return $r; }); }
} elseif ($type == 'takefile') { if ($submit) { $take = (bool) $_GET['take']; $ans['take'] = $take; $file = autoedit_theme($id); $file = Path::toutf($file); if (!$file) { $ans['noaction'] = true; //Собственно всё осталось как было } else { $takepath = autoedit_takepath($file); if (!$take && is_file($takepath)) { $r = @unlink($takepath); if (!$r) { return Ans::err($ans, 'Неудалось отпустить файл'); } } elseif ($take && !is_file($takepath)) { //Повторно захватывать не будем $save = array('path' => $id, 'date' => time(), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'browser' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $r = file_put_contents($takepath, Load::json_encode($save)); if (!$r) { return Ans::err('Неудалось захватить файл'); } } else { $ans['noaction'] = true; //Собственно всё осталось как было } } } } return Ans::ret($ans);
} } $br = infra_imager_browser(); $name = preg_replace("/(.*\\/)*/", '', $isrc); if (!$name) { $name = Path::encode($isrc); } $name = Imager::toutf($name); if (!preg_match('/ff/', $br)) { $name = rawurlencode($name); } if (preg_match('/ie6/', $br)) { $name = preg_replace("/\\s/", '%20', $name); } if (!$type) { $type = 'image/jpeg'; } $ans = array('name' => $name, 'type' => $type); //return $data; //}, $args, isset($_GET['re'])); //) file_put_contents($cachesrc . '.data', $data); file_put_contents($cachesrc, Load::json_encode($ans)); $ans['data'] = $data; } else { $ans = Load::loadJSON($cachesrc); $ans['data'] = Load::loadTEXT($cachesrc . '.data'); } header('Content-Disposition: filename="' . $ans['name'] . '";'); header('content-type: image/' . $ans['type']); echo $ans['data'];
Template::$scope['~conf'] = Config::get(); }); $fn3 = function () { return View::getPath(); }; Sequence::set(Template::$scope, array('infra', 'view', 'getPath'), $fn3); $fn4 = function () { return View::getHost(); }; Sequence::set(Template::$scope, array('infra', 'view', 'getHost'), $fn4); $fn5 = function ($s) { return Sequence::short($s); }; Sequence::set(Template::$scope, array('infra', 'seq', 'short'), $fn5); $fn6 = function ($s) { return Sequence::right($s); }; Sequence::set(Template::$scope, array('infra', 'seq', 'right'), $fn6); $fn7 = function () { return View::getRoot(); }; Sequence::set(Template::$scope, array('infra', 'view', 'getRoot'), $fn7); $fn8 = function ($src) { return Load::srcInfo($src); }; Sequence::set(Template::$scope, array('infra', 'srcinfo'), $fn8); $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $p = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $pathname = $p[0]; Sequence::set(Template::$scope, array('location', 'host'), $host); Sequence::set(Template::$scope, array('location', 'pathname'), $pathname);
public static function addFiles($root, &$pos, $dir = false) { $props = array('producer', 'article'); if (!isset($pos['images'])) { $pos['images'] = array(); } if (!isset($pos['texts'])) { $pos['texts'] = array(); } if (!isset($pos['files'])) { $pos['files'] = array(); } if (!$dir) { $dir = array(); $pth = Path::resolve($root); if (Each::forr($props, function &($name) use(&$dir, &$pos) { $rname = Sequence::right($name); $val = Sequence::get($pos, $rname); if (!$val) { return true; } $dir[] = $val; $r = null; return $r; })) { return; } if ($dir) { $dir = implode('/', $dir) . '/'; $dir = $pth . $dir; } else { $dir = $pth; } } else { $dir = $root . $dir; } $dir = Path::theme($dir); if (!$dir) { return false; } if (is_dir($dir)) { $paths = glob($dir . '*'); } elseif (is_file($dir)) { $paths = array($dir); $p = Load::srcInfo($dir); $dir = $p['folder']; } Each::forr($paths, function &($p) use(&$pos, $dir) { $d = explode('/', $p); $name = array_pop($d); $n = mb_strtolower($name); $fd = Load::nameInfo($n); $ext = $fd['ext']; //if(!$ext)return; if (!is_file($dir . $name)) { return; } //$name=preg_replace('/\.\w{0,4}$/','',$name); /*$p=pathinfo($p); $name=$p['basename']; $ext=strtolower($p['extension']);*/ if ($name[0] == '.') { return; } $dir = Path::pretty($dir); $name = Path::toutf($dir . $name); $im = array('png', 'gif', 'jpg'); $te = array('html', 'tpl', 'mht', 'docx'); if (in_array($ext, $im)) { $pos['images'][] = $name; } else { if (in_array($ext, $te)) { $pos['texts'][] = $name; } else { if ($ext != 'db') { $pos['files'][] = $name; } } } $r = null; return $r; }); $pos['images'] = array_unique($pos['images']); $pos['texts'] = array_unique($pos['texts']); $pos['files'] = array_unique($pos['files']); }
namespace infrajs\controller; use infrajs\config\Config; use infrajs\path\Path; use infrajs\view\View; use infrajs\load\Load; use infrajs\ans\Ans; if (!is_file('vendor/autoload.php')) { chdir('../../../../'); require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; } $ans = array(); $ans['title'] = 'check4'; $query = Crumb::$query; Config::get('controller'); View::html('<div id="main1"></div><div id="main2"></div>', true); $layers = Load::loadJSON('-test-akiyatkin/resources/check4.json'); Crumb::change('test'); Controller::check($layers); $html = View::html(); preg_match_all('/x/', $html, $matches); $count = sizeof($matches[0]); $countneed = 2; Crumb::change($query); Layer::$start_id = 1; Layer::$ids = array(); View::html('', true); if ($count != $countneed) { return Ans::err($ans); } return Ans::ret($ans);
<?php namespace infrajs\controller; use infrajs\ans\Ans; use infrajs\path\Path; use infrajs\view\View; use infrajs\load\Load; use infrajs\router\Router; if (!is_file('vendor/autoload.php')) { chdir('../../../../'); require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; Router::init(); } $query = Crumb::$href; $ans = array('title' => 'Проверки контроллера'); $composer = Load::loadJSON('-infrajs/composer.json'); $require = $composer['require']; foreach ($require as $path => $ver) { $p = explode('/', $path); $r = Path::reqif('-' . $p[1] . '/infra.php'); } $layer = array('data' => 1, 'tpl' => array('qewr{data}')); Crumb::change(''); $html = Controller::check($layer); if ($html != 'qewr1') { return Ans::err($ans, 'Результат неожиданный ' . $html); } Crumb::change($query); View::html('', true); return Ans::ret($ans);
Router::init(); } $ans = array(); $osrc = Ans::GET('src'); if (!$osrc) { return Ans::err($ans, 'Для работы необходимо передать параметр ?src= до папки с иллюстрациями: ' . $osrc); } $src = Path::theme($osrc); if (!$src) { return Ans::err($ans, 'Неправильный путь до папки с иллюстрациями: ' . $osrc); } $list = Access::cache(__FILE__, function ($src) { $list = array(); array_map(function ($file) use(&$list, $src) { if ($file[0] == '.') { return; } $fdata = Load::nameInfo($file); if (!in_array($fdata['ext'], array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'))) { return; } $list[] = $src . Path::toutf($file); }, scandir($src)); return $list; }, array($src)); $conf = Config::get('teremok'); $count = $conf['count']; $count = Ans::GET('count', 'int', $count); $list = array_slice($list, 0, $count); $ans['list'] = $list; return Ans::ret($ans);
function err($ans, $msg) { $ans['msg'] = $msg; echo Load::json_encode($ans); }
}); } $data = array('list' => array()); $errors = array(); foreach ($list as $name => $files) { foreach ($files as $file) { $ext = Path::getExt($file); if ($ext != 'php') { continue; } $finfo = Load::srcInfo($file); $text = Load::loadTEXT($file . '?type=auto'); if (strlen($text) > 1000) { $res = array('title' => $name . ' ' . $finfo['name'], 'result' => 0, 'msg' => 'Слишком длинный текст', 'class' => 'bg-warning'); } else { $res = Load::json_decode($text, true); if (!is_array($res)) { $res = array('result' => 0, 'msg' => 'Некорректный json ' . print_r($res, true)); } } $res['src'] = $finfo['src']; $res['name'] = $finfo['file']; //имя тестируемого файла if (!$res['result']) { $errors[] = $name . ' ' . $res['name'] . ' ' . $res['msg']; } if ($type == 'errors') { if (!$res['result']) { $data['list'][$name][] = $res; } } else {
public static function load($src, $name = null) { $src = Path::theme($src); if (!$src) { return; } Once::exec('Config::load::' . $src, function () use($src, $name) { $d = file_get_contents($src); try { $d = Load::json_decode($d); } catch (\Exception $e) { } if (!is_array($d)) { echo '<pre>'; throw new \Exception('Wrong config ' . $src); } if ($name) { Config::accept($name, $d); } else { foreach ($d as $k => &$v) { Config::accept($k, $v); } } }); }
} $p = explode(',', $lim); if (sizeof($p) != 2) { return Ans::err($ans, 'Is wrong paramter lim'); } $start = (int) $p[0]; $count = (int) $p[1]; $args = array($start, $count); $list = Catalog::cache('producers.php', function ($start, $count) { $ans = array(); $data = Catalog::init(); $prods = array(); Xlsx::runPoss($data, function &(&$pos) use(&$prods) { if (empty($prods[$pos['producer']])) { $prods[$pos['producer']] = 0; } $prods[$pos['producer']]++; $r = null; return $r; }); arsort($prods, SORT_NUMERIC); $prods = array_slice($prods, $start, $count); return $prods; }, $args, isset($_GET['re'])); $ans['menu'] = Load::loadJSON('-catalog/menu.json'); $ans['list'] = $list; $conf = Catalog::$conf; $ans['breadcrumbs'][] = array('main' => true, 'href' => '', 'title' => 'Главная', 'add' => 'group'); $ans['breadcrumbs'][] = array('href' => '', 'title' => $conf['title'], 'add' => 'group'); $ans['breadcrumbs'][] = array('active' => true, 'href' => 'producers', 'title' => 'Производители'); return Ans::ret($ans);
} if (!is_file($dir . $file)) { return; } $ext = Path::getExt($file); if ($ext != 'md') { return; } $res = array('src' => $dir . $file, 'vendor' => $vendor, 'name' => $name, 'file' => $file); $map['vendors'][$vendor][$name]['list'][] = $res; $map['names'][$dir] =& $map['vendors'][$vendor][$name]; }, scandir($dir)); }, scandir($dir)); }, scandir($dir)); return $map; }); $fd = Load::srcInfo($src); if (isset($map['names'][$fd['folder']])) { $namedata = $map['names'][$fd['folder']]; } else { $namedata = array(); } $text = file_get_contents(Path::theme($src)); $body = Markdown::defaultTransform($text); //$data['files']=$files; $data['map'] = $map; $data['src'] = $src; $data['namedata'] = $namedata; $data['body'] = $body; $html = Template::parse(Path::theme('-mdreader/index.tpl'), $data); echo $html;
public static function article($src) { return Cache::exec(array($src), __FILE__, function ($src) { $html = Load::loadTEXT('-doc/get.php?src=' . $src); $info = Load::srcInfo($src); if (!in_array($info['ext'], array('html', 'tpl', 'php'))) { $soft = true; } else { $soft = false; } return Rubrics::parse($html, $soft); }, array($src), isset($_GET['re'])); }
<?php use infrajs\load\Load; use infrajs\router\Router; use infrajs\ans\Ans; if (!is_file('vendor/autoload.php')) { chdir('../../../'); require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; Router::init(); } $ans = array(); $data = Load::loadJSON('-teremok/teremok.php?src=-teremok/images/'); if (!$data || !$data['result']) { return Ans::err($ans, 'Ошибка нет данных'); } return Ans::ret($ans, 'Данные есть, теремок должен работать');
if (empty($conf['reCAPTCHA_secret'])) { return Ans::err($ans, 'Ошибка на сервере некорректно настроена <a href="">reCAPTCHA</a>'); } if (empty($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) { return Ans::err($ans, 'Ошибка, не пройдена проверка антибот.'); } $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $paramsArray = array('secret' => $conf['reCAPTCHA_secret'], 'response' => $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'], 'remoteip' => $ip); $vars = http_build_query($paramsArray); // преобразуем массив в URL-кодированную строку $options = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => $vars)); $context = stream_context_create($options); // создаём контекст потока $result = file_get_contents('', false, $context); //отправляем запрос $result = Load::json_decode($result, true); $ans['reCAPTCHA'] = $result; if (!$result || !$result['success']) { return Ans::err($ans, 'Ошибка, не пройдена спам проверка.'); } if (empty($_POST['antispam'])) { $antispam = ''; } else { $antispam = $_POST['antispam']; } if (!$antispam) { return Ans::err($ans, 'Не пройдена проверка антиспам.'); } } if (in_array('name', $conf['required'])) { if (strlen($persona) < 2) {
if (!$group['path']) { $ans['breadcrumbs'][] = array('href' => 'producers', 'title' => 'Производители'); } } } Catalog::sort($ans['list'], $md); //Numbers $pages = ceil(sizeof($ans['list']) / $md['count']); if ($pages < $page) { $page = $pages; } $ans['numbers'] = Catalog::numbers($page, $pages, 11); $ans['list'] = array_slice($ans['list'], ($page - 1) * $md['count'], $md['count']); //Text $src = Rubrics::find($conf['dir'] . 'articles/', $ans['title']); if ($src) { $ans['textinfo'] = Rubrics::info($src); $ans['text'] = Load::loadTEXT('-doc/get.php?src=' . $src); //Изменение текста не отражается как изменение каталога, должно быть вне кэша } foreach ($ans['list'] as $k => $pos) { $pos = Catalog::getPos($pos); $group = Catalog::getGroup($pos['group']); $pos['descr'] = $group['descr']; unset($pos['texts']); unset($pos['files']); $ans['list'][$k] = $pos; } return $ans; }, $args, $re); return Ans::ret($ans);
<?php namespace infrajs\load; use infrajs\ans\Ans; Ans::$conf['isReturn'] = function () { return Load::isphp(); };
} $result = $file; }, scandir(Path::theme($folder))); if (!$result) { return false; } return Path::theme($folder . $result); }, array($fdata['path']), isset($_GET['re'])); $ans = array('src' => $isrc); if (!$src) { if (!Load::isphp()) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); } return; } $fdata = Load::srcInfo($src); if (in_array($fdata['ext'], array('docx'))) { $txt = Docx::get($src); return Ans::txt($txt); } if (in_array($fdata['ext'], array('mht'))) { $txt = Mht::get($src); return Ans::txt($txt); } if (in_array($fdata['ext'], array('tpl', 'html', 'htm', 'php'))) { $txt = Load::loadTEXT($src); return Ans::txt($txt); } if (!Load::isphp()) { header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'); }
private static function load($path) { $args = array($path); $res = Once::exec('Load::load', function ($path) { //php файлы эмитация веб запроса //всё остальное file_get_content $_r_e_s_ = array(); $_r_e_s_['cache'] = !Nostore::check(function () use($path, &$_r_e_s_) { if (Path::isDir($path)) { $p = explode('?', $path, 2); $p[0] .= 'index.php'; $path = implode('?', $p); } $load_path = Path::theme($path); $fdata = Load::srcinfo($load_path); if ($load_path && $fdata['file']) { $plug = Path::theme($fdata['path']); if ($fdata['ext'] == 'php') { $getstr = Path::toutf($fdata['query']); //get параметры в utf8, с вопросом $getstr = preg_replace("/^\\?/", '', $getstr); parse_str($getstr, $get); if (!$get) { $get = array(); } $GET = $_GET; $_GET = $get; $REQUEST = $_REQUEST; $_REQUEST = array_merge($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE); $SERVER_QUERY_STRING = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $getstr; $from_php_old = Load::isphp(); Load::isphp(true); ob_start(); //headers надо ловить $ans = array(); $rrr = (include $plug); $result = ob_get_contents(); $resecho = $result; ob_end_clean(); Load::isphp($from_php_old); if ($rrr !== 1 && !is_null($rrr)) { //Есть возвращённый результат $result = $rrr; if ($resecho) { //Сообщение об ошибке... далее всё ломаем $result = $resecho . Load::json_encode($result); //Есть вывод в браузер и return } } $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $SERVER_QUERY_STRING; $_REQUEST =& $REQUEST; $_GET =& $GET; $data = $result; //$data='php file'; } else { $data = file_get_contents($plug); } $_r_e_s_ = array(); //Если в include это имя использовалось. Главное чтобы оно небыло ссылкой & $_r_e_s_['status'] = 200; $_r_e_s_['value'] = $data; } else { $_r_e_s_['status'] = 404; $_r_e_s_['value'] = ''; } }); return $_r_e_s_; }, $args); if (!$res['cache']) { Nostore::on(); } return $res['value']; }
public static function getTpl(&$layer) { $tpl = $layer['tpl']; if (is_string($tpl)) { $tpl = Load::loadTEXT($tpl); //M доп параметры после : } elseif (is_array($tpl)) { $tpl = $tpl[0]; } else { $tpl = ''; } if (!$tpl) { $tpl = ''; } return $tpl; }
<?php use infrajs\update\Update; use infrajs\config\Config; use infrajs\load\Load; use infrajs\path\Path; $conf = Config::get(); $sys = array(); foreach ($conf as $name => $c) { if ($c['clutch']) { $sys[$name] = array(); $sys[$name]['clutch'] = $c['clutch']; } } $json = Load::json_encode($sys); file_put_contents(Path::$conf['cache'] . '/.infra.json', $json);
private function makeMark($data) { if (!$data) { return ''; } self::rksort($data); $key = md5(serialize($data)); $that = $this; $mark = Once::exec($this->prefix . $key, function () use($data, $that, $key) { $isoutdate = true; $raise = $this->raise; //На сколько символов разрешено увеличивать хэш $note = $this->note; //При увеличении на сколько записывается сообщение в лог $len = $this->len - 1; while ($isoutdate && $len < $this->len + $raise) { $len++; $mark = substr($key, 0, $len); $src = Path::theme('~.marks/' . $that->prefix . $mark . '.json'); if ($src) { $otherdata = file_get_contents($src); $otherdata = Load::json_decode($otherdata, true); } else { $otherdata = false; } //$otherdata=infra_mem_get($that->prefix.$mark); if ($otherdata && is_array($otherdata['data']) && $otherdata['time']) { if ($otherdata['data'] == $data) { $isoutdate = false; //Такая метка уже есть и она правильная } else { //Решается судьба старой метки $isoutdate = time() > $data['time'] + $this->warrantytime; } } else { $isoutdate = false; } } if ($len >= $this->len + $note) { $that->notice = 'Mark adding to hash ' . ($len - $this->len) . ' symbol(s) for save time warranty ' . print_r($data, true); error_log($that->notice); } if ($isoutdate) { //Все метки актуальны... перезаписываем первую $that->error = 'Mark rewrite actual hashmark'; error_log($that->error); $mark = substr($key, 0, $this->len); } $src = Path::theme('~.marks/'); if (!$src) { die('Fatal error no marks dir'); } $src = $src . $this->prefix . $mark . '.json'; $data = Load::json_encode(array('time' => time(), 'data' => $data)); $data = file_put_contents($src, $data); //infra_mem_set($that->prefix.$mark, array( // 'time'=>time(), // 'data'=>$data //)); return $mark; }); return $mark; }
} $ans['auth'] = !!$session_id; //Здесь session_id проверенный if ($session_id && $timelast <= $time) { $sql = 'select name, value, unix_timestamp(time) as time from ses_records where session_id=? and time>=from_unixtime(?) order by time, rec_id'; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(array($session_id, $timelast)); $news = $stmt->fetchAll(); if ($list) { $ans['list'] = $list; } //$ans['orignews']=$news; if ($news) { $ans['news'] = $news; Each::fora($ans['news'], function &(&$n) use($list, &$ans) { $n['value'] = Load::json_decode($n['value'], true); $n['name'] = Sequence::right($n['name']); $r = Each::exec($list, function &($item) use(&$n, &$ans) { //Устанавливаемое значение ищим в новости $r = null; //найдено совпадение новости с устанавливаемым значением.. новость удаляем $a = Sequence::contain($item['name'], $n['name']); if ($a || $a == array()) { $r = true; return $r; //news Длиннее... и часть новости изменена в устанавливаемом значение } $ans['a'] = $a; //Новость ищим в устанавливаемом значение $right = Sequence::contain($n['name'], $item['name']); if ($right) {
<?php namespace infrajs\controller; use infrajs\router\Router; use infrajs\load\Load; if (!is_file('vendor/autoload.php')) { chdir('../../../../'); require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; Router::init(); } $data = Controller::$conf['index']; Run::exec($data, function &(&$layer) { while (@$layer['external'] && !Layer::pop($layer, 'onlyclient')) { $ext =& $layer['external']; External::checkExt($layer, $ext); } $r = null; return $r; }); $data = Load::json_encode($data); ?> infrajs.checkAdd(<?php echo $data; ?> ); Event.handler('Crumb.onchange', function () { infrajs.check(); }, 'infrajs');<?php
public static function parse($src) { $src = Path::theme($src); if (!$src) { return; } $args = array($src); return Cache::exec(array($src), 'mhtparse', function ($src) { $conf = Docx::$conf; $imgmaxwidth = $conf['imgmaxwidth']; $previewlen = $conf['previewlen']; $filename = Path::theme($src); $fdata = Load::srcInfo($src); if ($fdata['ext'] == 'php') { $data = Load::loadTEXT($filename); } else { $data = file_get_contents($filename); } $ans = array(); if ($fdata['ext'] == 'mht') { $p = explode('/', $filename); $fname = array_pop($p); $fnameext = $fname; //$fname=basename($filename); preg_match("/^(\\d*)/", $fname, $match); $date = $match[0]; $fname = Path::toutf(preg_replace('/^\\d*\\s+/', '', $fname)); $fname = preg_replace('/\\.\\w{0,4}$/', '', $fname); $ar = preg_split('/------=_NextPart_.*/', $data); if (sizeof($ar) > 1) { //На первом месте идёт информация о ворде... unset($ar[0]); unset($ar[sizeof($ar) - 1]); } $ar = array_values($ar); $folder = Path::mkdir(Docx::$conf['cache'] . md5($src) . '/'); $html = ''; for ($i = 0, $l = sizeof($ar); $i < $l; ++$i) { if (!$ar[$i]) { continue; } $d = preg_split("/\n/", $ar[$i], 6); $j = -1; do { ++$j; } while (@$d[$j][0] !== 'C' && $j <= 5); if ($j >= 5) { /* не нашли Content-Location: file:///C:/0FCF1655/file9909.files/header.htm Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" */ continue; } $location = preg_replace('/Content-Location: /', '', $d[$j]); $location = trim($location); $encoding = preg_replace('/Content-Transfer-Encoding: /', '', $d[$j + 1]); $type = preg_replace('/Content-Type: /', '', $d[$j + 2]); $content = $d[5]; $name = basename($location); if (preg_match("/text\\/html/", $type) || preg_match('/Subject:/', $type)) { $html .= $content; } else { @file_put_contents($folder . $name, base64_decode($content)); //Сохраняем картинку или тп... } } if (!$html) { $html = ''; } $html = preg_replace("/=\r\n/", '', $html); $html = preg_replace("/\\s+/", ' ', $html); $html = preg_replace("/^.*<body .*>\\s*/U", '', $html, 1); $html = preg_replace("/\\s*<\\/body>.*/", '', $html, 1); $images = array(); preg_match_all('/src=3D".*\\.files\\/(image.+)"/U', $html, $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); for ($i = 0, $l = sizeof($match[1]); $i < $l; $i = $i + 2) { $min = $match[1][$i + 1]; if (!$min) { $min = $match[1][$i]; } $images[$min] = $match[1][$i]; //Каждая следующая картинка есть уменьшенная копия предыдущей оригинального размера } $html = preg_replace("/<\\!--.*-->/U", '', $html); $html = preg_replace("/<!\\[if !vml\\]>/", '', $html); $html = preg_replace("/<!\\[endif\\]>/", '', $html); $html = preg_replace('/=3D/', '=', $html); $html = preg_replace('/align="right"/', 'align="right" class="right"', $html); $html = preg_replace('/align="left"/', 'align="left" class="left"', $html); $html = preg_replace('/align=right/', 'align="right" class="right"', $html); $html = preg_replace('/align=left/', 'align="left" class="left"', $html); $html = Path::toutf($html); //Виндовые файлы хранятся в cp1251 $folder = Path::toutf($folder); $html = preg_replace('/ src=".*\\/(.*)"/U', ' src="' . $folder . '${1}"', $html); $html = preg_replace('/<span class=SpellE>(.*)<\\/span>/U', '${1}', $html); $html = preg_replace('/<span lang=.*>(.*)<\\/span>/U', '${1}', $html); $html = preg_replace('/<span class=GramE>(.*)<\\/span>/U', '${1}', $html); $html = preg_replace("/<span style='mso.*>(.*)<\\/span>/U", '${1}', $html); $html = preg_replace("/<span style='mso.*>(.*)<\\/span>/U", '${1}', $html); $html = preg_replace("/<span style='mso.*>(.*)<\\/span>/U", '${1}', $html); $html = preg_replace("/<span style='mso.*>(.*)<\\/span>/U", '${1}', $html); $html = preg_replace('/ class=MsoNormal/U', '', $html); $html = preg_replace('/<a name="_.*>(.*)<\\/a>/U', '${1}', $html); //Приводим к единому виду маркерные списки $patern = '/<p class=MsoListParagraphCxSp(\\w+) .*>(.*)<\\/p>/U'; $count = 3; do { preg_match($patern, $html, $match); if (sizeof($match) == $count) { $pos = strtolower($match[1]); $text = $match[2]; $text = preg_replace('/^.*(<\\/span>)+/U', '', $text, 1); $text = '<li>' . $text . '</li>'; if ($pos == 'first') { $text = '<ul>' . $text; } if ($pos == 'last') { $text = $text . '</ul>'; } $html = preg_replace($patern, $text, $html, 1); } else { break; } } while (sizeof($match) == $count); $title = $fname; $patern = '/<img(.*)>/U'; $count = 2; do { preg_match($patern, $html, $match); if (sizeof($match) == $count) { $sfind = $match[1]; //$sfind='<img src="/image.asdf">'; preg_match("/width=(\\d*)/", $sfind, $match2); $w = trim($match2[1]); preg_match("/height=(\\d*)/", $sfind, $match2); $h = trim($match2[1]); if (!$w || $w > $imgmaxwidth) { $w = $imgmaxwidth; } preg_match('/src="(.*\\/)(image.*)"/U', $sfind, $match2); $path = trim($match2[1]); $small = $match2[2]; preg_match('/alt="(.*)".*/U', $sfind, $match2); $alt = trim(@$match2[1]); $alt = html_entity_decode($alt, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); preg_match('/align="(.*)".*/U', $sfind, $match2); $align = trim($match2[1]); $align = html_entity_decode($align, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); $big = $images[$small]; if (!$big) { $big = $small; } $isbig = preg_match('/#/', $alt); if ($isbig) { $alt = preg_replace('/#/', '', $alt); } //$i="<IMG title='$alt' src='/-imager/?w=$w&h=$h&src=".($path.$big)."' align='$align' class='$align' alt='$alt'>"; $i = "<IMG src='/-imager/?w={$w}&h={$h}&src=" . ($path . $big) . "' align='{$align}' class='{$align}'>"; //urlencode решает проблему с ie7 когда иллюстрации с адресом содержащим пробел не показываются if ($isbig) { $i = "<a target='about:blank' href='/-imager/?src=" . urlencode($path . $big) . "'>{$i}</a>"; } //$i.='<textarea style="width:500px; height:300px">'.$i.'</textarea>'; $html = preg_replace($patern, $i, $html, 1); } else { break; } } while (sizeof($match) == $count); $patern = "/###\\{(.*)\\}###/U"; //js код do { preg_match($patern, $html, $match); if (sizeof($match) > 0) { $param = $match[1]; $param = strip_tags($param); $param = html_entity_decode($param, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); $param = preg_replace('/(‘|’)/', "'", $param); $param = preg_replace('/(“|«|»|”)/', '"', $param); $html = preg_replace($patern, $param, $html, 1); } else { break; } } while (sizeof($match) > 1); $patern = "/####.*<table.*>(.*)<\\/table>.*####/U"; do { preg_match($patern, $html, $match); if (sizeof($match) > 0) { $param = $match[1]; $param = preg_replace('/style=".*"/U', '', $param); $param = preg_replace("/style='.*'/U", '', $param); $html = preg_replace($patern, '<table class="table table-striped">' . $param . '</table>', $html, 1); } else { break; } } while (sizeof($match) > 1); $ans['images'] = array(); foreach ($images as $img) { $ans['images'][] = array('src' => $folder . $img); } } else { $html = $data; $images = array(); preg_match_all('/<img.*src="(.*)".*>/U', $html, $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); for ($i = 0, $l = sizeof($match[1]); $i < $l; $i++) { $images[] = array('src' => $match[1][$i]); //Каждая следующая картинка есть уменьшенная копия предыдущей оригинального размера } $ans['images'] = $images; } $r = preg_match('/<h.*>(.*)<\\/h.>/U', $html, $match); if ($r) { $heading = strip_tags($match[1]); } else { $heading = false; } $ans['heading'] = $heading; preg_match_all('/<a.*href="(.*)".*>(.*)<\\/a>/U', $html, $match); $links = array(); foreach ($match[1] as $k => $v) { $title = strip_tags($match[2][$k]); if (!$title) { continue; } $links[] = array('title' => $title, 'href' => $match[1][$k]); } $ans['links'] = $links; $html = trim($html); $html = html_entity_decode($html, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $html = preg_replace('/ /U', '', $html); //bugfix списки в mht порождаются адский символ. в eval-е скрипта недопустим. $ans['html'] = $html; foreach ($ans['images'] as &$item) { $item['src'] = preg_replace('/^\\//', '', $item['src']); } return $ans; }, $args); }
if (!isset($layer['is']) || is_null($layer['is'])) { $is = true; } else { $is = $layer['is']; } if ($is == '0') { $is = false; } //В шаблоне false не удаётся вернуть return $is; }, 'is:div'); Event::handler('Layer.isshow', function (&$layer) { //tpl depricated if (is_string(@$layer['tpl']) && @$layer['tplcheck']) { //Мы не можем делать проверку пока другой плагин не подменит tpl $res = Load::loadTEXT($layer['tpl']); if (!$res) { return false; } } }, 'tplcheck:is'); Event::handler('Layer.isshow', function (&$layer) { //tpl depricated if (Layer::pop($layer, 'onlyclient')) { return; } return Tpl::jsoncheck($layer); }, 'jsoncheck:is'); Run::runAddKeys('childs'); Run::runAddList('child'); Event::handler('Layer.oninit', function () {