Esempio n. 1
  * Retrieve all messages by contributor.
  * @param $contributor_id
  * @return mixed
 public function retrieveMessages($contributor_id)
      * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Retrieve message list
      * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Select conversation by contributor and find who is the first sender,
      * just select data with marker column which has value 1, if sender is
      * this contributor then is_available_sender must be 1, otherwise
      * is_available_receiver must be 1, this marker as guard that the data
      * is available for the contributor because if the value of marker depends
      * on they are the first sender or not then the message or conversation has
      * been deleted before, and in other situation another user who chat with
      * must keep see the message, because we just update the marker 0 or 1,
      * 0 mean deleted, 1 mean available.
     $sender = "\n            SELECT\n              conversations.message_id AS message_id,\n              sender AS message_sender\n            FROM conversations\n              JOIN (SELECT message_id, MIN(created_at) AS timestamp FROM conversations GROUP BY conversations.message_id) dates_min\n                ON conversations.message_id = dates_min.message_id\n                   AND created_at = dates_min.timestamp\n            WHERE\n              (sender = " . $contributor_id . " OR receiver = " . $contributor_id . ")\n        ";
     $conversation = Conversation::select(DB::raw('
             conversations.message_id AS message_id,
             IF(sender = ' . $contributor_id . ', receiver, sender) AS interact_with,
             conversations.created_at AS created_at'))->join(DB::raw('(SELECT message_id, COUNT(*) as conversation_total, MAX(created_at) AS timestamp FROM conversations GROUP BY message_id) dates'), function ($join) {
         $join->on('conversations.message_id', '=', 'dates.message_id');
         $join->on('created_at', '=', 'dates.timestamp');
     })->join(DB::raw('(' . $sender . ') AS first_sender'), 'conversations.message_id', '=', 'first_sender.message_id')->whereRaw('(sender = ' . $contributor_id . ' OR receiver = ' . $contributor_id . ')')->whereRaw('IF(message_sender = ' . $contributor_id . ', is_available_sender, is_available_receiver) = 1 ')->orderBy('conversations.created_at', 'desc');
      * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Grouping at once
      * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Group the conversation by message_id, it mean same result of group by
      * contributor who talk with then select the partner of conversation,
      * because we just show the opposite of us as contributor.
      * message_sender is the one who sent email first.
     $contributor = Contributor::select(DB::raw("\n      , \n                message_id, \n                message_sender, \n       AS contributor_id,\n                name, \n                username,\n                avatar,\n                message,\n                conversation_total,\n                conversations.created_at"))->join(DB::raw("({$conversation->toSql()}) AS conversations"), 'conversations.interact_with', '=', '')->orderBy('conversations.created_at', 'desc')->paginate(10);
     return $this->preMessageModifier($contributor);