getResponse() public method

Get the response parameter
public getResponse ( ) : Response
return Imbo\Http\Response\Response
Esempio n. 1
  * Right before the response is sent to the client, check if any HTTP cache control headers
  * have explicity been set for this response. If not, apply the configured defaults.
  * @param EventInterface $event The event instance
 public function setHeaders(EventInterface $event)
     $method = $event->getRequest()->getMethod();
     // Obviously we shouldn't bother doing any HTTP caching logic for non-GET/HEAD requests
     if ($method !== 'GET' && $method !== 'HEAD') {
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $headers = $event->getResponse()->headers;
     // Imbo defaults to 'public' as cache-control value - if it has changed from this value,
     // assume the resource requested has explicitly defined its own caching rules and fall back
     if ($headers->get('Cache-Control') !== 'public') {
     // Get configured HTTP cache defaults from configuration, then apply them
     $config = $event->getConfig()['httpCacheHeaders'];
     if (isset($config['maxAge'])) {
         $response->setMaxAge((int) $config['maxAge']);
     if (isset($config['sharedMaxAge'])) {
     if (isset($config['public']) && $config['public']) {
     } else {
         if (isset($config['public'])) {
     if (isset($config['mustRevalidate']) && $config['mustRevalidate']) {
Esempio n. 2
File: Group.php Progetto: imbo/imbo
  * Add resources to a group
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function addGroup(EventInterface $event)
     $accessControl = $event->getAccessControl();
     if (!$accessControl instanceof MutableAdapterInterface) {
         throw new ResourceException('Access control adapter is immutable', 405);
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $route = $request->getRoute();
     $groupName = $route->get('group');
     $group = $accessControl->getGroup($groupName);
     $groupExists = !empty($group);
     $resources = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
     if (!is_array($resources)) {
         throw new ResourceException('Invalid data. Array of resource strings is expected', 400);
     foreach ($resources as $resource) {
         if (!is_string($resource)) {
             throw new ResourceException('Invalid value in the resources array. Only strings are allowed', 400);
     if ($groupExists) {
         $accessControl->updateResourceGroup($groupName, $resources);
     } else {
         $accessControl->addResourceGroup($groupName, $resources);
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $response->setStatusCode($groupExists ? 200 : 201);
Esempio n. 3
File: Stats.php Progetto: ASP96/imbo
  * Handle GET requests
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function get(EventInterface $event)
     $response = $event->getResponse();
Esempio n. 4
  * Transform images
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function transform(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $image = $event->getResponse()->getModel();
     $eventManager = $event->getManager();
     $presets = $event->getConfig()['transformationPresets'];
     // Fetch transformations specifed in the query and transform the image
     foreach ($request->getTransformations() as $transformation) {
         if (isset($presets[$transformation['name']])) {
             // Preset
             foreach ($presets[$transformation['name']] as $name => $params) {
                 if (is_int($name)) {
                     // No hardcoded params, use the ones from the request
                     $name = $params;
                     $params = $transformation['params'];
                 } else {
                     // Some hardcoded params. Merge with the ones from the request, making the
                     // hardcoded params overwrite the ones from the request
                     $params = array_replace($transformation['params'], $params);
                 $eventManager->trigger('image.transformation.' . strtolower($name), array('image' => $image, 'params' => $params));
         } else {
             // Regular transformation
             $eventManager->trigger('image.transformation.' . strtolower($transformation['name']), array('image' => $image, 'params' => $transformation['params']));
Esempio n. 5
  * Handle GET requests
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function get(EventInterface $event)
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $database = $event->getDatabase();
     $storage = $event->getStorage();
     $databaseStatus = $database->getStatus();
     $storageStatus = $storage->getStatus();
     if (!$databaseStatus || !$storageStatus) {
         if (!$databaseStatus && !$storageStatus) {
             $message = 'Database and storage error';
         } else {
             if (!$storageStatus) {
                 $message = 'Storage error';
             } else {
                 $message = 'Database error';
         $response->setStatusCode(503, $message);
     $statusModel = new Model\Status();
     $statusModel->setDate(new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')))->setDatabaseStatus($databaseStatus)->setStorageStatus($storageStatus);
Esempio n. 6
  * Send the response
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function send(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     // Vary on public key header. Public key specified in query and URL path doesn't have to be
     // taken into consideration, since they will have varying URLs
     $response->setVary('X-Imbo-PublicKey', false);
     // Optionally mark this response as not modified
     // Inject a possible image identifier into the response headers
     $imageIdentifier = null;
     if ($image = $request->getImage()) {
         // The request has an image. This means that an image was just added.
         // Get the image identifier from the image model
         $imageIdentifier = $image->getImageIdentifier();
     } else {
         if ($identifier = $request->getImageIdentifier()) {
             // An image identifier exists in the request URI, use that
             $imageIdentifier = $identifier;
     if ($imageIdentifier) {
         $response->headers->set('X-Imbo-ImageIdentifier', $imageIdentifier);
Esempio n. 7
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function checkAccessToken(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $query = $request->query;
     $eventName = $event->getName();
     if (($eventName === 'image.get' || $eventName === 'image.head') && $this->isWhitelisted($request)) {
         // All transformations in the request are whitelisted. Skip the access token check
     // If the response has a short URL header, we can skip the access token check
     if ($response->headers->has('X-Imbo-ShortUrl')) {
     if (!$query->has('accessToken')) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Missing access token', 400);
     $token = $query->get('accessToken');
     // First the the raw un-encoded URI, then the URI as is
     $uris = array($request->getRawUri(), $request->getUriAsIs());
     $privateKeys = $event->getUserLookup()->getPrivateKeys($request->getPublicKey()) ?: [];
     foreach ($uris as $uri) {
         // Remove the access token from the query string as it's not used to generate the HMAC
         $uri = rtrim(preg_replace('/(?<=(\\?|&))accessToken=[^&]+&?/', '', $uri), '&?');
         foreach ($privateKeys as $privateKey) {
             $correctToken = hash_hmac('sha256', $uri, $privateKey);
             if ($correctToken === $token) {
     throw new RuntimeException('Incorrect access token', 400);
Esempio n. 8
  * Choose an image variation based on the transformations and the original size of the image
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function chooseVariation(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $publicKey = $request->getPublicKey();
     $imageIdentifier = $request->getImageIdentifier();
     // Fetch the original width / height of the image to use for ratio calculations
     $image = $response->getModel();
     $imageWidth = $image->getWidth();
     $imageHeight = $image->getHeight();
     // Fetch the transformations from the request and find the max width used in the set
     $transformations = $request->getTransformations();
     if (!$transformations) {
         // No transformations in the request
     $maxWidth = $this->getMaxWidth($imageWidth, $imageHeight, $transformations);
     if (!$maxWidth) {
         // No need to use a variation based on the set of transformations
     // Fetch the index of the transformation that decided the max width, and the width itself
     list($transformationIndex, $maxWidth) = each($maxWidth);
     if ($maxWidth >= $imageWidth) {
         // The width is the same or above the original, use the original
     // WE HAVE A WINNER! Find the best variation. The width of the variation is the first
     // available one above the $maxWidth value
     $variation = $this->database->getBestMatch($publicKey, $imageIdentifier, $maxWidth);
     if (!$variation) {
         // Could not find any :(
     // Now that we have a variation we can use we need to adjust some of the transformation
     // parameters.
     $event->getManager()->trigger('image.transformations.adjust', ['transformationIndex' => $transformationIndex, 'ratio' => $imageWidth / $variation['width']]);
     // Fetch the image variation blob from the storage adapter
     $imageBlob = $this->storage->getImageVariation($publicKey, $imageIdentifier, $variation['width']);
     if (!$imageBlob) {
         // The image blob does not exist in the storage, which it should. Trigger an error and
         // return
         trigger_error('Image variation storage is not in sync with the image variation database', E_USER_WARNING);
     // Set some data that the storage operations listener usually sets, since that will be
     // skipped since we have an image variation
     $lastModified = $event->getStorage()->getLastModified($publicKey, $imageIdentifier);
     // Update the model
     $model = $response->getModel();
     // Set a HTTP header that informs the user agent on which image variation that was used in
     // the transformations
     $response->headers->set('X-Imbo-ImageVariation', $variation['width'] . 'x' . $variation['height']);
     // Stop the propagation of this event
Esempio n. 9
  * Handle POST requests
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function post(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $event->getManager()->trigger('db.metadata.update', ['metadata' => json_decode($request->getContent(), true)]);
     $model = new Model\Metadata();
     $model->setData($event->getDatabase()->getMetadata($request->getUser(), $request->getImageIdentifier()));
Esempio n. 10
  * Add the HashTwo header to the response
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function addHeader(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $user = $request->getUser();
     $imageIdentifier = $response->getModel()->getImageIdentifier();
     $response->headers->set($this->header, ['imbo;image;' . $user . ';' . $imageIdentifier, 'imbo;user;' . $user]);
Esempio n. 11
  * Add the HashTwo header to the response
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function addHeader(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $publicKey = $request->getPublicKey();
     $imageIdentifier = $response->getModel()->getImageIdentifier();
     $response->headers->set($this->header, array('imbo;image;' . $publicKey . ';' . $imageIdentifier, 'imbo;user;' . $publicKey));
Esempio n. 12
 public function get(EventInterface $event)
     $model = new ListModel();
     $model->setList([1, 2, 3]);
Esempio n. 13
File: Images.php Progetto: imbo/imbo
  * Handle POST requests
  * @param EventInterface
 public function addImage(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $image = $request->getImage();
     $model = new Model\ArrayModel();
     $model->setData(['imageIdentifier' => $image->getImageIdentifier(), 'width' => $image->getWidth(), 'height' => $image->getHeight(), 'extension' => $image->getExtension()]);
Esempio n. 14
File: Index.php Progetto: ASP96/imbo
  * Handle GET requests
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function get(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $response->setStatusCode(200, 'Hell Yeah');
     $baseUrl = $request->getSchemeAndHttpHost() . $request->getBaseUrl();
     $model = new Model\ArrayModel();
     $model->setData(array('version' => Version::VERSION, 'urls' => array('site' => '', 'source' => '', 'issues' => '', 'docs' => ''), 'endpoints' => array('status' => $baseUrl . '/status', 'stats' => $baseUrl . '/stats', 'user' => $baseUrl . '/users/{publicKey}', 'images' => $baseUrl . '/users/{publicKey}/images', 'image' => $baseUrl . '/users/{publicKey}/images/{imageIdentifier}', 'globalShortImageUrl' => $baseUrl . '/s/{id}', 'metadata' => $baseUrl . '/users/{publicKey}/images/{imageIdentifier}/metadata', 'shortImageUrls' => $baseUrl . '/users/{publicKey}/images/{imageIdentifier}/shorturls', 'shortImageUrl' => $baseUrl . '/users/{publicKey}/images/{imageIdentifier}/shorturls/{id}')));
     // Prevent caching
Esempio n. 15
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function checkAccessToken(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $query = $request->query;
     $eventName = $event->getName();
     $config = $event->getConfig();
     if (($eventName === 'image.get' || $eventName === 'image.head') && $this->isWhitelisted($request)) {
         // All transformations in the request are whitelisted. Skip the access token check
     // If the response has a short URL header, we can skip the access token check
     if ($response->headers->has('X-Imbo-ShortUrl')) {
     if (!$query->has('accessToken')) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Missing access token', 400);
     $token = $query->get('accessToken');
     // First the the raw un-encoded URI, then the URI as is
     $uris = [$request->getRawUri(), $request->getUriAsIs()];
     $privateKey = $event->getAccessControl()->getPrivateKey($request->getPublicKey());
     // append uris with [] expanded or [0] reduced
     $uris[] = $this->getUnescapedAlternativeURL($request->getRawUri());
     $uris[] = $this->getEscapedAlternativeURL($request->getRawUri());
     // See if we should modify the protocol for the incoming request
     $protocol = $config['authentication']['protocol'];
     if ($protocol === 'both') {
         $uris = array_reduce($uris, function ($dest, $uri) {
             $baseUrl = preg_replace('#^https?#', '', $uri);
             $dest[] = 'http' . $baseUrl;
             $dest[] = 'https' . $baseUrl;
             return $dest;
         }, []);
     } else {
         if (in_array($protocol, ['http', 'https'])) {
             $uris = array_map(function ($uri) use($protocol) {
                 return preg_replace('#^https?#', $protocol, $uri);
             }, $uris);
     foreach ($uris as $uri) {
         // Remove the access token from the query string as it's not used to generate the HMAC
         $uri = rtrim(preg_replace('/(?<=(\\?|&))accessToken=[^&]+&?/', '', $uri), '&?');
         $correctToken = hash_hmac('sha256', $uri, $privateKey);
         if ($correctToken === $token) {
     throw new RuntimeException('Incorrect access token', 400);
Esempio n. 16
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function authenticate(EventInterface $event)
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     // Whether or not the authentication info is in the request headers
     $fromHeaders = $request->headers->has('x-imbo-authenticate-timestamp') && $request->headers->has('x-imbo-authenticate-signature');
     // Fetch timestamp header, fallback to query param
     $timestamp = $request->headers->get('x-imbo-authenticate-timestamp', $request->query->get('timestamp'));
     if (!$timestamp) {
         $exception = new RuntimeException('Missing authentication timestamp', 400);
     } else {
         if (!$this->timestampIsValid($timestamp)) {
             $exception = new RuntimeException('Invalid timestamp: ' . $timestamp, 400);
         } else {
             if ($this->timestampHasExpired($timestamp)) {
                 $exception = new RuntimeException('Timestamp has expired: ' . $timestamp, 400);
     if (isset($exception)) {
         throw $exception;
     // Fetch signature header, fallback to query param
     $signature = $request->headers->get('x-imbo-authenticate-signature', $request->query->get('signature'));
     if (!$signature) {
         $exception = new RuntimeException('Missing authentication signature', 400);
     if (isset($exception)) {
         throw $exception;
     $publicKey = $request->getPublicKey();
     $privateKeys = $event->getUserLookup()->getPrivateKeys($publicKey, UserLookupInterface::MODE_READ_WRITE) ?: [];
     $url = $request->getRawUri();
     if (!$fromHeaders) {
         // Remove the signature and timestamp from the query parameters as they are not used
         // when generating the HMAC
         $url = rtrim(preg_replace('/(?<=(\\?|&))(signature|timestamp)=[^&]+&?/', '', $url), '&?');
     // Add the URL used for auth to the response headers
     $response->headers->set('X-Imbo-AuthUrl', $url);
     if (!$this->signatureIsValid($request->getMethod(), $url, $publicKey, $privateKeys, $timestamp, $signature)) {
         $exception = new RuntimeException('Signature mismatch', 400);
         throw $exception;
Esempio n. 17
  * Store metadata in the cache
  * @param EventInterface $event The event instance
 public function storeInCache(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($request->getPublicKey(), $request->getImageIdentifier());
     // Store the response in the cache for later use
     if ($response->getStatusCode() === 200) {
         $metadata = array();
         if ($model = $response->getModel()) {
             $metadata = $model->getData();
         $this->cache->set($cacheKey, array('lastModified' => $response->getLastModified(), 'metadata' => $metadata));
Esempio n. 18
  * Set the correct ETag for the response
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function setETag(EventInterface $event)
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $routesWithETags = ['user' => true, 'images' => true, 'image' => true, 'metadata' => true, 'globalshorturl' => true];
     $currentRoute = (string) $request->getRoute();
     if (!isset($routesWithETags[$currentRoute])) {
         // The current route does not use ETags
     if ($response->isOk()) {
         $response->setETag('"' . md5($response->getContent()) . '"');
Esempio n. 19
  * Fetch an image via a short URL
  * @param EventInterface $event
 public function getImage(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $route = $request->getRoute();
     $params = $event->getDatabase()->getShortUrlParams($route->get('shortUrlId'));
     if (!$params) {
         throw new ResourceException('Image not found', 404);
     $route->set('publicKey', $params['publicKey']);
     $route->set('imageIdentifier', $params['imageIdentifier']);
     $route->set('extension', $params['extension']);
     $request->query = new ParameterBag($params['query']);
     $event->getResponse()->headers->set('X-Imbo-ShortUrl', $request->getUri());
Esempio n. 20
  * Insert an image
  * @param EventInterface $event An event instance
 public function insertImage(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $user = $request->getUser();
     $image = $request->getImage();
     $imageIdentifier = $image->getImageIdentifier();
     $blob = $image->getBlob();
     try {
         $exists = $event->getStorage()->imageExists($user, $imageIdentifier);
         $event->getStorage()->store($user, $imageIdentifier, $blob);
     } catch (StorageException $e) {
         $event->getDatabase()->deleteImage($user, $imageIdentifier);
         throw $e;
     $event->getResponse()->setStatusCode($exists ? 200 : 201);
Esempio n. 21
  * Inject the image blob from the image model into the shared imagick instance
  * @param EventInterface $event The event instance
 public function readImageBlob(EventInterface $event)
     if ($event->hasArgument('image')) {
         // The image has been specified as an argument to the event
         $image = $event->getArgument('image');
     } else {
         if ($event->getName() === '') {
             // The image is found in the request
             $image = $event->getRequest()->getImage();
         } else {
             // The image is found in the response
             $image = $event->getResponse()->getModel();
     // Inject the image blob
Esempio n. 22
  * Delete a single short URL
  * @param EventInterface $event
 public function deleteShortUrl(EventInterface $event)
     $database = $event->getDatabase();
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $publicKey = $request->getPublicKey();
     $imageIdentifier = $request->getImageIdentifier();
     $shortUrlId = $request->getRoute()->get('shortUrlId');
     if (!($params = $database->getShortUrlParams($shortUrlId))) {
         throw new ResourceException('ShortURL not found', 404);
     if ($params['publicKey'] !== $publicKey || $params['imageIdentifier'] !== $imageIdentifier) {
         throw new ResourceException('ShortURL not found', 404);
     $database->deleteShortUrls($publicKey, $imageIdentifier, $shortUrlId);
     $model = new ArrayModel();
     $model->setData(array('id' => $shortUrlId));
Esempio n. 23
  * Handle GET and HEAD requests
  * @param EventInterface
 public function getImage(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $eventManager = $event->getManager();
     $publicKey = $request->getPublicKey();
     $imageIdentifier = $request->getImageIdentifier();
     $image = new Model\Image();
     // Load image details from database
     // Set a long max age as the image itself won't change
     // Custom Imbo headers, based on original
     $response->headers->add(['X-Imbo-OriginalMimeType' => $image->getMimeType(), 'X-Imbo-OriginalWidth' => $image->getWidth(), 'X-Imbo-OriginalHeight' => $image->getHeight(), 'X-Imbo-OriginalFileSize' => $image->getFilesize(), 'X-Imbo-OriginalExtension' => $image->getExtension()]);
     // Trigger loading of the image
     // Trigger possible image transformations
Esempio n. 24
File: Keys.php Progetto: imbo/imbo
  * Add or update public key
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function setKey(EventInterface $event)
     $acl = $event->getAccessControl();
     if (!$acl instanceof MutableAdapterInterface) {
         throw new ResourceException('Access control adapter is immutable', 405);
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $data = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
     if (!isset($data['privateKey'])) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('No privateKey provided', 400);
     $publicKey = $request->getRoute()->get('publickey');
     $privateKey = $data['privateKey'];
     $keyExists = $acl->publicKeyExists($publicKey);
     if ($keyExists) {
         $acl->updatePrivateKey($publicKey, $privateKey);
     } else {
         $acl->addKeyPair($publicKey, $privateKey);
     $event->getResponse()->setStatusCode($keyExists ? 200 : 201);
Esempio n. 25
  * Get access rules for the specified public key
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function getRules(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $publicKey = $request->getRoute()->get('publickey');
     $accessControl = $event->getAccessControl();
     $keyExists = $accessControl->publicKeyExists($publicKey);
     if (!$keyExists) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Public key not found', 404);
     $accessList = $accessControl->getAccessListForPublicKey($publicKey);
     if ($request->query->has('expandGroups')) {
         foreach ($accessList as &$rule) {
             if (!isset($rule['group'])) {
             $rule['resources'] = $accessControl->getGroup($rule['group']);
     $model = new AccessRulesModel();
Esempio n. 26
  * Get an access control rule specified by ID
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function getRule(EventInterface $event)
     $acl = $event->getAccessControl();
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $publicKey = $request->getRoute()->get('publickey');
     $accessRuleId = $request->getRoute()->get('accessRuleId');
     $keyExists = $acl->publicKeyExists($publicKey);
     if (!$keyExists) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Public key not found', 404);
     $accessRule = $acl->getAccessRule($publicKey, $accessRuleId);
     if (!$accessRule) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Access rule not found', 404);
     $model = new AccessRuleModel();
     if (isset($accessRule['group'])) {
     if (isset($accessRule['resources'])) {
Esempio n. 27
  * Response send hook
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
 public function format(EventInterface $event)
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $model = $response->getModel();
     if ($response->getStatusCode() === 204 || !$model) {
         // No content to write
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     // If we are dealing with an image we want to trigger an event that handles a possible
     // conversion
     if ($model instanceof Model\Image) {
         $eventManager = $event->getManager();
         if ($this->extensionsToMimeType[$this->formatter] !== $model->getMimeType()) {
             $eventManager->trigger('image.transformation.convert', array('image' => $model, 'params' => array('type' => $this->formatter)));
         // Finished transforming the image
         $eventManager->trigger('image.transformed', array('image' => $model));
         $formattedData = $model->getBlob();
         $contentType = $model->getMimeType();
     } else {
         // Create an instance of the formatter
         $formatter = $this->formatters[$this->formatter];
         $formattedData = $formatter->format($model);
         $contentType = $formatter->getContentType();
     if ($contentType === 'application/json') {
         foreach (array('callback', 'jsonp', 'json') as $validParam) {
             if ($request->query->has($validParam)) {
                 $formattedData = sprintf("%s(%s)", $request->query->get($validParam), $formattedData);
     $response->headers->add(array('Content-Type' => $contentType, 'Content-Length' => strlen($formattedData)));
     if ($request->getMethod() !== 'HEAD') {
Esempio n. 28
  * Load stats
  * @param EventInterface $event An event instance
 public function loadStats(EventInterface $event)
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $database = $event->getDatabase();
     $userLookup = $event->getUserLookup();
     $publicKeys = $userLookup->getPublicKeys();
     $users = array();
     foreach ($publicKeys as $key) {
         $users[$key] = array('numImages' => $database->getNumImages($key), 'numBytes' => $database->getNumBytes($key));
     $statsModel = new Model\Stats();
Esempio n. 29
  * Using the configured image identifier generator, attempt to generate a unique image
  * identifier for the given image until we either have found a unique ID or we hit the maximum
  * allowed attempts.
  * @param EventInterface $event The current event
  * @param Image $image The event to generate the image identifier for
  * @return string
  * @throws ImageException
 private function generateImageIdentifier(EventInterface $event, Image $image)
     $database = $event->getDatabase();
     $config = $event->getConfig();
     $user = $event->getRequest()->getUser();
     $imageIdentifierGenerator = $config['imageIdentifierGenerator'];
     if (is_callable($imageIdentifierGenerator) && !$imageIdentifierGenerator instanceof GeneratorInterface) {
         $imageIdentifierGenerator = $imageIdentifierGenerator();
     if ($imageIdentifierGenerator->isDeterministic()) {
         return $imageIdentifierGenerator->generate($image);
     // Continue generating image identifiers until we get one that does not already exist
     $maxAttempts = 100;
     $attempts = 0;
     do {
         $imageIdentifier = $imageIdentifierGenerator->generate($image);
     } while ($attempts < $maxAttempts && $database->imageExists($user, $imageIdentifier));
     // Did we reach our max attempts limit?
     if ($attempts === $maxAttempts) {
         $e = new ImageException('Failed to generate unique image identifier', 503);
         // Tell the client it's OK to retry later
         $event->getResponse()->headers->set('Retry-After', 1);
         throw $e;
     return $imageIdentifier;
  * Update image data
  * @param Imbo\EventListener\ListenerInterface $event The current event
 public function set(EventInterface $event)
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $imageIdentifier = $request->getImageIdentifier();
     // The imageIdentifier was not part of the URL
     if (!$imageIdentifier) {
         $responseData = $response->getModel()->getData();
         if (!isset($responseData['imageIdentifier'])) {
         $imageIdentifier = $responseData['imageIdentifier'];
     // Get image information
     $image = $this->getImageData($event, $imageIdentifier);
     // Pass image data to the search backend
     $this->backend->set($request->getUser(), $imageIdentifier, ['user' => $request->getUser(), 'size' => $image->getFilesize(), 'extension' => $image->getExtension(), 'mime' => $image->getMimeType(), 'metadata' => $image->getMetadata(), 'added' => $image->getAddedDate()->getTimestamp(), 'updated' => $image->getUpdatedDate()->getTimestamp(), 'width' => $image->getWidth(), 'height' => $image->getHeight()]);