  * Creates the new policies for the rest config.
  * @param array $mappedPolicies
  * @return array The first element are the new class usages and the second element is the policy mapping.
  * @throws Exception
 public function createNewPolicies(array $mappedPolicies)
     $appNamespace = $this->getAppNamespace();
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $newUsages = [];
     foreach (@$config['tables'] ?: [] as $table => $tableConfig) {
         $policyName = Str::ucfirst(Str::camel($table)) . 'Policy';
         $className = preg_replace('/(\\w+\\\\)+/', '', $tableConfig['model']);
         $classCall = $className . '::class';
         if (!class_exists($fullPolicyName = $appNamespace . '\\Policies\\' . $policyName)) {
             if (Artisan::call('make:policy', ['name' => $policyName])) {
                 throw new Exception('Could not write ' . $policyName);
             // if
             app(File::class, [$policyFile = app_path("Policies/{$policyName}.php")])->setContent(str_replace(['    }', "\nclass "], ["    }\n{$this->getPolicyMethods($table)}", "use {$tableConfig['model']};\n\nclass "], file_get_contents($policyFile)))->save();
         // if
         if (!array_key_exists($classCall, $mappedPolicies)) {
             $newUsages = array_merge($newUsages, [$tableConfig['model'], str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $fullPolicyName)]);
             $mappedPolicies[$className . '::class'] = $policyName . '::class';
         // if
     return array($newUsages, $mappedPolicies);
Esempio n. 2
  * Event subscribe handler.
  * @throws \Exception
 public function subscribe()
     $method = 'handle';
     if (method_exists($this, $getHandler = 'get' . Str::ucfirst($method) . 'r')) {
         $method = $this->{$getHandler}();
     $this->events->listen($this->getEvent(), [$this, $method]);
Esempio n. 3
  * Get redirection path.
  * @param  string  $namespace
  * @param  string  $path
  * @param  string|null  $redirect
  * @return string
 protected function redirectUserPath($namespace, $path, $redirect = null)
     if (!empty($redirect)) {
         $path = $redirect;
     $property = sprintf('redirect%sPath', Str::ucfirst($namespace));
     return property_exists($this, $property) ? $this->{$property} : $path;
Esempio n. 4
 protected static function getClassName($routeName)
     $className = Str::ucfirst(substr($routeName, strpos($routeName, '.') + 1));
     if (preg_match_all("/_\\w/s", $className, $m)) {
         foreach ($m[0] as $v) {
             $className = str_replace($v, strtoupper($v[1]), $className);
     return self::$namespaceModel . $className . 's';
 protected function getNamespace()
     if (empty($this->package)) {
         throw new \Exception('Enter name package');
     $prefix = Str::ucfirst($this->package);
     if (!empty($this->vendor)) {
         $prefix = "{$this->vendor}\\{$prefix}";
     return "{$prefix}\\Commands\\";
 protected function doReplacements($message, $attribute, $rule, $parameters)
     $value = $attribute;
     $message = str_replace([':ATTRIBUTE', ':Attribute', ':attribute'], [Str::upper($value), Str::ucfirst($value), $value], $message);
     if (isset($this->replacers[Str::snake($rule)])) {
         $message = $this->callReplacer($message, $attribute, Str::snake($rule), $parameters);
     } elseif (method_exists($this, $replacer = "replace{$rule}")) {
         $message = $this->{$replacer}($message, $attribute, $rule, $parameters);
     return $message;
Esempio n. 7
 protected function saveConfigForModule($class, array $arData)
     $file = MODULE_PATH . Str::ucfirst($class::MODULE_NAME) . "/config.json";
     $arConfigData = new \stdClass();
     if (file_exists($file)) {
         $arConfigData = json_decode(file_get_contents($file));
     foreach ($arData as $key => $item) {
         $key = strtolower($key);
         $arConfigData->{$key} = $item;
     file_put_contents($file, json_encode($arConfigData, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
Esempio n. 8
  * Capitalize the first letter of the string.
  * @return $this|static
 public function ucfirst()
     return new static(Str::ucfirst($this->string));
Esempio n. 9
 public function getDefaultName()
     $a = Str::snake(get_class($this));
     $b = explode('\\', $a);
     $c = str_replace('_', ' ', array_pop($b));
     return Str::ucfirst(trim($c));
Esempio n. 10
 public function getNameUcfirst()
     return Str::ucfirst($this->getName());
Esempio n. 11
  * Make the place-holder replacements on a line.
  * @param  string  $line
  * @param  array   $replace
  * @return string
 protected function makeReplacements($line, array $replace)
     $replace = $this->sortReplacements($replace);
     foreach ($replace as $key => $value) {
         $line = str_replace([':' . Str::upper($key), ':' . Str::ucfirst($key), ':' . $key], [Str::upper($value), Str::ucfirst($value), $value], $line);
     return $line;
 protected function parseMeta($model)
     $meta = [];
     foreach ($this->transformer->getMeta() as $method) {
         if (!method_exists(get_class($this->model), 'get' . Str::ucfirst($method))) {
         $meta = array_merge($meta, $this->model->{'get' . Str::ucfirst($method)}());
     if (count($meta)) {
         $this->responseBody->put(Mapper::ATTR_META, $meta);
         $model->put(Mapper::ATTR_META, $meta);
     return $model;
Esempio n. 13
  * Init form with or within Model
  * @param $obj Model
  * @param $action string
  * @param $targetAction string
  * @return \Kris\LaravelFormBuilder\Form
 protected function buildForm($action, $targetAction, Model $obj = null)
     /** @var \Kris\LaravelFormBuilder\Form $form */
     $form = null;
     /** List available namespace exists to class */
     $form_class = [$this->getConfig("{$action}.form_class"), sprintf("App\\Http\\Modules\\%s\\forms\\%sForm", $this->getModuleName(), $this->getModuleName()), sprintf("App\\Forms\\%sForm", $this->getModuleName())];
     /** End */
     /** Check first namespace exists */
     foreach ($form_class as $class) {
         if (empty($class)) {
         if (is_array($class)) {
             $class = $class[0];
         if (class_exists($class)) {
             $form = $class;
     /** End */
     if (is_null($form)) {
         $message = env('APP_DEBUG') ? "Not found Form for module!" : "";
         abort(404, $message);
         $this->form = null;
         return null;
      * Use FormBuilder to init class form
     $url = is_null($obj) ? $this->getGeneratedUrl($targetAction) : $this->getGeneratedUrl($targetAction, $obj->id);
     $form = FormBuilder::create($form, ['method' => 'post', 'url' => $url, 'name' => $action]);
      * Get Field config from module config
      * @var  $formConfig
     $formConfig = $this->getConfig('field', $action);
      * Create field to form if it not exists
      * @var string $key
      * @var  string $config
     foreach ($formConfig as $key => $config) {
         if ($form->has($key)) {
         $key = trim($key, '[]');
         $fieldParams = ['default_value' => array_get($config, 'default_value', ''), 'label' => array_get($config, 'label', $key), 'class' => array_get($config, 'class', ''), 'rules' => array_get($config, 'validation', '')];
         if (isset($config['template'])) {
             $fieldParams['template'] = $config['template'];
         if ($obj) {
             $func = "get" . Str::ucfirst($key);
             if ($is_I18N = method_exists($obj, 'saveI18N')) {
             $data = $obj->toArray();
             if (method_exists($obj, $func)) {
                 $fieldParams['value'] = $obj->{$func}();
             } else {
                 try {
                     $parseField = explode('.', $this->parseFieldName($key));
                     if (count($parseField) == 1) {
                         $fieldParams['value'] = $data[$parseField[0]];
                     } else {
                         if ($parseField[0] === 'i18n' && count($parseField) > 1) {
                             $field = last($parseField);
                             $locale = $parseField[1];
                             $indexData = array_pluck($data['i18n_relation'], $field, 'locale');
                             $fieldParams['value'] = $indexData[$locale];
                 } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         /** Custom Prepare Validation in Progress */
         $methodValidation = sprintf("%sPrepareValidation", Str::studly(Str::slug($key)));
         if (method_exists($this, $methodValidation)) {
             $fieldParams['rules'] = call_user_func_array([$this, $methodValidation], [$fieldParams['rules'], $obj]);
         /** End */
         /** @var  array $fieldParams */
         $fieldParams = array_merge($fieldParams, (array) array_get($config, 'params', []));
         $form->add($key, array_get($config, 'type', 'text'), $fieldParams);
     /** End */
     /** Default Button */
     foreach ($subActions = $this->getConfig("{$action}.action") as $subAction => $config) {
         $subAction = sprintf("%sAction", $subAction);
         if (method_exists($this, $subAction)) {
             $this->{$subAction}($form, $config);
     /** End */
     $this->form = $form;
     return $this->form;
Esempio n. 14
  * Take a guess at what the basic labels will be, based on the given name.
  * @return $this
 protected function guessLabels($name)
     return $this->labels(['singular' => str_replace("_", " ", Str::singular($name)), 'plural' => str_replace("_", " ", Str::plural($name)), 'navigation' => str_replace("_", " ", Str::ucfirst($name)), 'slug' => Str::slug(Str::plural($name))]);
Esempio n. 15
  * Load the properties from the database table.
  * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model
 protected function getPropertiesFromTable($model)
     $table = $model->getConnection()->getTablePrefix() . $model->getTable();
     $schema = $model->getConnection()->getDoctrineSchemaManager($table);
     $databasePlatform = $schema->getDatabasePlatform();
     $databasePlatform->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('enum', 'string');
     $platformName = $databasePlatform->getName();
     $customTypes = $this->laravel['config']->get("ide-helper.custom_db_types.{$platformName}", array());
     foreach ($customTypes as $yourTypeName => $doctrineTypeName) {
         $databasePlatform->registerDoctrineTypeMapping($yourTypeName, $doctrineTypeName);
     $database = null;
     if (strpos($table, '.')) {
         list($database, $table) = explode('.', $table);
     $columns = $schema->listTableColumns($table, $database);
     if ($columns) {
         foreach ($columns as $column) {
             $name = $column->getName();
             if (in_array($name, $model->getDates())) {
                 $type = '\\Carbon\\Carbon';
             } else {
                 $type = $column->getType()->getName();
                 switch ($type) {
                     case 'string':
                     case 'text':
                     case 'date':
                     case 'time':
                     case 'guid':
                     case 'datetimetz':
                     case 'datetime':
                         $type = 'string';
                     case 'integer':
                     case 'bigint':
                     case 'smallint':
                         $type = 'integer';
                     case 'decimal':
                     case 'float':
                         $type = 'float';
                     case 'boolean':
                         $type = 'boolean';
                         $type = 'mixed';
             $comment = $column->getComment();
             $this->setProperty($name, $type, true, true, $comment);
             // Method where<name>
             $name = Str::ucfirst(Str::studly($name));
             $modelClass = (new \ReflectionClass($model))->getName();
             $this->setMethod("where{$name}", "\\Illuminate\\Database\\Query\\Builder|\\{$modelClass}", array('$value'));
  * Execute the job.
  * @param Container $services The service container.
  * @return bool
  * @throws Exception If there is an error.
 public function handle(Container $services)
     $routesFile = app_path('Http/routes.php');
     if (file_exists($routesFile)) {
     // if
     /** @var File $file */
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $file = $services->make(File::class, [$routesFile]);
     $codeTemplate = 'Route::group([\'namespace\' => \'%s\', \'prefix\' => \'%s\'], function (Router $router)';
     $groups = $file->findLine([$codeTemplate => $values = [$this->getNamespace(), $this->getPrefix()]], 1);
     if (!$groups) {
         $group = $file->appendLine(new Line(call_user_func_array('sprintf', array_merge([$codeTemplate], $values)), T_VARIABLE))->setNestingLevel(1);
     } else {
         $group = reset($groups);
     // else
     foreach (@$config['tables'] ?: [] as $table => $tableConfig) {
         $ucTable = ucfirst($table);
         $className = preg_replace('/(\\w+\\\\)+/', '', $tableConfig['model']);
         if (!$file->findLine(['use %s' => [$tableConfig['model']]], 1)) {
             $file->prependLine(new Line("use {$tableConfig['model']}"));
         // if
         $modelLines = $file->findLine(['$router->model(\'%s\', %s::class)' => [$table, $className]], 1, $group->getNestingLevel() + 1);
         if (!$modelLines) {
             $group->appendLine(new Line("\$router->model('{$table}', {$className}::class)"));
         // if
         $ctrlrPrefix = Str::ucfirst(Str::camel($ucTable));
         $ctrlrLines = $file->findLine(['$router->resource(\'%s\', \'%sController\', [\'except\' => [\'create\', \'edit\']])' => [$table, $ctrlrPrefix]], $group->getNestingLevel() + 1);
         if (!$ctrlrLines) {
             $group->appendLine(new Line("\$router->resource('{$table}', '{$ctrlrPrefix}Controller', ['except' => ['create', 'edit']])"));
         // if
     // foreach
     if (!$file->save()) {
         throw new Exception('Routes files can not be cached.');
     // if
     return true;
  * @param $string
  * @param array $arguments
  * @return mixed
  * @author Rytis Grincevičius <*****@*****.**>
 public static function applyArguments($string, array $arguments = array())
     foreach ($arguments as $key => $value) {
         $string = str_replace([':' . Str::upper($key), ':' . Str::ucfirst($key), ':' . $key], [Str::upper($value), Str::ucfirst($value), $value], $string);
     return $string;
Esempio n. 18
File: Page.php Progetto: larakit/lk
 function applyReplacement($line, $replacements)
     foreach ($replacements as $key => $value) {
         $line = str_replace([':' . Str::upper($key), ':' . Str::ucfirst($key), ':' . $key], [Str::upper($value), Str::ucfirst($value), $value], $line);
     return $line;