Esempio n. 1
  * @return bool
 public function analyze()
     $info =& $this->getid3->info;
     fseek($this->getid3->fp, $info['avdataoffset'], SEEK_SET);
     while (true) {
         $wavpackheader = fread($this->getid3->fp, 32);
         if (ftell($this->getid3->fp) >= $info['avdataend']) {
         } elseif (feof($this->getid3->fp)) {
         } elseif (isset($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['total_samples']) && isset($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['block_samples']) && $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['total_samples'] > 0 && $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['block_samples'] > 0 && (!isset($info['wavpack']['riff_trailer_size']) || $info['wavpack']['riff_trailer_size'] <= 0) && (isset($info['wavpack']['config_flags']['md5_checksum']) && $info['wavpack']['config_flags']['md5_checksum'] === false || !empty($info['md5_data_source']))) {
         $blockheader_offset = ftell($this->getid3->fp) - 32;
         $blockheader_magic = substr($wavpackheader, 0, 4);
         $blockheader_size = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($wavpackheader, 4, 4));
         $magic = 'wvpk';
         if ($blockheader_magic != $magic) {
             $info['error'][] = 'Expecting "' . Helper::PrintHexBytes($magic) . '" at offset ' . $blockheader_offset . ', found "' . Helper::PrintHexBytes($blockheader_magic) . '"';
             switch (isset($info['audio']['dataformat']) ? $info['audio']['dataformat'] : '') {
                 case 'wavpack':
                 case 'wvc':
             return false;
         if (empty($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['block_samples']) || empty($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['total_samples']) || $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['block_samples'] <= 0 || $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['total_samples'] <= 0) {
             // Also, it is possible that the first block might not have
             // any samples (block_samples == 0) and in this case you should skip blocks
             // until you find one with samples because the other information (like
             // total_samples) are not guaranteed to be correct until (block_samples > 0)
             // Finally, I have defined a format for files in which the length is not known
             // (for example when raw files are created using pipes). In these cases
             // total_samples will be -1 and you must seek to the final block to determine
             // the total number of samples.
             $info['audio']['dataformat'] = 'wavpack';
             $info['fileformat'] = 'wavpack';
             $info['audio']['lossless'] = true;
             $info['audio']['bitrate_mode'] = 'vbr';
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['offset'] = $blockheader_offset;
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['magic'] = $blockheader_magic;
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['size'] = $blockheader_size;
             if ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['size'] >= 0x100000) {
                 $info['error'][] = 'Expecting WavPack block size less than "0x100000", found "' . $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['size'] . '" at offset ' . $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['offset'];
                 switch (isset($info['audio']['dataformat']) ? $info['audio']['dataformat'] : '') {
                     case 'wavpack':
                     case 'wvc':
                 return false;
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['minor_version'] = ord($wavpackheader[8]);
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['major_version'] = ord($wavpackheader[9]);
             if ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['major_version'] != 4 || $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['minor_version'] < 4 && $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['minor_version'] > 16) {
                 $info['error'][] = 'Expecting WavPack version between "4.2" and "4.16", found version "' . $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['major_version'] . '.' . $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['minor_version'] . '" at offset ' . $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['offset'];
                 switch (isset($info['audio']['dataformat']) ? $info['audio']['dataformat'] : '') {
                     case 'wavpack':
                     case 'wvc':
                 return false;
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['track_number'] = ord($wavpackheader[10]);
             // unused
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['index_number'] = ord($wavpackheader[11]);
             // unused
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['total_samples'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($wavpackheader, 12, 4));
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['block_index'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($wavpackheader, 16, 4));
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['block_samples'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($wavpackheader, 20, 4));
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags_raw'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($wavpackheader, 24, 4));
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['crc'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($wavpackheader, 28, 4));
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['bytes_per_sample'] = 1 + ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags_raw'] & 0x3);
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['mono'] = (bool) ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags_raw'] & 0x4);
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['hybrid'] = (bool) ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags_raw'] & 0x8);
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['joint_stereo'] = (bool) ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags_raw'] & 0x10);
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['cross_decorrelation'] = (bool) ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags_raw'] & 0x20);
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['hybrid_noiseshape'] = (bool) ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags_raw'] & 0x40);
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['ieee_32bit_float'] = (bool) ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags_raw'] & 0x80);
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['int_32bit'] = (bool) ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags_raw'] & 0x100);
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['hybrid_bitrate_noise'] = (bool) ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags_raw'] & 0x200);
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['hybrid_balance_noise'] = (bool) ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags_raw'] & 0x400);
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['multichannel_initial'] = (bool) ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags_raw'] & 0x800);
             $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['multichannel_final'] = (bool) ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags_raw'] & 0x1000);
             $info['audio']['lossless'] = !$info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['hybrid'];
         while (!feof($this->getid3->fp) && ftell($this->getid3->fp) < $blockheader_offset + $blockheader_size + 8) {
             $metablock = array('offset' => ftell($this->getid3->fp));
             $metablockheader = fread($this->getid3->fp, 2);
             if (feof($this->getid3->fp)) {
             $metablock['id'] = ord($metablockheader[0]);
             $metablock['function_id'] = $metablock['id'] & 0x3f;
             $metablock['function_name'] = $this->WavPackMetablockNameLookup($metablock['function_id']);
             // The 0x20 bit in the id of the meta subblocks (which is defined as
             // ID_OPTIONAL_DATA) is a permanent part of the id. The idea is that
             // if a decoder encounters an id that it does not know about, it uses
             // that "ID_OPTIONAL_DATA" flag to determine what to do. If it is set
             // then the decoder simply ignores the metadata, but if it is zero
             // then the decoder should quit because it means that an understanding
             // of the metadata is required to correctly decode the audio.
             $metablock['non_decoder'] = (bool) ($metablock['id'] & 0x20);
             $metablock['padded_data'] = (bool) ($metablock['id'] & 0x40);
             $metablock['large_block'] = (bool) ($metablock['id'] & 0x80);
             if ($metablock['large_block']) {
                 $metablockheader .= fread($this->getid3->fp, 2);
             $metablock['size'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($metablockheader, 1)) * 2;
             // size is stored in words
             $metablock['data'] = null;
             if ($metablock['size'] > 0) {
                 switch ($metablock['function_id']) {
                     case 0x21:
                         // ID_RIFF_HEADER
                     // ID_RIFF_HEADER
                     case 0x22:
                         // ID_RIFF_TRAILER
                     // ID_RIFF_TRAILER
                     case 0x23:
                         // ID_REPLAY_GAIN
                     // ID_REPLAY_GAIN
                     case 0x24:
                         // ID_CUESHEET
                     // ID_CUESHEET
                     case 0x25:
                         // ID_CONFIG_BLOCK
                     // ID_CONFIG_BLOCK
                     case 0x26:
                         // ID_MD5_CHECKSUM
                         $metablock['data'] = fread($this->getid3->fp, $metablock['size']);
                         if ($metablock['padded_data']) {
                             // padded to the nearest even byte
                             $metablock['data'] = substr($metablock['data'], 0, -1);
                     case 0x0:
                         // ID_DUMMY
                     // ID_DUMMY
                     case 0x1:
                         // ID_ENCODER_INFO
                     // ID_ENCODER_INFO
                     case 0x2:
                         // ID_DECORR_TERMS
                     // ID_DECORR_TERMS
                     case 0x3:
                         // ID_DECORR_WEIGHTS
                     // ID_DECORR_WEIGHTS
                     case 0x4:
                         // ID_DECORR_SAMPLES
                     // ID_DECORR_SAMPLES
                     case 0x5:
                         // ID_ENTROPY_VARS
                     // ID_ENTROPY_VARS
                     case 0x6:
                         // ID_HYBRID_PROFILE
                     // ID_HYBRID_PROFILE
                     case 0x7:
                         // ID_SHAPING_WEIGHTS
                     // ID_SHAPING_WEIGHTS
                     case 0x8:
                         // ID_FLOAT_INFO
                     // ID_FLOAT_INFO
                     case 0x9:
                         // ID_INT32_INFO
                     // ID_INT32_INFO
                     case 0xa:
                         // ID_WV_BITSTREAM
                     // ID_WV_BITSTREAM
                     case 0xb:
                         // ID_WVC_BITSTREAM
                     // ID_WVC_BITSTREAM
                     case 0xc:
                         // ID_WVX_BITSTREAM
                     // ID_WVX_BITSTREAM
                     case 0xd:
                         // ID_CHANNEL_INFO
                         fseek($this->getid3->fp, $metablock['offset'] + ($metablock['large_block'] ? 4 : 2) + $metablock['size'], SEEK_SET);
                         $info['warning'][] = 'Unexpected metablock type "0x' . str_pad(dechex($metablock['function_id']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '" at offset ' . $metablock['offset'];
                         fseek($this->getid3->fp, $metablock['offset'] + ($metablock['large_block'] ? 4 : 2) + $metablock['size'], SEEK_SET);
                 switch ($metablock['function_id']) {
                     case 0x21:
                         // ID_RIFF_HEADER
                         $original_wav_filesize = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($metablock['data'], 4, 4));
                         $getid3_temp = new GetId3Core();
                         $getid3_riff = new Riff($getid3_temp);
                         $metablock['riff'] = $getid3_temp->info['riff'];
                         $info['audio']['sample_rate'] = $getid3_temp->info['riff']['raw']['fmt ']['nSamplesPerSec'];
                         unset($getid3_riff, $getid3_temp);
                         $metablock['riff']['original_filesize'] = $original_wav_filesize;
                         $info['wavpack']['riff_trailer_size'] = $original_wav_filesize - $metablock['riff']['WAVE']['data'][0]['size'] - $metablock['riff']['header_size'];
                         $info['playtime_seconds'] = $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['total_samples'] / $info['audio']['sample_rate'];
                         // Safe RIFF header in case there's a RIFF footer later
                         $metablockRIFFheader = $metablock['data'];
                     case 0x22:
                         // ID_RIFF_TRAILER
                         $metablockRIFFfooter = $metablockRIFFheader . $metablock['data'];
                         $startoffset = $metablock['offset'] + ($metablock['large_block'] ? 4 : 2);
                         $getid3_temp = new GetId3Core();
                         $getid3_temp->info['avdataend'] = $info['avdataend'];
                         $getid3_temp->info['fileformat'] = 'riff';
                         $getid3_riff = new Riff($getid3_temp);
                         $metablock['riff'] = $getid3_riff->ParseRIFF($startoffset, $startoffset + $metablock['size']);
                         if (!empty($metablock['riff']['INFO'])) {
                             $getid3_riff->RIFFcommentsParse($metablock['riff']['INFO'], $metablock['comments']);
                             $info['tags']['riff'] = $metablock['comments'];
                         unset($getid3_temp, $getid3_riff);
                     case 0x23:
                         // ID_REPLAY_GAIN
                         $info['warning'][] = 'WavPack "Replay Gain" contents not yet handled by GetId3Core() in metablock at offset ' . $metablock['offset'];
                     case 0x24:
                         // ID_CUESHEET
                         $info['warning'][] = 'WavPack "Cuesheet" contents not yet handled by GetId3Core() in metablock at offset ' . $metablock['offset'];
                     case 0x25:
                         // ID_CONFIG_BLOCK
                         $metablock['flags_raw'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($metablock['data'], 0, 3));
                         $metablock['flags']['adobe_mode'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x1);
                         // "adobe" mode for 32-bit floats
                         $metablock['flags']['fast_flag'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x2);
                         // fast mode
                         $metablock['flags']['very_fast_flag'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x4);
                         // double fast
                         $metablock['flags']['high_flag'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x8);
                         // high quality mode
                         $metablock['flags']['very_high_flag'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x10);
                         // double high (not used yet)
                         $metablock['flags']['bitrate_kbps'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x20);
                         // bitrate is kbps, not bits / sample
                         $metablock['flags']['auto_shaping'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x40);
                         // automatic noise shaping
                         $metablock['flags']['shape_override'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x80);
                         // shaping mode specified
                         $metablock['flags']['joint_override'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x100);
                         // joint-stereo mode specified
                         $metablock['flags']['copy_time'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x200);
                         // copy file-time from source
                         $metablock['flags']['create_exe'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x400);
                         // create executable
                         $metablock['flags']['create_wvc'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x800);
                         // create correction file
                         $metablock['flags']['optimize_wvc'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x1000);
                         // maximize bybrid compression
                         $metablock['flags']['quality_mode'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x2000);
                         // psychoacoustic quality mode
                         $metablock['flags']['raw_flag'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x4000);
                         // raw mode (not implemented yet)
                         $metablock['flags']['calc_noise'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x8000);
                         // calc noise in hybrid mode
                         $metablock['flags']['lossy_mode'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x10000);
                         // obsolete (for information)
                         $metablock['flags']['extra_mode'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x20000);
                         // extra processing mode
                         $metablock['flags']['skip_wvx'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x40000);
                         // no wvx stream w/ floats & big ints
                         $metablock['flags']['md5_checksum'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x80000);
                         // compute & store MD5 signature
                         $metablock['flags']['quiet_mode'] = (bool) ($metablock['flags_raw'] & 0x100000);
                         // don't report progress %
                         $info['wavpack']['config_flags'] = $metablock['flags'];
                         $info['audio']['encoder_options'] = '';
                         if ($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['hybrid']) {
                             $info['audio']['encoder_options'] .= ' -b???';
                         $info['audio']['encoder_options'] .= $metablock['flags']['adobe_mode'] ? ' -a' : '';
                         $info['audio']['encoder_options'] .= $metablock['flags']['optimize_wvc'] ? ' -cc' : '';
                         $info['audio']['encoder_options'] .= $metablock['flags']['create_exe'] ? ' -e' : '';
                         $info['audio']['encoder_options'] .= $metablock['flags']['fast_flag'] ? ' -f' : '';
                         $info['audio']['encoder_options'] .= $metablock['flags']['joint_override'] ? ' -j?' : '';
                         $info['audio']['encoder_options'] .= $metablock['flags']['high_flag'] ? ' -h' : '';
                         $info['audio']['encoder_options'] .= $metablock['flags']['md5_checksum'] ? ' -m' : '';
                         $info['audio']['encoder_options'] .= $metablock['flags']['calc_noise'] ? ' -n' : '';
                         $info['audio']['encoder_options'] .= $metablock['flags']['shape_override'] ? ' -s?' : '';
                         $info['audio']['encoder_options'] .= $metablock['flags']['extra_mode'] ? ' -x?' : '';
                         if (!empty($info['audio']['encoder_options'])) {
                             $info['audio']['encoder_options'] = trim($info['audio']['encoder_options']);
                         } elseif (isset($info['audio']['encoder_options'])) {
                     case 0x26:
                         // ID_MD5_CHECKSUM
                         if (strlen($metablock['data']) == 16) {
                             $info['md5_data_source'] = strtolower(Helper::PrintHexBytes($metablock['data'], true, false, false));
                         } else {
                             $info['warning'][] = 'Expecting 16 bytes of WavPack "MD5 Checksum" in metablock at offset ' . $metablock['offset'] . ', but found ' . strlen($metablock['data']) . ' bytes';
                     case 0x0:
                         // ID_DUMMY
                     // ID_DUMMY
                     case 0x1:
                         // ID_ENCODER_INFO
                     // ID_ENCODER_INFO
                     case 0x2:
                         // ID_DECORR_TERMS
                     // ID_DECORR_TERMS
                     case 0x3:
                         // ID_DECORR_WEIGHTS
                     // ID_DECORR_WEIGHTS
                     case 0x4:
                         // ID_DECORR_SAMPLES
                     // ID_DECORR_SAMPLES
                     case 0x5:
                         // ID_ENTROPY_VARS
                     // ID_ENTROPY_VARS
                     case 0x6:
                         // ID_HYBRID_PROFILE
                     // ID_HYBRID_PROFILE
                     case 0x7:
                         // ID_SHAPING_WEIGHTS
                     // ID_SHAPING_WEIGHTS
                     case 0x8:
                         // ID_FLOAT_INFO
                     // ID_FLOAT_INFO
                     case 0x9:
                         // ID_INT32_INFO
                     // ID_INT32_INFO
                     case 0xa:
                         // ID_WV_BITSTREAM
                     // ID_WV_BITSTREAM
                     case 0xb:
                         // ID_WVC_BITSTREAM
                     // ID_WVC_BITSTREAM
                     case 0xc:
                         // ID_WVX_BITSTREAM
                     // ID_WVX_BITSTREAM
                     case 0xd:
                         // ID_CHANNEL_INFO
             if (!empty($metablock)) {
                 $info['wavpack']['metablocks'][] = $metablock;
     $info['audio']['encoder'] = 'WavPack v' . $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['major_version'] . '.' . str_pad($info['wavpack']['blockheader']['minor_version'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] = $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['bytes_per_sample'] * 8;
     $info['audio']['channels'] = $info['wavpack']['blockheader']['flags']['mono'] ? 1 : 2;
     if (!empty($info['playtime_seconds'])) {
         $info['audio']['bitrate'] = ($info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset']) * 8 / $info['playtime_seconds'];
     } else {
         $info['audio']['dataformat'] = 'wvc';
     return true;
Esempio n. 2
  * @return bool
 public function ParseOptimFROGheader45()
     // for fileformat of v4.50a and higher
     $info =& $this->getid3->info;
     $RIFFdata = '';
     fseek($this->getid3->fp, $info['avdataoffset'], SEEK_SET);
     while (!feof($this->getid3->fp) && ftell($this->getid3->fp) < $info['avdataend']) {
         $BlockOffset = ftell($this->getid3->fp);
         $BlockData = fread($this->getid3->fp, 8);
         $offset = 8;
         $BlockName = substr($BlockData, 0, 4);
         $BlockSize = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, 4, 4));
         if ($BlockName == 'OFRX') {
             $BlockName = 'OFR ';
         if (!isset($info['ofr'][$BlockName])) {
             $info['ofr'][$BlockName] = array();
         $thisfile_ofr_thisblock =& $info['ofr'][$BlockName];
         switch ($BlockName) {
             case 'OFR ':
                 // shortcut
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['offset'] = $BlockOffset;
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['size'] = $BlockSize;
                 $info['audio']['encoder'] = 'OptimFROG 4.50 alpha';
                 switch ($BlockSize) {
                     case 12:
                     case 15:
                         // good
                         $info['warning'][] = '"' . $BlockName . '" contains more data than expected (expected 12 or 15 bytes, found ' . $BlockSize . ' bytes)';
                 $BlockData .= fread($this->getid3->fp, $BlockSize);
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['total_samples'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, $offset, 6));
                 $offset += 6;
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['raw']['sample_type'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, $offset, 1));
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['sample_type'] = $this->OptimFROGsampleTypeLookup($thisfile_ofr_thisblock['raw']['sample_type']);
                 $offset += 1;
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['channel_config'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, $offset, 1));
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['channels'] = $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['channel_config'];
                 $offset += 1;
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['sample_rate'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, $offset, 4));
                 $offset += 4;
                 if ($BlockSize > 12) {
                     // OFR 4.504b or higher
                     $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['channels'] = $this->OptimFROGchannelConfigNumChannelsLookup($thisfile_ofr_thisblock['channel_config']);
                     $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['raw']['encoder_id'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, $offset, 2));
                     $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['encoder'] = $this->OptimFROGencoderNameLookup($thisfile_ofr_thisblock['raw']['encoder_id']);
                     $offset += 2;
                     $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['raw']['compression'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, $offset, 1));
                     $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['compression'] = $this->OptimFROGcompressionLookup($thisfile_ofr_thisblock['raw']['compression']);
                     $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['speedup'] = $this->OptimFROGspeedupLookup($thisfile_ofr_thisblock['raw']['compression']);
                     $offset += 1;
                     $info['audio']['encoder'] = 'OptimFROG ' . $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['encoder'];
                     $info['audio']['encoder_options'] = '--mode ' . $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['compression'];
                     if (($thisfile_ofr_thisblock['raw']['encoder_id'] & 0xf0) >> 4 == 7) {
                         // v4.507
                         if (strtolower(Helper::fileextension($info['filename'])) == 'ofs') {
                             // OptimFROG DualStream format is lossy, but as of v4.507 there is no way to tell the difference
                             // between lossless and lossy other than the file extension.
                             $info['audio']['dataformat'] = 'ofs';
                             $info['audio']['lossless'] = true;
                 $info['audio']['channels'] = $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['channels'];
                 $info['audio']['sample_rate'] = $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['sample_rate'];
                 $info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] = $this->OptimFROGbitsPerSampleTypeLookup($thisfile_ofr_thisblock['raw']['sample_type']);
             case 'COMP':
                 // unlike other block types, there CAN be multiple COMP blocks
                 $COMPdata['offset'] = $BlockOffset;
                 $COMPdata['size'] = $BlockSize;
                 if ($info['avdataoffset'] == 0) {
                     $info['avdataoffset'] = $BlockOffset;
                 // Only interested in first 14 bytes (only first 12 needed for v4.50 alpha), not actual audio data
                 $BlockData .= fread($this->getid3->fp, 14);
                 fseek($this->getid3->fp, $BlockSize - 14, SEEK_CUR);
                 $COMPdata['crc_32'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, $offset, 4));
                 $offset += 4;
                 $COMPdata['sample_count'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, $offset, 4));
                 $offset += 4;
                 $COMPdata['raw']['sample_type'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, $offset, 1));
                 $COMPdata['sample_type'] = $this->OptimFROGsampleTypeLookup($COMPdata['raw']['sample_type']);
                 $offset += 1;
                 $COMPdata['raw']['channel_configuration'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, $offset, 1));
                 $COMPdata['channel_configuration'] = $this->OptimFROGchannelConfigurationLookup($COMPdata['raw']['channel_configuration']);
                 $offset += 1;
                 $COMPdata['raw']['algorithm_id'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, $offset, 2));
                 //$COMPdata['algorithm']                    = OptimFROGalgorithmNameLookup($COMPdata['raw']['algorithm_id']);
                 $offset += 2;
                 if ($info['ofr']['OFR ']['size'] > 12) {
                     // OFR 4.504b or higher
                     $COMPdata['raw']['encoder_id'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BlockData, $offset, 2));
                     $COMPdata['encoder'] = $this->OptimFROGencoderNameLookup($COMPdata['raw']['encoder_id']);
                     $offset += 2;
                 if ($COMPdata['crc_32'] == 0x454e4f4e) {
                     // ASCII value of 'NONE' - placeholder value in v4.50a
                     $COMPdata['crc_32'] = false;
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock[] = $COMPdata;
             case 'HEAD':
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['offset'] = $BlockOffset;
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['size'] = $BlockSize;
                 $RIFFdata .= fread($this->getid3->fp, $BlockSize);
             case 'TAIL':
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['offset'] = $BlockOffset;
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['size'] = $BlockSize;
                 if ($BlockSize > 0) {
                     $RIFFdata .= fread($this->getid3->fp, $BlockSize);
             case 'RECV':
                 // block contains no useful meta data - simply note and skip
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['offset'] = $BlockOffset;
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['size'] = $BlockSize;
                 fseek($this->getid3->fp, $BlockSize, SEEK_CUR);
             case 'APET':
                 // APEtag v2
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['offset'] = $BlockOffset;
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['size'] = $BlockSize;
                 $info['warning'][] = 'APEtag processing inside OptimFROG not supported in this version (' . $this->getid3->version() . ') of GetId3Core()';
                 fseek($this->getid3->fp, $BlockSize, SEEK_CUR);
             case 'MD5 ':
                 // APEtag v2
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['offset'] = $BlockOffset;
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['size'] = $BlockSize;
                 if ($BlockSize == 16) {
                     $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['md5_binary'] = fread($this->getid3->fp, $BlockSize);
                     $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['md5_string'] = Helper::PrintHexBytes($thisfile_ofr_thisblock['md5_binary'], true, false, false);
                     $info['md5_data_source'] = $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['md5_string'];
                 } else {
                     $info['warning'][] = 'Expecting block size of 16 in "MD5 " chunk, found ' . $BlockSize . ' instead';
                     fseek($this->getid3->fp, $BlockSize, SEEK_CUR);
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['offset'] = $BlockOffset;
                 $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['size'] = $BlockSize;
                 $info['warning'][] = 'Unhandled OptimFROG block type "' . $BlockName . '" at offset ' . $thisfile_ofr_thisblock['offset'];
                 fseek($this->getid3->fp, $BlockSize, SEEK_CUR);
     if (isset($info['ofr']['TAIL']['offset'])) {
         $info['avdataend'] = $info['ofr']['TAIL']['offset'];
     $info['playtime_seconds'] = (double) $info['ofr']['OFR ']['total_samples'] / ($info['audio']['channels'] * $info['audio']['sample_rate']);
     $info['audio']['bitrate'] = ($info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset']) * 8 / $info['playtime_seconds'];
     // move the data chunk after all other chunks (if any)
     // so that the RIFF parser doesn't see EOF when trying
     // to skip over the data chunk
     $RIFFdata = substr($RIFFdata, 0, 36) . substr($RIFFdata, 44) . substr($RIFFdata, 36, 8);
     $getid3_temp = new GetId3Core();
     $getid3_temp->info['avdataoffset'] = $info['avdataoffset'];
     $getid3_temp->info['avdataend'] = $info['avdataend'];
     $getid3_riff = new Riff($getid3_temp);
     $info['riff'] = $getid3_temp->info['riff'];
     unset($getid3_riff, $getid3_temp, $RIFFdata);
     return true;