function parseDetails($urls) { $requests = function ($arr) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) { (yield new Request('GET', $arr[$i])); } }; $pool = new Pool($this->http, $requests($urls), ['concurrency' => 4, 'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) use($urls) { echo "{$index} loaded\n"; $this->html->load((string) $response->getBody()); $detail = $this->parseDetails_($this->html); echo "Details parsed\n"; $id = $this->parseId($urls[$index]); $this->details[$id] = $detail; $this->details[$id]['url'] = $urls[$index]; $this->details[$id]['status'] = 'ok'; //var_dump($this->details); }, 'rejected' => function ($reason, $index) { // this is delivered each failed request echo "{$index} rejected\n"; $id = $this->parseId($urls[$index]); $this->details[$id]['url'] = $urls[$index]; $this->details[$id]['status'] = $reason; }]); // Initiate the transfers and create a promise $promise = $pool->promise(); // Force the pool of requests to complete. $promise->wait(); return $this->details; }
/** * Make all the requests and push responses (as objects if success) to self::responses["public" or "oauth"] */ public static function run() { // Create Public and Oauth Clients self::$clientPublic = new Client(Endpoint::headers()); self::$clientOauth = new Client(Endpoint::headers(TRUE)); // Public $poolPublic = new Pool(self::$clientPublic, self::$requests["public"], ["concurrency" => 20, "fulfilled" => function (Response $response, $index) { // On success we json_decode response $data = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), TRUE); // Create object and push it to responses success $factory = OpenCrest::getFactory(); $object = $factory->create(self::$objects["public"][$index], $data, $response); array_push(self::$responses["public"]["success"], $object); }, "rejected" => function ($reason, $index) { // On failure we push it to responses rejected array_push(self::$responses["public"]["rejected"], ["reason" => $reason, "index" => $index]); }]); self::$promise["public"] = $poolPublic->promise(); self::$promise["public"]->wait(); // Oauth $poolOauth = new Pool(self::$clientOauth, self::$requests["oauth"], ["concurrency" => 20, "fulfilled" => function (Response $response, $index) { // On success we json_decode response $data = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), TRUE); // Create object and push it to responses success $factory = OpenCrest::getFactory(); $object = $factory->create(self::$objects["oauth"][$index], $data, $response); array_push(self::$responses["oauth"]["success"], $object); }, "rejected" => function ($reason, $index) { // On failure we push it to responses rejected array_push(self::$responses["oauth"]["rejected"], ["reason" => $reason, "index" => $index]); }]); self::$promise["oauth"] = $poolOauth->promise(); self::$promise["oauth"]->wait(); }
public function handle() { $this->totalPageCount = count($this->users); $client = new Client(); $requests = function ($total) use($client) { foreach ($this->users as $key => $user) { $uri = '' . $user; (yield function () use($client, $uri) { return $client->getAsync($uri); }); } }; $pool = new Pool($client, $requests($this->totalPageCount), ['concurrency' => $this->concurrency, 'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) { $res = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents()); $this->info("请求第 {$index} 个请求,用户 " . $this->users[$index] . " 的 Github ID 为:" . $res->id); $this->countedAndCheckEnded(); }, 'rejected' => function ($reason, $index) { $this->error("rejected"); $this->error("rejected reason: " . $reason); $this->countedAndCheckEnded(); }]); // 开始发送请求 $promise = $pool->promise(); $promise->wait(); }
/** * @param $pathToImportFile * @return array * @throws Exception */ public function import($pathToImportFile) { $masterAccountsToImport = []; $subAccountsToImport = []; if (($handle = fopen($pathToImportFile, "r")) !== FALSE) { $this->validateImportFile($pathToImportFile); $failureLogName = tempnam(getcwd() . "/log_output", "account_import_failures"); $failureLog = fopen($failureLogName, "w"); $successLogName = tempnam(getcwd() . "/log_output", "account_import_successes"); $successLog = fopen($successLogName, "w"); $returnData = ['successes' => 0, 'failures' => 0, 'failure_log_name' => $failureLogName, 'success_log_name' => $successLogName]; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 8096, ",")) !== FALSE) { try { $payload = $this->buildPayload($data); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception("When building a payload for the following account, the payload generation failed with {$e->getMessage()}: " . implode(",", $data)); } if (array_key_exists("sub_accounts", $payload)) { array_push($subAccountsToImport, $data); continue; } array_push($masterAccountsToImport, $data); } $allAccounts = array_merge($masterAccountsToImport, $subAccountsToImport); $requests = function () use($allAccounts) { foreach ($allAccounts as $account) { (yield new Request("POST", $this->uri . "/api/v1/accounts", ['Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF8', 'timeout' => 30, 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this->username . ':' . $this->password)], json_encode($this->buildPayload($account)))); } }; $pool = new Pool($this->client, $requests(), ['concurrency' => 10, 'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) use(&$returnData, $successLog, $failureLog, $allAccounts) { $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode(); if ($statusCode > 201) { $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents()); $line = $allAccounts[$index]; array_push($line, $body); fputcsv($failureLog, $line); $returnData['failures'] += 1; } else { $returnData['successes'] += 1; fwrite($successLog, "Import succeeded for account ID {$allAccounts[$index][0]}" . "\n"); } }, 'rejected' => function ($reason, $index) use(&$returnData, $failureLog, $allAccounts) { $response = $reason->getResponse(); $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents()); $returnMessage = implode(", ", (array) $body->error->message); $line = $allAccounts[$index]; array_push($line, $returnMessage); fputcsv($failureLog, $line); $returnData['failures'] += 1; }]); $promise = $pool->promise(); $promise->wait(); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("File could not be opened."); } fclose($failureLog); fclose($successLog); return $returnData; }
/** * @param $pathToImportFile * @param bool $validateAddress * @return array */ public function import($pathToImportFile, $validateAddress = false) { if (($handle = fopen($pathToImportFile, "r")) !== FALSE) { $this->validateImportFile($pathToImportFile); $failureLogName = tempnam(getcwd() . "/log_output", "account_secondary_address_import_failures"); $failureLog = fopen($failureLogName, "w"); $successLogName = tempnam(getcwd() . "/log_output", "account_secondary_address_import_successes"); $successLog = fopen($successLogName, "w"); $returnData = ['successes' => 0, 'failures' => 0, 'failure_log_name' => $failureLogName, 'success_log_name' => $successLogName]; $validData = []; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 8096, ",")) !== FALSE) { try { $this->buildPayload($data, (bool) $validateAddress); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Got an exception - {$e->getMessage()}\n"; continue; } array_push($validData, $data); } $requests = function () use($validData, $validateAddress) { foreach ($validData as $validDatum) { if (count($validDatum[0]) > 0) { (yield new Request("POST", $this->uri . "/api/v1/accounts/" . (int) trim($validDatum[0]) . "/addresses", ['Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF8', 'timeout' => 30, 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this->username . ':' . $this->password)], json_encode($this->buildPayload($validDatum, (bool) $validateAddress)))); } } }; $pool = new Pool($this->client, $requests(), ['concurrency' => 10, 'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) use(&$returnData, $successLog, $failureLog, $validData) { $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode(); if ($statusCode > 201) { $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents()); $line = $validData[$index]; array_push($line, $body); fputcsv($failureLog, $line); $returnData['failures'] += 1; } else { $returnData['successes'] += 1; fwrite($successLog, "Secondary address import succeeded for account ID {$validData[$index][0]}" . "\n"); } }, 'rejected' => function ($reason, $index) use(&$returnData, $failureLog, $validData) { $response = $reason->getResponse(); $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents()); $returnMessage = implode(", ", (array) $body->error->message); $line = $validData[$index]; array_push($line, $returnMessage); fputcsv($failureLog, $line); $returnData['failures'] += 1; }]); $promise = $pool->promise(); $promise->wait(); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("File could not be opened."); } fclose($failureLog); fclose($successLog); return $returnData; }
/** * Fetch and process a paged response from JoindIn. * * @param $initial * The initial URL to fetch. That URL may result in others getting * fetched as well. * @param callable $processor * A callable that will be used to process each page of results. Its signature * must be: (\SplQueue $pages, ResponseInterface $response, $index) * @param int $concurrency * The number of concurrent requests to send. In practice this kinda has to * be 1, or else Guzzle will conclude itself before getting to later-added * entries. */ function fetchPages($initial, callable $processor, $concurrency = 1) { $client = getClient(); $pages = new \SplQueue(); $pages->enqueue($initial); $pageProcessor = partial($processor, $pages); $pageRequestGenerator = function (\SplQueue $pages) { foreach ($pages as $page) { (yield new Request('GET', $page)); } }; $pool = new Pool($client, $pageRequestGenerator($pages), ['concurrency' => $concurrency, 'fulfilled' => $pageProcessor]); // Initiate the transfers and create a promise $promise = $pool->promise(); // Force the pool of requests to complete. $promise->wait(); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function sendInternalRequests(array $internalRequests, $success, $error) { $requests = array(); foreach ($internalRequests as $key => $internalRequest) { $requests[$key] = $this->createRequest($internalRequest); } $httpAdapter = $this; $pool = new Pool($this->client, $requests, array_merge($this->createOptions(), array('fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) use($success, $internalRequests, $httpAdapter) { $response = $httpAdapter->getConfiguration()->getMessageFactory()->createResponse((int) $response->getStatusCode(), $response->getProtocolVersion(), $response->getHeaders(), BodyNormalizer::normalize(function () use($response) { return $response->getBody()->detach(); }, $internalRequests[$index]->getMethod())); $response = $response->withParameter('request', $internalRequests[$index]); call_user_func($success, $response); }, 'rejected' => function ($exception, $index) use($error, $internalRequests, $httpAdapter) { $exception = HttpAdapterException::cannotFetchUri($exception->getRequest()->getUri(), $httpAdapter->getName(), $exception->getMessage()); $exception->setRequest($internalRequests[$index]); call_user_func($error, $exception); }))); $pool->promise()->wait(); }
/** * @param array $data array($url=>$savePath) */ public function downloadFiles(array $data) { trigger_error('Not yet implemented', E_USER_WARNING); return; $client = new Client(); $requests = array(); foreach ($data as $url => $path) { $requests[] = new Request('GET', HttpAdapterInterface::BASE_URL . $url, ['save_to' => $path]); } $pool = new Pool($client, $requests, ['concurrency' => 5, 'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) { // this is delivered each successful response }, 'rejected' => function ($reason, $index) { // this is delivered each failed request //TODO error handling }]); // Initiate the transfers and create a promise $promise = $pool->promise(); // Force the pool of requests to complete. $promise->wait(); }
public function fetch($responseFunction, $isMultithreaded = false, $threadCount = 1) { if ($isMultithreaded) { $requestList = []; foreach ($this->uriList as $uri) { $requestList[] = new Request('GET', $uri); } $uriPool = new Pool($this->guzzle, $requestList, ['concurrency' => $threadCount, 'fulfilled' => function (Response $response, $index) use($responseFunction) { $responseFunction($response->getBody()->getContents(), $index); }, 'rejected' => function () { }]); $promise = $uriPool->promise(); $promise->wait(); } else { $parsedPageCounter = 0; foreach ($this->uriList as $uri) { $response = $this->buzz->get($uri); $responseFunction($response->getContent(), ++$parsedPageCounter); } } }
/** * run. * * @return array */ public function run() { $urls = $this->urlProvider->getUrls(); $client = $this->client; //This is a bit messie, need a refacto $resultCollection = new ResultCollection(); $requests = function () use($urls, $client, $resultCollection) { foreach ($urls as $url) { (yield function () use($client, $url, $resultCollection) { return $client->sendAsync(new Request($url->getMethod(), $url->getUrl(), $url->getHeaders()), ['timeout' => $url->getTimeout(), 'connect_timeout' => $url->getTimeout(), 'on_stats' => function (TransferStats $tranferStats) use($url, $resultCollection) { $handlerError = null; $validatorError = null; $validatorResult = null; if ($tranferStats->hasResponse()) { $validatorResult = $url->getValidator()->check((string) $tranferStats->getResponse()->getBody()); if (false === $validatorResult) { $validatorError = $url->getValidator()->getError(); } $statusCode = $tranferStats->getResponse()->getStatusCode(); $transferTime = $tranferStats->getTransferTime(); } else { // If we have a connection error $statusCode = 400; $transferTime = 0; $handlerError = curl_strerror($tranferStats->getHandlerErrorData()); } $resultCollection->offsetSet($url->getName(), new Result($url, $statusCode, $transferTime, $handlerError, $validatorResult, $validatorError)); }]); }); } }; $pool = new Pool($this->client, $requests(), ['concurrency' => 5]); $promise = $pool->promise(); $promise->wait(); return $resultCollection; }
/** * Validate the address in an account import * @param $pathToImportFile * @return array */ public function validate($pathToImportFile) { if (($handle = fopen($pathToImportFile, "r")) !== FALSE) { $tempFile = tempnam(getcwd(), "validatedAddresses"); $tempHandle = fopen($tempFile, "w"); $this->validateImportFile($pathToImportFile); $addressFormatter = new AddressFormatter(); $failureLogName = tempnam(getcwd() . "/log_output", "address_validator_failures"); $failureLog = fopen($failureLogName, "w"); $successLogName = tempnam(getcwd() . "/log_output", "address_validator_successes"); $successLog = fopen($successLogName, "w"); $returnData = ['validated_file' => $tempFile, 'successes' => 0, 'failures' => 0, 'failure_log_name' => $failureLogName, 'success_log_name' => $successLogName]; $addressesWithoutCounty = []; $addressesWithCounty = []; $validData = []; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 8096, ",")) !== FALSE) { array_push($addressesWithoutCounty, $this->cleanAddress($data, false)); array_push($addressesWithCounty, $this->cleanAddress($data, true)); array_push($validData, $data); } $requests = function () use($addressesWithoutCounty) { foreach ($addressesWithoutCounty as $addressWithoutCounty) { (yield new Request("POST", $this->uri . "/api/v1/_data/validate_address", ['Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF8', 'timeout' => 30, 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this->username . ':' . $this->password)], json_encode($addressWithoutCounty))); } }; $pool = new Pool($this->client, $requests(), ['concurrency' => 10, 'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) use(&$returnData, $successLog, $failureLog, $validData, $tempHandle, $addressFormatter, $addressesWithCounty) { $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode(); if ($statusCode > 201) { //Need to check if the address with county is valid so we can at least use that try { $addressAsArray = $addressFormatter->doChecksOnUnvalidatedAddress($addressesWithCounty[$index]); $returnData['successes'] += 1; fwrite($successLog, "Validation succeeded for ID {$validData[$index][0]}" . "\n"); fputcsv($tempHandle, $this->mergeRow($addressAsArray, $validData[$index])); } catch (Exception $e) { $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents()); $line = $validData[$index]; array_push($line, $body); fputcsv($failureLog, $line); $returnData['failures'] += 1; } } else { $returnData['successes'] += 1; fwrite($successLog, "Validation succeeded for ID {$validData[$index][0]}" . "\n"); $addressObject = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents()); $addressAsArray = (array) $addressObject->data; fputcsv($tempHandle, $this->mergeRow($addressAsArray, $validData[$index])); } }, 'rejected' => function ($reason, $index) use(&$returnData, $failureLog, $validData, $addressFormatter, $addressesWithCounty, $successLog, $tempHandle) { //Need to check if the address with county is valid so we can at least use that try { $addressAsArray = $addressFormatter->doChecksOnUnvalidatedAddress($addressesWithCounty[$index]); $returnData['successes'] += 1; fwrite($successLog, "Validation succeeded for ID {$validData[$index][0]}" . "\n"); fputcsv($tempHandle, $this->mergeRow($addressAsArray, $validData[$index])); } catch (Exception $e) { $response = $reason->getResponse(); $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents()); $returnMessage = implode(", ", (array) $body->error->message); $line = $validData[$index]; array_push($line, $returnMessage); fputcsv($failureLog, $line); $returnData['failures'] += 1; } }]); $promise = $pool->promise(); $promise->wait(); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("File could not be opened."); } fclose($tempHandle); fclose($failureLog); fclose($successLog); return $returnData; }
/** * Uses the Guzzel Pool to process Requests. * * Processes with a concurrency of 18, since Eve limits to 20. * * Uses a promise and will wait until finished. * * @param callback function - used for rejected responses. $reason and $index are injected. */ public function fetchGroupsInfromation($rejectedCallbackFunction) { $pool = new Pool($this->client, $this->createdRequests, ['concurrency' => 18, 'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) { $responseJson = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents()); $groupPagesIterator = new MarketGroupsPagesIterator($responseJson, $this->client); $this->acceptedResponses[$index] = iterator_to_array($groupPagesIterator->getAllPages()); }, 'rejected' => function ($reason, $index) use(&$rejectedCallbackFunction) { call_user_func_array($rejectedCallbackFunction, array($reason, $index)); }]); $promise = $pool->promise(); $promise->wait(); }
public function testUsesYieldedKeyInFulfilledCallback() { $r1 = new Promise(function () use(&$r1) { $r1->resolve(new Response()); }); $r2 = new Promise(function () use(&$r2) { $r2->resolve(new Response()); }); $r3 = new Promise(function () use(&$r3) { $r3->resolve(new Response()); }); $handler = new MockHandler([$r1, $r2, $r3]); $c = new Client(['handler' => $handler]); $keys = []; $requests = ['request_1' => new Request('GET', ''), 'request_2' => new Request('GET', ''), 'request_3' => new Request('GET', '')]; $p = new Pool($c, $requests, ['pool_size' => 2, 'fulfilled' => function ($res, $index) use(&$keys) { $keys[] = $index; }]); $p->promise()->wait(); $this->assertCount(3, $keys); $this->assertSame($keys, array_keys($requests)); }
/** * @param OutputInterface $output * @param ItemId[] $itemIds * @param bool $force */ private function executeForItemIds(OutputInterface $output, array $itemIds, $force) { $itemLookup = $this->wikibaseFactory->newItemLookup(); $processedItemIdStrings = $this->getProcessedItemIdStrings(); $loopCounter = 0; /** @var FormatterHelper $formatter */ $formatter = $this->getHelper('formatter'); foreach ($itemIds as $itemId) { $loopCounter++; $itemIdString = $itemId->getSerialization(); $output->writeln('----------------------------------------------------'); if ($loopCounter % 10 != 0) { $processedItemIdStrings = $this->getProcessedItemIdStrings(); } if (!$force && in_array($itemId->getSerialization(), $processedItemIdStrings)) { $output->writeln($formatter->formatSection($itemIdString, 'Already processed')); continue; } try { $output->writeln($formatter->formatSection($itemIdString, 'Loading Item')); $item = $itemLookup->getItemForId($itemId); } catch (ItemLookupException $e) { $output->writeln($formatter->formatSection($itemIdString, 'Failed to load item (exception)', 'error')); continue; } if ($item === null) { $output->writeln($formatter->formatSection($itemIdString, 'Failed to load item (null)', 'error')); continue; } // Get the item types.. $types = array(); foreach ($item->getStatements()->getByPropertyId(new PropertyId('P31'))->toArray() as $instanceStatement) { $mainSnak = $instanceStatement->getMainSnak(); if ($mainSnak instanceof PropertyValueSnak) { /** @var EntityIdValue $instanceItemIdValue */ $instanceItemIdValue = $mainSnak->getDataValue(); $idSerialization = $instanceItemIdValue->getEntityId()->getSerialization(); if (array_key_exists($idSerialization, $this->instanceMap)) { $types[] = $this->instanceMap[$idSerialization]; } } } if (empty($types)) { $output->writeln($formatter->formatSection($itemIdString, 'Didn\\t find any useful instance of statements', 'comment')); continue; } // Note: only load Wikipedias $siteLinkList = DataModelUtils::getSitelinksWiteSiteIdSuffix($item->getSiteLinkList(), 'wiki'); $output->writeln($formatter->formatSection($itemIdString, $siteLinkList->count() . ' Wikipedia pages to request')); $parseProgressBar = new ProgressBar($output, $siteLinkList->count()); $parseProgressBar->display(); /** @var PromiseInterface[] $parsePromises */ $parsePromises = array(); foreach ($siteLinkList->getIterator() as $siteLink) { $siteId = $siteLink->getSiteId(); $pageName = $item->getSiteLinkList()->getBySiteId($siteId)->getPageName(); $sourceMwFactory = $this->wmFactoryFactory->getFactory($siteId); $sourceParser = $sourceMwFactory->newParser(); $pageIdentifier = new PageIdentifier(new Title($pageName)); $parsePromises[$siteId] = $sourceParser->parsePageAsync($pageIdentifier); $parseProgressBar->advance(); } $links = array(); foreach ($parsePromises as $siteId => $promise) { try { $parseResult = $promise->wait(); if (array_key_exists('externallinks', $parseResult)) { foreach ($parseResult['externallinks'] as $externalLink) { // Ignore links if (strstr($externalLink, '') === false) { $links[] = $this->normalizeExternalLink($externalLink); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { $parseProgressBar->clear(); $output->writeln($formatter->formatSection($itemIdString, $e->getMessage(), 'error')); $parseProgressBar->display(); // Ignore failed requests } } $parseProgressBar->finish(); $output->writeln(''); $links = array_unique($links); shuffle($links); /** @var Request[] $linkRequests */ $linkRequests = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { $linkRequests[] = new Request('GET', $link, array('allow_redirects' => array('track_redirects' => true), 'connect_timeout' => 3.14, 'timeout' => 10)); } $output->writeln($formatter->formatSection($itemIdString, count($linkRequests) . ' External links to (download, action)')); if (empty($linkRequests)) { continue; } // Make a bunch of requests and act on the responses $referencesAddedToItem = 0; $externalLinkProgressBar = new ProgressBar($output, count($linkRequests) * 2); $externalLinkProgressBar->display(); $pool = new Pool($this->externalLinkClient, $linkRequests, array('fulfilled' => function ($response) use($externalLinkProgressBar, $item, $types, $referencesAddedToItem, $output) { $externalLinkProgressBar->advance(); // 1st advance point if ($response instanceof ResponseInterface) { $link = $response->getHeaderLine('X-GUZZLE-EFFECTIVE-URL'); $html = $response->getBody(); $referencesAddedFromLink = 0; foreach ($this->microDataExtractor->extract($html) as $microData) { foreach ($types as $type) { if ($microData->hasType($type) && array_key_exists($type, $this->referencerMap)) { foreach ($this->referencerMap[$type] as $referencer) { /** @var Referencer $referencer */ $addedReferences = $referencer->addReferences($microData, $item, $link); $referencesAddedToItem += $addedReferences; $referencesAddedFromLink += $addedReferences; } } } } if ($referencesAddedFromLink > 0) { $externalLinkProgressBar->clear(); $output->write("\r"); $output->writeln($referencesAddedFromLink . ' reference(s) added from ' . urldecode($link)); $externalLinkProgressBar->display(); } } $externalLinkProgressBar->advance(); // 2nd advance point }, 'rejected' => function () use($externalLinkProgressBar) { // TODO add this to some kind of verbose log? $externalLinkProgressBar->advance(); // 1st advance point })); $pool->promise()->wait(); $externalLinkProgressBar->finish(); $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln($formatter->formatSection($itemIdString, $referencesAddedToItem . ' References added')); $this->markIdAsProcessed($itemId); } }
/** * @param Request[] $requests * @param array $options * @return PromiseInterface */ public function getPool(array $requests, $options) { $pool = new Pool($this->client, $requests, $options); return $pool->promise(); }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $registry = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine'); $log = $this->getContainer()->get('logger'); $em = $registry->getManager(); $eveRegistry = $this->getContainer()->get('evedata.registry'); $regionRepo = $eveRegistry->get('EveBundle:Region'); $items = $eveRegistry->get('EveBundle:ItemType')->findAllMarketItems(); $chunked_items = array_chunk($items, count($items) / 30); // regions we actually need $configs = $registry->getManager()->getRepository('AppBundle:BuybackConfiguration')->findBy(['type' => BuybackConfiguration::TYPE_REGION]); $neededRegions = array_reduce($configs, function ($carry, $value) { if ($carry === null) { return $value->getRegions(); } return array_merge($carry, $value->getRegions()); }); if (!$neededRegions) { $log->addInfo('No regions to update'); return; } $log->addDebug('Beginning Import'); $client = new Client(); $requests = function ($region, $items) { foreach ($items as $i) { (yield new Request('GET', $this->getCrestUrl($region, $i['typeID']))); } }; foreach ($neededRegions as $region) { $real_region = $regionRepo->getRegionById($region); foreach ($chunked_items as $items) { $progress = new ProgressBar($output, count($items)); $progress->setFormat('<comment> %current%/%max% </comment>[%bar%] %percent:3s%% %elapsed:6s%/%estimated:-6s% <question>%memory:6s%</question> <info> Updating %message% </info>'); list($processableData, $index) = $this->buildIndex($items); $progress->setMessage($real_region['regionName']); $pool = new Pool($client, $requests($region, $items), ['fulfilled' => function ($response, $i) use(&$processableData, $progress, $log) { $obj = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); $processableData[$i] = array_pop($obj['items']); $progress->advance(); }, 'rejected' => function ($reason, $i) use($log, $progress, $real_region) { $errors[$i] = $reason; $progress->setMessage(sprintf("{$real_region['regionName']} with %s errors", count($errors))); $progress->advance(); }]); $promise = $pool->promise(); $promise->wait(); $progress->finish(); $progress = new ProgressBar($output, count($processableData)); $progress->setFormat('<comment> %current%/%max% </comment>[%bar%] %percent:3s%% <question>%memory:6s%</question> <info> Updating Database </info>'); $count = 0; foreach ($processableData as $i => $processableItem) { if (is_array($processableItem) && isset($index[$i])) { $exists = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:ItemPrice')->hasItem($real_region['regionID'], $index[$i]['typeID']); if ($exists instanceof ItemPrice) { $p = $this->updatePriceData($processableItem, $exists); $log->addDebug("Updating item {$p->getTypeName()} in {$p->getRegionName()}"); } else { $p = $this->makePriceData($processableItem, $real_region, $index[$i]); $log->addDebug("Adding item {$p->getTypeName()} in {$p->getRegionName()}"); } $progress->advance(); $em->persist($p); ++$count; if ($count % (count($processableData) / 20) === 0) { $log->addDebug('Flushing Set'); $em->flush(); $em->clear(); } } } $progress->finish(); $em->flush(); } } }
$html->load($text); $table = $html->find('body>center>table>tr', 2); echo $table->outertext; $table1 = $table->find('table td', 4); //echo $table1->outertext; //$table2=$table1->find('table td',1); if ($table1 == null) { echo "Warning: format error!\n"; return; } $res = $table1->find('td a img'); foreach ($res as $img) { $a = $img->parent(); if (isset($a->href)) { $productsLinks[] = $a->href; } else { echo "Warning: no href!\n"; } } print_r($productsLinks); die; } $productsLinks = []; // Initiate the transfers and create a promise $promise = $pool->promise(); // Force the pool of requests to complete. $promise->wait(); print_r($productsLinks); ?> </body> </html>
/** * Do one or more requests simultaniously. * * @param string|array $paths * @param Closure|array $callback */ protected function request($paths, $callback) { /** @var Request[] $requests */ $requests = []; $callbacks = []; // We need to keep the same indeces for both the request and // the callback. We lose the reference to the request in the // asynchronous request pool, so the index is very important // for matching the right callback. foreach ((array) $paths as $path) { $requests[] = $this->createRequest($path); $callbacks[] = $callback; } // Handle each request simultanious. $pool = new Pool($this->client, $requests, ['concurrency' => $this->concurrency, 'fulfilled' => function (Response $response, $index) use($callbacks, $requests) { // Setup a crawler instance $crawler = new Crawler(); $crawler->addContent($response->getBody(), $response->getHeaderLine('Content-Type')); $request = $requests[$index]; try { // Perform the callback, fetching data from the DOM. call_user_func_array($callbacks[$index], [$crawler, $request]); $this->log($request, 'success', 'Callback complete'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logException($e, $request, compact('crawler')); } }, 'rejected' => function (\Exception $e, $index) use($requests) { $request = $requests[$index]; $this->logException($e, $request); }]); // Initiate the transfers and create a promise $promise = $pool->promise(); // Force the pool of requests to complete. $promise->wait(); }
/** * Concurrently delete the files. * * @param array $files * Array of file ID's. * @param OutputInterface $output * Console output interface. */ protected function deleteFiles(array $files, OutputInterface $output) { $requests = function ($files) { $uri = ""; foreach ($files as $file_id) { $req = new Request('POST', $uri); $modify['body'] = Psr7\stream_for(http_build_query(['file' => $file_id, 'token' => getenv('SLACK_AUTH_TOKEN')])); $modify['set_headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; $modify['set_headers']['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'; $request = Psr7\modify_request($req, $modify); (yield $request); } }; $pool = new Pool($this->client, $requests($files), ['concurrency' => self::CONCURRENT_REQUESTS, 'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) use($output) { $output->writeln("<info>File deleted</info>"); }, 'rejected' => function ($reason, $index) use($output) { $output->writeln("<error>Error deleting file {$reason}</error>"); }]); $promise = $pool->promise(); $promise->wait(); }
/** * Get the item history for the a region. * * You can specificy the response json items to come back. This means * that you can say something like -20, this will give you the last 20 * items of the array of response->items. * * The second argument is a callback that takes the following paramters: * * - array regionItemPairs, example: [0, 1] where 0 is the region id and 1 is the item id. * - json object responseJson which is the response json from the promise. * * This call back function can then be used to do what ever you wish with the data backing back. * the region and item pairs map to the response json in question. * * @param $howManyItemsBack How many items should we get back? * @param $successCallbackFunction the function which takes an array of region id and item id and a responseJson object. * @param $rejectedCallbackFunction the function to handle rejected response. $reason and $index are injected into the function. */ public function getItemHistoryForRegion($howManyItemsBack, $successCallbackFunction, $rejectedCallbackFunction) { $pool = new Pool($this->client, $this->createdRequests, $this->getOptions($howManyItemsBack, $successCallbackFunction, $rejectedCallbackFunction)); $promise = $pool->promise(); $promise->wait(); }
/** * @param $pathToImportFile * @return array */ public function import($pathToImportFile) { if (($handle = fopen($pathToImportFile, "r")) !== FALSE) { $this->validateImportFile($pathToImportFile); $this->getExistingSubnets(); $failureLogName = tempnam(getcwd() . "/log_output", "ip_pool_import_failures"); $failureLog = fopen($failureLogName, "w"); $successLogName = tempnam(getcwd() . "/log_output", "ip_pool_import_successes"); $successLog = fopen($successLogName, "w"); $returnData = ['successes' => 0, 'failures' => 0, 'failure_log_name' => $failureLogName, 'success_log_name' => $successLogName]; $validData = []; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 8096, ",")) !== FALSE) { $lethStart = Address::factory(trim($data[1])); $lethEnd = Address::factory(trim($data[2])); $foundAFit = false; foreach ($this->subnets as $subnet) { try { if ($subnet['object']->encloses_address($lethStart) && $subnet['object']->encloses_address($lethEnd)) { array_push($data, $subnet['id']); array_push($data, $subnet['supernet_id']); array_push($validData, $data); $foundAFit = true; break; } } catch (Exception $e) { // } } if ($foundAFit === false) { array_push($data, "IP pool did not fit into any defined subnets."); fputcsv($failureLog, $data); $returnData['failures'] += 1; } } $requests = function () use($validData) { foreach ($validData as $validDatum) { $supernetID = array_pop($validDatum); $subnetID = array_pop($validDatum); (yield new Request("POST", $this->uri . "/api/v1/network/ipam/supernets/{$supernetID}/subnets/{$subnetID}/ip_pools", ['Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF8', 'timeout' => 30, 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this->username . ':' . $this->password)], json_encode($this->buildPayload($validDatum)))); } }; $pool = new Pool($this->client, $requests(), ['concurrency' => 10, 'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) use(&$returnData, $successLog, $failureLog, $validData) { $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode(); if ($statusCode > 201) { $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents()); $line = $validData[$index]; array_push($line, $body); fputcsv($failureLog, $line); $returnData['failures'] += 1; } else { $returnData['successes'] += 1; fwrite($successLog, "Import succeeded for account ID {$validData[$index][0]}" . "\n"); } }, 'rejected' => function ($reason, $index) use(&$returnData, $failureLog, $validData) { $response = $reason->getResponse(); $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents()); $returnMessage = implode(", ", (array) $body->error->message); $line = $validData[$index]; array_push($line, $returnMessage); fputcsv($failureLog, $line); $returnData['failures'] += 1; }]); $promise = $pool->promise(); $promise->wait(); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("File could not be opened."); } fclose($failureLog); fclose($successLog); return $returnData; }
/** * @param int $buffer * @throws \Exception */ public function flush($buffer = 10) { $psr7Requests = []; $flushedPromises = []; foreach ($this->promises as $requestId => $promise) { $event = $this->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(sprintf('%s.BEFORE', $requestId), new RequestEvent($promise)); if (!$event->isPropagationStopped() && $event->getResponse()) { $this->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(sprintf('%s.SUCCESS', $requestId), new RequestEvent($promise, $event->getResponse())); $this->removePromise($requestId); } } # Transform our proprietary promises to PSR7-requests foreach ($this->promises as $requestId => $promise) { $psr7Requests[$requestId] = $this->fromHttpFoundationToPSR7($promise->getRequest()); } if ($this->promises) { # Create a pool of promises $pool = new Pool($this->client, $psr7Requests, ['concurrency' => $buffer, 'fulfilled' => function (PSR7Response $psr7Response, $index) use(&$flushedPromises) { $promise = $this->getPromiseByIndex($index); $requestId = $promise->getRequestId(); $response = $this->getHttpFoundationFactory()->createResponse($psr7Response); $this->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(sprintf('%s.SUCCESS', $requestId), new RequestEvent($promise, $response)); $flushedPromises[] = $requestId; }, 'rejected' => function (BadResponseException $exception, $index) use(&$flushedPromises) { $promise = $this->getPromiseByIndex($index); $requestId = $promise->getRequestId(); $psr7Response = $exception->getResponse(); $response = $this->getHttpFoundationFactory()->createResponse($psr7Response); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(sprintf('%s.ERROR', $requestId), new RequestEvent($promise, $response, $exception)); $flushedPromises[] = $requestId; }]); # Initiate the transfers and create a promise $promise = $pool->promise(); # Force the pool of requests to complete. $promise->wait(); } # Remove promises from the pool foreach ($flushedPromises as $requestId) { $this->removePromise($requestId); } # If new promises have been set during callbacks, flush again if ($this->promises) { $this->flush($buffer); } }
public function processSubmissionsRequest(SubmissionsRequest $request) { $asynch = false; //this variable will determine whether we'll send the request asynchronously or not. if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } $domain = $_SESSION['domain']; $token = \Crypt::decrypt($_SESSION['userToken']); $courseId = $_SESSION['courseID']; $userId = $_SESSION['userID']; $urlPieces = array(); $urlArgs = array(); $urlPieces[] = "https://{$domain}/api/v1/courses/{$courseId}"; //MULTIPLE ASSIGNMENTS AND POTENTIALLY MULTIPLE USERS if ($request->getMultipleAssignments()) { //GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/students/submissions $urlPieces[] = "students/submissions"; //STUDENT IDS //student_ids can be "All", or a list of actual studentIds if ($request->getMultipleStudents() && $request->getAllStudents()) { //if all students were requested, we will retrieve them by chunks so as to speed up the request $allUsers = $this->dbHelper->getUsersInCourseWithRole($courseId, 'Learner'); $count = count($allUsers); $asynch = !$count <= 20; $masterArr = array(); //this var will store al the requests we will make $requests = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= $count - 1; $i++) { $urlArgs[] = "student_ids[]={$allUsers[$i]->user_id}"; $result = fmod($i, 10); if ($result == 0 && $asynch && $i > 0) { //we'll send the request every 10 students if ($request->getGrouped()) { $urlArgs[] = "grouped=true"; } $urlArgs[] = "access_token={$token}&per_page=100"; $url = GuzzleHelper::constructUrl($urlPieces, $urlArgs); $req = new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request('GET', $url); $requests[] = $req; $urlArgs = array(); } } //for //at the end we'll have requests left that need to be sent if ($request->getGrouped()) { $urlArgs[] = "grouped=true"; } $urlArgs[] = "access_token={$token}&per_page=100"; $url = GuzzleHelper::constructUrl($urlPieces, $urlArgs); $req = new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request('GET', $url); $requests[] = $req; $client = new Client(); $returnData = array(); $pool = new Pool($client, $requests, ['concurrency' => count($requests), 'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) use(&$returnData, $request) { $newData = json_decode($response->getBody()); $processedData = $this->processCanvasSubmissionData($newData, $request->getIncludeTags(), $request->getGrouped()); $returnData = array_merge($returnData, $processedData); }, 'rejected' => function ($reason, $index) { //TODO: figure out what to do here }]); // Initiate the transfers and create a promise $promise = $pool->promise(); // Force the pool of requests to complete. $promise->wait(); return $returnData; } else { if ($request->getMultipleStudents() && count($request->getStudentIds() > 1)) { $ids = json_encode($request->getStudentIds()); $urlArgs[] = "student_ids[]={$ids}"; } else { $urlArgs[] = "student_ids[]={$request->getStudentIds()[0]}"; } } //ASSIGNMENT IDS //assignment_ids can be a list of assignmentIds, or if empty, all assignments will be returned $assignmentIds = implode(',', $request->getAssignmentIds()); if (count($request->getAssignmentIds()) > 0) { $urlArgs[] = "assignment_ids[]={$assignmentIds}"; } } else { if ($request->getMultipleStudents()) { // GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/submissions $urlPieces[] = "assignments"; //grab the first assignment id. Shouldn't have more than one (all this has been validated in the SubmissionsRequest constructor) $urlPieces[] = $request->getAssignmentIds()[0]; $urlPieces[] = "submissions"; } else { //GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/submissions if ($request->getAssignmentIds()) { $urlPieces[] = "assignments"; //input1 $urlPieces[] = $request->getAssignmentIds()[0]; // get the first assignment id from the array (there shouldn't be more than one anyway) $urlPieces[] = "submissions"; $urlPieces[] = $request->getStudentIds()[0]; } } } if (!$asynch) { if ($request->getGrouped()) { $urlArgs[] = "grouped=true"; } $urlArgs[] = "access_token={$token}&per_page=100"; $url = GuzzleHelper::constructUrl($urlPieces, $urlArgs); $response = GuzzleHelper::recursiveGet($url); return $this->processCanvasSubmissionData($response, $request->getIncludeTags(), $request->getGrouped()); } }
protected function startCrawlingQueue() { while ($this->crawlQueue->hasPendingUrls()) { $pool = new Pool($this->client, $this->getCrawlRequests(), ['concurrency' => $this->concurrency, 'options' => [RequestOptions::CONNECT_TIMEOUT => 10, RequestOptions::TIMEOUT => 10, RequestOptions::ALLOW_REDIRECTS => false], 'fulfilled' => function (ResponseInterface $response, int $index) { $this->handleResponse($response, $index); $crawlUrl = $this->crawlQueue->getPendingUrlAtIndex($index); if ($crawlUrl->url->host !== $this->baseUrl->host) { return; } $this->addAllLinksToCrawlQueue((string) $response->getBody(), $crawlUrl = $this->crawlQueue->getPendingUrlAtIndex($index)->url); }, 'rejected' => function (RequestException $exception, int $index) { $this->handleResponse($exception->getResponse(), $index); }]); $promise = $pool->promise(); $promise->wait(); $this->crawlQueue->removeProcessedUrlsFromPending(); } }