  * Loads instance profile credentials.
  * @return PromiseInterface
 public function __invoke()
     return Promise\coroutine(function () {
         if (!$this->profile) {
             $this->profile = (yield $this->request(self::CRED_PATH));
         $json = (yield $this->request(self::CRED_PATH . $this->profile));
         $result = $this->decodeResult($json);
         (yield new Credentials($result['AccessKeyId'], $result['SecretAccessKey'], $result['Token'], strtotime($result['Expiration'])));
 public function __invoke()
     return Promise\coroutine(function () {
         $params = $this->logins ? ['Logins' => $this->logins] : [];
         $getIdParams = $params + ['IdentityPoolId' => $this->identityPoolId];
         if ($this->accountId) {
             $getIdParams['AccountId'] = $this->accountId;
         $id = (yield $this->client->getId($getIdParams));
         $result = (yield $this->client->getCredentialsForIdentity(['IdentityId' => $id['IdentityId']] + $params));
         (yield new Credentials($result['Credentials']['AccessKeyId'], $result['Credentials']['SecretKey'], $result['Credentials']['SessionToken'], (int) $result['Credentials']['Expiration']->format('U')));
Esempio n. 3
  * Runs a paginator asynchronously and uses a callback to handle results.
  * The callback should have the signature: function (Aws\Result $result).
  * A non-null return value from the callback will be yielded by the
  * promise. This means that you can return promises from the callback that
  * will need to be resolved before continuing iteration over the remaining
  * items, essentially merging in other promises to the iteration. The last
  * non-null value returned by the callback will be the result that fulfills
  * the promise to any downstream promises.
  * @param callable $handleResult Callback for handling each page of results.
  *                               The callback accepts the result that was
  *                               yielded as a single argument. If the
  *                               callback returns a promise, the promise
  *                               will be merged into the coroutine.
  * @return Promise\Promise
 public function each(callable $handleResult)
     return Promise\coroutine(function () use($handleResult) {
         $nextToken = null;
         do {
             $command = $this->createNextCommand($this->args, $nextToken);
             $result = (yield $this->client->executeAsync($command));
             $nextToken = $this->determineNextToken($result);
             $retVal = $handleResult($result);
             if ($retVal !== null) {
                 (yield Promise\promise_for($retVal));
         } while ($nextToken);
 public function executeAsync(CommandInterface $c)
     return Promise\coroutine(function () use($c) {
         if ($region = $this->cache->get($this->getCacheKey($c['Bucket']))) {
             $c = $this->getRegionalizedCommand($c, $region);
         try {
             (yield parent::executeAsync($c));
         } catch (PermanentRedirectException $e) {
             if (empty($c['Bucket'])) {
                 throw $e;
             $region = (yield $this->lookupBucketRegion($c['Bucket']));
             $this->cache->set($this->getCacheKey($c['Bucket']), $region);
             $c = $this->getRegionalizedCommand($c, $region);
             (yield parent::executeAsync($c));
Esempio n. 5
 public function testCoroutineOtherwiseIntegrationTest()
     $a = new P\Promise();
     $b = new P\Promise();
     $promise = P\coroutine(function () use($a, $b) {
         // Execute the pool of commands concurrently, and process errors.
         (yield $a);
         (yield $b);
     })->otherwise(function (\Exception $e) {
         // Throw errors from the operations as a specific Multipart error.
         throw new \OutOfBoundsException('a', 0, $e);
     $reason = P\inspect($promise)['reason'];
     $this->assertInstanceOf('OutOfBoundsException', $reason);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\RejectionException', $reason->getPrevious());
Esempio n. 6
 public function promise()
     return Promise\coroutine(function () {
         $name = $this->config['operation'];
         for ($state = 'retry', $attempt = 1; $state === 'retry'; $attempt++) {
             // Execute the operation.
             $args = $this->getArgsForAttempt($attempt);
             $command = $this->client->getCommand($name, $args);
             try {
                 if ($this->config['before']) {
                     $this->config['before']($command, $attempt);
                 $result = (yield $this->client->executeAsync($command));
             } catch (AwsException $e) {
                 $result = $e;
             // Determine the waiter's state and what to do next.
             $state = $this->determineState($result);
             if ($state === 'success') {
                 (yield $command);
             } elseif ($state === 'failed') {
                 $msg = "The {$this->name} waiter entered a failure state.";
                 if ($result instanceof \Exception) {
                     $msg .= ' Reason: ' . $result->getMessage();
                 (yield new RejectedPromise(new \RuntimeException($msg)));
             } elseif ($state === 'retry' && $attempt >= $this->config['maxAttempts']) {
                 $state = 'failed';
                 (yield new RejectedPromise(new \RuntimeException("The {$this->name} waiter failed after attempt #{$attempt}.")));
  * Upload the source asynchronously using multipart upload operations.
  * @return PromiseInterface
 public function promise()
     if ($this->promise) {
         return $this->promise;
     return $this->promise = Promise\coroutine(function () {
         // Initiate the upload.
         if ($this->state->isCompleted()) {
             throw new \LogicException('This multipart upload has already ' . 'been completed or aborted.');
         } elseif (!$this->state->isInitiated()) {
             $result = (yield $this->execCommand('initiate', $this->getInitiateParams()));
             $this->state->setUploadId($this->info['id']['upload_id'], $result[$this->info['id']['upload_id']]);
         // Create a command pool from a generator that yields UploadPart
         // commands for each upload part.
         $resultHandler = $this->getResultHandler($errors);
         $commands = new CommandPool($this->client, $this->getUploadCommands($resultHandler), ['concurrency' => $this->config['concurrency'], 'before' => $this->config['before_upload']]);
         // Execute the pool of commands concurrently, and process errors.
         (yield $commands->promise());
         if ($errors) {
             throw new MultipartUploadException($this->state, $errors);
         // Complete the multipart upload.
         (yield $this->execCommand('complete', $this->getCompleteParams()));
     })->otherwise(function (\Exception $e) {
         // Throw errors from the operations as a specific Multipart error.
         if ($e instanceof AwsException) {
             $e = new MultipartUploadException($this->state, $e);
         throw $e;
Esempio n. 8
  * Copy an object of any size to a different location asynchronously.
  * @param string $fromBucket    Bucket where the copy source resides.
  * @param string $fromKey       Key of the copy source.
  * @param string $destBucket    Bucket to which to copy the object.
  * @param string $destKey       Key to which to copy the object.
  * @param string $acl           ACL to apply to the copy (default: private).
  * @param array  $options       Options used to configure the upload process.
  * @see self::copy for more info about the parameters above.
  * @return PromiseInterface     Returns a promise that will be fulfilled
  *                              with the result of the copy.
 public function copyAsync($fromBucket, $fromKey, $destBucket, $destKey, $acl = 'private', array $options = [])
     // Prepare the options.
     static $defaults = ['before_upload' => null, 'concurrency' => 5, 'mup_threshold' => MultipartUploader::PART_MAX_SIZE, 'params' => [], 'part_size' => null, 'version_id' => null];
     return Promise\coroutine($this->doCopyAsync(['Bucket' => $fromBucket, 'Key' => $fromKey], ['Bucket' => $destBucket, 'Key' => $destKey], $acl, $options + $defaults));
 public function __invoke()
     return Promise\coroutine(function () {
         (yield new Credentials('mocked', 'mocked', 'mocked', 'mocked'));