  * @param type $baseUrl
  * @param type $config
  * @return \Guzzle\Http\Client
 public function getGuzzleClient($baseUrl = '', $config = null)
     if (!is_null($config)) {
     return new Client($baseUrl, $this->config);
  * Create a new Response based on a raw response message
  * @param string $message Response message
  * @return Response
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException if an empty $message is provided
 public static function fromMessage($message)
     if (!$message) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('No response message provided');
     // Normalize line endings
     $message = preg_replace("/([^\r])(\n)\\b/", "\$1\r\n", $message);
     $protocol = $code = $status = '';
     $parts = explode("\r\n\r\n", $message, 2);
     $headers = new Collection();
     foreach (array_values(array_filter(explode("\r\n", $parts[0]))) as $i => $line) {
         // Remove newlines from headers
         $line = implode(' ', explode("\n", $line));
         if ($i === 0) {
             // Check the status line
             list($protocol, $code, $status) = array_map('trim', explode(' ', $line, 3));
         } else {
             if (strpos($line, ':')) {
                 // Add a header
                 list($key, $value) = array_map('trim', explode(':', $line, 2));
                 // Headers are case insensitive
                 $headers->add($key, $value);
     $body = null;
     if (isset($parts[1]) && $parts[1] != "\n") {
         $body = EntityBody::factory(trim($parts[1]));
         // Always set the appropriate Content-Length if Content-Legnth
         $headers['Content-Length'] = $body->getSize();
     $response = new static(trim($code), $headers, $body);
     $response->setProtocol($protocol)->setStatus($code, $status);
     return $response;
Esempio n. 3
  * Request before-send event handler.
  * @param \Guzzle\Common\Event $event
 public function onRequestBeforeSend(Event $event)
     $apiKey = $this->config->get('api_key');
     $username = $this->config->get('username');
     $password = $this->config->get('password');
     $this->addApiKey($event['request'], $apiKey)->addAuthorizationHeader($event['request'], $username, $password);
  * @param CredentialsInterface $credentials AWS credentials
  * @param SignatureInterface   $signature   Signature implementation
  * @param Collection           $config      Configuration options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException if an endpoint provider isn't provided
 public function __construct(CredentialsInterface $credentials, SignatureInterface $signature, Collection $config)
     // Use the system's CACert if running as a phar
     if (defined('AWS_PHAR')) {
         $config->set(self::SSL_CERT_AUTHORITY, 'system');
     // Bootstrap with Guzzle
     parent::__construct($config->get(Options::BASE_URL), $config);
     $this->credentials = $credentials;
     $this->signature = $signature;
     $this->endpointProvider = $config->get(Options::ENDPOINT_PROVIDER);
     // Make sure an endpoint provider was provided in the config
     if (!$this->endpointProvider instanceof EndpointProviderInterface) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('An endpoint provider must be provided to instantiate an AWS client');
     // Make sure the user agent is prefixed by the SDK version
     $this->setUserAgent('aws-sdk-php2/' . Aws::VERSION, true);
     // Set the service description on the client
     // Add the event listener so that requests are signed before they are sent
     $this->getEventDispatcher()->addSubscriber(new SignatureListener($credentials, $signature));
     // Resolve any config options on the client that require a client to be instantiated
     // Add a resource iterator factory that uses the Iterator directory
Esempio n. 5
  * @param Collection $headers
  * @return array
 private function headerCollectionToArray(Collection $headers)
     $headers_arr = array();
     foreach ($headers->toArray() as $name => $val) {
         $headers_arr[$name] = current($val);
     return $headers_arr;
Esempio n. 6
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function fromCommand(OperationCommand $command)
     $activities = new Collection();
     foreach ($command->getResponse()->json() as $key => $activity) {
         $activities->add($key, self::hydrateModelProperties(new self(), $activity));
     return $activities;
  * Default method to execute when credentials are not specified
  * @param Collection $config Config options
  * @return CredentialsInterface
 protected function defaultMissingFunction(Collection $config)
     if ($config->get(Options::KEY) && $config->get(Options::SECRET)) {
         // Credentials were not provided, so create them using keys
         return Credentials::factory($config->getAll());
     // Attempt to get credentials from the EC2 instance profile server
     return new RefreshableInstanceProfileCredentials(new Credentials('', '', '', 1));
 public function __construct($apiKey, ParametersEscaper $parametersEscaper, $environment)
     $this->apiKey = $apiKey;
     $this->parametersEscaper = $parametersEscaper;
     $this->environment = $environment;
     $headers = new Collection();
     $headers->add('X-HTTP-Method-Override', 'GET');
     $this->client = new Client();
Esempio n. 9
  * @param string $group
  * @return string
 public function getConfigFilename($group)
     $conf_files = $this->config->get('conf_files');
     if (!isset($conf_files[$group])) {
         $filename = $this->config['conf_dir'] . '/' . $group . '.json';
         $conf_files[$group] = $filename;
     $this->config->set('conf_files', $conf_files);
     return $conf_files[$group];
Esempio n. 10
  * Collects items from the result of a DynamoDB operation and returns them as an ItemIterator.
  * @param Collection $result  The result of a DynamoDB operation that potentially contains items
  *                            (e.g., BatchGetItem, DeleteItem, GetItem, PutItem, Query, Scan, UpdateItem)
  * @return self
 public static function fromResult(Collection $result)
     if (!($items = $result->get('Items'))) {
         if ($item = $result->get('Item') ?: $result->get('Attributes')) {
             $items = array($item);
         } else {
             $items = $result->getPath('Responses/*');
     return new self(new \ArrayIterator($items ?: array()));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function fromCommand(OperationCommand $command)
     $data = $command->getResponse()->json();
     $records = new Collection();
     if (isset($data['records']) && is_array($data['records'])) {
         foreach ($data['records'] as $key => $object) {
             $records->add($key, self::hydrateModelProperties(new ReferencingApplicationFindResult(), $object, array('applicationUuid' => 'referencingApplicationUuId')));
     $instance = self::hydrateModelProperties(new self(), $data, array(), array('records' => $records));
     return $instance;
  * Create a Cookie by parsing a Cookie HTTP header
  * @param string $cookieString Cookie HTTP header
  * @return Cookie
 public static function factory($cookieString)
     $data = new Collection();
     if ($cookieString) {
         foreach (explode(';', $cookieString) as $kvp) {
             $parts = explode('=', $kvp, 2);
             $key = urldecode(trim($parts[0]));
             $value = isset($parts[1]) ? trim($parts[1]) : '';
             $data->add($key, urldecode($value));
     return new static($data->getAll());
Esempio n. 13
  * Validate and prepare configuration parameters
  * @param array $config   Configuration values to apply.
  * @param array $defaults Default parameters
  * @param array $required Required parameter names
  * @return Collection
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException if a parameter is missing
 public static function prepareConfig(array $config = null, array $defaults = null, array $required = null)
     $collection = new Collection($defaults);
     foreach ((array) $config as $key => $value) {
         $collection->set($key, $value);
     foreach ((array) $required as $key) {
         if ($collection->hasKey($key) === false) {
             throw new ValidationException("Config must contain a '{$key}' key");
     return $collection;
Esempio n. 14
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function fromCommand(OperationCommand $command)
     $data = $command->getResponse()->json();
     // Collection of notes
     if (self::isResponseDataIndexedArray($data)) {
         $notes = new Collection();
         foreach ($data as $key => $noteData) {
             $notes->add($key, self::hydrateModelProperties(new self(), $noteData));
         return $notes;
     } else {
         return self::hydrateModelProperties(new self(), $data);
Esempio n. 15
 public function testConstructorCallsResolvers()
     $config = new Collection(array(Options::ENDPOINT_PROVIDER => $this->getMock('Aws\\Common\\Region\\EndpointProviderInterface')));
     $signature = new SignatureV4();
     $credentials = new Credentials('test', '123');
     $config->set('client.resolvers', array(new BackoffOptionResolver(function () {
         return BackoffPlugin::getExponentialBackoff();
     $client = $this->getMockBuilder('Aws\\Common\\Client\\AbstractClient')->setConstructorArgs(array($credentials, $signature, $config))->getMockForAbstractClass();
     // Ensure that lazy resolvers were triggered
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Guzzle\\Plugin\\Backoff\\BackoffPlugin', $client->getConfig(Options::BACKOFF));
     // Ensure that the client removed the option
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function fromCommand(OperationCommand $command)
     $data = $command->getResponse()->json();
     // Collection of notifications
     if (self::isResponseDataIndexedArray($data)) {
         $notifications = new Collection();
         foreach ($data as $key => $documentData) {
             $notifications->add($key, self::hydrateModelProperties(new self(), $documentData, array('applicationId' => 'referencingApplicationUuId')));
         return $notifications;
     } else {
         return self::hydrateModelProperties(new self(), $data, array('applicationId' => 'referencingApplicationUuId'));
Esempio n. 17
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function fromCommand(OperationCommand $command)
     $data = $command->getResponse()->json();
     // Indexed array of agent users
     if (self::isResponseDataIndexedArray($data)) {
         $users = new Collection();
         foreach ($data as $key => $userData) {
             $users->add($key, self::hydrateModelProperties(new self(), $userData, array('agentUserId' => 'agentUserUuId', 'fullName' => 'name')));
         return $users;
     } else {
         return self::hydrateModelProperties(new self(), $data, array('agentUserId' => 'agentUserUuId', 'fullName' => 'name'));
Esempio n. 18
  * @param Parameter[] $parameters
  * @param Collection $collection
 public function addParameters(array $parameters, Collection $collection)
     foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
         $value = '';
         $localParams = $parameter->getLocalParams();
         if (!empty($localParams)) {
             if (!isset($localParameterSerializer)) {
                 $localParameterSerializer = new LocalParameterSerializer();
             $value = $localParameterSerializer->serialize($localParams);
         $value .= $parameter->getValue();
         $collection->add($parameter->getKey(), $value);
  * Gets Config Collection instance
  * @param unknown $config
  * @return \Guzzle\Common\Collection
 public static function getConfigCollection($config)
     $default = array('base_url' => 'http://manage.encoding.com');
     $required = array('userid', 'userkey');
     $config = Collection::fromConfig($config, $default, array('base_url', 'userid', 'userkey'));
     return $config;
Esempio n. 20
 public static function factory($config = array(), $required = array())
     if (!defined('static::ENDPOINT')) {
         throw new Exception\ServiceEndpointException('A client must have an endpoint');
     $default = array('base_url' => '{scheme}://{domain}/' . static::ENDPOINT);
     $required = array_merge(array('scheme', 'domain', 'base_url'), $required);
     $config = Collection::fromConfig($config, $default, $required);
     $client = new static($config->get('base_url'), $config);
     $refClass = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
     $serviceDefinitionPath = dirname($refClass->getFileName());
     $classNamePieces = explode('\\', get_called_class());
     $serviceDefinitionFile = array_pop($classNamePieces) . '.json';
     switch (true) {
         case is_readable(dirname($serviceDefinitionPath) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Resources' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $serviceDefinitionFile):
             $serviceDefinition = $serviceDefinitionPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Resources' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $serviceDefinitionFile;
         case is_readable($serviceDefinitionPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $serviceDefinitionFile):
             $serviceDefinition = $serviceDefinitionPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $serviceDefinitionFile;
             throw new Exception\ClientConfigurationException('A client must have a service definition. Could not read the file "' . $serviceDefinition . '"');
     $description = ServiceDescription::factory($serviceDefinition);
     return $client;
Esempio n. 21
  * @param array $config
  * @return \Guzzle\Service\Client|BasecampClient
  * @throws \Guzzle\Common\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
 public static function factory($config = array())
     $default = array('base_url' => 'https://basecamp.com/', 'version' => 'v1', 'token' => null, 'user_agent' => null, 'auth_method' => 'oauth');
     $required = [];
     $config = Collection::fromConfig($config, $default, $required);
     $client = new self($config->get('base_url'), $config);
     if (empty($config['token'])) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Config must contain token when using oath");
     $authorization = sprintf('Bearer %s', $config['token']);
     if (!isset($authorization)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Config must contain valid authentication method");
     // Attach a service description to the client
     $description = ServiceDescription::factory(__DIR__ . '/Resources/service.php');
     // Set required User-Agent
     $client->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('request.before_send', function (Event $event) use($authorization) {
         $event['request']->addHeader('Authorization', $authorization);
     // Add cache plugin
     $cachePlugin = new CachePlugin(['storage' => new DefaultCacheStorage(new DoctrineCacheAdapter(new ApcCache()))]);
     return $client;
  * @param array|Collection   $parameters Collection of parameters to set on the command
  * @param OperationInterface $operation Command definition from description
 public function __construct($parameters = array(), OperationInterface $operation = null)
     $this->operation = $operation ?: $this->createOperation();
     foreach ($this->operation->getParams() as $name => $arg) {
         $currentValue = $this[$name];
         $configValue = $arg->getValue($currentValue);
         // If default or static values are set, then this should always be updated on the config object
         if ($currentValue !== $configValue) {
             $this[$name] = $configValue;
     $headers = $this[self::HEADERS_OPTION];
     if (!$headers instanceof Collection) {
         $this[self::HEADERS_OPTION] = new Collection((array) $headers);
     // You can set a command.on_complete option in your parameters to set an onComplete callback
     if ($onComplete = $this['command.on_complete']) {
     // Set the hidden additional parameters
     if (!$this[self::HIDDEN_PARAMS]) {
  * Create a collection of files to be migrated and add them to the read queue
 protected function enqueueGetRequests()
     $files = $this->oldContainer->objectList(array('limit.total' => false, 'limit.page' => $this->options->get('read.pageLimit')));
     foreach ($files as $file) {
Esempio n. 24
  * @param array $config
  * @return \Guzzle\Service\Client|BasecampClient
  * @throws \Guzzle\Common\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
 public static function factory($config = array())
     $default = array('base_url' => 'https://basecamp.com/{user_id}/api/{version}/', 'version' => 'v1', 'auth' => 'http', 'token' => null, 'username' => null, 'password' => null);
     $required = array('user_id', 'app_name', 'app_contact');
     $config = Collection::fromConfig($config, $default, $required);
     $client = new self($config->get('base_url'), $config);
     if ($config['auth'] === 'http') {
         if (!isset($config['username'], $config['password'])) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException("Config must contain username and password when using http auth");
         $authorization = 'Basic ' . base64_encode($config['username'] . ':' . $config['password']);
     if ($config['auth'] === 'oauth') {
         if (!isset($config['token'])) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException("Config must contain token when using oauth");
         $authorization = sprintf('Bearer %s', $config['token']);
     if (!isset($authorization)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Config must contain valid authentication method");
     // Attach a service description to the client
     $description = ServiceDescription::factory(__DIR__ . '/Resources/service.php');
     // Set required User-Agent
     $client->setUserAgent(sprintf('%s (%s)', $config['app_name'], $config['app_contact']));
     $client->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('request.before_send', function (Event $event) use($authorization) {
         $event['request']->addHeader('Authorization', $authorization);
     return $client;
Esempio n. 25
 public static function factory($config = array())
     // The following values are required when creating the client
     $required = array('base_url', 'username', 'password');
     // Merge in default settings and validate the config
     $config = Collection::fromConfig($config, array(), $required);
     // Create a new sData client
     $client = new self($config->get('base_url'), $config);
     // JSON by default
     $client->setDefaultOption('query/format', 'json');
     // Authentication
     $client->setDefaultOption('auth', array($config->get('username'), $config->get('password'), 'Basic'));
     // Strip the BOM from results
     $client->addSubscriber(new StripBomPlugin());
     // Optional logging
     if ($config->get('log')) {
         $client->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('request.before_send', function (Event $event) {
             $req = $event['request'];
             \Log::info('sData', ['request' => $req->getMethod() . ' ' . $req->getResource()]);
     // Set the service description
     $services = \Config::get('sdata::services');
     if (!empty($services)) {
     // Done
     return $client;
Esempio n. 26
  * @param array $config
  * @param string $configSection
 public function __construct($config, $configSection = null)
     $this->endpoint = $this->getConfigurationItem($config, $configSection, "endpoint");
     $this->username = $this->getConfigurationItem($config, $configSection, "username");
     $this->password = $this->getConfigurationItem($config, $configSection, "password");
     $this->guzzleConfig = Collection::fromConfig(array("base_url" => $this->endpoint, "username" => $this->username, "password" => $this->password));
 public static function factory($config = array())
     if (isset($config['developer_mode']) && is_bool($config['developer_mode'])) {
         $developerMode = $config['developer_mode'];
     } else {
         $developerMode = false;
     $baseUrl = array('https://api.auspost.com.au', 'https://devcentre.auspost.com.au/myapi');
     // Ignore unnecessary user-specified configuration values
     if ($developerMode) {
     $default = array('developer_mode' => $developerMode, 'base_url' => $baseUrl[$developerMode], 'email_address' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'password');
     $required = array('developer_mode', 'base_url', 'email_address', "password");
     $config = Collection::fromConfig($config, $default, $required);
     $client = new self($config->get('base_url'), $config);
     $client->getConfig()->setPath('request.options/headers/Authorization', 'Basic ' . base64_encode($config->get('email_address') . ':' . $config->get('password')));
     $client->setDescription(ServiceDescription::factory(__DIR__ . '/service.json'));
     $client->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('request.before_send', function (Event $event) {
         $request = $event['request'];
         $request->addCookie('OBBasicAuth', 'fromDialog');
     return $client;
Esempio n. 28
  * Processes the configuration passed to self::factory()
  * @param array|Guzzle\Common\Collection $config
  * @return Guzzle\Common\Collection
 public function processConfig($config)
     $required = array('authentication');
     $default = array('api_version' => 2, 'base_url' => 'https://{subdomain}.desk.com/api/v{api_version}/');
     $baseUrl = $default['base_url'];
     if (isset($config['base_url'])) {
         $baseUrl = $config['base_url'];
     // Subdomain is required, if the base URL is the default (not
     // set), or if it contains "{subdomain}" in it
     if (strpos($baseUrl, '{subdomain}') !== false) {
         $required[] = 'subdomain';
     // Authentication is required, either OAuth or Basic
     // If none specified, try to autodetect it
     if (!isset($config['authentication'])) {
         if (isset($config['username']) && isset($config['password'])) {
             // If username and password are set, use basic auth
             $config['authentication'] = 'basic';
         } elseif (isset($config['consumer_key']) && isset($config['consumer_secret']) && isset($config['token']) && isset($config['token_secret'])) {
             // Otherwise, use OAuth if we have enough data
             $config['authentication'] = 'oauth';
     return Collection::fromConfig($config, $default, $required);
Esempio n. 29
 public static function factory($config = array())
     // provide a hash of default client configuration options
     $default = array('base_url' => '', 'api_id' => 1, 'private_key' => 'fbdce19f94b158e72ae6020cc5126642a9d42d086419c015ad2b6dd429312410');
     // the following values are required when creating the client
     $required = array('base_url', 'api_id', 'private_key');
     // merge in default settings and validate the config
     $config = \Guzzle\Common\Collection::fromConfig($config, $default, $required);
     // create a new client
     $client = new self($config->get('base_url'), $config);
     $client->setDefaultOption('headers/API_ID', $config->get('api_id'));
     $client->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('client.create_request', function (\Guzzle\Common\Event $event) use($config) {
         // Guzzle\Http\Message\Request
         $data = $event['request']->getQuery();
         // Guzzle\Http\Message\EntityEnclosingRequest
         if ($event['request'] instanceof Guzzle\Http\Message\EntityEnclosingRequest) {
         $time = (string) time();
         $message = $time . $config->get('api_id') . implode($data->toArray());
         $hash = hash_hmac('sha256', $message, $config->get('private_key'));
         $event['request']->setHeader('API_TIME', $time)->setHeader('API_HASH', $hash);
         unset($data, $time, $message, $hash);
     return $client;
Esempio n. 30
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function factory($config = array())
     $default = array('url' => false, 'munchkin_id' => false, 'version' => 1, 'bulk' => false);
     $required = array('client_id', 'client_secret', 'version');
     $config = Collection::fromConfig($config, $default, $required);
     $url = $config->get('url');
     if (!$url) {
         $munchkin = $config->get('munchkin_id');
         if (!$munchkin) {
             throw new \Exception('Must provide either a URL or Munchkin code.');
         $url = sprintf('https://%s.mktorest.com', $munchkin);
     $grantType = new Credentials($url, $config->get('client_id'), $config->get('client_secret'));
     $auth = new Oauth2Plugin($grantType);
     if ($config->get('bulk') === true) {
         $restUrl = sprintf('%s/bulk/v%d', rtrim($url, '/'), $config->get('version'));
     } else {
         $restUrl = sprintf('%s/rest/v%d', rtrim($url, '/'), $config->get('version'));
     $client = new self($restUrl, $config);
     $client->setDescription(ServiceDescription::factory(__DIR__ . '/service.json'));
     $client->setDefaultOption('headers/Content-Type', 'application/json');
     return $client;